ARJ/2 Revision History December, 31, 2000 Only general availability versions are listed. *** Version 2.61 Build 10 [21/11/1998] * Initial release. Build 11 [26/11/1998] * ARJ/2 2.61.10 would cause exception 0Dh if ARJ$DISP is killed from the task list. * The "clear screen" ANSI sequence now works. Build 13 [13/12/1998] * "ARJ M" fixup. * Decreased the size of EXEs. * ARJ/2 now also works under Windows NT. Build 14 [31/12/1998] * Minor fixes. *** Version 2.62 Build 2 [09/01/1999] * Minor fixes in the message section. * ARJSFX now properly supports the "-!" option. Build 3 [12/01/1999] * ARJ/2 v 2.62 crashed under Windows NT when creating directories. * ARJSFX/ARJSFXV might come into loop on some LFN archives. * ARJ/2 might crash if LFN goes beyond 131 characters. Build 4 [24/02/1999] * Various problems with ANSI comments were fixed. * Some documentation enhancements. Build 5 [01/05/1999] * ARJSFXV v 2.62c has been introduced. Build 7 [23/08/1999] * "ARJ i" reported damage in earlier versions of ARJ/2. * Modified file seek logic for newer IFS. * The ARJ/2 distribution archive is now ARJ-SECURED. Build 9 [04/09/1999] * Fixed header comment corruption problem. * Fixed problem with free space detection on FAT volumes larger than 1G. * Enabled custom environment variable setting (-+). * Added support for spaces in filenames. * Changed default extension to lowercase ".arj". * Resurrected the -& error handling option. * Volume labels are now saved and restored. * The "-h2" group of switches has been renamed to "-2" (although old names may still be used). * Removed Windows NT host OS stamping to avoid confusion with native ARJ32 archives. * Packaged a full set of accompanying utilities. Build 10 [15/09/1999] * Timestamps are now restored upon directory creation. * Added support for extended attributes to ARJ and ARJSFXV. * Fixed a problem with directories being mishandled by ARJSFXV. Build 12 [26/09/1999] * Added check for encryption when creating SFX archives. * Fixed chapter mark creation with EAs enabled. * Fixed to allow commenting of any ARJ chapters. * Added check for files larger than 2 gigabytes. * Fixed volume handling of "hollow" archives ("-j#"). * Fixed handling of encrypted and dual-name archives with the "j" and "y" commands. * Disabled volume prompting when a volume is not an ARJ archive. * Changed multi-volume function to automatically handle volumes over 99. * Implemented inline ARJ-PROTECT storage as in ARJ32 v 3.02. *** Version 2.70 Build 1 [08/10/1999] * Changed error message display. * Fixed to work in xterm of XFree86 for OS/2. * Fixed possible loop when -hk is used with multivolume option. * Fixed a problem with temporary archive not being deleted when no files are added. Build 2 [25/10/1999] * Fixed date/time stamping in ARJSFXJR. * Fixed recursive repacking in REARJ. * Added custom -h# format feature. * Added comment compatibility option. Build 4 [06/11/1999] * Added day number option to -h#. * Fixed extracted file postprocessing. * Added automatic testing of ungarbled archives. * Fixed chapter command parsing from the configuration file. * Implemented default configuration file lookup. * Fixed garble password prompting. * Corrected to work with EXT2FS.IFS. Build 5 [31/12/1999] * Fixed rare "Can't find ..." errors when parsing list file. * The SFX executables are now compressed with standard EXEPACK. * Introduced new ARJ registration scheme. * Added ARJ.KEY registration file lookup. * Fixed "clear to end of line" ANSI sequence handling. * Fixed "Out of memory" errors appearing after a long sequence of archive volumes. * Fixed abnormal effects when extracting damaged archives. * Fixed timestamp handling during extraction. * Fixed recursive verification with /G in REARJ. * REARJ/2 has been updated to version 2.42. Build 7 [06/01/2000] * Minor optimizations of the compression procedure. * Added .LONGNAME EA to filename conversion on archiving. * The "/J" option was not properly working in registered REARJ/2. Build 8 [07/01/2000] * Fixed a problem with valid registration keys being rejected by ARJ/2. *** Version 2.71 Build 1 [19/03/2000] * Changed "-ha" option to skip read-only attributes on packing. * Fixed century display for dates beyond 2000. * Added "-2k" switch to skip century display in list commands. * Fixed parsing of "-v...K" and "-v...M" size modifiers. * Fixed license information display in ARJSFXJR. * Changed REGISTER.EXE to use "-arj" and "-arj32" options instead of "-all". * Changed the meaning of the "-s" option of ARJSFXV to enable file sharing. * Added an alternate multivolume archive naming feature. Build 2 [25/03/2000] * Fixed file handle deficiency (occured in 2.70.09 and 2.71.01). Build 3 [29/03/2000] * Fixed abnormal behavior of -b and -b2 switches. Build 5 [27/06/2000] * Minor fixes and modifications. *** Version 2.72 Build 6 [18/08/2000] * Commercial versions now never expire. * Fixed a minor cosmetic display issue when using the "-t1" option. * Fixed abnormal handling of "-*". * Fixed damaged archives resulting from -m4. * Added option checks when modifying an existing self-extracting archive. * Modified ARJ version messages for compatibility with Winzip. * Fixed multiple volume diskette updating to work properly when a work directory is specified. * Fixed rare issue of ARJ building an empty archive as the last of a series of volumes. * Fixed the ARJSFX self-extractor to detect and display an ARJ-SECURITY envelope. * Fixed the "jc" extract count option to work with volume split files. * Fixed a problem using "-js" in ARJ_SW/ARJ32_SW and on the command line. * Changed the "l"ist command to show " 00" for year 2000 and "100" for year 2100. * Added a "-2k1" switch for non-ambigous date formatting. * Added "-hy1" and "-hy2" options to force OEM/ANSI codepage settings. * Fixed garbling to accept "-hg" when garbling an existing ungarbled archive. * Modified help display not to display milestone indicators. * ARJCRYPT has been updated to version 2.1. *** Version 2.73 Build 1 [19/08/2000] * Fixed looping on self-pointing headers. * Minor changes in the message section. * Added "-" symbol option to configuration file to work like "+" symbol except with prepending of its associated switch string. * Fixed volume size handling during update of ARJ-PROTECTED volumes. * Corrected total file count output on list command. * Fixed the purging "k" of chapter volumes. * Fixed volume series breakups. * Fixed a problem with the "-vw" option when updating a volume. * Fixed alignment on verbose list command. * Corrected "-i3" and "-i6" total percentage counts for multiple volumes. * Fixed the "-jc" extract count option to terminate prompting for unneeded volumes. * Fixed looping when using "-va" on large partitions. *** Version 2.75/3.08 Build 1 [09/09/2000] * Official release. Build 7 [20/10/2000] * Fixed processing of volumes beyond 99 in ARJSFXV. Build 14 [31/12/2000] * Fixed intermittent traps on startup of ARJSFXV. * Split the README into separate documents. * Fixed a problem with the "-vw" option looping. * Fixed a "-i3"/"-i6" milestone percentage problem with the "-vw" option. * Fixed the "Y" command to allow "-hk" and "-g" simultaneously. * Changed "-q" option to NOT continue to query about extracting subsequent sections of a split file. End of document