═══ 1. Getting Started ═══ ZipZap for OS/2 v1.25 Copyright (c) by Gary L. Robinson, 1997 ZipZap derives most of its functionality from subclassing the file and folder classes. The primary goal and purpose of ZipZap is to make working with ZIP files as easy and painless as possible while integrating the process with the OS/2 WorkPlace Shell. o Settings Help o Registering and Ordering o Features o What's New in this Version? o License o Installation o Uninstallation o Interactions and Bugs o Other Topics ═══ 1.1. Features ═══ What are some of the features and functions ZipZap? o Popup items for zipping and unzipping files, folders, and trees. o Drag/Drop zipping via a ZIP object template (or a new Zip object created from a popup menu) o Add to zip files via Drag/Drop or a menu item o View OS/2 .ZIP file contents with your favorite viewer/editor or many outboard ZIP viewers o User selected icon for all ZIP files o Ability to disable/enable all popup menu items o Ability to add/modify default ZIP/UNZIP syntax o Ability to modify ZIP/UNZIP syntax "on the fly" with "Custom Zipping/Unzipping" o Several hot keys to automate some functionality Note: In ZipZap, the words folder and subfolder are interchangeable with the words directory and subdirectory. ═══ Notes for Help ═══ Pushing the "Help" button on the ZipZap main. Settings page will open the help file you are reading right now. ═══ 2. What's New? ═══ History o September 10, 1997 - Version 1.25 - Initial public release ═══ 3. License ═══ Shareware This program is shareware. That means that it is OK to use this software to evaluate it for a reasonable length of time (45 days) but it is NOT free. If you feel it is worth using then please register and pay for it. Double-click here for more information on registration. Distribution This program can be freely distributed by any means as long as all the original files remain together and are not altered. It cannot be used for any commercial purpose or sold without first obtaining the author's permission. Disclaimer This package is provided "as is", without any guarantees or warrantees whatsoever. The author is not liable or responsible for any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, losses of a financial, physical, emotional, marital, social, or mental nature that may result from the use or the purported use of anything in this package, for any purpose whatsoever. Registration Double-click here for registration information. ═══ 4. Desktop Wizard or NFNF users ═══ Desktop Wizard or NFNF users This version of ZipZap is FREE to all registered users of Desktop Wizard or NFNF - registered before September 10th, 1997. If you do decide that you want to use or try ZipZap you should DISABLE all of Desktop Wizards (or NFNF) menu items for ZIP/UNZIP support before you install ZipZap so there won't be any conflicts between the two programs. Note: If you are already a registered (prior to 9-10-97) DW or NFNF user please contact me for a registration code if you are interested in using ZipZap instead of DW or NFNF for your ZIP/UNZIP chores. ═══ 5. Package Contents ═══ The files contained within the ZipZap archive are: file_id.diz - short description for BBS use zipzap.dll - dynamic link library zipzapr.dll - dynamic link library zipzap.hlp - documentation (you are reading it now) zzinst.exe - Installation/Uninstallation program readhelp.cmd - executable file to enable reading dwiz.hlp file orderfrm.doc - easily printed order form bmtorder.frm - easily printed order form for BMT Micro readme!.now - Read this document first before installation If all these files are not present when the archive is unzipped, please notify the sysop where you downloaded the archive from. ═══ 6. Installation and requirements ═══ Requirements o Any one of the versions of Warp (3.x or 4.x) must be in use. o A copy of ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.EXE needs to be in a directory referenced in your path statement and the latest versions of both are necessary for all features to work correctly. Zip.exe and unzip.exe are available from InfoZip for free. One site on the internet which contains the latest versions of these two files is the /pub/archiving/zip/os2 directory at ftp.uu.net. As of August 15, 1997, the latest archives for 32 bit versions of these programs for OS/2 were zip21x2.zip and unz531x2.exe. Installation Create a new directory and unzip the zip file containing ZipZap into this new directory. (This would be very easy if you already had ZipZap installed). ZipZap should NOT be installed from a floppy disk. It MUST be installed from your hard drive. Double-click on zzinst.exe (with the lightning bolt icon - ) to start the automatic installation. (If you have a previous version of ZipZap installed, uninstall the old one first). Do not try to install manually. Enter your registration number (if you have one), enter the path you want to install ZipZap to, click on the Install button, follow the prompts and then reboot when instructed to do so. Note: ZipZap can be installed into the same folder that you unzipped it into. After rebooting, right click your mouse on any empty space on the Desktop to bring up the Desktop popup menu. Select ZipZap settings and then set and customize ZipZap as you desire. If at any time you need to know what version of ZipZap you are using and/or contact information for support use the cascading menu on the Desktop popup for ZipZap Settings (as shown above) to bring up the About ZipZap dialog. This will always have the latest contact information and the current version number. For the more curious - the following things occur when install runs: A referrence is added to your LIBPATH and your SET HELP statements in the config.sys file (if you chose that option). 2 DLLs (zipzap.dll and zipzapr.dll) will be copied to the directory you set for installation along with the ZipZap help file (zipzap.hlp) and a copy of the installation program (zzinst.exe). Two new classes - zipzpfile and zipzpfolder - will be created and registered with OS/2. One entry, ZipZapIsInstalled, is added to your OS2.INI file. The file ZIPZAP.INI will also be created in the installation directory after rebooting and using ZipZap. This file stores the settings for ZipZap and can be saved or backed up, though future versions of ZipZap are not guaranteed to work with it. Double-click here to see a listing of the Package Contents. ═══ 7. Uninstallation ═══ Uninstallation Double-click on nfinst.exe (with the lightning bolt icon - ) to get the ZipZap installation/Uninstallation dialog displayed above. Press the Uninstall button. Follow any prompts and then reboot when instructed to do so. After the reboot remove ALL the ZipZap files in the installation directory and then remove the directory. That's it. Do not try to uninstall simply by deleting the files contained in the installation directory. (You won't hurt anything - you just won't totally accomplish your goal.) For the more curious - the following things occur when uninstalling: The two new classes created by ZipZap are deregistered, the reference in your config.sys file is removed (if that option is chosen), and the entry in the OS2.INI file is removed. No files are removed or deleted (that is left to the user to do). ═══ 8. Interactions and bugs ═══ Interactions and bugs One known and important problem with ZipZap is the User icon for Zip Files feature. While this feature seems to work ok on most OS/2 Desktops it does NOT work at all well on networked drives. So, if you plan on using ZipZap on the Lan or any network be sure to disable the User icon feature. Another known bug (a very small annoyance) is that when zipping a file to your destination folder