# readme.txt # # This is part of the flight simulator 'fly8'. # Author: Eyal Lebedinsky (eyal@eyal.emu.id.au). # # OS/2 port by: Michael Taylor (miket@pcug.org.au) Last Modification: 28th August 1996 To install: Extract the files into a subdirectory e.g. c:\games\fly8\os2 Add a new program item in a group or on the desktop (for example - open the templates group and drag the program template to the desktop). Set the default directory to be where you have the fly.ini and other files. (NOTE fly8 has no icon so it will get the default icon). Now double click on the icon to run Fly8. If Fly8 fails to run check the file fly.log in the fly8 directory for diagnostic information. IMPORTANT: keep all the files together otherwise fly8 will not be able to find its support files. VIDEO DRIVERS ARE: GrDive uses the Dive library for no flicker and better performance GrGPI uses standard OS/2 API and flickers GrBitBlt uses standard OS/2 API and BitBlt for no flicker If building this from the source release then the OS2\config.cmd takes two parameters. Adding a second parameter builds the Dive version. NOTE: to use emx you will need to build the mmpm2.a e.g. emxomf -o c:\emx\lib\mmpm2.a d:\toolkit\lib\mmpm2.lib or emxomf -o c:\emx\lib\mmpm2.a d:\ibmcpp\lib\mmpm2.lib Also add the directory for the OS/2 toolkit (dive.h etc) includes to C_INCLUDE_PATH. See example setup for EMX below. Also required: To use a joystick you will need the IBM OS/2 joystick drivers. To use the emx compiled version you will need to get emxrt.zip for the emx runtime DLLs. NOTES: as at 2/Apr/96 The emx/gcc port has network support (udp) but the VisualAge C++ port does not. Example script to setup emx REM REM EMX 0.9A setup REM SET PATH=c:\EMX\BIN;%OLDPATH% SET DPATH=c:\EMX\BOOK;%OLDDPATH% rem SET BOOKSHELF=c:\EMX\BOOK;%bookshelf% set C_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/emx/include;d:/toolkit/h set LIBRARY_PATH=c:/emx/lib set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/emx/include/cpp;c:/emx/include set PROTODIR=c:/emx/include/cpp/gen set OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/emx/include set GCCLOAD=5 set GCCOPT=-pipe set INFOPATH=c:/emx/info set EMXBOOK=emxdev.inf+libref.inf+gnudev.inf+bsddev.inf set HELPNDX=emxbook.ndx set MANPATH=c:/man set PAGER=list set GROFF_FONT_PATH=c:/lib/groff/font set GROFF_TMAC_PATH=c:/lib/groff/tmac set REFER=c:/lib/groff/dict/papers/ind