.TOPIC: Contents VIRTUAL HYPERTEXT DOCUMENTATION - VDOC2 - Modems, Scripts, & Networks Use mouse to click on topic or use ALT/ARROW/ENTER keys - Table of Contents - Help Using Hypertext Help VirtualNET Help Networks Help Hypertext Help Registration Modem Help Updating Hypertext Documentation V-Script Help Credits and Acknowledgements VSP Support List Multitasking Help VQWK Click on the upper left corner of the application window and close the window to RETURN to VDOC1 or to EXIT .TOPIC: VirtualNET Help VIRTUALNET - - Table of Contents - About VirtualNET Help Using Hypertext Help Network Message Areas The Subs List E-Mail Network Decorum Taglines Network Support Joining VirtualNET VirtualNET Installation The Role of the AC VNET Commands Establishing a Client-Server connect Subs Management Extended Connects VAREA File Requesting Virtual Newsletter .TOPIC: About VirtualNET What is VirtualNET?: VirtualNET is a wide area network of on-line bulletin board systems and mail servers. The link acomplishing this is the Virtual BBS software authored by Roland De Graaf. The purpose of VirtualNET is to provide a variety of discussion areas and sub-boards for bulletin board users. It also provides technical support for VBBS software, and interaction between VirtualNET SysOps. This fast growing network is open to all newcomers who wish to join. VirtualNET is public networked message areas, private message areas, electronic mail, and more! VirtualNET has the current distinction of being the fastest growing amateur network in the nation. With effort on the part of all pioneering VirtualNET SysOps, VirtualNET will continue to grow at an exponential rate. Founded in 1990 by Roland De Graaf and John Bok, VirtualNET is managed by its Network Coordinator, Regional Coordinators, and Area Coordinators. .TOPIC: Network Message Areas Networked Message Areas: VirtualNET sports 3 different kinds of Public/Private Networked Message areas: AutoRequest, AutoSecured, and Secured. AutoRequest and AutoSecured sub-boards are considered public sub-boards, while Secured subs are more private in nature. All Message Areas are identified by a "Sub Number." Setting up new subs on your VBBS can accomplished either thru VCONFIG, or thru Neil J Marshall's VAREA program. AutoRequest: Subscribing to autorequest type subs is easy. Just use VCONFIG or VAREA to set them up. You will be able to send and receive posts almost immediately. "Hosting" of an autorequest subs is difficult, since it is not possible to prevent systems from accessing an autorequest type sub-board. Secured & AutoSecured: Subscribing to secured subs takes a little more work. These subs have a clearly defined Host, who can add or remove systems at his/her own discretion. Setting up a secured sub can be done automatically, thru the VAREA program, or manually thru VCONFIG. A Host of a secured sub must create a "distribution list" of the systems to receive a particular sub. Subscribers must be sure to identify the host. (For more information on setting up Secured and AutoSecured, please see the Appendices). Click on BACK to return to the VirtualNET Menu .TOPIC: E-Mail Email: See also Multi-Mail Private email routing is a function of the network. Each user on your system has a unique VirtualNET address and if given appropriate security may send and receive mail across the network. Note that your BBS must be properly listed in the networked BBSLISTs in order for email routing to work properly. There is nothing further you need to set-up. Note: VBBS allows for Carbon-Copy and MultiMail List facilities. You must not allow your users to abuse such functions on the network. Click on BACK to return to the VirtualNET Menu .TOPIC: Multi-Mail Note: VBBS allows for Carbon-Copy and MultiMail List facilities. You must not allow your users to abuse such functions on the network. Unless your network clearly states that Multi-Mail can be used as a mass mail advertizement, then it is wise to assume that it can NOT be used in such a mannor. It's better to be sure, as most networks contain a clause as listed below: 15. The Network Coordinator may remove any system from the network, without prior notification, for any reason. Again, mass mail is a GREAT tool. However, it's misuse can cause much unhappiness. Please restrict mass mail to Sysops all ready subscribing to your network, or sysops all ready subscribing to your message sub. One should NEVER use Multi-mail as a means of advertizement. Unlike the junk-mail you recieve in your mailbox at home, which you do not pay the postage to recieve, each sysop DOES pay the cost to transfer these mass mailings. Please be a good sysop, and help other sysops keep their phone costs down. .TOPIC: Taglines Taglines: Taglines are a great way to personalize posts, and appear as a stamp on the bottom of each posted message. System taglines are made optional for each message base. Taglines are limited by the software and by VirtualNET policy to 3 lines of "ascii" or "heart code" color with a maximum size of 300 bytes (characters). Taglines are a great thing and can be quite informative. SOME network sub hosts however, do not allow the use of taglines in their subs. If you carry "gated" subs or are part of another network, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with policy related to tagline usage. Click on BACK to return to the VirtualNET Menu .TOPIC: Joining VirtualNET Joining VirtualNET: Included with the VBBS program, is a list of VirtualNET BBSs which is current at the time of the release (BBSLIST files). If you would like to have your BBS join VirtualNET or have further questions regarding VirtualNET, please contact the Area Coordinator (AC) for your area as listed in the BBSLIST files. These are located in your NET subdirectory. To locate the AC nearest you, load BBSLIST.NET and do a search on your area code. The board with an AC designation after the BBS name is the place to contact. If your area does not yet have an AC, please contact one of the VirtualNET Regional Coordinators (RC) as listed. All RCs can be reached through VirtualNET addresses. =============================================================== VirtualNET Administrative Directory =============================================================== Network Coordinator: John Bok 1@6160 VirtualNET Asst. Network Coordinator: Gene Wells 1@1604017 VirtualNET This information updated on 10-06-1993 @ 3pm - Regional Coordinators Region 1: Mike McKenzie 1@1618002 VirtualNET Region 2: Bill Snell 1@2150 VirtualNET Region 3: Kevin Rouse 1@6190 VirtualNET Region 4: Dennis Younker 1@1619001 VirtualNET Region 5: Neil J Marshall 1@440 VirtualNET Region 6: Roland Emery 1@1604000 VirtualNET Region 7: Patrick Murray 1@1919999 VirtualNET Region 8: John Bok 1@6160 VirtualNET SubsList: Neil J Marshall 1@440 VirtualNET =============================================================== REGIONS LISTING =============================================================== Region 1 (Midwest US) Coordinator: Mike McKenzie 1@1618002 VirtualNET (618)277-6398 Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska 218 612 507 712 515 319 816 417 314 715 906 414 608 815 708 309 217 618 312 812 317 219 419 216 513 614 616 517 313 605 701 308 402 ---------------------------- Region 2 (East US) Coordinator: Bill Snell 1@1610000 VirtualNET (215)759-1376 Virginia, W. Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Conneticut, Rhode Island, Main, Vermont, New Hampshire 207 802 603 413 508 617 401 203 516 212 718 201 908 609 302 301 703 804 304 412 814 215 717 914 607 716 315 518 410 ---------------------------- Region 3 (South US) Coordinator: Kevin Rouse 1@6190 VirtualNET (512)292-1301 Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Kansas 501 318 504 601 210 806 915 817 214 409 713 512 918 405 316 913 903 ---------------------------- Region 4 (West US) Coordinator: Dennis Younker 1@1619001 VirtualNET (619)670-9825 Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Alaska, Hawaii 307 801 303 719 702 602 505 406 208 714 310 808 209 805 619 916 707 415 818 213 510 808 206 509 503 809 907 ---------------------------- Region 5 (Europe) Coordinator: Neil J Marshall 1@440 VirtualNET 44-68-989-0937 All European Country Codes ---------------------------- Region 6 (Canada) Coordinator: Roland Emery 1@1604000 VirtualNET (604)338-2316 All Canadian Area Codes ---------------------------- Region 7 (SouthEast) Coordinator: Patrick Murray 1@1919999 VirtualNET (919)683-1661 Kentucky, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama 502 606 305 407 813 904 404 912 704 919 803 615 901 205 ---------------------------- Region 8 (Pacific Rim) Coorindator: John Bok 1@6160 VirtualNET (616)772-0347 Pacific Rim Area Codes ---------------------------- APPLICATION FOR VIRTUALNET To become a node on VirtualNET please fill out the following form and return it to the Area Coordination for your area. If you do not know who this is then send it to the Region Coordinator. Your assigned node number will be sent to you and passed on through Network E-mail to the Regional Coordinator for inclusion in the international BBSLIST AFTER the applicant has been connected to a VirtualNET local server (with 'sysop only' network access) for a period of not less than ONE WEEK. Should the AC have reason to feel that the applicant requires more time to become acclamated to the network or is otherwise not yet prepared, they may extend this period but, in NO case should the total period exceed THREE weeks. In all cases, pending VirtualNET nodes should state that they have read and understood the VirtualNET policies contained in the Network documentation and to as well understand and agree to the specific policies (if any) of his or her Server. The return of this form to the AC or RC for your region is proof that you have read, understand and agree to the rules of the VirtualNet. 1. Date of Application: 2. Sysop's real name: 3. Sysop's handle (if any): 4. Address: 5. City: 6. State: 7. Zip: 8. SysOp Date of birth: 9. Voice Phone No.: 10. Other Network affiliation (if any): Node number assignment will be made by the AC or RC. Please enter the server you have set up. If you do not have a server the AC or RC will arrange one for you. Replace the X's below with the correct data for your system. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Node BBS phone System Name Modem Server No. Number Type * ----- ------------ -------------------- ------ ---- @XXXXXXXXX XXX-XXX-XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXXX 11. Registration No.____________________ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ * Modem type e.g 1200, 2400, V32, HST, HST/DS, Not brand name unless its a Compucom. This form is to be returned intact with no changes other than the addition of the data. Please do not change the layout of the form in any way as it is set up to be read by macros to extract the data to the bbslist and a database. This is the standard form for a new VirtualNET node assignment. It gives the AC for your area the needed info to pass on to the Network RC. It also provides phone numbers to the network administration should there ever be a need to contact you. Once you have completed this form, please return it to your Area Coordinator or to a VirtualNET Regional Coordinator should your area not yet have an AC. Node assignments are usually effected within a weeks time. Generally, you can expect to become official within a few weeks of your application. Updates to the BBSLIST.NET are sent out generally twice each week by the Regional Coordinators reflecting changes and additions made. Click on BACK to return to the VirtualNET Menu .TOPIC: The Role of the AC The Role of the AC: (ACs) - At the backbone of VirtualNET are the Area Coordinators. They are the ambassadors between their area and VirtualNET. Normally, one AC is assigned to each telephone area code. This position is purely voluntary. Area Coordinators are assigned by that region's RC. Requirements of the VirtualNET AC- 1) Be operating an accessable VBBS 24 hours per day. 2) Be able and willing to provide time and effort toward support and the growth of the network. Duties of the VirtualNET ACs- 1) Promote and support VirtualNET within your area as you are able. Encourage and help others to be a part of, and contributors to VirtualNET. 2) Provide a positive image of VirtualNET within the online community. 3) Resolve conflicts that arise when able within the area and promote harmonious participation within the network. 4) Active participation in the VirtualNET AC sub. There is NO basis for an arbitrary delay in providing a VBBS SysOp with access to the VirtualNET support subs. It is also recommended that new systems set their networked message bases to 255 security level access (SYSOP) until such time that their node becomes official in the BBSLIST. AC's are encouraged to provide at least one Area secured type sub for use in discussing local issues and what not, making that sub available to all VirtualNET SysOps within his or her area. .TOPIC: Establishing a Client-Server connect Establishing Connects (Servers and Clients): A new VirtualNET node is asked to make an initial connect with that area's AC, or other appointed system for at least one week and for as long as three weeks prior to the AC handing a node assignment in for addition to the international BBSLIST. The purpose of this is to ensure that the new node is fully familiar with the network and is setup properly before officially joining the network. This is particularly important in cases where that new node will be making an official connect directly with a national server. Note: Once your Network account has been established, it is incumbant upon you as a Client to NET in to your Server in a timely manner. Due to matters regarding storage of Network Packets, Clients who do not NET in to their server for 14 days run the risk of having their pending packet deleted by the Server SysOp, unless notification is made. If you are having problems, or for whatever reason are not able to receive your packet from your Server on a timely basis, be sure to contact your Server