and having it opened automatically sometimes the ZIP file won't be visible immediately. This is noticed primarily on Warp 4 and apparently has something to do with how often or when a container record is refreshed when a file is created in that folder. Selecting Refresh now from the folders popup menu will make the ZIP file appear immediately (though, oddly, programmatically this doesn't work). Waiting a few seconds will also result in the ZIP file appearing. There are no other known interactions at the time of this initial release. One design limitation, however, is that ZipZap does not support selecting multiple files, folders, or ZIPS to be zipped/unzipped at the same time. Note: When reporting an interaction problem or a bug, please include ALL the detail you possibly can. The most aggravating thing in the world is getting a report from a user saying nothing more than "your program doesn't work. Can you please fix it!". Programming, especially fixing problems, can be like detective work. The more facts that are made available - the easier it is to solve the mystery! ═══ 9. Settings Help ═══ o ZZ File object settings o ZZ Folder object settings o ZZ Additional settings o Hotkeys F11 and F12 o Other Topics o Back to Getting Started ═══ 9.1. ZZ File object settings ═══ Double-click on the setting for which you require assistance; Press anytime to go back to the Table of Contents. ═══ 9.1.1. Default Destination for Unzipping ═══ Default Destination for Unzipping - DD4U Enter the directory (full path) that you desire the unzipped files to be placed into. When a file is unzipped, it will not be placed directly in this directory. A subdirectory with the same name as the zip file (without the .zip) will be created for the unzipped files to be placed into. This newly created directory will be placed in the "Default Destination for Unzipping". For example - say that h:\unzipped is entered as the DD4U and a file by the name of foo.zip is to be unzipped. Just select "Unzip" from the popup of foo.zip (click mouse button number two - usually the right one - on foo.zip to get the popup). A directory with the name foo will be created and foo.zip will be unzipped into the directory foo. Foo will be a subdirectory of h:\unzipped (h:\unzipped\foo). Note: A word of caution concerning real files and the Desktop. While it is OK to use the Desktop (and subdirectories off of it) as a temporary place to have real file objects or as a staging area, it is best to never permanently leave actual files on the Desktop. Instead, only shadows of files and directories and program references should be left for any great length of time on the Desktop. This speeds the loading of the Desktop at boot time, since these objects do not have any appreciable size. Also, in the rare instance that there is a problem with the Desktop, the actual files and directories will not be lost, only the references to them will be lost. Additionally, a backup of a Desktop which has no actual files on it will be faster time-wise and smaller size-wise, than a backup of a Desktop which contains actual files, regardless of the program which performs the backup. So, if you pick a new directory to have the unzipped files' folders placed into, make sure it does not have the Desktop as its parent. Or, if it does, make sure that you move the new directory and its files to another location, without waiting too long. Note: When a zip file is unzipped, the zip file is left intact - in its original location - before, during and after the unzipping process. It is not destroyed or altered by using the "Unzip" menu choice or by unzipping via other programs. ═══ 9.1.2. Enable Unzip popup menu item for .ZIP files ═══ Unzip popup menu item for .ZIP files This setting places a menu item "Unzip" on the popup for all zip files. Clicking this entry causes the contents of the zip file to be placed in a new subdirectory. The name of this new subdirectory is the same as the name of the zip file, but without the .zip at the end. This new directory is created as a subdirectory of the location entered in the "Default Destination for Unzipping" entry field. Enabling this setting makes it easy to unzip any zip file - just select "Unzip" for the popup menu and ZipZap does all the rest, even opening the related directories, if so desired. Note: This feature makes it painless to unzip zip files which are not on your hard drive. For example, if you have a floppy with zip files on it, just get a popup from the one you want to unzip and select the "Unzip" menu item. ZipZap does all the rest. There is no need to copy the file to the hard drive first or make a directory for it. The same thing works for zip files on a CD or other removable media. Note: This menu item is also a cascading menu. If you select the Unzip this file menu item it will perform the action you desire to accomplisg but if you select the little arrow to the right side of the menu it will display two sub menu item choices : Unzip this file and Custom unzip this file. The sub menu item Unzip this file is the same as the main menu item of the same name. The Custom unzip this file sub menu item will display a dialog box where, for the current unzip session only, you can change some of the unzip command line arguments and the location where the file will unzip to. See Custom zipping/unzipping "on-the-fly" for more information. ═══ 9.1.3. Create shadow for destination folders ═══ Create shadow for DD4U folder This setting will create a shadow of the destination folder on the desktop. In the example, a shadow of h:\unzipped would be created on the Desktop. This allows easy access to all the subdirectories which contain the unzipped files. (If the DD4U is changed to the Desktop, this choice does not function). Create shadow for new destination subfolder This setting will cause a shadow of the newly created subfolder to be placed on the Desktop. In our example of unzipping foo.zip, a shadow of the foo subdirectory would be created on the Desktop. This would allows easy access to all the files which it contains. However, leaving this setting on can result in increased Desktop clutter if many zip files are unzipped at once or if the shadows of previous unzippings are allowed to remain. Note: A closed shadow of a folder is just a pointer to a real folder. Deleting a closed shadow of a folder only deletes the pointer to the real folder; it does not delete the real folder and/or its contents. However, when the folder shadow is double-clicked, it is the real folder which opens, not the shadow. This open folder is real, as are the objects contained within it. Deleting the folder which is displayed as a result of opening a folder shadow will delete the actual folder and all its contents. Deleting a file within a folder which displayed as a result of double clicking a shadow of a folder will delete that actual object. A common misconception is thinking that since a shadow of a folder was created, everything within it is also always automatically a shadow. This is just not true. ═══ 9.1.4. Open Destination folder on UNZIP completion ═══ Open DD4U folder on UNZIP completion This setting causes the folder entered as the "Default Destination for Unzipping" to open on the desktop each time a file is unzipped. It is not necessary for the "Create shadow for destination folder" to be selected for the open function to work, since a view of the actual folder is opened. In the example, this would cause the h:\unzipped directory to open on the desktop whenever a file was unzipped via the "Unzip" popup menu item. This allows easy access to the new subdirectories which were created for each of the newly unzipped zip files, without cluttering