═══ 1. Introduction ═══ We hope you will be able to realize any of WarpZip's hidden functions if we have neglected to include them in this help file by watching the help tips at the bottom of the program window. If you're new to WarpZip, take a minute to read the Getting Started section. WarpZip brings a completely fresh approach to dealing with zip files. The integrated directory tree is one of the keys to "The WarpZip Way". Unzipping an archive to any location is only a drag and drop away. WarpZip makes it easy to peek into archives with very little effort on your part and should be the latest addition to your internet toolbox. Some of WarpZip's main features are: o SEARCH - Search for zip files as well as those hard to recognize OS/2 Unpack type files. o UNZIP & UNPACK - Unarchive one, a few or all files in an archive via point and click, hot keys or drag and drop. o INSTALLATIONS - Installations from zip archives are a click away. o NEW - Build new archive methods include drag and drop. o FOLDERS - Set up and open a favorite folder from the menu or open any folder by double clicking a directory in the directory container. o ADD - Add files to the current archive including via drag and drop. o EXTRACT - Extract current archive to target directory including via drag and drop. o VIEW - View a file in an archive. o RUN - Open a folder view of an archive and "test run" it. o HELP - Online help. o CLEAN UP - Clean up archive leftovers after using "Run". o POPUP MENU - The right mouse button in the archive viewing window keeps pertinent commands to act on a selected file or files close at hand. o HELP TIPS - are available on the 'tips' bar at the bottom of the window. o DRAG & DROP - Many methods implemented for drag & drop operations. o VIEWERS - Internal viewers for quick access to text files and graphics. o VIRUS - Integrates IBM AntiVirus or McAfee's to scan your files. o TEST - Test zipfile integrity and report. o SELF EXTRACTING - Convert zips into self extracting zip files. o NETSCAPE - Use WarpZip or WZPrep as a Netscape helper application. o DOWNLOAD PREPROCESSOR - Seamless processing of zip downloads (WZPrep.EXE), selectively move, test integrity, virus test, write reports and queue. o QUEUES - Drop or download multiple archives and review them one at a time by clicking the Queue button. o REPOSITORY - Automatically move reviewed archives to your repository. o GREP - Powerful grep facility to find and view text in archives. o COPY, MOVE, DELETE - Copy, move or delete archives via point and click or hot keys. o RENAME - Rename archives with ease. o DIRECTORIES - Create directories, delete directories or complete directory trees. o MODIFIERS - Set zip and unzip modifiers. o COLOR, FONT - Drag and drop color and font changes are supported. o PRINT - Print text files from archives. o FIND - Find files or archives in a large listing according to your search criteria. ═══ 2. Getting Started ═══ GETTING STARTED There are a few things the uninitiated will want to do when they start using WarpZip. o Make sure you have InfoZip's "Zip.exe" o Make sure you have InfoZip's "Unzipsfx.exe" o Set path to AntiVirus software in settings notebook o Choose your favorite folders o Select a base directory o Select a target directory o Select a repository o Familiarize yourself with the search dialog o Set up WarpZip's Download PreProcessor (WZPrep.EXE) ═══ 2.1. Other WarpZip Functions ═══ Here are a few of WarpZips' functions that we may have missed. ────────────────────────────── You can: o Drag a zip file to the WarpZip icon to start WarpZip and view it or o Drop zip files on the archive viewing window to view them or o Drop a zip file on a directory in the directory container to unzip it there. ────────────────────────────── If you click in the "target directory" box WarpZip assumes you want to create a new directory. A dialog will popup to accept a new directory name to create. ────────────────────────────── When dropping a file on the archive viewing window while it is empty, WarpZip will prompt you for a name to give the new zip file it will create. This can just be a filename or a fully qualified filename to another directory. ────────────────────────────── WarpZip will find OS/2 "Packed" files too. "Packed" file searches take longer than zip file searches so be forwarned. (This has been speeded up a bit but it's still slower than a zip file search). BTW: "Packed" files will not show any file information other than their filenames. ────────────────────────────── The Search dialog has a button to retrieve subdirectory information. This is to allow you see how many files would be involved in a "Search" for zips or unpacks in the subdirectories as well as the current directory. On this machine, in a "Zip" file search, a thousand files are searched in about a second compared to almost 19 seconds for an OS/2 "Packed" file search so if you have 20,000 files on a drive like I have on some of mine you may not want to search the whole thing for "Packed" files. (I guess that's only about 6 minutes but it seems longer when you're waiting...) ────────────────────────────── The thin horizontal line (we call it the PillarShift) under the viewing and directory containers will adjust their (the containers) sizes to your liking. Just click on it in a few spots and you'll see how it works. ────────────────────────────── The "Run" button will create a directory under your base directory (set your base directory under "Options" - "Set base directory") with the same name as the root name of the archives filename, for example: o My base directory is set as "C:\bin\download" o I'm going to test a file named "Test2000.zip" o I press the "Run" button and WarpZip creates a directory called "C:\bin\download\Test2000" o The archive is unzipped into "C:\bin\download\Test2000" o The "C:\bin\download\Test2000" folder is opened o The "Clean up" button appears on the toolbar. Now I can run the program, install it from there or just peruse a couple of files from it. If I want to keep the program on my hard drive after testing or running it, I'll do nothing, just continue searching or viewing archives. If I wanted to delete it, then I would click on the "Clean up" button and WarpZip will take care of the cleanup, it will delete the directory and thus the folder. Don't worry to much if the folder doesn't dissappear right away, OS/2 will do it in it's own time frame. Just close the folder normally if it is distracting. ────────────────────────────── WarpZip's seamless handling of downloaded "Zip" files is not to be matched anywhere. More info. ────────────────────────────── ═══ 3. Installation Notes ═══ Requirements You must have Rexx support installed to run this program. Rexx is normally part of the default installation of OS/2. If Rexx is not installed you must go to Selective Install and install support for it there. ═══════════════════════════ INSTALLING WARPZIP Unzip the archive into any directory and run "Install.exe". The installer will query you for an installation directory and the dll and help file locations. When choosing a location for the dlls and help files, you will be presented with a listbox filled with presently used dll and help file locations retrieved from your config.sys file. If you choose one of these locations for both items, the config.sys will NOT have to be modified. Perhaps now is the time to consolidate all those smaller apps dlls and helps into one set of directories so programs like this don't have to add to your config.sys. (see "Installation Suggestions" in the Install.inf or the program help file) WarpZip uses InfoZip's Unzip32.dll file for unzipping archives. Make sure you have the latest version of "Zip.exe" and "Unzipsfx.exe" installed on your system if you want to add to or build any new archives. We try to keep the latest version available