Thanks to:

Dmitry Goldobin

who digged from OS2LDR information regarding /EXEPACK:2 packing method; the idea about lxLite was born when I was looking this;

Rinat Sadretinow

who gave me some ideas and informed me about some enhacements in OS/2 v4.0 regarding LX modules;

Ilfak Guilfanov

who gave me the information about new type of chained fixups in LX modules which appeared in OS/2 v4.0.

I also would thank

Herwig Bauernfeind

who contributed to German translation of the documentation; Alas the link between us is very slow, so German docs are almost always little out of date :-) Sorry, I cannot do nothing with it. Here is a paragraph written completely by Herwig:


As I really was very happy about Andys program, I asked whether he would like a German translation of the documentation of version 1.01. Well, some things sound a bit 'bumpy', but first of all, I am doing this as a hobby only, secondly I am not professional programmer. I hope, it will help anyway.

You can reach me by email (although this is quite useless, as I contributed the translation only):

FIDOnet: Herwig Bauernfeind, 2:312/5.35
InterNet: (does not work reliably by now)

Title page | Introduction | Features | Command-line switches | Configuration file | Error messages | Bugs and limitations | Utility Pack | Author info