right away. Also, if you are going to be leaving the network, please notify your Server as well as your Area Coordinator. .TOPIC: The Subs List The Subs List: The VirtualNET Subs List is updated weekly by the Subslist Coordinator. The current Subslist appears in your NET directory, in a file called SUBSLIST.NET. Note: VAREA makes use of the SUBSLIST.NET file to present you with an easy interface for adding and removing subs. To request subs type: varea networkid=1 add this line to your daily events to automate Varea: varea networkid=1 /auto /verify /delete See Varea.doc for additional information. Click on BACK to return to the VirtualNET Menu .TOPIC: Network Decorum Decorum: VirtualNET was founded on the principle of common courtesy. In a sense, that is the only VirtualNET "rule". The network is place where information, ideas, and opinions all come together from different corners in a virtual cornucopia that celebrates the varied differences of backgrounds and experiences of those who are a part of the network. First and Foremost, it is a SysOp's unique responsibilty to limit Network access on his or her system to responsible users. SysOps are expected to handle any problem user which is accessing the network from his or her board. In the event that a problem is persistant, a warning will be issued to that system. If the problem continues, the Network Coordinator will have no choice other than to suspend the network connect to the originating node. To help you "fit in", here are some "do's and don'ts" for the net. Some of these are just common sense, but a few have been learned from "The BBS School of Experience". 1. Always remember that you are a guest in many homes, when you post on the net. Please keep the language clean. If you read a post containing questionable language, please don't quote the questionable portion in your public reply. This only gives the post greater exposure, and irritates the sysops that have to delete your post. It is more appropriate to EMAIL the offending poster, or the sysop of the originating system, rather than start a "flame war" with a public reply. There are secured subs that allow the use of any style language. Please confine your questionable language to these subs. 2. Sometimes it is better to ignore a post that stirs your ire. If you must reply, it is better to make it via email, rather than a public post. 3. NEVER make something received in email public, unless you have the sender's permission. Making Email public is annoying behaviour and may be grounds for removal from the network. 4. Always try to be helpful toward the newer members. Remember, you were new at one time. VirtualNet has grown on it's reputation of providing out- standing help for VBBS/VirtualNet problems. 5. Always try to be factual when you post. This will gain respect for you, and build your reputation as one "whose post has merit." 6. Never "talk down" to anyone. Calling someone an idiot will not win friends, nor gain the respect of your fellow net members. If you wish to be respected, and maintain a good standing in the network, you must respect others. 7. Remember that it is hard to write something, and have it interpreted in the "tone of voice" that you wrote it. Something meant as satire, can come across with a completely different meaning. Try to indicate your meaning by symbols, such as :), , ;), , etc. 8. VirtualNet has a reputation of being "free and open". As such, the threads on some of the subs tend to wander off topic. Please make an effort to remain on topic. The net members (and sub hosts) will be grateful. 9. Everyone has "a bad day". Someone will sometimes post something that he/she would like to recall. Give the poster the benefit of the doubt. Often, an apology will follow a day or so later. Instantly "flaming" the poster will bring ego into play, making a retraction impossible. 10. Realize that a message does not appear on all systems on the same day. A message that you reply to, and think settled, may continue to receive replies for several days. 11. Remember that everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you do not agree, a cool, reasonable, post stating the reasons for your disagreement, is much better than lowering yourself to name calling. Realize that some people will argue, just for the sake of argument. If you find yourself involved with one of this type, swallow your pride and let the argument die. It takes two to sustain an argument. 12. Do not belittle anyone's computer, software, etc. Remember that you choose your equipment because it best suited your needs. The other person may not have the same needs as yourself. 13. All ADULT material must be propagated via secured sub type, and access is the sole responsibility of the sub-host. 14. The views expressed on VirtualNET are not neccessarily those of the VirtualNET staff. 15. The Network Coordinator may remove any system from the network, without prior notification, for any reason. 16. Any gateways into or out of VirtualNET must be pre-approved by SubsList Coordinator. 17. Use of high-ascii in To: & From: headers, and in BBSLISTs is prohibited. Use of high-ascii may be totally prohibited on certain networks and network gateways. 18. Taglines must be limited to a maximum of 300 bytes in size, and 3 lines in length. Click on BACK to return to the VirtualNET Menu .TOPIC: Network Support Support: Sometimes things don't work quite as they should when first establishing a connect with a server. If you have read and followed the documentation, and find that you are for whatever reason recieving errors, contact your Server and let him or her know what the problem is. VBBS and VirtualNET share the same cooperative support structure. Servers, AC's and CORE support boards are there to help you should you experience problems. The posts that you send regarding problems should always include your Network address (node #), as well as your name, software version, WHICH network you're having problems with, and whether you are a running the program Standalone or as a door. It is important as well that you are as specific as possible regarding the nature of the problem as well as where it occurs. Invariably, almost all errors are the result of something not being quite right in the installation. The Support structure available to you is geared for maximum efficiency in resolving problems. No matter who you contact, your mail has a good chance of being forwarded within the support structure to another SysOp for resolution. This way, not only is the volume of support spread more evenly, but as well should result in a more prompt and accurate reply to the SysOp requiring support. As you have access to the VirtualNET Support Subs however, please make use of the public support by posting there whenever possible as it will provide the greatest benefit to the Net as a whole. There is a team of support SysOps affectionately known as the Virtual Ski Patrol. These volunteers are there to help resolve problems and questions which are posted and generally make sure that all posted problems