at the PillarSoft website or a link to their home at cdrom.com. ═══════════════════════════ INSTALLING WARPZIP MANUALLY If for any reason, you want to install WarpZip manually, you can: o If you haven't done so already unzip the archive in any (your target) directory. o The dll files need to be in the LIBPATH statement for WarpZip to see them. You can add the WarpZip directory to the "LIBPATH" statement or here is a better Suggestion. o The "WarpZip.hlp" file may be copied into the \os2\help directory, added to the SET HELP statement or you can use the same Suggestion. o Run the "install.cmd" file from the directory you unzipped WarpZip into. This will create an object (icon) on the desktop. If you have copied the dll's into a directory that exists in the LIBPATH already you may start the program right away. If you added a directory to the LIBPATH you will have to reboot for the new path to be in effect. ═══════════════════════════ UNINSTALLING WARPZIP When WarpZip is installed with the installation program, an uninstall file (removeWZ.cmd) is written and placed in your WarpZip directory. The file has all the information about the directories the files were copied into when they were installed and it will remove them from your system as well as destroying the desktop object and removing the WarpZip directory. Be carefull that no other programs will need to use the dll files that WarpZip will be deleting. You can edit out lines referring to files that you wish to keep. ═══════════════════════════ This version of WarpZip is fully functional but time limited. This means that nothing has been disabled and you have full use of all facilities available in WarpZip for 30 working days. There is a small grace period after the 30 day trial to allow it to keep working a bit longer but subsequent sessions will start with a short period of inactivity and eventually WarpZip will stop working. It is hoped that you will have had plenty of time to evaluate WarpZip fully in a 30 day time frame. ═══ 3.1. Installation Suggestions ═══ WarpZip's installation program offers you the chance copy dll and help files into existing directories that are listed in their respective path statements. This has advantages for you should you decide to use this method. It will also write an uninstall script that will remove those files and delete the desktop object should you decide to uninstall it. In other words, they won't be forgotten and left behind to add to the clutter that always seems to accumulate when trying out software. ═══════════════════════════ Consider the following... After installing a few applications one always runs up against the dreaded mess that our path statements become. Rather than letting every application add to it why not set up a directory for new application app, dll and help files and have just the one extra entry for each of these. Granted, you will not want to copy some larger apps with numerous files into these directories but the smaller apps will use them quite nicely and in a more organized fashion. Suppose I make a "BIN" directory on the root of my boot drive and add directories under it for apps, dlls and help. So I have: o C:\bin\apps o C:\bin\dll o C:\bin\help Now I can add these directories to the "Set Path", "Libpath" and "Set Help" statements respectively and when I install an application that wants to add to my "Libpath" statement, for example, I can tell the app not to update my "Config.sys" or remove the additional entry it may have made to my "Libpath" statement. Then I can copy all the apps dll's into the C:\bin\dll directory and I'm all set! Another benefit is that anytime I copy files into these directories they are available immediately to the application without having to reboot. This method is: o Neater - Shorter paths o Safer - Nobody messes with your config.sys o Faster - Short paths mean less duplication and faster searches o All in all, just a much more organized approach. ═══ 3.2. InfoZip's Zip and Unzip ═══ InfoZip's Zip and Unzip WarpZip incorporates compression code from the Info-ZIP group. There are no extra charges or costs due to the use of this code, and the original compression sources are freely available from http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ or ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ on the Internet. WarpZip uses Infozip's "Zip.exe" "Unzipsfx.exe" and "Unzip32.dll". The "Unzip32.dll" file is included in the archive and installed to the proper place in the installation but the "Zip.exe" and "Unzipsfx.exe" (now included in the WarpZip distribution package) files are copied directly to the WarpZip directory and are looked for there upon program startup. If you wish to relocate them you will need to update the "Settings" notebook with their new path in order to build or add to any archives. ═══ 4. ToolBar ═══ o NEW o OPEN o FOLDERS o ADD o EXTRACT o VIEW o SEARCH o RUN o HELP o CLEAN UP ═══ 4.1. New ═══ NEW Brings up a dialog that allows selecting files to build an archive. o Enter the new name in the "Archive name" field. o Make a directory selection from directory container or drop files from the WPS onto the window. o Select the individual files you wish to archive. (if you don't want to archive all the files listed) o Make the archive limit selection. - Select the "Directory" radio button to archive a selected directory. (all the listed files) - Select the "w/Subdir" radio button to archive a selected directory and it's subdirectories. - Select the "Selected" radio button to archive only the selected files. (WarpZip automatically clicks the "Selected" button for you when dropping files or if a selection is made) o Once your selections are made, click the "Build" button to build the new archive. WarpZip will automatically load the archive after the build. ═══ 4.2. Open ═══ OPEN o Brings up the file dialog box to search for an existing archive file. o Select a file and click "OK". ═══ 4.3. Folders ═══ FOLDERS Opens a dialog that allows selecting or opening a favorite folder containing archive files to drag and drop on WarpZip. Favorite folder selection is accomplished by: o Open the "Favorite Folders" dialog by pressing the "Folders" button on the toolbar or from the menu. o Select a directory from the directory container. o The directory appears in the entry field below the listing. o Click the "Add folder" button. o Continue to add as many folders as you like. o Delete will delete the currently selected folder from the listing. o Close the dialog. After restarting WarpZip the top five folders on the folder list will appear in the menu under "File" "Favorites" and may be opened from there. ═══ 4.4. Add ═══ ADD Brings up a dialog that allows selecting files to add to the currently opened archive. Files may be added by make a directory selection from directory container. The files in that directory are listed immediately and allow you to: o DIRECTORY - Select the "Directory" radio button. o DIRECTORY AND IT'S SUBDIRECTORIES - Select the "w/Subdir" radio button. o SELECTED - Select the individual files desired from the listing and click "Selected" (WarpZip automatically chooses "Selected" for you.) You can also drop files from the WPS onto the window and WarpZip will automatically highlight them and click the "Selected" button for you. Once your selections are made you'll click the "Build" button to add the new files to the archive. WarpZip will reload the updated archive at that time. ═══ 4.5. Extract ═══ EXTRACT o Unzips (or unpacks) the currently open archive into the target directory. o If selected from the "Unzip" page of "Settings" notebook, WarpZip will move the archive to your Repository. ═══ 4.6. View ═══ VIEW The "View" button and the "View selected" popup menu item allow viewing any selected file in the internal viewer. Double clicking a selection will