RAR - What's new in the latest version Version 3.20 1. 'rn' command allows to rename files inside of RAR archives. 2. 'lb' and 'vb' commands list contents of archive in the bare mode - file names without any additional information. 3. RAR displays the operation percentage when creating recovery volumes or reconstructing missing or corrupt volumes. Version 3.11 1. RAR returns the exit code 9 in case of file create errors. 2. Bugs fixed: a) -ag command line switch placed an incorrect value to minutes field. Version 3.10 1. New 'i' command allows to search for text string in archives. 2. Repair command: a) "Repair" is able to correct data erasure and insertion errors in RAR archives containing the recovery record. Earlier it was possible to fix only those errors, when an archive size was not changed; b) It is allowed to specify wildcards in the archive name and repair several archives at once. 3. Recovery volumes: a) RAR attempts to reconstruct both missing and damaged volumes. Original copies of damaged volumes are renamed to *.bad. Previous version was able to reconstruct only missing volumes; b) RAR automatically detects corrupt recovery volumes and ignores them; c) Recovery volumes naming scheme changed from N1_N2_N3.rev to less complicated N.rev, where 'N' is the number of volume. Old style recovery volumes are also recognized and supported. 4. Compression improved when adding small text files to already existing archive using -m5 or -mct+ modes. 5. New 'N' (archive number) modifier for -ag switch. RAR searches for already existing archive with a generated name and if it is found, increments the archive number until generating a unique name. For example, if you use -agyymmdd-nn several times in the same day, every new archive name will include a new increasing number. 6. If rarfiles.lst contains such two masks that all files matched by first mask are also matched by second, the first mask will have higher priority, even if it is placed after the second. For example, in case of *.cpp and f*.cpp masks, f*.cpp has higher priority.