and questions are resolved or answered. Click on BACK to return to the VirtualNET Menu .TOPIC: VirtualNET Installation VIRTUAL NETWORK INSTALLATION In order to use the networking features, you will need to have the following programs: (Which VBBS will utilize automatically.) VXY VBBS Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem Driver DSZ DSZ External Protocol Driver HS-LINK HS-Link Bi-directional Protocol (if desired) PKZIP and PKUNZIP PKware ZIP Archive Utilities Installing the Net- -------------------- The VirtualNET networking software, VNET.EXE is already included with the VBBS program. Once you have recieved you node assignment and have established yourself as a "client" to a VirtualNET "server" you simply need to do setup the VirtualNET Network Section in VCONFIG. You will need to enter your node number, and the node number of your server, and your server's phone number to be able to start "netting." Events and Dialing Thresholds ------------------------------- There are two ways to effect automation between Clients and servers. One way is to enable the dialing threshhold in network configuration. Once the defined threshold of kb of pending messages is met, the software will either call your Server, or poll your clients (if any) depending on the situation. Local option is active 24 hours. Long Distance restricts the time of a particular network dialout to 12am and 8am. Threshold is disabled with a setting of 0. Another way to automate the network is to take advantage of one or more of VBBSs 20 definable events. See the VNET command lines that follow. These commands can be used from a DOS prompt as well as a batchfile and inserted as WFC function keys or as event batchfiles. Protocol Choices ---------------- VirtualNET SysOps have three choices in transfer protocol options. The default choice is VXY Ymodem. Optional protocols are DSZ Zmodem, and HSLINK. Phone calling options --------------------- There are many phone calling options available to clients making long distance connects. AT&T, MCI and Sprint all have discount calling options for off peak calling and frequently called numbers. Contact those companies regarding the options available to you. Another popular calling option for some is a service known as PC Pursuit. For more information on PC Pursuit, contact the 800 information operator (1-800-555-1212) for the 800 PCP information desk in your area. The Main VirtualNET server in W. Michigan is NOT within an INDIAL PCP area. Other National VirtualNET servers ARE however and if you are using PCP, you will need to contact your RC regarding the establishment of a PCP connect. Below is an example of a PC Pursuit macro for VNET; {Delete the comments after the double slash (//)). Put your local PCP number in the network config in VCONFIG. Put this macro in your main VBBS directory and it should work just fine. ----------------Macro starts below this line---------------------------- SEND @D^M SEND D1^M RECV @ SEND D^M RECV NOT SEND C D/CASJO/24,IDxxxxxxxx,PWxxxx^M // Put your ID, PW and Server's // City code here RECV D/CASJO/24 CONNECTED // City code goes here also SEND I^M // Download the RVPrimer.arc SEND ATZ^M // from PC Pursuit or my BBS to RECV OK // understand why I did this SEND ^E^M // like this instead of using RECV HELLO // Hayes command set. SEND D7328958^M // Server's Phone Number goes here RECV ANSWER TONE // This line was included to delay the Vnet // 30 second time out feature. ---------------------End of Macro---------------------------------------- Please contact Lazurus Long (1@4081) for further assistance w/ PCP. Click on BACK to return to the VirtualNET Menu .TOPIC: VNET Commands VNET Commands VNET.EXE is the networking software for the Virtual BBS/NET. It should be run out of the same directory as your Virtual BBS. For the most part, VBBS.EXE activates VNET.EXE as needed, however there are command switches which you may employ during execution from a batchfile or Dos prompt. The syntax for VNET.EXE is: VNET NETWORKID= Note: If NETWORKID is omitted, Network #1 (VirtualNET) is assumed. specifies which VBBS serial channel to use. tells VNET what to do, the possibilities are: /DIAL# - Dial another VirtualNET. # is the node address of the system to dial. /U - Updates all the mail packets. /A - Analyzes VirtualNET connect and bbslist information sent to you from the Network Coordinator. Example: VNET /A /CHECK - VNET Diagnostics ------------ VNET Macros: ------------ VBBS has the unique ability of VNET.EXE to employ the use of macros in establishing a Net connection with another VBBS system. If you are running VBBS from a matrix logon or as a door within another system, you now have the ability to serve as a VirtualNET HOST system to other boards from WITHIN the matrix logon or BBS door. If you are already the host to a remote VirtualNET system which is running in a matrix logon or door, you may now connect to that system for polling or whatever. The macro supports 3 commands. All 3 commands are 4 characters long, and 1 space is expected between the command and its arguement. RECV Waits for a string of characters. If they don't show up within 30 seconds, the call is aborted. SEND Sends a string of characters. WAIT Tells the macro facility what the boards [PAUSE] string is, so that it can be handled should it come up when RECV is waiting for its string. If it pops up, the macro facility automatically sends a 0x0D. The use of this facility is optional. A WWIV example: WAIT [PAUSE] RECV NN: SEND Acct name^m RECV PW: SEND codeword^m RECV ###-###- SEND 0000^m RECV T - SEND . RECV ? SEND 1 The above example logs on to a WWIV board, and runs door # 1. Note that you may send and recv control characters by putting a ^ in front of them. When the macro is done executing, VNET.EXE proceeds immediately to waiting for the ø which should pop up when VBBS starts running as a door. Click on BACK to return to the VirtualNET Menu .TOPIC: Subs Management SUBS MANAGEMENT Procedures for Sub-Hosts ------------------------ When you have a message base or other networked area which you would like to "Host", you will need to first decide what type of sub you would like it to be. The (S) secure type subs are generally preferable as they are more efficient relative to their routing. Autorequest type subs can be desirable for new subs as it provides the easist access to them and can give a sub-host a good idea how much interest there is in maintaining that networked sub. ALL Local type subs, that is those which are national/international in nature, as well as ALL "adult" content type subs MUST be (S) secure subs according to VirtualNET Policy. Subs which are gated into other networks will always follow the rules of that network. Sub-hosts of GATED subs shall respect the rules and policies of the originating network's sub host (if any) and insure that gateway subscribers follow the wishes of that network's sub host. It is reccomended that GATED subs use the (S) secure sub types. Once you have a networked area that you would like to host, you will need to