also open either the WarpZip internal viewer, an external viewer or the OS/2 default viewing method for the file depending on your settings. WarpZip will intercept some of the files it knows it can display quickly. At this time, WarpZip displays files with these extentions internally: o *.TXT o *.DOC o *.DIZ o *.ME o *.1ST o *.ABS o *.BMP o *.GIF o *.PCX o *.TIF o *.PIC o *.TGA o *.ICO The reaction time for the viewer is much faster than opening a separate program. You may elect to use the WPS default or any other viewer when double clicking a file by making a change in the settings notebook. Information can be saved or even clipped and saved from the viewer also by using "Save as..." or "Save selected..." from the popup menu. You can also "stretch" bitmaps to view them fullscreen by pressing the [F3] key while the viewer is active. [ESC] closes the window again. ═══ 4.7. Search ═══ SEARCH The search dialog will probably get the most use of any part of WarpZip. There are so many features available that make working with archives easier. It will take some experimenting to learn everything but here are some things that you will be able to do: o Check the size of a directory along with it's subdirectories o Search a directory for "Zip's" or OS/2 "Packed" files. o Search a directory and it's subdirectories for "Zip's" or OS/2 "Packed" files. o Drag an archive from the search dialog to the directory container for unarchiving in the directory dropped on. o Click on the "PillarShift" bar to expose the archive viewing window and drag an archive to it for viewing. o Double click an archive to view its' contents. o Copy or move an archive to the target directory. (select from "File" menu) o Rename or delete an archive. (select from "File" menu) o Grep - Search archives for a string or partial string of text. (more) o A "Kill search" button appears during a search to allow stopping the thread of a search. o Use "Find" from the popup menu to single out archives in a large listing. The "Subdirectory Info" button allows you see how many files would be involved in a "Search" for zips or unpacks in the subdirectories as well as the current directory. Zip search speeds have been increased dramatically now so the subdirectory info actually takes longer than the zip search! It only makes sense to use the subdirectory info button when searching for "Packed" files now. On this machine, in a "Zip" file search, a thousand files are searched in about a second compared to almost 19 seconds for an OS/2 "Packed" file search so if you have 20,000 files on a drive like I have on some of mine you may not want to search the whole thing for "Packed" files. (I guess that's only about 6 minutes but it seems longer when you're waiting...) ═══ 4.8. Run ═══ RUN The "Run" button will create a directory under your base directory (set your base directory under "Options" - "Set base directory") with the same name as the root name of the archives filename, for example: o My base directory is set as "C:\bin\download" o I'm going to test a file named "Test2000.zip" o I press the "Run" button and WarpZip creates a directory called "C:\bin\download\Test2000" o The archive is unzipped into "C:\bin\download\Test2000" o The "C:\bin\download\Test2000" folder is opened o The "Clean up" button appears on the toolbar. Now I can run the program, install it from there or just peruse a couple of files from it. If I want to keep the program on my hard drive after testing or running it, I'll do nothing, just continue searching or viewing archives. If I wanted to delete it, then I would click on the "Clean up" button and WarpZip will take care of the cleanup. ═══ 4.9. Help ═══ HELP o Well... you already found it. There's not much more I can do. ═══ 4.10. Clean up ═══ CLEAN UP o Appears only when there is a program in the "Test run" mode. o Allows deletion of the "Test run" programs objects. For more information see "Run" ═══ 5. MenuItems ═══ o FILE o ACTION o OPTIONS o HELP ═══ 5.1. File ═══ FILE o NEW - Build a "New" zip file. (more) o OPEN- Brings up the file dialog box to search for an existing archive file. (more) o FAVORITES - Brings up a dialog that allows selecting or opening a favorite folder containing archive files to drag and drop on WarpZip. (more) o CLOSE ARCHIVE - Clears the windows in preparation for a new file to be viewed. o SEARCH - Opens the search window to scan for archives. (more) o GREP - Search for text strings inside of archives. (more) o PRINT - Print a file from an archive. o MOVE - Moves selected archive to target directory. o COPY - Copies selected archive to target directory. o RENAME - Renames selected archive. o DELETE - Deletes selected archive. o CREATE DIRECTORY - Create a new directory. o COLLAPSE TREE - Collapses directory tree. o EXIT - Exit the program. ═══ 5.2. Action ═══ ACTION The Action menuitems generally perform actions only on an archive that is currently being viewed by WarpZip or the individual files within it. o ADD FILES - Opens a dialog to add files to the currently viewed archive. (more) o DELETE SELECTED - Deletes selected file(s) from archive. o EXTRACT SELECTED - Extracts selected file(s) from archive. o VIEW SELECTED - Views the first selected file from archive in the internal viewer. (more) o TEST ARCHIVE - Tests the archive integrity. o TEST RUN - Opens the archive in a folder for test running etc. (more) o VIRUS SCAN - Runs antivirus software against the currently viewed archive. o MAKE SELF EXTRACTOR - Creates a self extracting archive from the currently viewed archive. (Path to "Unzipsfx.exe" must be defined in the settings notebook) o SELECT ALL - Selects all entries in the archive viewing window. o UNSELECT ALL - Unselects all entries in the archive viewing window. ═══ 5.3. Options ═══ OPTIONS o SET FONT - Opens font palette for drag and drop font changes. o SET COLOR - Opens color palette for drag and drop color changes. Dropping a color on any button etc changes that items background color. Hold down the "Control" key while dropping to change the font color. o SETTINGS - Opens the settings dialog. o DOWNLOAD SETTINGS - Opens the settings dialog for the DownLoad Preprocessor. o CYCLE PRESET COLORS - Cycles some preset color schemes for the main WarpZip window. o SET BASE DIRECTORY - The Base directory is where all test run's are unarchived. It could be any directory but make sure it is on a drive that has enough room to unzip large archives. WarpZip cleans up these directories if you elect to have it do so. o SET SEARCH DIRECTORY - WarpZip's search function will always start with a listing of this directory so you would normally want this to be the directory you download from the internet into. o SET REPOSITORY - This is the directory you would use for long term storage of zip files after they have been viewed or evaluated. You may elect to have WarpZip move your archives to this directory automatically after they have been extracted. ═══ 5.4. Help ═══ HELP o HELP INDEX - Opens an index of this help file. o GENERAL HELP - Opens this help file. o HELP FOR HELP - Opens a help file explaining how to use the help system. o PRODUCT INFORMATION - Currently gives the product name, version and it's registration status. ═══ 6. Settings ═══ o ZIP o UNZIP o VIEWERS o ANTIVIRUS o PATHS o BROWSER o SPLITBAR o DRIVES ═══ 6.1. Zip Settings ═══ ZIP SETTINGS Set parameters on this page for creating or adding to zip files. The choices include: o Freshen - Zip only changed files o Update - Zip only changed or new files o Zip system and hidden files also. o Junk paths - Don't add directory names. o Set zipfile date to the date of the latest file in the archive. o Set zip compression from 1 to 9 where: - - 1 = least compression, fastest - 9 = most compression, slowest ═══ 6.2. Unzip Settings ═══ UNZIP SETTINGS Set parameters on this page for