up the Desktop. ═══ 9.1.5. Open subfolder on UNZIP completion ═══ Open new subfolder on UNZIP completion This setting causes the new subfolder just created as a result of unzipping a zip file to open on the Desktop. This allows easy access to the files within the new subdirectory - for instance, a read.me could be double-clicked for information or an executable could be started. The "Create shadow for destination subfolder" setting does not have to be on for this setting to work, since it is the actual folder which will be opened. If multiple files are unzipped, turning this setting on can result in the potential for Desktop clutter. In the example, the newly created foo subdirectory (h:\unzipped\foo) would be opened on the Desktop, if this setting were on and foo.zip were unzipped. ═══ 9.1.6. Show UNZIP session, Autoclose, Beep ═══ Show UNZIP session This setting opens a VIO window (OS/2 command line window), showing the progress of the unzipping session. A benefit of having the session visible is that it can be seen if there are any errors during unzipping or any errors within the zip file itself (caused by a problem during downloading, for example). Autoclose UNZIP session when finished This setting closes the VIO (command line) window (which was showing the progress of the unzipping session) as soon as the unzipping is complete. A benefit of not having this setting checked is that you'll have time to read the progress of the unzipping, without worrying about trying to catch it before it disappears. A disadvantage to leaving this setting unchecked, is that you will have to close the VIO window yourself. Beep on completion This setting causes a beep to be sounded when the unzipping session is completed. This is independent of the setting of Show UNZIP session and Autoclose session. ═══ 9.1.7. User icon for .ZIP files ═══ User icon for .Zip files This setting allows the user to specify an icon which will appear as the icon for all zip files. When checked, it will override the icon which would be normally be assigned to zip files if an association between zip files and some other program were in place. If you have already assigned an icon you like to zip files system-wide (by establishing an association between *.zip and unzip.exe and assigning an icon to unzip.exe), this setting is not for you. The full path to the icon must be entered in the entryfield and the system must be rebooted for this to take full effect. Warning: This feature should NOT be enabled if you plan to use ZipZap over networked drives. Several beta testers report that this feature can (occassionally) cause an exception and cause the Desktop (WPS) to reboot. This is NOT the same as having OS/2 reboot -- just the Desktop. And it apparently only happens if you enable this icon feature while accessing networked drives and folders. A work-around or a bug fix is being worked on. ═══ 9.1.8. Enable Drag/Drop on .ZIP files ═══ Drag/Drop on .ZIP files to add new objects This setting allows adding files to existing zip files simply by dragging and dropping the files to be added onto any existing zip file. Folders, including all their subfolders and any files the subfolders or the main folder may contain, can also be added, simply by dropping. If a shadow of a file or folder is dropped, the original file or folder is considered to have been dropped. Program references cannot be added to zip files, but no harm will come from dropping them on a zip file - just nothing will happen. This setting must be enabled so that ZipZap.zip, the zip object template, can function. Note: Files or folders on HPFS drives with line feeds in their names (i.e. - names spanning more than one line) cannot be added to zip files via this method, since zip.exe does not recognize the OS/2 line feed character. There are a few other characters which OS/2 will allow in a filename that zip.exe will not allow. If you are having trouble adding a file to an existing zip file, please make sure that the problem is not with its name. Try renaming it to a "plain" name, one which consists of only letters or numbers and fits in an 8.3 format. If the file with a "plain" name works, then the problem lies with the name. If the "plain" named file also fails to be added, please contact the author. ═══ 9.1.9. Show Drag/Drop session, Autoclose, Beep ═══ Show Drag/Drop session This setting makes a VIO window (OS/2 command line window) visible, which shows the progress of zip.exe during the addition of the dropped files or folders to an existing zip file. A benefit of having the session visible is that it can be seen if there are any errors during the zipping operation. Autoclose session This setting closes the VIO (command line) window (which was showing the progress of the zipping session) as soon as the zipping is complete. A benefit of *not* having this setting checked is that you'll have time to read the progress of the zipping, without worrying about trying to catch it before it disappears. A disadvantage to leaving this setting unchecked is that you will have to close the VIO window yourself. Beep on completion This setting causes a beep to sound when the zipping session is completed. This is independent of the settings for Show Drag/Drop session and Autoclose session. ═══ 9.1.10. Enable Zip this file menu item ═══ Zip this file menu item This setting causes a menu item "Zip this file" to be added to the popup for all files. Selecting "Zip this file" from the popup causes the file to be compressed. The resulting zip file (with a name generated by adding .zip in place of the original extension the file had) will be placed in the directory specified by the "Default Destination for Zipping" entry field. The original file will remain in its current location, unchanged. Note: Files on HPFS drives with line feeds in their names (i.e. - names spanning more than one line) cannot be zipped via this method, since zip.exe does not recognize the OS/2 line feed character. There are a few other characters which OS/2 will allow in a filename that zip.exe will not allow. If you are having trouble zipping a file, please make sure that the problem is not with its name. Try renaming it to a "plain" name, one which consists of only letters or numbers and fits in an 8.3 format. If the file with a "plain" name is works, then the problem lies with the name. If the "plain" named file also fails to be zipped, please contact the author. Note: This menu item is also a cascading menu. If you select the Zip this file menu item it will perform the action you desire to accomplisg but if you select the little arrow to the right side of the menu it will display two sub menu item choices : Zip this file and Custom Zip this file. The sub menu item Zip this file is the same as the main menu item of the same name. The Custom Zip this file sub menu item will display a dialog box where, for the current zip session only, you can change some of the zip command line arguments and the location where the file will zip to. See Custom zipping/unzipping "on-the-fly" for more information. ═══ 9.1.11. Enable Add to .ZIP menu item ═══ Add to .ZIP menu item for all files This setting causes a menu item "Add to .ZIP" to be added to the popup for all files. A dialog box opens, which allows you to specify which zip file you want the given file to be added to. Use the down-pointing arrow to the right of the Drive display to expose a list of available drives and click on the one to be used. Double-click on a directory in the Directory window to show the files it contains as well as any subdirectories below it. (To display the files within a given directory, be sure to double-click it. Having it highlighted is not enough.) Then