give it a formal name and a description for the Subslist Coordinator. If you are hosting a (S) secure sub, you will need to post the name and description of the sub, along with the sub-host VirtualNET address and the subtype so that it may be recorded in the SUBSLIST.NET. If your new network sub is an (A) autorequest sub, then you will additionally post a REQUEST to the Subslist Coordinator (1@4080 Friday Jones) for an sub number assignment there on the Yellow Pages sub #228. The Yellow pages sub should also be used for advertizing your sub (ansi art allowed). Setting Up Secured Subs: V#####.NET and VV#####.NET files ---------------------------------------------------------- V#####.NET and VV#####.NET files (##### = sub number) are text files that reside in your VBBS network directory. V#####.NET files are used by sub hosts to set up their list of subscribers. It is just a simple text file, with one entry per line. The entries are the node numbers of the subscribers. VV#####.NET files are used by subscribing systems to identify the sub host. There is only one entry in a VV#####.NEt file -- the node number of the sub host. If you would like to HOST a secured sub: 1. Determine what sub number you want to use. (See pg 16 for more info on sub numbering.) 2. Create the sub database -- dont forget the sub number! 3. Advertise on the Yellow Pages, give the sub number, the sub name, a brief description, and the node address of the host of the sub. 4. As requests for a sub pour in, enter the node numbers, one per line, into a V#####.NET file, as ascii text. ##### = sub number. If you would like to SUBSCRIBE to a sub: 1. Email the Host of the sub asking for access Be sure to specify the sub number. 2. Create a VV#####.NET file containing one line, the node number of the sub host. ##### = sub number. 3. Create a new database for the sub -- dont forget the sub number! Handles/Real Names/Anonymous ---------------------------- The SysOp has the ability to toggle usage of Handles, Real names or anonymous posting. All subs will be assumed to be handles unless the sub-host designates otherwise to the Subslist Coordinator. Real names are often required in other networks and if a GATED sub requires Real names then the VirtualNET host is responsible for that being made known to the Subslist Coordinator. Anonymous posts can be useful for instance in support and recovery type of message bases where a sub-host feels that users would be more comfortable obscuring their identity altogether. Permanent Messages ------------------ Permanent messages are a great way for a SysOp to display in a message base, a synopsis and any rules regarding that message base. Sub Hosts may decide from time to time post a message base specific permanent message for the subscribing SysOps to flag for a permanent post. When that post reaches the # 1 position, it will not be purged. This way, an explanation of the message base can always be found in the first post of a message base. VAREA Automated VNET Message Base Subscription Utility ------------------------------------------------------ VAREA, programmed by Neil J Marshall, 1@440 VirtualNET, is the official message base subscriber utility for VirtualNET. Its a lot more fun setting up new message bases with VAREA than with VCONFIG :) Add this line to your daily events: VAREA NETWORKID=1 /AUTO /VERIFY /DELETE To request or Start a NEW sub type: VAREA NETWORKID=1 Please see the VAREA documentation for more details. Click on BACK to return to the VirtualNET Menu .TOPIC: Hypertext Help Registration Registration is NOT required For The VBBS Hypertext Documentation, so long as you register your VBBS--DOS. The program (C) Restricts Modification of this programs EXE file, and additionally, the text files may only be altered by OFFICIAL VBBS Document Committee Memembers. Future Updates of Hypertext Help Need Only require the update of the VDOCx.TXT file. The EXE file should not require updating. VDOC1.EXE, VDOC2.EXE and VDOC3.EXE (C) 1993 Rockie Lynn Greer The above program files are lisensed to Virtual Technologies for use with VBBS--DOS. Those who register VBBS--DOS also may use these program files without registration. .TOPIC: LocalNET Help Please Choose A Topic Area: See VBBS LocalNET General Information See Creating and Editing Files See Example UpdateNET .TOPIC: VBBS LocalNET General Information These are the basics of LocalNET: 1. You may have up to 99 nodes in your LocalNET. 2. You may run Vnet Type or non-Vnet types of LocalNETs. 3. Use special care in creating your network files to insure success. See Creating and Editing Files. Failure to use the exact setup for your files, including spaces will result in LocalNET problems. 4. If you find you have problems with your LocalNET re-read this DOC or See VDOC3.EXE 5. It's important that you create and keep an updated Subslist. See Creating and Editing Files 6. You can use Neil Marshal's VAREA with LocalNET Subs. 7. Remember, your LocalNET is only as good as the WORK and effort you put into it. LocalNET Network Updates: VSEND (another Neil Marshal Program) will handle updates for you localNET. VSEND may ONLY be downloaded and used as designated by VBBS and VirtualNET management. Please contact your RC or GC if you feel you may quality for VSEND. If you do not qualify to use vsend, See Example UpdateNET .TOPIC: Creating and Editing Files It is CRITICAL that your files be setup with the proper format. I can't stress this enough. Cut and paste from VirtualNET's files to assure proper layout and format. 1. BBSlist.1 contains the Nodes in your LocalNET. Node #, phone #, BBS name, baud rate and the node number of the server in LocalNET they connect with. 2. BBSlist.0 Contains the Network Cordinator's Information. You us NC to distinguish the Network Cordinator. 3. You must also show the subslist cordinator in order to use VAREA. They are show with SC in the same location as NC is for the network cordinator. 4. Subslist.net lists your subs for LocalNET. You must use the VAREA format and have a section as UNKNOWN HOSTS. Failure to have a listing for UNKNOWN HOSTS, EVEN though you do not have any unknown hosts will result in a VAREA error. 5. The Networks.lst file in your c:\vbbs\data directory is where you add the NAME of your LocalNET. You do this by replacing the word LOCALNET with YOURNET where YOURNET = the name of your network. 6. One should note that ONLY networkid=15 will work with- out registering VBBS. If you register VBBS, you may use networkid=19 and networkid's=90 through networkid=99. 