unzipping zip files. The choices include: o Freshen existing files, create none. o Update files, create if necessary. o Never overwrite existing files. o Don't make names lowercase. o Junk paths - Do not include path information for each file. o Move to repository after extracting. ═══ 6.3. Viewers ═══ VIEWERS The View button and menu items will use the internal viewer whenever possible but changes can be made to viewer behavior when double clicking a file to view. There are three choices for the text and graphics viewers. o INTERNAL - Continue to use the WarpZip internal "MultiView" for all files it supports. o DEFAULT - Use the WPS default viewer for all files when they are double clicked. o EXTERNAL - Use the selected viewer for all files (text/graphic) when a file is double clicked. Clicking on the "External" radio button opens a file dialog to locate the viewer you wish to use and automatically enters it's name in the viewer field. ═══ 6.4. AntiVirus ═══ ANTIVIRUS If you use IBM's AntiVirus (IBMASVP.EXE) or McAfee's OS2Scan (OS2SCAN.EXE), WarpZip has the default parameters memorized. Locate your AV software by clicking the "browse" button. Once you have located it and if it is one of the aforementioned programs, a button will appear to offer to set the default parameters for that particular program. Click it and you're done! It may be possible to use other antivirus programs but none other have been tested at this point. You can try a different program by setting the path and then fill the parameter field with the proper values. Please use "$$$" dollar signs (no quotes) to indicate the name of the LOG file that the software will create. WarpZip will replace the dollar signs with it's own file name and location to retrieve for viewing. Let us know if you have luck with any other AV software. ═══ 6.5. Paths ═══ PATHS o BASE - Location of all test run unarchiving. Set this from the directory container and the "Options" menu" o SEARCH - Directory the search dialog always opens with. (usually your download directory) Set from the directory container and the "Options" menu" o REPOSITORY - Directory that holds archives already reviewed. Set from the directory container and the "Options" menu" o PATH TO ZIP - Click the "Browse" button to locate the "Zip.exe" file for use in creating archives. o PATH TO UNZIPSFX - Click the "Browse" button to locate the "Unzipsfx.exe" file for use in creating self extracting archives. ═══ 6.6. Browser ═══ BROWSER When using WarpZip as a helper application for a browser the files downloaded from the internet may be going to a TEMP directory rather than your usual download directory. If you want to have WarpZip automatically move your files to the download(search) directory you'll need to let WarpZip know what directory to watch for. Enter the temporary directory name that your browser uses and click the "Move browser downloads" checkbox. For example: o I prefer downloading to H:\tcpip\downloads and set it as my "Search" directory. o When using WarpZip as a helper app, Netscape downloads files to C:\TMP o I enter C:\TMP into the entry field and select the "Move browser downloads" checkbox. o When Netscape downloads the file, WarpZip knows it is from Netscape and moves it to my search directory "H:\tcpip\downloads" and then opens the archive. To our surprise, Netscape did not use the SET TEMP or SET TMP environment variable (at least on this machine) so it becomes neccessary to have the directory entered manually. ═══ 6.7. Splitbar ═══ SPLITBAR When using different fonts on different resolutions the splitbar location calculations may not be optimal. WarpZip relocates it whenever an archive is opened. There are two variables that could be used depending on the length of the longest filename being entered into the archive viewing window. Names with 15 characters or less are calculated differently than names with more than 15 chars. Make adjustments to the variable in the spin buttons and press "Test" to effect changes in the splitbar location. Monospaced fonts usually work best as they have a constant width. ═══ 6.8. Drives ═══ DRIVES WarpZip will ignore any drives you do not wish to work with. This will help avoid waking up an old rarely used drive that is usually spun down and at rest. This will also help speed program startup as it will not have to check drives that may be spun down, slow or difficult to access. Enter the drives that you do NOT want to be loaded by entering the drive's in CAPITAL letters with no spaces between them in the entry field on the "Drives" page of the settings notebook. For example, if I did not want to load: o The floppy Drive A o The floppy Drive B o A zip drive used only for backups, Drive H o A network Drive J o The cd-rom, Drive K I would enter ABHJK (all CAPS, no spaces) in the entry field and WarpZip would only search the other drive letters. ═══ 7. General Help ═══ o DIRECTORY CONTAINER o ARCHIVE VIEWING WINDOW o SEARCH DIALOG o GREP o BUILD NEW ARCHIVE o ADD FILES TO ARCHIVE o SETTING DIRECTORIES o USING THE QUEUE o DOWNLOAD PREPROCESSOR o FIND FILENAMES ═══ 7.1. Directory container ═══ DIRECTORY CONTAINER o Single click in the directory box changes the selected directory to the target for operations. o Dbl-clicking on a directory will open that directory folder. o Drop an archive from the WPS on a directory and it will unzip there. o Drop a single or selected files from the archive viewing window onto a directory and it will unzip them in that directory. o Hold the key down when dragging an archive to the directory container to "Move" it instead of unarchiving it. WarpZip assumes you wish to create a new directory when you click in the "Target directory" window. A dialog will pop up asking for the new directory name and it will be created if you select the "Create directory" button. Deleting directories or complete directory trees is possible from the directory container also by hitting the key. You will be asked to confirm this operation before WarpZip will carry it out. Be sure this is what you want to do before selecting this. ═══ 7.2. Archive Viewing window ═══ ARCHIVE VIEWING WINDOW o Dbl-click in the archive viewing window to open a default view of the selected file. The WarpZip internal viewer "MultiView" will intercept alot of the text files and bitmaps for quick viewings. o When double-clicking an "Install.exe" or "Setup.exe' file, WarpZip will automatically start an installation for you. When finished, you can click the "Clean up" button to have WarpZip remove the debris from the installation automatically too. o Right Mouse Button (RMB) pops up menu. (I won't explain them here) o Drag individual or selected files to directory container to unzip in that location. o Drag from here to the directory container with the key depressed to "Move" the archive to that location. o Extract the complete archive to the target directory. o Drop files from the WPS (directory folders etc.) onto the window to add a file(s) to the currently viewed archive or add them to the queue. More Info on the queue. o Delete files from an archive. o Use "Find" from the popup menu to single out files in a large listing. o "Reload" the last viewed archive. o Toggle the "Sort" order. ═══ 7.3. Search dialog ═══ SEARCH DIALOG o Search for Zips or OS/2 Unpack files. o Search selected directory or all subdirectories. o Dbl-click on any archive to view it's contents. o Drag archives to the directory container to unzip them in the directory you drop on. o Drag archives to the directory container with the key depressed to "Move" the archive to that location. o Shift the underlying archive window to the left (with PillarShift, see below) and you can drag and drop archives from the search window to the main archive viewing window to view them. o Delete archives. o Use "Find" from the popup menu to single