MKMSGF EFunction completed successfully. EThe maximum number of files were exceeded. EThe same path cannot be used as both a source and a destination. EInvalid file specified. %1 EMissing parameter. %1 EBuffer overflow. EWildcards not allowed. %1 EThere are no host sessions active. EExtraneous parameters on the command line. Extra parameters ignored. EYou must specify a value. EError connecting to the host using HLLAPI. No connection made. EError disconnecting from the host using HLLAPI. EA file name is not allowed. The path portion only is required. EA zero value or null value is not allowed. EBLKSIZE invalid. BLKSIZE must be an even multiple of LRECL (or LRECL+4 for RECFM=V) ENo timers are available. ERequested window handle was not found. EThe limit for the number of entries has been reached. Item not added. EThe entry allows only numeric values. EThe value entered exceeds the allowable range.