7. File transfer sub options in VBBS also work in LocalNET networks. It's important to note that EACH LocalNET must have it's own network directory. This directory is a sub directory of VBBS. Example: C:\VBBS\LocalNET Network types are changed in the Networks.lst file which is located in your VBBS\DATA directory. Change the Number 1 to the corresponding network type. Type 1 Vnet Type 2 WWIVnet Type 3 WWIVlink Type 4 FIDOnet Type 5 USEnet Type 6 ICEnet Using the proper network type with the format and layout and required additional files of that type network will result in your LocalNET working properly. If you have difficulties setting up your LocalNET then: See Example UpdateNET See Vconfig Settings .TOPIC: Help Using Hypertext Help See the Topic by the same name in VDOC1 for additonal help Use your mouse, or ALT and the highlighted key. ALT/F-4 EXITS so does closing the window. .TOPIC: Vconfig Settings LocalNET Settings In Vconfig (When LocalNET is configured as VirtualNET type.) 1. Node Number=1 ---Your node number for localNET 2. Net Dir=C:\VBBS\LOCAL ---Correct path to localNET directory 3. Protocols Allowed ---Protocols Allowed (Ymodem,Zmodem,HSLINK) 4. Protocol Preferred ---Protocol Preferred 5. Server=1 ---The net server for your localNET 6. Server Phone #:7773333 ---Phone # of the modem at your server 7. Server Call: Local ---Enter [5] to change from long distance/local 8. Server Threshold: 1 k ---Means your board will call the server when 9. Server Macro: ever you have 1k of messages to send A. Server Password: B. ZIP Trigger Level: C. Add/Edit New Client U. Uninstall this Network -==- 1. Client Node Number: 2180 ---Clients Node Number that you assigned 2. Client Phone #: 773-8330 ---Clients phone # 3. Client Call: Local ---It is a Local call 4. Client Threshold: 0 k ---Means he will call you but you will not him. 5. Client Macro: 6. Client Password: D. Remove this Client See Setting Up Other Than Vnet Type .TOPIC: Example UpdateNET The following is an example of a batch file each node can run as a daily event. If an updated file arrives during a network connecton the LocalNET will be updated during the daily event. Naming the batch file: Due to the many LocalNET slots, I recomment the following update batch file naming system -- updateXX.bat where XX = the networkid of the LocalNET. Example: Update15.bat Also, to avoid bbslist.1's and other updated files from LocalNET's overwriting each other I recommend the following naming system for each of these -- BBSLIST0.XX BBSLIST1.XX SUBSLIST1.XX Again where XX = the networkid of the LocalNET -------------- Update15.bat ----------------- cd\vbbs copy c:\vbbs\sysop\bbslist0.15 c:\vbbs\local15 copy c:\vbbs\sysop\bbslist1.15 c:\vbbs\local15 copy c:\vbbs\sysop\subslist1.15 c:\vbbs\local15 cd\vbbs\local15 del bbslist1.old del bbslist0.old del subslist1.old ren bbslist.1 bbslist1.old ren bbslist.0 bbslist0.old ren subslist.net subslist1.old ren bbslist0.15 bbslist.0 ren bbslist1.15 bbslist.1 ren subslist1.15 subslist.net cd\vbbs vnet /a networkid=15 varea networkid=15 /auto /verify /delete --------------------- end of file ----------------- The Net Coordinator needs to make sure that every update includes all three files. The Clients need to be sure they do not delete these files in their sysop directory after an update, because if a new update does not arrive the files needed will be missing. See VBBS LocalNET General Information .TOPIC: Credits and Acknowledgements ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND CREDITS º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ See also About Roland De Graaf VBBS Author See also About Rockie Lynn Greer VBBS Hypertext Document Author Documentation Credits ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Team Leader Richard Shell, a.k.a. "UT Prof" #1 @ 2103 Doc Coordinator Thom Harris #1 @ 1617000 VBBS610.DOC WRITTEN BY Sam Fleming, a.k.a. "O. F." #1 @ 1205500 VirtualNET Scott Call, a.k.a. "Zapo Zapper" #1 @ 1510000 VirtualNET Gene Wells, a.k.a. "Red Dog" #1 @ 1614017 VirtualNet Utilities information Guy W. Tessum, a.k.a. "Keye" #1 @ 4083 VirtualNET Modems information Tom Hightower, a.k.a. "Baloo" #1 @ 1806000 VirtualNET Kevin Klunk, a.k.a. "Lord Doomslayer" #1 @ 1508000 VQwk information Patrick Murray, a.k.a. "Shark" #1 @ 1919999 VirtualNET Windows 3.1 information David Bell #1 @ 1203000 VirtualNET Novell/LAN/OS2 information Pete Vogel - "Myrage" #1 @1904069 VirtualNET DesqView information VSCRIPT Chapter WRITTEN BY Kevin Klunk, a.k.a "Lord Doomslayer" #2 @ 1508000 VirtualNET Assisted By Tom Hightower, a.k.a "Baloo" #1 @ 1806000 VirtualNET Dan Newcomer, a.k.a. "Lazarus Long" #1 @ 1513000 VirtualNET Sam Fleming, a.k.a. "O. F." #1 @ 1205000 VirtualNET VBBS 6.20 Documentation -- ix VBBSDOOR.DOC Kevin Klunk, a.k.a. "Lord Doomslayer" #2 @ 1508000 VirtualNET NETGUIDE.DOC John Bok, a.k.a. "Snoop" #1 @ 6160 VirtualNET VirtualNET Network Coordinator LOCALNET.DOC Rockielynn Greer, a.k.a. "Angelic Host" #1 @2180 VirtualNET "ShadowMaster" #1 @ 9198 VirtualNET USENET.DOC Mark Sapp, a.k.a. "The Mighty Quinn" #1 @ 1205511 VirtualNET VFIDO.DOC Neil J. Marshall #1 @ 440 VirtualNET FIDO.DOC John Grimes, a.k.a. "Big Daddy" #1 @ 1214000 VirtualNET VWW4.DOC Brian Dessent #1 @ 9990 VirtualNET Joe Weiss #1 @ 1205602 VirtualNET CD-ROM.DOC Con Cherry, a.k.a. Hezekiah #1 @ 1210003 ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º PROGRAMS MENTIONED IN THE DOCUMENTS º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ DSZ.COM, DSZ.EXE, and GSZ.COM are external protocol driver pro- ducts Copyright (c) by Omen Technology, Inc. HS/Link is a bi-directional external protocol driver Copyright (c) 1991-1993 by Samuel Smith. PKZIP and PKUNZIP are Copyright (c) 1989-1993 by PKWare,Inc. ARJ is a file archiving program Copyright (c) by Robert K. Jung. DCOM is an external DOS shell/text editor by Dave Frailey, of DAC Micro Systems, Inc. SPEEDISK is a disk optimization utility, part of Symantec's Norton Utilities package. SCAN and CLEAN are Copyright (c) 1989-1993 by McAfee Associates THEDRAW is Copyright (c) 1989-1993 by TheSoft, Inc. MS-DOS is Copyright (c) 1993 by Microsoft Corp. BNU is a fossil driver Copyright (c) 1989 by David Nugent WATCH.COM is Copyright (c) 1989 by Joseph R. Ahlgren DOORWAY is Copyright (c) 1987-1993 by Marshall Dudley RIP is Copyright (c) 1991 by Phar Lap Software, Inc. WWIV and WWIVnet are Copyright (c) 1988-1993 by Wayne Bell TELIX is Copyright (c) 1986-1993 by deltaComm Developemnt .TOPIC: About Rockie Lynn Greer ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º About the author of VBBS Hypertext Documentaion º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º Rockie Lynn Greer is the Sysop of THE LOVE GALAXY, º º VirtualNET @ 2180, (218) 773-8330, USRobotics 16.8 HST/DS. º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º º ROCKIE's DISCLAIMER! º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ º º PROGRAM WARRANTEE AND LIABILITY: None whatsoever, period. º º ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ º º Rockie Lynn Greer is disabled - Mentally Disabled! º º You are currently using a computer program written by a º º a mentally disabled person: º º º º CPU failure, BRAIN.CEL not found º º (A)bort (R)etry (F)ail (I)gnore º º º º This program is living proof, that simply because one º º has a serious or chronic mentall illness; given time, they º º CAN acheive SUCCESS in some area of life! It's also proof º º that the mentally ill CAN ALSO have a sense of humor! º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Options: Click on CONTENTS, OR BACK OR