═══ 1. General Help for Archive Files ═══ The Archive File object is a file that stores other files in compressed form, such as in a .ZIP or .LZH file. Help is available any time you press the F1 key from anywhere within the program. ═══ 2. Opening an archive file ═══ When you open an archive file, the contents of the file are displayed in the Archive Manager window. ═══ 3. Adding files to an archive ═══ You can add files to an archive in one of two ways:  Select 'Add files...' from the object's context menu, and specify a directory where the files to add are stored. This will cause Archive Manager to add the files in the specified directory.  Drag the files to be added, and drop them on the archive file. This will cause Archive Manager to add the files to the archive, and allow you to specify some options on how the files should be added, i.e., whether the files should be added and then deleted, and whether you want to save the directory information in the archive. ═══ 4. Extracting files from an archive ═══ You can extract the files from the archive by selecting 'Extract files...' from the archive object's context menu. You will be prompted for a directory to extract the files to. When you select "OK" from the dialog box that appears, Archive Manager will extract the files contained in the archive to the directory you specified. Note: When you use the 'Extract files...' option, Archive Manager will always extract all of the files to the destination directory and attempt to restore any directory information that was stored in the archive. If you specify the name of a directory that doesn't exist, Archive Manager will attempt to create the directory for you. If it can't create the directory, you will see an error message.