click on the zip file you would like to add to in the Files list, so it is highlighted. Click on the "Add To" button and you're all done. Note: Often, it is easier to have "Enable Drag/Drop on .ZIP files" active and to just drop the file you want to add onto the zip file you want to add it to. ZipZap extends the number of ways that a given task can be performed, giving you the option to use the one (or ones) you find most convenient. ═══ 9.2. ZZ Folder object settings ═══ Double-click on the setting for which you require assistance; Press anytime to go back to the Table of Contents. ═══ 9.2.1. Default Destination for Zipping ═══ Default Destination for Zipping This entry field sets the location for where zip files will be placed on creation. If this location does not exist, it will be created. The default location is a directory named nfnfzips, located as a top level directory on the boot drive. Please read the discussion in the "Default Destination for Unzipping" subsection before changing this location. If f:\nfnfzips is the "Default Destination for Zipping", any time a zip file is created by selecting "Zip this file", "Zip tree" or "Zip folder" from a popup menu, the new zip file will be placed in f:\nfnfzips. Depending on the other settings, a shadow of f:\nfnfzips will or will not be placed on the Desktop, the command line session which shows the zipping action will or will not be visible, will or will not close itself and a beep when the zipping is completed will or will not sound, and f:\nfnfzips will or will not open when the zipping is completed. Note: If files are zipped or unzipped from the command line, the "Default Destination for Zipping" and the "Default Destination for Unzipping" will not be recognized and folders will not automatically be created for unzipped files. The zipped or unzipped files will, instead, be placed in the location specified by the zip or unzip command. ═══ 9.2.2. Enable Zip menu items (for folders) ═══ Zip menu items for folders Enabling either (or both) of these settings places a corresponding menu item ("Zip folder" and/or "Zip tree") on the popup for all folders (including shadows), except for the root folders of all drives. "Zip tree" will not appear on the popup for a folder which does not have any subdirectories. In the graphic both menu items were enabled and the text folder has subfolders, so "Zip folder" and "Zip tree" are displayed. Note: If a zip menu item is selected from the popup of the shadow of a folder, the actual folder is considered to be the target of the operation. Note: Zipping folders or trees (or files) always leaves the originals in place. They are not moved into the zip file by ZipZap , they are only copied to it. Zip folder Selecting "Zip folder" causes the files within the 'root' of a given folder (not within any of its subfolders) to be zipped. The resulting zip file will have the name of the folder followed by .zip for its name, and it will be placed in the "Default Destination for Zipping". So, if a folder named foo contained read.me and foo.exe and two subfolders foo2 and foo3, each containing the files file1 and file2, selecting "Zip folder" would create a zip file named foo.zip which contained only read.me and foo.exe. It would not contain foo2 or foo3, nor would it contain any files from either foo2 or foo3. Zip tree Selecting "Zip tree" causes the entire contents of a folder, including all its subfolders, to be zipped. The directory structure of the tree is maintained. In the preceding example, if "Zip tree" were selected, the resulting zip file, again named foo.zip, would contain \foo2, \foo2\file1, \foo2\file2, \foo3, \foo3\file1, \foo3\file2, as well as read.me and foo.exe. Note: ZipZap does NOT support selecting multiple folders or trees and zipping them at the same time. Multiple folders and trees can be zipped at the same time but NOT by multiple selection. They must be selected eparately and then started on their task. Note: This menu item is also a cascading menu. If you select the Zip folder or the Zip tree menu items they will perform the action you desire to accomplisg but if you select the little arrow to the right side of either menus it will display two sub menu item choices : Zip this folder and Custom Zip this folder (substitute tree for folder if you selected the arrow by that choice). The sub menu item Zip this folder is the same as the main menu item of the same name. The Custom Zip this folder sub menu item will display a dialog box where, for the current zip session only, you can change some of the zip command line arguments and the location where the file will zip to. See Custom zipping/unzipping "on-the-fly" for more information. ═══ 9.2.3. Create shadow for destination folder ═══ Create shadow for destination folder for zipping This setting creates a shadow of the "Default Destination for Zipping" and places it on the Desktop. If a shadow of the DD4Z already exists there, a second one is not created. ═══ 9.2.4. Open folder on ZIP completion ═══ Open DD4Z folder on ZIP completion This setting opens the "Default Destination for Zipping" each time a zip file is created by an ZipZap menu selection. ═══ 9.2.5. Show ZIP session, Autoclose, Beep ═══ Show ZIP session This setting makes a VIO window (OS/2 command line window) visible, which shows the progress of zip.exe during the addition of the dropped files or folders to an existing zip file. A benefit of having the session visible is that it can be seen if there are any errors during the zipping operation. Autoclose session This setting closes the VIO (command line) window (which was showing the progress of the zipping session) as soon as the zipping is complete. A benefit of *not* having this setting checked is that you'll have time to read the progress of the zipping, without worrying about trying to catch it before it disappears. A disadvantage to leaving this setting unchecked is that you will have to close the VIO window yourself. Beep on completion This setting causes a beep to sound when the zipping session is completed. This is independent of the settings for Show ZIP session and Autoclose session. ═══ 9.2.6. Enable Add to .Zip menu items ═══ Add to .Zip menu items for folders This setting causes two menu items to be added to the popups for folders - "Add folder to .ZIP" and "Add tree to .ZIP". Pressing either of these menu items displays the Add to zip dialog. (See the help for the "Enable Add to .ZIP menu item" for a picture of the dialog.) "Add folder to .ZIP" is similar to "Zip folder" in that it acts upon only the files which are immediately within the given folder. It is not recursive. These files in the 'root' of the folder are the ones which will be added to the zip file which is selected from the list box on the right. Pressing the "Add to" button completes the adding process, while pressing the "Cancel" button cancels the process. The references to the parent folder are included in the zip file when a folder is added. If a folder has subfolders, "Add tree to .ZIP" is also added to the popup. If there are no subfolders, it is not added. "Add tree to .ZIP" is similar to "Zip tree" in that it acts upon all objects which have the given folder as a parent. It is recursive. All files within the folder, all subfolders within the folder as well as any files or subfolders the subfolders might contain are added to another zip file. The directory information is preserved. ═══ 9.3. Hot keys F11 and F12 ═══ Double-click on the setting for which you require assistance; Press anytime to go back to the Table of Contents. ═══ 9.4. ZZ Additional settings ═══ Double-click on the setting for which you require assistance; Press anytime to go back to the