SEARCH .TOPIC: About Roland De Graaf Roland De Graaf is 28 years old and does not sleep. Earning a following as a gifted programmer and program developer in the U.S. and abroad, Roland's passion for the past two years has been the continuing development of the Virtual BBS/NET software. Born in 1964 with detached retinas from a premature birth, Roland is legally blind. Although his sight is very weak, his vision is intense and focused. He is blessed with a photographic and audiographic memory, but above all else, he is blessed with a drive to excel. Under the deft helmsmanship of Roland De Graaf, VBBS continues sailing into the virtual blue water of cyberspace. Options: CONTENTS - BACK - SEARCH .TOPIC: Setting Up Other Than Vnet Type Please See Networks Help Click On CONTENTS to Return The Main Menu .TOPIC: Modem Help VBBS MODEM HELP ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ See VCONFIG/Channel Configuration See UART Chips and Recommendations See Modem Initialization Settings See Discussion of Communications Standards Click On The Section Of Your Choice .TOPIC: VCONFIG/Channel Configuration See UART Chips and Recommendations See Modem Initialization Settings See Discussion of Communications Standards VBBS comes preconfigured to work correctly with most 2400 baud modems. If you are setting up a 2400 baud system, your modem configuration should be as simple as choosing the correct modem port in VCONFIG's channel.cfg. High speed modems will probably require a more complex configuration. Basic information is provided here for a sampler of those modems. Due to the variety of systems in use throughout the network, indepth setup assistance for your specific hardware is best obtained from the Modem Mania message base, VirtualNET Sub #209. VBBS allows multiple phone lines to be configured, depending on the registration level chosen. For each data line in VBBS, a channel (phone line) configuration must be set to define the Serial COM port that the individual line(s) will be running from. An example follows: 1.) COM Port : 2.) Base Address (Hex): 3.) IRQ (Hex) : 4.) Baud Rate : 5.) Init String : 6.) Locked Baud Rate : 7.) Hardware (RTS/CTS) Handshake : 8.) Minimum Baud allowed : A. COM Port ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Define a communications port for each channel in use. COM ports can be used more than once, but the repeated port must have a different base address to prevent an IRQ conflict. B. Base Address ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The base address that DOS understands as the port assignment for the channel. (example: COM1 is 3F8, COM2 is 2F8). C. IRQ ÍÍÍÍÍÍ Assign an IRQ (Interrupt ReQuest) for further definition of the communications port. D. Baud Rate ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Define your modem's baud rate speed, from 300 to 57600. E. Init String ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The modem initialization string used by a particular channel to define reset and operation of the modem. F. Locked Baud Rate ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Toggle YES/NO for locked baud rate at high speeds. This should be set to NO for 2400-baud and slower modems. Note: High-speed modems should use a locked baud rate to indicate the maximum throughput achieved by the modem. For instance, a 14400-baud modem could be defined as 14400, 19200, 38400, or 57600, as the modem allows. G. Hardware (RTS/CTS) Handshake ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Toggle "No, Yes(Normal), or Yes(Slow)". This setting is for high speed modems. Yes(Normal) is the preferred choice. H. Minimum Baud Allowed ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Configure a minimum speed to tailor a high-speed line. See VCONFIG/Channel Configuration See UART Chips and Recommendations See Modem Initialization Settings See Discussion of Communications Standards .TOPIC: UART Chips and Recommendations UART Chips and Recommendations See VCONFIG/Channel Configuration See UART Chips and Recommendations See Modem Initialization Settings See Discussion of Communications Standards The NS16550AFN, or UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) chip, is the heart of your asynchronous communications board. The advantage of the 16550 over the 16450 and 8250 UARTs is that it has a 16 byte buffer. A. Reliability On the older chips, with their single-byte buffer, you would lose data if a second byte came in from the modem before the CPU had sufficient time to call the first byte. The 16550, with its 16-byte buffer, gives the CPU up to 16 opportunities to access data before a character is lost. B. Multitasking When VBBS is transmitting data, it has to stop the CPU and fill the UART's transmit buffer. That means that the background caller will experience a system slowdown while VBBS attempts to send data to another caller. In addition, the older 8250 chips were much less reliable, and were never designed for the high speeds of current modems. The NS16550AFN, on the other hand, is designed with high bus speeds and high modem speeds in mind. When multitasking, even at slower baud rates, the 16550 can be very helpful in providing smooth operation for the entire system. See VCONFIG/Channel Configuration See UART Chips and Recommendations See Modem Initialization Settings See Discussion of Communications Standards .TOPIC: Modem Initialization Settings Modem Initialization Settings and Strings CHOOSE A MODEM CATAGORY BELOW See High Speed Modem Initialization Strings See Discussion of Communications Standards See VCONFIG/Channel Configuration See UART Chips and Recommendations See Standard 2400 bps or 1200 bps Hayes Compatibles (NON-MNP): See Zoom 2400 V.42bis Since high speed modems can utilize so many settings, it is almost impossible to include them all in one initiali- zation string. Therefore, you may wish to use the NRAM fea- ture to store the settings which are common to most applica- tions and use the VBBS init string for VBBS-specific settings. This collection of modem settings has been garnered over time from VBBS sysops working with an unlimited variety of hardware configurations. If the following recommendations provide unsatisfactory results, please refer to the VirtualNET support subs for further assistance. .TOPIC: Standard 2400 bps or 1200 bps Hayes Compatibles (NON-MNP) A. Modem AT Command Settings ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Standard 2400 bps or 1200 bps Hayes Compatibles (NON-MNP): Supports the extended "&" command set: ATX4Q0E0V1&C1&D2S2=251S7=40 X4 Enables extended result codes Q0 Modem returns result codes E0 Modem does not echo commands back to the computer V1 Modem returns verbal result codes &C1 Modem asserts carrier detect based on connection status &D2 On DTR high-to-low transition, modem Hangs Up. S2=251 Disable modem escape sequence S7=40 Time modem waits for a carrier when initiating a new connection Does not support the extended "&" command set: ATX4Q0E0V1S2=251S7=40 Modems which do not use the & command set usually have DIP switches of