This collection of code is a DAY of the WEEK type of subclassed WC_ENTRYFIELD control. It can be used in dialog boxes or as a stand alone control window in an application. In both case's you need to register the class in your process through the use of the RegisterDayFieldClass call. The "TEST" code is an example of how you use the class from an application as a control window. To build the DLL you use BLD.CMD enter "BLD ?" to see what the options are to the BLD command file. It does a make on "DAYFIELD". Do a make on the file "test" to compile the example code. The file dayfield.hlp is a Quickhelp format database. It is built by doing a make on "MAKEHELP" If you have any questions/comments I can be reached on Compuserve as Paul Montgomery 71500,3525 For all you c++ people, lets see how you would do this same thing using c++. Of course, if you use this code elsewhere, please at least acknowledge that it came from me, other than that, its yours to play with. Oh yeah, I am assuming that you know where to put .DLL files on your system and that you have MSC 5.1. Good luck.