Readme fo OSKWISC (OSK WIS Creator (OS/2 Starter Kit WarpIN Script Creator)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Sebastian Wittmeier Amselweg 14 86672 Thierhaupten Tel.: (0 82 71) 60 92 Fax: (0 82 71) 42 91 03 E-Mail: Project URLs: English: OS2.ORG: Netlabs: FTP-Server: WarpIN: Mailing List: German: OS2.ORG: What is OSKWISC? OSKWISC is used by the OSK project to collect the information needed to write WarpIN program archives. May I use/modify OSKWISC? Do I have to be a member of OSK? Yes. No. Nevertheless please consider joining our team. Please send me your changes. Perhaps I'll include them in the official version. Which files are needed? For the GUI I'm using Jeff Glatt's Rexx Dialog. Oskwisc needs rx.exe and rxdlg.dll. The program itself is oskwisc.cmd. You need a language file (by now english.lng or german.lng). oskwisg.cmd sets the environment variable OSKWISC to GERMAN and calls oskwisc. Another possibility would be to call oskwisc with the parameter GERMAN That was it. (They are all included in TODO: - help system - generation of more intelligent scripts Possible problems: - WPS hangs - program type frame isn't repainted - you can't save or load files anymore Thank you for supporting the OS/2 community. PS Colors and fonts can be modified in the usual way, but aren't saved ;-)