out archives in a large listing. More info on the "Search" dialog. ═══ 7.4. Grep ═══ GREP The power of WarpZip's grep function comes after the search by permitting you to open any file that met the grep parameters or viewing any archive containing a grepped file by double clicking it's name. o Search one or a list of archives. o Search for any complete word, partial word or phrase. o Make search case sensitive. o Option to list text lines containing search parameters. o Double click on any archive name to open it in the main archive viewing window. o Double click on any file name in the Grep result window to view the file in the internal viewer. o Search parameter is entered automatically in the internal text viewers search field so all you have to do is click the search button repeatedly to see every instance of your search criteria. How to use GREP To Grep one archive just choose the Grep menu item while the archive is loaded. To Grep two or more archives you'll open the search dialog and find the files you want included then press the Grep button. For example, to Grep all the files on drive C: you would load all the zip files on drive C: into the search dialog and press the Grep button. Don't worry if there are more files than you actually want to search, you'll be able to select the files you want from the Grep dialog. Now you can: o Select (highlight) the archives you wish to search through in the listbox containing the archive names. o Enter the text you wish to search for in the "Search text" field. o Check the "Case sensitive" checkbox if you want the search to be case sensitive. o Check the "Complete word only" checkbox if you want to find only exact word matches delimited by spaces as opposed to being a substring of another word. o Check the "Show filename w/text line" if you want every line of text with a match contained in the file to appear in the Grep results window. o Press the "Search" button. When the search starts, the listbox containing the archives you wish to search will have all archives that are not being searched removed and the others will be unhighlighted. As the search progresses the file being searched will be highlighted and the help tip line at the bottom of the window will tell you how many files have been searched from the archives so far. As matches are found, the filename of the matched file and optionally the line of text will appear in the Grep results window. The text lines will be indented and the filenames will be left justified to allow easier access to the filenames. To view any Grepped file in the internal viewer just double click the filename in the Grep results window. The text lines will not generate a response to the double click. To open the archive containing a grepped file just double click the archive name in the archive listing window. (Be sure to unselect all of the archives first) The "Refresh" button will reload the archive listing from the search dialog in case you have searched a partial listing of the files and have less than a complete listing remaining or if you have loaded a different set of files into the search dialog. You can change parameters and start a new search or repeat searches at any time. The Grep window also contains a PillarShift bar (as we're calling it) to adjust the windows to view text etc more efficiently. For example, after a search you may wish to see more of the filenames or text lines in the grep results window. Just click on the line under the windows to adjust them to one side or another. ═══ 7.5. Setting directories ═══ SETTING DIRECTORIES ─────────────────────────────────────── Select a base directory When "test running" an archive from WarpZip, a directory is created on your hard drive to unzip the archive into for testing purposes. You will want to use a specific directory for these events so everything that you choose to leave unzipped after testing will be confined to one directory. If you want to set \BIN\DOWNLOAD\ for example, as your base directory, then all testing will be done there. Notice that this is for testing only, not for general unzipping procedures. o Select the directory you wish to use as the base for testing from the directory container o Select the menu items, "Options" then "Set base directory..." o Click "OK" when WarpZip asks you to make it the Base directory See the Run item for more information on the use of the base directory. ─────────────────────────────────────── Select a search directory WarpZip's search function will always start with a listing of the directory so you would normally want this to be the directory you download from the internet into. Set this by using the same procedure as mentioned for the "base" directory except you'll choose "Set search directory..." from the "Options" menu. ─────────────────────────────────────── Select a repository The repository would be any directory that you would like to store archives in after you have reviewed them. If you selected "Move file to repository" on the Unzip page of the settings notebook, archives will be moved to that particular directory once they've been extracted. Set this by using the same procedure as mentioned for the "base" directory except you'll choose "Set repository..." from the "Options" menu. ─────────────────────────────────────── Selecting a target directory Every time you click in the directory container a directory is bound to change somewhere in WarpZip. Confused? Well it's really very simple. Whenever another dialog is open on top of the main program window the directory container points it's change at the open dialog. You'll notice the "Target Directory" button will change it's text and color depending on whether another dialog is open or not. It will turn red and say that it's "Locked" while the search dialog is open for example. This means that the target directory in the main window is locked and will not change while using the directory container. Whenever the main window is the only window open, any change in the directory container will change the target directory. To open a folder and not have the target directory change you can lock it out and peruse through the directories until you find what you are looking for, double click it to open it's folder and then unlock the target directory box again. It is also possible to change your target directory while another window is open and the "Target Directory" is locked by using the "Target Directory" button to unlock it, make your change and then lock it again. ─────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 7.6. Finding a filename ═══ FIND A FILENAME From the Search Dialog or the Archive Viewing window you can do a search for files or filenames in large listings by selecting "Find..." from the popup menu. A small window will open to the right of the toolbar that will accept your search terms. You may enter a complete filename or any part of it in upper or lower case. WarpZip will search for exactly what you enter and highlight the first file that meets the criteria. Suppose you have opened an archive that had a couple of hundred files in it. Rather than scrolling through them all to find the readme file you might try entering "read" as a search term and click the "Find" button. WarpZip will find any file that has "read" as part of the filename. If it finds more than one file, it will highlight the first one and queue the rest. A button will appear that will let you know how many it found and as you click it, it will cycle through the rest of the found files. Likewise, if you had 500 archives in an archive directory and could only remember part of a filename that you wanted to find, you can enter the part you remember and WarpZip will find every file that contains your search term. Example: If you search for "rx" it will find files like: RxExtras.zip Drxman.zip 123ORX.zip ─────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 7.7. Using the Queue ═══ USING THE QUEUE WarpZip allows dropping several files onto the archive viewing window in one drag and drop action. When dropping files onto the archive viewing window you are presented with several choices. o Open the first archive and start a queue - This will open the first archive in the dropped files listing and add the remainder to the queue. Any archives that were in the queue will be discarded in favor of the new listing and any archive that was loaded is removed for the new archive to move into it's place. o Add archives to the queue - A new queue is started but none are loaded into the archive viewing window. If there is an existing queue, the dropped files are added to the list. The only noticable difference will be the appearance or increase in the number of files queued as shown on the "Queue button". o Open first archive only - Opens the first dropped file and does not affect the queued items. Example: If there were one archive open and four archives queued the open archive would be displaced by the newly dropped archive and the same four that were queued will remain in the queue after opening an archive with this selection. o Add files to the open archive - This selection will add all of the files dropped to the currently open archive. If no archive is open, WarpZip will ask you for a name and create a new archive. o Create a new archive - You will be prompted for a new name for the archive and WarpZip will build the archive from the list of files dropped. o Cancel drag and drop - Cancels all actions. After dropping archives onto the archive viewing window or when starting Warpzip after the Download PreProcessor has written a queue the "Queue button" will appear in the lower right corner of the window. The Queue button will keep a running tab on the number of archives waiting to be reviewed. Every click of this button will load the next archive and deincrement the counter. ═══ 7.8. Download PreProcessor ═══ DOWNLOAD PREPROCESSOR Using the WarpZip Download PreProcessor (WZPrep.EXE) will allow you to seamlessly download, move archives, test zip integrity, virus test and queue all downloads for later review. With OS/2's mulititasking abilities this will all be done in the background while you work in your browser session. No choosing or changing directories, it becomes a one click download that continues to work according to your needs without interaction. Configuration is easy from WarpZip's "Options", "Download settings..." menu item or by starting WZPrep.EXE with the "/C" parameter from the command line, ie: "WZPrep /c" (without the quotes). The settings are quite simple. They are: o Move archives - Check this if you want the archives moved from the temp directory your browser or FTP program uses to your normal download directory (as listed in the "Destination directory" field on this same page). o Overwrite existing - If the archive you have downloaded already exists in your download directory, checking this box will delete the existing one and move the new download into it's place. If this box is unchecked, any duplicates will be left in the temporary directory and added to the queue list from that location. o Destination directory - This will normally be the directory you keep newly downloaded files in. This field will be filled in automatically if you have configured WarpZip's "search" directory already. o Test integrity of incoming files - Runs the InfoZip archive test to see if the archive is in good physical shape and writes a report of the results that is reviewed when WarpZip is started. o Virus scan incoming archives - Runs your antivirus software against the downloaded file and writes a report of the results for review also when WarpZip is started. o AntiVirus path and parameters - This is entered in the WarpZip settings notebook and imported into WZPrep when it is run for the first time. If you have added the AV program and parameters after starting WZPrep you can import the information by clicking the "Import AV Info" button. The preprocessor will perform any or all of the functions you have selected while you continue to work in your browser session. When the archive has been processed it is added to the queue list and the test results are appended to their file for review the next time WarpZip is started. You can have several sessions with multiple downloads before reviewing them. When WarpZip is started it loads the queue and pops up the internal viewer with any test results you may have requested. Test results and queues are not saved after WarpZip has loaded them. If you want to save the test results you'll have to use "Save as..." from the popup menu in the viewer. You can also highlight certain parts of the test results file and save just the selected part by using "Save selected..." from the popup menu. ─────────────────────────────────────── HOW DO I MAKE NETSCAPE USE THE DOWNLOAD PREPROCESSOR To use the download preprocessor you'll need to associate "WZPrep.EXE" with your "Zip" file downloads when using a browser or ftp program that allows it. In Netscape, for example, you will need to: o Choose "Options" --> "General preferences" from the menu. o Select the "Helpers" page from the configuration notebook. o Choose an item like "application/zip". o Select the "Launch the application" button. o Click the browse button to find and complete the association to "WZPrep.EXE". o Repeat the previous three steps to make associations with all of the "Zip" subtypes. Netscape should now be ready to use the Download Preprocessor (WZPrep.EXE). The Download Preprocessor hasn't been tested with other programs yet but you should be able to use it with any program (browsers or ftp programs) that can start external programs and pass a filename parameter to them. ═══ 7.9. Reload last archive ═══ RELOAD LAST ARCHIVE Located in the lower right hand corner of the program window next to the Toggle sort order button is another button that appears only when there has been an archive loaded previously. Thus, this button does not appear when WarpZip starts or even after an archive has been loaded. It will only appear after the second archive has been loaded in a session. It is a small left pointing arrow: It's job is to recall the last archive you had loaded should you want to return to it without having to find it again. Each time it is clicked, it will reload the "last archive loaded" and the presently loaded archive becomes the new "last archive loaded". If you continue to click it, it will toggle between those two archives as often as you like. ═══ 7.10. Toggle sort order ═══ TOGGLE SORT ORDER Located in the lower right hand corner of the program window is a small button that will toggle the sort order of the Archive Viewing window. By default the program starts with no sorting commands in effect as most archives are, more or less, sorted as they are built. Here are the options as you toggle the button: o The circle with crossbar appears when WarpZip starts. When this bitmap is on the button, there is no sorting in effect. o o The up arrow appears when the sort order is toggled to "Ascending". o o The down arrow appears when the sort order is toggled to "Descending". o The button will cycle through the three choices and wrap around to the start after each time through them. The "search" window listings also pay attention and sort according to the sort order button setting. ═══ 8. Ordering ═══ WarpZip WarpZip is shareware. You may use WarpZip for 30 working days for evaluation purposes only. After the 30 day trial period you must either register it with the author or delete it from your system and discontinue use of it. Registration entitles you to the latest version of WarpZip without the nag screen (Nag screen is now gone) and no time limit and