#: 69756 S20/Marketing OS/2 Apps 30-Dec-95 13:49:20 Sb: #May I join a little Fm: Charles Stirling 100010,1433 To: Esther Schindler 72241,1417 (X) Hi, I have tried just lurking here but had to put my 2 cents worth in, hope it is ok. I am not a developer, programmer or have anything actually to do with computers other than use them (OK, have written a bit). My business is in hand woodworking tools - I sell used and antique tools and also make or commission new ones. This is a small business, sort of 2 1/2 people, rather specialized. I have a shop here in England and also sell mail order over a good part of the world (US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, and others). This has involved a lot of marketing and getting known on a very limited budget, but in the woodworking world we have got probably better known than any other small business. I have been using OS/2 since shortly after release 2.0 as my main OS, have Win 3.1 on another machine and now have my son using Warp at home and wife uses a Mac. Started with computers with a Tecktronix 4051 in postgrad research. My interest here is basicly to see more applications for OS/2 and more do well so I can use them. Also find a lot of parralls between marketing these applications and my marketing woodworking tools - both specialized, yet mass market as well (even more hammers in use than commputers , but the cabinet makers planes we make may only sell 30 per year). Charles Stirling Bristol Design, Bristol, England There is 1 Reply. #: 69768 S20/Marketing OS/2 Apps 30-Dec-95 19:09:00 Sb: #69756-May I join a little Fm: Esther Schindler [EXEC] 72241,1417 To: Charles Stirling 100010,1433 Hey, I didn't know that was what you did in "real life"! Cool! I've probably seen some of your tools; a good friend of ours (and our first client) built and sold hammered dulcimers, so I've become more woodworking-aware than I would ever have expected to be. I can even tell the difference between curly maple and purpleheart, without cheating. Glad to have you here, in any case! --Esther