Table of Contents. ═══ 9.4.1. Enable viewing of .ZIP file contents ═══ Enable viewing of .ZIP file contents Enabling this setting causes the "Show .ZIP contents" menu item to be added to the popup for all zip files. Note: "Show Zip contents", as well as "Unzip" and most other ZipZap popup menu items works fine for files and folders which are on removable drives. This comes in handy when dealing with a CD-ROM or a floppy. There is no need to copy the file(s) to the local hard drive first. ═══ 9.4.2. Viewing .ZIP contents by menu item or by double-clicking ═══ Viewing .ZIP contents by menu item or by double-clicking Select how you want to be able to view a ZIP files contents. You can elect to either set it so you will see a menu item for Show .ZIP contents on every file with a .ZIP extention or make it so that the ZIP file can be viewed by simply double-clicking on it. ═══ 9.4.3. Use External .Zip viewer ═══ Use External .ZIP viewer to display zip file contents If the use external .ZIP viewer checkbox is checked and the full path to your desired viewer is entered in the entry field, the archive will be opened in that particular .ZIP viewer. This allows full manipulation of the zip file, limited only by the particular viewer you are using. The only restriction on the viewer is that it must be able to take command line parameters for the path of the zip file to be opened. (ZipMe [archive = zipme121.zip] and Zip Control [archive = zipct230.zip] are just two of the many such viewers which will work with ZipZap.) Important Note: ZipMe v1.21 (and earlier versions) and Zip Control v2.29 (and earlier versions) do not work properly with the latest versions of the zip executables, zip.exe (zip21x2.exe) and unzip.exe (unz520x2.exe). They do work properly when older versions of the zip executables are used. Zip Control v2.30 does works properly with the latest zip executables, as well as the older ones. Zip Control v2.30 was just released to take care of these new changes in the zip executables. An update to ZipMe is most probably on the way. The following graphics show the contents of nfnf109b.zip using Zip Controlv2.30 and ZipMe v1.21 (using the older zip executables). This should not be construed as a recommendation for these archive viewers or a lack of recommendation for other viewers which are not shown. These two are just shown for informational purposes. Zip Control is shown above; ZipMe (using the older zip executables) is shown below. ═══ 9.4.4. Zip file contents display options ═══ Show .ZIP contents menu item Enabling this setting causes the menu item "Show .ZIP contents" to be added to the popup for all zip files, as shown in the graphic below. Display of .ZIP contents The way the contents are displayed depends on the settings of the next items. If the Use external .ZIP viewer is checked and the full path to your desired viewer is entered in the entry field, the archive will be opened in that particular .ZIP viewer. This allows full manipulation of the zip file, limited only by the particular viewer you are using. The only restriction on the viewer is that it must be able to take command line parameters for the path of the zip file to be opened. (ZipMe [archive = zipme121.zip] and Zip Control [archive = zipct230.zip] are just two of the many such viewers which will work with ZipZap.) Note: ZipMe v1.21 and Zip Control v2.29 do not work properly with the latest versions of zip.exe (zip21x2.exe) and unzip.exe (unz520x2.exe). They do work properly when older versions of the zip executables are used. Zip Control v2.30 does works properly with the latest zip executables, as well as the older ones. Zip Control v2.30 was just released to take care of these new changes in the zip executables. An update to ZipMe is most probably on the way. If the Use external .ZIP viewer box is not checked, the contents of the zip file are displayed using the text editor whose full path is entered in the Editor for Show Zip contents menu item entryfield. (Actually, the results of the command unzip -l or unzip -v are written to a temporary file which is then opened by the selected text editor. If the text editor is closed without saving the results, the temporary file is deleted.) The default editor is E.EXE, the OS/2 System editor, but this may be changed to your favorite editor, either PM or text-mode. (If the editor is located in a directory referenced by the SET PATH statement in CONFIG.SYS, then just the filename (without the full path) needs to be entered.) The display of the zip file contents using the text editor can be normal mode, showing only the full path of the zip file; the size unzipped, date, time and name of the individual files within the zip file and the total size of the entire zip file unzipped. Or, if Verbose output for Show Contents is checked, the method of zipping, the zipped size, the ratio between the zipped and unzipped sizes and a CRC-32 value are displayed for each individual file, in addition to the normal information. Note: Since the "Show Zip contents" information is arranged in columns, it will be much easier to read if you change the font to a monospaced font. This will cause the columns to line up properly. To change the font for E.EXE, just select "Options" and then "Set font..." from the menu bar. An acceptable choice of font is System Monospaced, Normal style, 10 point size, but pick any combination that looks good to you. OS/2 offers you great flexibility - use it. Note: You may also want to select an editor you don 't use often or make a copy of your favorite editor (naming it something else), and entering the path of the copy in the entry field. This allows you to size the window and keep the font monospaced for zip file contents viewing, while allowing a differently sized window with a more attractive proportional font to be saved for use by the original editor when doing "normal" editing tasks. Note: The "Show Zip contents", "Unzip" popup menu items works fine for files and folders which are on removable drives. This comes in handy when dealing with a CD-ROM or a floppy. There is no need to copy the file(s) to the local hard drive first. ═══ 9.4.5. Editor for Show .ZIP contents menu item ═══ Editor for Show .ZIP contents If the Use external .ZIP viewer box is not checked, the contents of the zip file are displayed using the text editor whose full path is entered in the "Editor for Show Zip contents menu item" entryfield, whenever the "Show .ZIP contents" menu item is selected for a zip file. (Actually, the results of the command unzip -l or unzip -v are written to a temporary file which is then opened by the selected text editor. If the text editor is closed without saving the results, the temporary file is deleted.) The default editor is E.EXE, the OS/2 System editor, but this may be changed to your favorite editor, either PM or text-mode. (If the editor is located in a directory referenced by the SET PATH statement in CONFIG.SYS, then just the filename (without the full path) needs to be entered.) Double-click here to see zip file contents displayed in a text editor. Note: Since the "Show .ZIP contents" information is arranged in columns, it will be much easier to read if you change the font to a monospaced font. This will cause the columns to line up properly. To change the font for E.EXE, just select "Options" and then "Set font..." from the menu bar. An acceptable choice of font is System Monospaced, Normal style, 10 point size, but pick any combination that looks good to you. Courier also works well. OS/2 offers you great flexibility - use it. Note: You may also want to select an editor you don't use often or make a copy of your favorite editor (naming it something