future updates. Commercial environments and government agencies must inquire on registration or site licensing deals. $29 registers the most recent version for online delivery (email attachment), gives you tech support and low cost upgrades. All documentation is online. If and when there is a packaged version with printed documentation the price structure will change. You can order online from BMT Micro (http://www.bmtmicro.com/) or order via mail. The BMT Micro and PillarSoft order forms are included in this help file. To order via mail, you may print out either order form by opening the form you wish to use, select "Services" from the menu and then choose "Print". A dialog box will open, choose "This section" and then click on "Print". BMT is a full service order desk. They accept many forms of payment (credit cards etc.) and can give you the fastest service as far as getting your program registered. Check the "BMT Order Form" in this archive to find out how to contact BMT. ═══ 8.1. BMT Order Form ═══ Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 8:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (orders only) (910) 791-7052 Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 24 hours / 7 Days (800) 346-1672 24 hours / 7 Days Online Orders via modem: (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 Direct 28.8K line via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com telnet@bmtmicro.com http://www.bmtmicro.com Secure Ordering: https://wwws.wilmington.net/bmtmicro/secure_form.html Ordering and general ordering questions: Via AOL: bmtmicro Via MSN: bmtmicro Via Prodigy: HNGP66D Via Compuserve: 74031,307 We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, Cashiers Check, Personal Check. Personal checks are subject to clearance. Eurochecks in DM are welcome. DM, Sterling, and US Currency is welcome but send only by registered mail, return receipt requested. We cannot be liable for lost cash sent through the mail. If you reside in a country with an unconvertible currency please contact us for alternatives. Purchase orders are welcome, subject to approval. The minimum amount is $250.00. Information for our German customers is explained in the last paragraph of this order form. _____________________________________________________________________ Company:_____________________________________________________________ Name:________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________State/Province: ________________ Postal/ZIP Code: ____________________Country:________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________________________________ E-Mail #1____________________________________________________________ E-Mail #2____________________________________________________________ Product Quantity Price Number of copies _________________________ ______________ ________________ WarpZip ____$29.00____ x ____________ = + $ _______ Latest Version on Diskette _____$3.00____ x ____________ = + $ _______ North Carolina Residents add 6% Sales Tax $ _______ Shipping and Handling (no quantity limit / see below) $ _______ Email - Subject to Credit Card Verification Free Fax (USA/Canada)........................... 1.00 US Fax (Non-North America).................... 2.00 US Worldwide 1st Class ....................... Free 2nd Day Priority, USA Only ................ $ 4.00 US US Postal Service International Express (Including Canada and Mexico), allow up to 7-10 days ............................... $ 25.00 US Airborne Select Delivery (USA Only) $ 8.00 US FedEx Overnight, USA Only (delivery by 3:00 pm the following day) .............. $ 15.00 US FedEx Europe/Japan (guaranteed delivery within 3 days) .......................... $ 35.00 US Total: $ _______ For credit card payment only Circle one: VISA / Master / Discover / American Express / Diners Credit card number: _____________________________________________ Expiration date: ________________________________________________ Authorization signature: ________________________________________ ORDERING FROM INSIDE GERMANY ONLY ================================= Persons in Germany wishing to order shareware may also transfer funds into our account with Deutsche Bank. Once the money is deposited you may either fax a confirmation to us with proof of deposit or wait until Deutsche Bank notifies us of the transaction (usually 10-18 business days). Account information is as follows: Deutsche Bank / Frankfurt Branch EmpfДnger: Thomas Bradford Konto-Nummer: 0860221 Bankleitzahl: 500-700-10 When you make the transfer, be sure to put your name and the program you are registering on the transfer. Current exchange rates can be obtained by sending an email to dm_to_us@bmtmicro.com. An automated reply will return todays exchange rates. It is very important that you send us a completed order form by either email or fax if you deposit money into this account for a registration. Fill the order form out as usual except in the credit card number field put "DEUTSCHE BANK". We will file the order and use it to match against the deposit information we receive from the bank. IMPORTANT! ---------- When you email us your order form, we will reply with an acknowledgement. If you do not get an acknowledgement within 24 hours please send your order again in case it was lost. This extra bit of caution can save a lot of confusion. If you are concerned that your order is taking too long to process, feel free to check with us about the status of your order. It's important to all of us that you feel safe doing business with our company and please feel free to suggest ways we can improve our service to you. ═══ 8.2. PillarSoft Order Form ═══ ORDER WARPZIP ______ # of copies of WarpZip @ $29/copy ______ Shipping and Handling (US & Canada)($3) (no charge for email delivery) ______ Shipping and Handling (overseas)($8) (no charge for email delivery) ______ Total charge ______ Deliver by email ______ Deliver by mail Name, address: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Email address: ________________________ Make checks payable to: PillarSoft PO Box #1403 Jamestown, ND 58402 Fax: 1(701)252-5543 email: Psoft@Tech-Center.com http://fm-net.com/pillarsoft ═══ 9. Troubleshooting ═══ Trouble? Here are a few solutions. ────────────────────────────── CORRUPTED COLORS, FONTS etc. - If you ever want to start fresh, just delete the "WarpZip.ini" file and it will be rewritten with the program defaults. ────────────────────────────── SEARCH WINDOW IS OFF THE MAIN WINDOW - The main window "owns" the other windows that it opens. This means that they will move when the main window does but only if they are visible. That means if the search window has been opened once but is not visible now, you could slide the main window sideways and when the search window is reopened it will appear in it's last known location. This can be used to your advantage but to get them back to setting themselves over the main window, just maximize the main window and then restore it to the position you had it in by clicking the maximize button once to maximize and once to restore it to it's original position. ────────────────────────────── DLL LOCATIONS - The UNZip32.dll and the VpUtil.dll HAVE to be in a directory explicitly set in the LIBPATH statement. We're sorry to say that it's not good enough to have a dot in the LIBPATH. Either choose a path from the listing the install program says are available or have the installation program add the path to the config.sys file. Even if you choose the dot from the install program the installation will fail. ────────────────────────────── FAT OR HPFS - WarpZip works best when installed on an HPFS formatted drive. A few conversions remain for usage on a FAT drive. Some of these issues have been addressed but on a FAT drive WarpZip won't view a file that is under a subdirectory inside