Install the EMX runtime library: unzip the and follow the instructions in the file emx\doc\emxrt.doc (text file) or use the OS/2 help viewer to read emx\book\emxrt.inf (recommended). Install the joystick driver: Add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file, which assumes you installed to the default path: device=d:\\sys\gamedd.sys Be sure to replace d: with the letter of drive with the billy beta. The driver will take effect next time you reboot your system. Install DART and DIVE: DART (Direct Audio RouTines) contains system calls for sound. DIVE (Direct Interface Video Extension) contains system calls for manipulating the screen. DART and DIVE are already installed in Warp 4 and should NOT be reinstalled. This installation is not official, perfect or guaranteed to work. It is how I installed DART and DIVE on my own machine (as far as I remember). I would like to hear some feedback on this if you know better. Anyway: If you backup files you overwrite you can always copy them back, so your system won't be harmed in any way. If you don't know wether DART is installed on your machine try to look at the files ampmxmcd.dll and audiosh.dll in \mmos2\dll on your boot drive. if the sizes of the files are 544 and 532 bytes, you don't have it installed. I don't know how to check if you have updated your DIVE, but you can try the included dive.dll. all three files are located in d:\\sys\ and should be copied into your \mmos2\dll. Install the VESA-DLLs: make sure ";d:\" or "." is in your libpath in your config.sys, or copy the VESA_*.DLLs files to a directory in your existing LIBPATH. "emx\dll" is the official place for the VESA_*.DLLs since they are a contribution to EMX. Be sure to (re)move existing VESA*.DLL files from the directories mentioned in your libpath. Also append "SET VESADLL=VESA_PM" to your config.sys. You can set it to 3 different .DLLs: VESA_PM.DLL, VESA_DIV.DLL or VESA_ALL.DLL. Read about them in the readme.txt. If you want, you can move the DIVESCR.EXE and PMSCREEN.EXE to "emx\bin" since they really belong here.