else), and entering the path of the copy in the entry field. This allows you to size the window and keep the font monospaced for zip file contents viewing, while allowing a differently sized window with a more attractive proportional font to be saved for use by the original editor when doing "normal" editing tasks. ═══ 9.4.6. Verbose output for Show Contnets ═══ Verbose output when using editor for "Show .ZIP contents" The display of the zip file contents using the text editor can be normal mode, showing only the full path of the zip file; the size unzipped, date, time and name of the individual files within the zip file and the total size of the entire zip file unzipped, as shown immediately below. If "Verbose output for Show Contents" is checked, the method of zipping, the zipped size, the ratio between the zipped and unzipped sizes and a CRC-32 value are displayed for each individual file, in addition to the normal information. It is sometimes interesting to see the ratio of compression and a comparison of the uncompressed vs. compressed sizes of the various files, as shown below in the verbose display. Note: Both of these displays use the 8 point Courier font. ═══ 9.4.7. Enter code to register ZipZap ═══ Enter code to register ZipZap Enter your registration code here to allow ZipZap to function without being bothered by the constantly appearing "About ZipZap" dialog box. ═══ 9.4.8. Show About ZipZap dialog at boot up ═══ Show About ZipZap dialog at boot time If you want to see the About ZipZap dialog every time you boot OS/2 (just after the Desktop appears) then select this checkbox. If not, then deselect it. Note: Unregistered users can NOT disable this. ═══ 9.4.9. Create ZipZap template (in Templates folder) ═══ Create ZipZap template (in Templates folder) Pressing this large button will create a ZipZap.zip template object in your Templates folder. You can then drag off a ZipZap.zip templates object, rename it to whatever you desire, and add files, folders, and trees to it by several of the ZipZap methods such as the Add to .ZIP menu items and also by simply dragging and dropping files, folders, or trees onto it. Note: The ACTUAL file object created by dragging off a copy from the ZipZap template object is simply a standard OS/2 data file object with a .ZIP extention. It does NOT become a real ZIP file until you add some files, folders, or trees to it. At that time it is initialized by ZIP.EXE and becomes a real ZIP file. ═══ 10. Other topics ═══ Select one of the following topics by double-clicking: o Special keys F11 and F12 o Custom zipping/unzipping "on-the-fly" o ZipZap.zip Template for .ZIP File o Additional args for ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.EXE o Contacting the Author o Latest Versions o Interactions and Bugs o Other Products by the Author o Return to the Getting Started page ═══ 10.1. Special Keys - F11 and F12 ═══ Special Keys - F11 and F12 F12 Key ZipZap Settings menu item Normally, to access the settings for ZipZap, you would bring up the popup menu for the Desktop folder. That is the only folder that normally has the menu item for this function. However, If you hold down on the F12 key and bring up the popup for any folder the ZipZap Settings menu item will be available. Additionally, you can hide the ZipZap settings menu item on the Desktop folder so that it will only be available on that (or any) folders popup when you use the F12 key. This can be set by checking the box for F12 hot key on the main settings page for ZipZap. Just be sure to remember, though, that if you do select this option - the only way you will see the settings menu for ZipZap again (on any folder) will be to use the F12 key before you bring up the popup menu for that folder. Popup menu item for unzipping executable ZIP files Another use for the F12 key is the (almost) hidden feature in ZipZap that will let you unzip executable ZIP files. Executable ZIP files are zip files created by a number of ZIP compatable archive programs that have the .EXE extention. These files can be unzipped by just executing the file itself. It is self contained and has everything it needs to unzip itself. However, if you want to handle the executable ZIP file in the same manner that you do other ZIP files with ZipZap -- in particular, have it unzipped in your destination folder -- then just hold down on the F12 key as you bring up the popup menu for the executable file. When you do this you will see the menu item Unzip this .EXE file. Selecting this results in the executable ZIP being copied to your destination folder for unzipping, executing the ZIP executable, and then erasing the copy that ZipZap put in the destination folder. F11 Key Not including extended attributes (EA's) in your ZIP file Quite often it is advantageous to have your ZIP files include all the extended attributes. Especially if you are zipping something up for yourself or someone else and you want to preserve all the file associations saved in the EA's. However, many times you may NOT want to preserve the EA's. To keep from zipping the EA's into the archive you can add an extra command line argument for zipping a file (on the settings page) or you can select the cascading menu item on a file, folder, or tree to Custom zip and add a command line argument at this time to achieve your goal. The third way to eliminate EAS's being zipped is by using the F11 hot key. First, though, to use the F11 key feature you have to check the F11 hot key option on the main settings page. When you zip a file, folder, or tree just hold down on the F11 key as you select the menu item to do so. If you are dropping files, folders, or trees onto an existing ZIP file just hold down on the F11 key when you make the drop. When done this way the actual zipping won't start until you then let up on the F11 key after the drop. Holding down on the F11 key before you select the menu items for Add to .ZIP, Add tree to .ZIP, and Add folder to .ZIP will also keep the EA's being saved to the ZIP file for those operations. ═══ 10.2. Custom zipping/unzipping "on-the-fly" ═══ Custom zipping/unzipping "on-the-fly" Custom zipping or unzipping "on-the-fly" allows the user to zip a folder, tree, or file - or unzip an existing .ZIP file - and change some of their default settings for a single action. A user could change or add some of the ZIP.EXE or UNZIP.EXE arguments and/or the default destination for the output. The above menu shows the cascading menu item for Zip this file. If you select the main menu item - Zip this file - then that is exactly what will happen. If you select the little arrow to the far right of the main menu item, though, you will see two more sub menu choices. The first sub menu choice is always the same as the main choice. The second sub menu choice is the Custom choice. In the above graphic the Custom choice is Custom zip this file. All of This also applies to the Zip folder, Zip tree, and the Unzip this file menu items. They also have similar cascading menu items. When you select Custom zip this file (or any Custom ... sub menu item) the appropriate dialog box appears. The Custom Settings : Zip this file dialog box, shown above, has two entry fields. The top entry field (Default destination for Zipping in this case) is where, for this session only, you can change the destination folder (directory). The bottom field (Zip Args in this case) is where, for this session only, you can change or add many ZIP.EXE arguments. Any changes made in this (or any) Custom zipping/unzipping session will NOT change your default settings in the ZipZap settings page(s). However, any changes you make to the Custom dialog entry fields will be saved and retained for the