the zip file. It will convert longfilenames to short ones for viewing by third party software on a FAT drive like: "really_Long_File.Name" will become "really_l.nam" but when it converts "DirName/Really_Long_File.Name" to "dirname/really_l.nam" either WarpZip or the unzips' dll call doesn't work. (yet) ────────────────────────────── SIZES AND COLORS - You can tailor the sizes of some of the program controls to your systems' video resolution via drag and drop font changes. Is the directory tree to big for you? Drop a smaller font on it and it will shrink or, drop a larger font on it to help your aging eyes see the print. If you're running in 640x480 resolution and the toolbar Icons are to high, a smaller font will drop them down onto the button. Color changes for many of the controls are also available via drag and drop. Find them in the "Options" menu. ────────────────────────────── ═══ 10. What's New ═══ WarpZip Update History Version 2.4 - 12/07/99 o adds the ability to run an installation seamlessly from WarpZip when you double-click an "Install.exe" or "Setup.exe" file. o Fixed extracting zipfile's with spaces that contain filenames with spaces Version 2.3 - 07/10/99 o Now views icons in internal viewer o Added "F3" hotkey to stretch graphics to full screen from internal viewer o Sometimes "Grep" window would lose it's color information - fixed Version 2.2 - 04/22/99 o Replaced old icon o Improved splash screen o Changed to a self-extracting w/installer distribution Version 2.1 - 12/26/98 o WarpZip now tries to locate "Zip.exe" and Unzipsfx.exe" when it is run for the first time and enters the location into the "Settings" notebook. o Changed sizing mechanism for the Main, Search, Text viewer, Add, New and Favorite Folder windows This should fix problems when the default font for menus is changed and the menubar changes size. o Archive report pops up automatically when a bad zip file is encountered o Added more color to the initial startup scheme. o Fixed file viewing glitch when viewing a file in a zip, nested inside a parent zip that no longer exists. (huh?) o Search window now obeys sorting order button o Recognises dropped zipfiles without a zip extension (ie: .pkg files that are actually .zip(s)) o Bug in directory container when dirs have spaces in their names Version 2.0 - 10/16/98 o WarpZip comes out of the beta cycle. o No drop dead date for WarpZip. Unregistered users will have 30 working days of fully functional use and a short grace period. Version 1.09 - 06/15/98 o Added Find dialog to locate files or archives in a large listing. o Added sorting order toggle for Archive viewing window. o Fixed "Working" indicator light so it doesn't show up late for work. :) o Fixed ini file problem when called from the command line. o Issue a popup if Target variable is not set when extracting. o Expires August 31, 1998 Version 1.08 - 04/27/98 o Deleting "read only" files doesn't work on some of them? (fixed) o Option to not list a drive(s). o New "Working" indicator light. o Added hotkey for test archive. o Added hotkey for virus scan. o Added hotkey for test run. o Added hotkey for make self extracting. o Expires June 30, 1998 Version 1.07 - 03/20/98 o Accept self-extracting files via open & drop o Added "Working..." indicator when extracting complete archives o Added compression settings for zip operations (1-9) o Extended Netscape temp directory length of field o Moved zip operations to separate thread o Allow move (depress ) as well as unzip when dropping on the directory container (from wps also) o Changed "Exit" hotkey to F3 (was Alt+x, same as "Extract" DUH!) o Add "Working..." when extracting dropped archives o Fixed problem unzipping when dropping on a root directory o Expires May 31, 1998 Version 1.06 - 02/10/98 o Allow queued list from Netscape, move, test, virus test o When drop & create new, then cancel - needed to drop listings o Swap tips in New/Add dialog (source-target) o Changed "hidden/system" zip parameter to upper case "S" o Now tracks "Test Run" folders and finishes cleanup if it wasn't complete o Accept "JAR" files o Allow multiple file drop and queue them o Allow multiple file drop and archive them o Add drop dialog with choices o Refined drop dialog with choices o Add popup menu to search window o Add popup (open file *or* archive) when drop on viewing window o Strip Grep window title of filename o Expires March 31, 1998 Version 1.05 - 01/23/98 o Search speed has been increased dramatically for zip files. o Powerful text search capability (grep) in zip files is now a reality. o Printing functionality is done. o Move to download directory automatically (from temp directory) when used as Netscape helper. o Automatically move to repository after extraction. o Fixed bug when deleting a folder and no folder is selected. o Higher resolution icons for the toolbar. (increased size of the exe but load time is about the same) o Getting the help file and it's links further along. (Bor-r-r-r-ing...) o Expires March 31, 1998 Version 1.04 - 01/01/98 o Many small fixes o Expires February 28, 1998 Version 1.03 - 12/23/97 o First public Beta o Expires January 31, 1998 Version 1.02 - 12/20/97 o Closed Beta o Expires January 31, 1998 Version 1.01 - 12/01/97 o Closed Beta Version 1.0 - 09/30/97 o Closed Beta ═══ 11. License Agreement ═══ LICENSE AGREEMENT o WarpZip is not public domain software, nor is it free software, it is user supported. o Non-registered users are granted a limited license to use WarpZip on a trial basis for the purpose of determining whether it is suitable for their needs. Use of WarpZip, except for this limited purpose, requires registration. o Use of non-registered copies of WarpZip beyond a 30 day evaluation period by any person, business, corporation, governmental agency or other entity or institution is strictly forbidden. o Use of registered copies of WarpZip by any business, corporation, governmental agency or other entity or institution is strictly forbidden without prior licensing arrangements and written consent of the author. o Registration grants a user the right to use WarpZip only on a single computer unless prior arrangements are made with the author. A registered user may use the program on a different computer, but may not use the program on more than one computer at the same time. o You may not modify WarpZip in any way, including but not limited to, decompiling, disassembling or otherwise reverse engineering the program. o All users are granted a limited license to copy the unregistered version of WarpZip only for the trial use of others subject to the above limitations. The following limitations also apply: o WarpZip must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file containing license and ordering information. o The full documentation for WarpZip must be included in the archive. o No fee, charge or other compensation may be accepted or requested by any licensee beyond a reasonable price for the media WarpZip is transferred on. o Operators of electronic bulletin board systems and internet web/ftp sites may post the unregistered version of WarpZip for downloading by their users as long as the above conditions are met. o Distributors of public domain or user supported software may distribute copies of the unregistered version of WarpZip subject to the above conditions. WarpZip is a shareware product and can be registered through BMT Micro or directly from PillarSoft for $29.00. WarpZip is copyright (C) 1997, 1998 PillarSoft ═══ 12. Support ═══ We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding this software. Keep in mind that the email workload has been almost overwhelming at times. When there is too much email be assured that registered users get immediate and prompt attention. How to contact us PillarSoft email: support@pillarsoft.net web: http://www.pillarsoft.net