Welcome to Archive Manager -------------------------- This file contains important information on Archive Manager, such as last minute updates to the docmentation, installation instructions, etc. Please read this file in its entirety. How to get help --------------- If you have any problems, please read this file, the online help, and any other text files in the ARCMAN directory. If you still have a question and need help, it is available from the following sources: 1. Leave a message to Kelly Schrock on FIDOnet, address 1:280/304, and I will reply to you as soon as i get your message. 2. E-mail jkelly@tyrell.net with an explanation of your problem. This is probably the fastest way to get in touch with me, as I am on there almost every day. Installing Archive Manager -------------------------------------- To install this program, log to the distribution disk where the files for it are stored, and type INSTALL. you will be prompted for information on where the files should be placed. If the files were in an archive, unpack them all to a temprary directory, and type INSTALL from the temporary directory. The file ARCMAN.INF contains important information on the use of Archive Manager. To view the INF file, type VIEW ARCMAN at the command prompt. The online help file, ARCMAN.HLP, contains the same information, in HLP format. If the installation program fails to properly install the Archive template in your templates folder, it is probably because there is already an archive DLL in use. If this is the case, you will need to do the following: . Shut down and reboot your system. . When you get the little "OS/2" message in the upper-left corner of your boot screen, press Alt+F1, and then select "C" from the menu that follows. This will start your machine in text mode. . When you get to a command prompt, copy the AMFILE.DLL from the Archive Manager installation directory into the \OS2\DLL directory of your boot drive, and reboot. Using Archive Manager --------------------- The simplest way to use Archive Manager is to make a shadow of it on your desktop, and drag archive files to it when you want to manipulate them. If you installed Archive Manager with the accompanying installation program, it will be set up with an association for ZIP and LZH files, and files with these extensions will display the Archive Manager icon. Dealing with ZIP files made with PKZIP 2.04g -------------------------------------------- The current OS/2 version of PKZIP can not read files created with the current DOS version of PKZIP. If you need to work with .ZIP files created with PKZIP 2.04g, you must use the InfoZIP archivers, available on most BBSes. These can handle .ZIP files created with PKZIP 2.04g. NOTE: Only InfoZIP 5.x and above are supported! Earlier versions are not able to extract files to a specified directory, and are NOT supported with Archive Manager.