Cutom dialog, itself, until you reboot OS/2. Again, all of the above applies to whether you Cutom zip files, folders, trees, or Custom Unzip files. ═══ 10.3. ZipZap.zip template for zip files ═══ ZipZap.zip template for zip files The setting for Drag/Drop on .ZIP files on the ZipZap main settings page must be enabled for the ZipZap.zip objects to function. You can, if desired, create a ZipZap file template in the templates folder, named zipzap.zip. This is accomplished by selecting the push button for that function on the Additional settings page. Additional copies of this template can be created at whatever locations they are desired. Creating another template is done simply by dragging a 'sheet' off the existing new.zip template and dropping it where you want the new template to be, opening the settings notebook for this object, changing to the "General" tab and placing a check mark in the template box near the bottom of the page. Just make sure the name of the template has a .zip extentiom. If you accidentally delete your only copy of the template, just go to the Additional settings page and press the big push button near the bottom of that page to create a new one. To use a zipzap.zip template, simply drag a 'sheet' off the template and drop it where you would like to have the new zip file created. Any object may be dropped onto the zip file to be included in it. (The original copy of the dropped object remains unchanged and stays in its original location.) If a shadow is dropped, the original item is considered to have been dropped. If a folder is dropped, all the files within the folder are zipped (including any subfolders and any files they may contain), with the directory structure preserved, from the folder's point of view. The drive of the folder you are dropping and any parents it might have will not be included in the information in the zip file. Attempting to zip a program references will cause zip.exe to display an error message stating that there is nothing to do. Just ignore this error message, but remember that nothing will happen when a program reference is added to a zip template object. Either before or after adding objects to a zip template object, it may be renamed. Simply press and release mouse button 1 while the mouse pointer is on the object to be renamed while holding down the key. This allows direct editing of the name of the zip file. When editing is complete, click mouse button 1 on the background of the folder the zip file is in to set the new name. ═══ 10.4. Create New .ZIP file ═══ Create new .ZIP file ... To create a new .ZIP file you can use the ZipZap.ZIP template object or you can, as shown above, bring up the popup menu for your OS/2 Desktop and select cascading menu item (under the ZipZap Settings) Create new .ZIP file ... The popup menu for the OS/2 Desktop is activated by finding a clear spot on the Desktop and right clicking your mouse once. Selecting the sub menu item Create new .ZIP file ... from the ZipZap Settings cascading menu will activate, as shown above, the Create new .ZIP file dialog box. Merely type in the fully qualified name for a new ZIP file (it must end with the .ZIP extention) and press the Create button. The new ZIP file will be created and the dialog box will stay open. Close the dialog (Cancel) if you are finished or continue making new ZIP files. Note: New ZIP files created with ZipZap are really just data files with a .ZIP extention until you add files/folders/trees to them by dragging and dropping or by using the ZipZap Add to functions. At that time, they are initiated and changed into actual ZIP files. Only real files/folders/trees (or shadows to real files/folders/trees) can be archived in a ZIP file. Program objects and other WPS special class objects can not be archived this way. ═══ 10.5. Additional args for ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.EXE ═══ Additional args for ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.EXE Limited use of additional arguments for ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.EXE is supported by ZipZap in two different ways. Additional arguments can be entered on the ZipZap main settings page in the Unzip args and the Zip Args entry fields. Entering additional arguments into these fields will make them work on all regular zipping and unzipping sessions done through the Zip this file, Zip folder, Zip tree, and Unzip this file menu items. Additional arguments can also be added during Custom "on-the-fly" zipping and unzipping. Adding arguments this way will only affect the Custom zipping/unzipping for that particular session and does NOT change the default settings on the ZipZap main settings page. Not all ZIP/UNZIP arguments will work correctly, either. Most additional arguments will work, however. Which arguments that work or don't work depend on how you have set up ZipZap and what settings and options you have selected on the settings page. As long as the additional arguments that you add don't conflict with the settings you have selected with ZipZap then they will work. Hint: One of my favorite additional arguments to add to ZIP.EXE is the -b arg (-b c:\temp). This forces the temporary file(s) created by ZIP.EXE to be put into a directory designated by the user. For a full list of ALL arguments available to ZIP.EXE or UNZIP.EXE run either or both of these programs at the command line with no arguments. That will display all the help information available. ═══ 10.6. Registering, Ordering, and more ... ═══ How to register: ZipZap is shareware - software which is free to test and try, but it is expected that if you use it beyond a reasonable trial period (45 days), you will register it. If you don't register ZipZap and continue to use it after after a reasonable trial period all my cats (6) will track you down and pee on your lawn. Seriously, your support allows further development of ZipZap and other projects for OS/2. o $25 - normal registration. Registration code will be returned via E-mail (or snail mail IF requested). NO disk. Send your check or money order (must be drawn on a US Bank), with some type of a return address, to Gary L. Robinson. If you send an e-mail address PLEASE MAKE IT LEGIBLE. I can't send the registration if I can't read the address or if the address is incorrect. o $25 - Electronically available (or shipped directly) from BMT Micro. They will send it anywhere, worldwide (including Internet addresses). BMT Micro accepts credit cards. Registration for THIS version of ZipZap includes a free upgrade to the next major version but not necessarily to all future versions. (Bug fix versions are free, though) ═══ 10.6.1. Order form ═══ ----------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM ZipZap ver. 1.25 Copyright (c) 1997 by Gary L. Robinson ------------------------------------------------------------------ Please complete the following information and return this form with your check, money order, or cash to the address below. Please make all checks and money orders for funds payable to Gary L. Robinson. Current price (U.S. dollars) is $25.00 for a single copy. Please contact me for additional information on multiple registration price listings or for foreign orders. Please submit to: Gary L. Robinson P.O. Box 359 Christiansburg, OH 45389-0359 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ City: _____________________ St or Prov: ________________________ Postal Code: ________________ Country: _________________________ E-Mail address: ________________________________ Date: ___-___-______ I would like to register: Totals ____ Copy(s) of ZipZap @ ______ a copy: $____________ OHIO Residents add %6.5 for state sales tax: $___________ I am including a check or money order for: $____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------  ═══ 10.6.2. BMT Micro order form ═══ Ordering from BMT Micro Note: Each registration of ZipZap comes with only one license for ZipZap. Multiple copies of ZipZap require one user name for each copy ordered. Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 8:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (orders only) (910) 791-7052 Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 24 hours / 7 Days (800) 672-1672 24 hours / 7 Days Online Orders via modem: (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 Direct 28.8K line Ordering and general ordering questions: Via AOL: bmtmicro via MSN: bmtmicro Via Prodigy: HNGP66D via Compuserve: 74031,307 via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com telnet@bmtmicro.com http://www.bmtmicro.com We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, Cashiers Check, Personal Check. Personal checks are subject to clearance. Eurochecks in DM are welcome. DM, Sterling, and US Currency is welcome but send only by registered mail, return receipt requested. We cannot be liable for lost cash sent through the mail. Purchase orders are welcome, subject to approval. The minimum amount is $250.00. Information for our German customers is explained in the last paragraph of this order form. _____________________________________________________________________ Company:_____________________________________________________________ Name:________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________State/Province: ________________ Postal/ZIP Code: ____________________Country:________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________________________________ E-Mail #1____________________________________________________________ E-Mail #2____________________________________________________________ Product Quantity Price Number of copies _________________________ ______________ ________________ _________________________ ______________ x ____________ = + $ _______ _________________________ ______________ x ____________ = + $ _______ _________________________ ______________ x ____________ = + $ _______ Latest Version on Diskette _____$3.00____ x ____________ = + $ _______ North Carolina Residents add 6% Sales Tax $ _______ Shipping and Handling (no quantity limit / see below) $ _______ Email - Subject to Credit Card Verification Free Fax (USA/Canada)........................... 1.00 US Fax (Non-North America).................... 2.00 US Worldwide 1st Class ....................... Free 2nd Day Priority, USA Only ................ $ 4.00 US US Postal Service International Express (Including Canada and Mexico), allow up to 7-10 days ............................... $ 25.00 US Airborne Select Delivery (USA Only) $ 8.00 US FedEx Overnight, USA Only (delivery by 3:00 pm the following day) .............. $ 15.00 US FedEx Europe/Japan (guaranteed delivery within 3 days) .......................... $ 35.00 US Total: $ _______ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ For credit card payment only │ │ │ │ Circle one: VISA / Master / Discover / American Express / Diners │ │ │ │ Credit card number: _____________________________________________ │ │ │ │ Expiration date: ________________________________________________ │ │ │ │ Authorization signature: ________________________________________ │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ORDERING FROM INSIDE GERMANY ONLY ================================= Persons in Germany wishing to order shareware may also transfer funds into our account with Deutsche Bank. Once the money is deposited you may either fax a confirmation to us with proof of deposit or wait until Deutsche Bank notifies us of the transaction (usually 10-18 business days). Account information is as follows: Deutsche Bank / Frankfurt Branch EmpfДnger: Thomas Bradford / BMT Micro Konto-Nummer: 0860221 Bankleitzahl: 500-700-10 When you make the transfer, be sure to put your name and the program you are registering on the transfer. Current exchange rates can be obtained by sending an email to dm_to_us@bmtmicro.com. An automated reply will return todays exchange rates. It is very important that you send us a completed order form by either email or fax if you deposit money into this account for a registration. Fill the order form out as usual except in the credit card number field put "DEUTSCHE BANK". We will file the order and use it to match against the deposit information we receive from the bank. IMPORTANT! ---------- When you email us your order form, we will reply with an acknowledgement. If you do not get an acknowledgement within 24 hours please send your order again in case it was lost. This extra bit of caution can save a lot of confusion. If you are concerned that your order is taking too long to process, feel free to check with us about the status of your order. It's important to all of us that you feel safe doing business with our company and please feel free to suggest ways we can improve our service to you. ═══ 10.6.3. Contacting the author ═══ For support or to make suggestions, please contact me at: E-mail: Internet: grobin@iname.com or hkypuck@hotmail.com (iname.com preferred) Snail Mail: P.O. Box 359 Christiansburg, OH 45389 USA Web Site: http://www.coax.net/people/grobin/ Thank you for supporting ZipZap and the other shareware programs I have written. Gary L. Robinson ═══ 10.6.4. Latest Versions ═══ The latest versions of ZipZap and other software the author has written may be downloaded from: o Gary L. Robinson's home page - , (Beta versions will also be available at this site.) o cdrom.com - , later moved to o hobbes - , later moved to o BBS - The OS/2 Shareware BBS (Pete Norloff's) 703-385-4325 or telnet bbs.os2bbs.com ═══ 10.6.5. Other Products ═══ There is more! ZipZap is not the only piece of software Gary L. Robinson has written. Please download and evaluate his other applications: Prompt! Prompt! is a small WPS program (no executablefiles) that prompts you any time you drag and drop an object to another folder. Forget about remembering what OS/2 hot keys are used for copy, migrate, or shadow operations let Prompt! ask you what you want to do when you drop the objects! CmdHere CmdHere is a small WPS program (no executablefiles) that adds a simple cascading menu item to ALL the existing popup menu's for folders - including the Desktop. This menu item allows the user to select and open an OS/2 or DOS command line session IN THE VERY PATH that the folder represents. DesktopWizard Desktop Wizard ver. 1.4 is a 32bit WPS enhancement for Warp 3.x or Warp 4.x. It adds new functionality and productivity to the WPS and includes 2 FREE bonus applications : Little Digital Talking Clock ver. 1.5 -and- ClipBoard Text Utility ver. 1.2. Desktop wizard combines most (but not all) of the functionality of ZipZap, CmdHere, Prompt!, and more ..... NetChat for OS/2 and Win95 NetChat is a small and fast personal communication tool for OS/2 and Win95. It is designed to hook two people up directly (without using the IRC channels, servers, IP servers, etc.) for a ONE-ON-ONE personal direct text chat. Little Digital Talking Clock Little Digital Talking Clock is a 32 bit talking clock for OS/2. Highly configurable with numerous features. L.D.T.C. ships with a synthesized set of .WAV files but also has several sets of high quality human voice .WAV files available free. Users can also make their own personal set of .WAV files if desired. PadHD a notepad/note-organizer which makes it easy to store and retrieve information. Don't deal with scraps of paper any longer. This little text database is simple, fast, and to the