RAWRITE for OS/2, DOS and Windows NT ==================================== Overview -------- RAWRITE is available in two versions; both are provided in this release. There is a pure 32-bit version, which runs only on OS/2 version 2.0 and above; this is the smaller, more functional version. There is also a 16-bit dual mode version, that will run on any version of OS/2, and will also run on any version of DOS as long as it is version 3.2 or later. Additionally, it will run in a command window on Windows NT. Unless otherwise noted, everything herein applies to both versions. Naturally, it may be useful to rename the 16-bit version to RAWRITE.EXE before use. RAWRITE copies a diskette image file to a diskette. The image file can be the same size as a diskette, or smaller. If the image is smaller, the rest of the last used track is set to zeros, and the rest of the diskette is left untouched. The program works only with 3.5 inch diskettes; it is unlikely that functionality for 5.25 inch diskettes is required. It does, however, work with 720KB, 1.44MB and 2.88MB 3.5 inch diskettes. RAWRITE attempts to discover the size of the output diskette dynamically. First, it attempts a hardware media sense [only on the 32-bit version]. This seems to work on MCA systems, but not on some others (e.g., it doesn't work on a PC Server 325 (8639-PT0). If the media sense fails [and always on the 16-bit version], the program uses the size of the image file as a clue, assuming the smallest diskette size that is sufficient to accept the whole of the image. In case this guess is incorrect, or the media sense [if done] is inaccurate, a flag can be used to force a particular diskette size. Usage of the program differs from some other versions. The program is driven entirely from the command line; no prompts are issued. Partly, this is because it is in the UNIX 'tradition', and partly because it is easier to specify options. Version summary --------------- 32-bit - Runs on OS/2 2.x and above only - Can detect diskette drive type on some hardware - Smaller executable file; more efficient 16-bit - Runs on any version of OS/2, and DOS, and Windows NT - Cannot detect diskette drive types - Larger executable file; less efficient Using the program ----------------- Synopsis: rawrite [-dhe] imagefile drive where: -d forces DD (720K) diskette type -h forces HD (1.44MB) diskette type -e forces ED (2.88MB) diskette type imagefile is the name of the file containing the diskette image drive is the drive to be written to Examples: rawrite boot.img a: rawrite -e bigboot.img a: If the program is invoked by name alone, or with the wrong number of parameters, a short help text is generated. Windows NT limitations ---------------------- When using the program on Windows NT, the target diskette must first be formatted with a file system understandable by Windows NT; this is an NT imposed limitation. However, the image written to the diskette may be of any format at all. Package contents ---------------- README.TXT this file RAWRITE.EXE 32-bit OS/2 executable RAWRITEB.EXE 16-bit dual mode executable Versions -------- 1.0 - Initial version. 1.1 - Improved some error messages. - Now checks that output is really a diskette. 1.2 - Fixed media sense broken by version 1.1. - Added author contact information to help text. 2.0 - 16-bit dual mode, and compatible 32-bit single mode, versions. Bob Eager rde@tavi.co.uk 10th June 2000