some type to set their mode of operation. Verify that your modem is set to assert CD (carrier detect) only when connected to a remote modem and hang up on drop of DTR (data terminal ready). .TOPIC: High Speed Modem Initialization Strings High Speed Modem Initialization Strings CLICK ON ANY MODEM TYPE BELOW See Aceex 14.4 See AT&T Dataport 14.4 See Boca 14.4 See Compucom High Speed Modems See Cardinal 9600 See Dallas Fax 14.4 See Digicomm 14.4 See Infotel 14.4 Faxmodem See Intel 14.4EX See Lightning Communications See Motorola UDS 14.4 V32bis See Patriot See PPI See SupraFAXmodem 14.4 V32bis See TwinCom V.32 See USRobotics See Viva 14.4 See Zoom 14400 Fax/Modem See Zoom 2400 V.42bis See ZyXEL High Speed See ZyXEL Send/Recieve Fax/Modem .TOPIC: Aceex 14.4 Aceex 14.4 AT&F1S0=0M0E0V1X4&C1&D2&M5\N0S95=1S46=136S36=5 .TOPIC: Boca 14.4 Boca 14.4 V32bis (same as Gateway 14.4): AT&F E0 V1 Q0 W2 S95=3 S7=50 S0=0 .TOPIC: Compucom High Speed Modems Compucom High Speed Modems: AT&F2*H1%C0\N0S25=2M0QV1ES11=50&C1&D2H&W Compucom STAR: AT&F2*H2&D2S7=75&Y0&WX4M0L0S11=50 Recommendations: Assign the above values to NRAM settings, and the initialization string will actually read ATZ0 To assign an NRAM setting, enter the above initialization string, then type AT&W0 To disable CCSP (Compucom proprietary protocol) type AT*H0 Baud rate should be locked and set to 19200, or 38400 for those with 16550 UARTs. .TOPIC: Cardinal 9600 Cardinal 9600: ATW2Q0V1E0&D2&C1S2=251M0&W2S95=1235 - or - ATQ0V1E0&D2&C1S2=251S7=45M0 .TOPIC: Digicomm 14.4 Digicomm 14.4 AT&F&C1*S1E0 .TOPIC: Infotel 14.4 Faxmodem Infotel 14.4 Faxmodem AT&F&D2&C1S0=0S7=70M0E0S11=55W2S95=3 .TOPIC: Lightning Communications Lightning Communications: AT&FE0&D2&C1&Q9S7=65W2M0 Locked Baud Rate: 38400 RTS/CTS : Slow .TOPIC: Motorola UDS 14.4 V32bis Motorola UDS 14.4 V32bis: AT&F E0 V1 Q0 S0=0 %R2 \Q3 \V1 \M0 &C1 &D2 \N7 S7=50 .TOPIC: SupraFAXmodem 14.4 V32bis SupraFAXmodem 14.4 V32bis: AT&F2 E0 V1 Q0 W2 S95=3 S7=50 .TOPIC: TwinCom V.32 TwinCom V.32: ATE0H0M0Q0V1X4S0=0S2=1W0S95=145 .TOPIC: USRobotics See US Robotics Courier HST / Courier Dual Standard See USRobotics Courier 14400 HST Dual Standard See USRobotics Courier 9600 HST See USRobotics Dual Standard 14.4 See US Robotics HST/DS 16.8 See Older US Robotics HST 9600 See USR Sportster 14.4 .TOPIC: US Robotics Courier HST / Courier Dual Standard US Robotics Courier HST / Courier Dual Standard: NRAM Settings Recommended: X7 Return full result codes &H1 Turns on hardware handshaking for output from DTE (CTS line) * &R2 Turns on hardware handshaking for input to DTE (RTS line) * &B1 Fixes the DTE to DCE rate ** &N0 Negotiates highest link rate with fallback/fallforward enabled &M4 Enables ARQ if remote modem has ARQ &C1 Modem asserts carrier detect based on connection status &D2 On DTR high-to-low transition, modem hangs up &A3 Give FULL EXTENDED Result Codes (Choose one of the 3 &K commands below based on your preference) &K1 Enables data compression if remote modem requests compression &K3 Enables V.42 bis data compression but not MNP5 &K0 Disables all compression VBBS Initialization String: ATX7Q0E0V1S2=251S7=25&H1&R2&B1&M4&N0&K1&A3 - or - ATX7Q0E0V1S2=251S7=25&H1&R2&B1&A3 .TOPIC: USRobotics Courier 14400 HST Dual Standard USRobotics Courier 14400 HST Dual Standard: B0 C1 E1 F1 M1 Q0 V1 X7 BAUD=38400 PARITY=N WORDLEN=8 DIAL=HUNT ON HOOK TIMER &A3 &B1 &C1 &D2 &G0 &H1 &I0 &K3 &L0 &M4 &N0 &P0 &R2 &S0 &T5 &X0 &Y1 %R0 S00=000 S01=000 S02=251 S03=013 S04=010 S05=008 S06=002 S07=045 S08=002 S09=006 S10=007 S11=050 S12=050 S13=000 S14=000 S15=008 S16=000 S17=000 S18=000 S19=000 S20=000 S21=010 S22=017 S23=019 S24=150 S25=000 S26=000 S27=000 S28=008 S29=020 S30=000 S31=000 S32=001 S33=000 S34=000 S35=000 S36=000 S37=000 S38=000 - or - B0 C1 E1 F1 M1 Q0 V1 X7 BAUD=19200 PARITY=N WORDLEN=8 DIAL=HUNT ON HOOK TIMER &A3 &B0 &C1 &D2 &G0 &H1 &I0 &K3 &L0 &M4 &N0 &P0 &R2 &S0 &T5 &X0 &Y1 %R0 S00=000 S01=000 S02=251 S03=013 S04=010 S05=008 S06=002 S07=045 S08=002 S09=006 S10=007 S11=070 S12=050 S13=000 S14=001 S15=008 S16=000 S17=000 S18=000 S19=000 S20=000 S21=010 S22=017 S23=019 S24=150 S25=000 S26=000 S27=000 S28=008 S29=020 S30=000 S31=000 S32=001 S33=000 S34=000 S35=000 S36=000 S37=000 S38=000 VBBS Initialization String: ATX7Q0E0V1S2=251S7=25&H1&R2&B1&M4&N0&K1&A3 - or - ATX7Q0E0V1S2=251S7=25&H1&R2&B1&A3 .TOPIC: USRobotics Courier 9600 HST USRobotics Courier 9600 HST Settings C=1 E=1 F=1 M=3 Q=0 V=1 X=7 B=1 BAUD=19200 PARITY=N WORDLEN=8 DIAL=TONE ON HOOK TIMER &A1 &B1 &G0 &H1 &I2 &K0 &M4 &N0 &P0 &R2 &S1 &Y1 S00=000 S01=000 S02=251 S03=013 S04=010 S05=008 S06=002 S07=025 S08=002 S09=006 S10=007 S11=040 S12=050 S13=000 S14=001 S15=000 S16=000 S17=000 S18=000 S19=005 S20=000 S21=010 S22=017 S23=019 DIAL=TONE M=3 X=7 F=1 B=1 BAUD=19200 PARITY=N WORDLEN=8 &A1 &B1 &G0 &H1 &I2 &K0 &M4 &N0 &P0 &R2 &S1 &Y1 S02=251 S03=013 S04=010 S05=008 S06=002 S07=025 S08=002 S09=006 S10=007 S11=040 S12=050 S13=000 S15=000 S19=005 S21=010 S22=017 S23=019 .TOPIC: USRobotics Dual Standard 14.4 USRobotics Dual Standard 14.4 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ (Square LEDs -- not the 16.8 model): AT&B1 B0 E0 V1 Q0 &N0 &M4 S7=50 &H1 &R2 &A3 .TOPIC: US Robotics HST/DS 16.8 US Robotics HST/DS 16.8 (Square LEDs): ATX710V130B0S2=251S7=45&H1&R2&M4&N0&B1 .TOPIC: Older US Robotics HST 9600 Older US Robotics HST 9600 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ AT&B1 B1 E0 V1 Q0 &N0 &M4 S7=50 &H1 &R2 Also, another note: USRobotics modem users (Dual Std and HST) can specify that a smaller transmit buffer should be used during non-ARQ connections, so that when 2400/non-error correcting callers call the board, the space-bar abort is more responsive. The modem will auto-adjust the size of the transmit buffer for each connection: non-ARQ: 128 bytes ARQ: 4k To enable this modem feature, set S15=8. .TOPIC: Zoom 14400 Fax/Modem Zoom 14400 Fax/Modem: Locked Baud Rate: 38400 RTS/CTS : Slow AT&C1&D2E0H0Q0V1X4W0S95=3\T2 .TOPIC: Zoom 2400 V.42bis Zoom 2400 V.42bis: ATX4Q0V1E0&D2&C1S2=251S7=45 ACTIVE PROFILE: B1 E1 L2 M1 N1 P Q0 V1 W1 X4 Y0 &C0 &D0 &G0 &J0 &K3 &Q5 &R0 &S0 &T4 &X0 &Y0 S00:000 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:045 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S36:005 S37:000 S38:020 S44:003 S46:138 S48:000 S49:008 S50:255 STORED PROFILE 0: B1 E1 L2 M1 N1 P Q0 V1 W0 X4 Y0 &C0 &D0 &G0 &J0 &K3 &Q5 &R0 &S0 &T4 &X0 S00:000 S02:043 S06:002 S07:030 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S36:005 S37:000 S38:020 S44:003 S46:138 S48:007 S49:008 S50:255 STORED PROFILE 1: B1 E1 L2 M1 N1 P Q0 V1 W0 X4 Y0 &C0 &D0 &G0 &J0 &K3 &Q5 &R0 &S0 &T4 &X0 S00:000 S02:043 S06:002 S07:030 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S36:005 S37:000 S38:020 S44:003 S46:138 S48:007 S49:008 S50:255 .TOPIC: ZyXEL High Speed ZyXEL High Speed: This is saved as Profile 0. Init string is just ATZ0. Be aware that register S20 sets the DTE speed, set to 19200, so you may want to change this to S20=2 or S20=1. CURRENT SETTING: B0 E0 L4 M0 N5 Q0 V1 X6 &B1 &C1 &D2 &G0 &H3 &J0 &K4 &L0 &M0 &N0 &P0 &R1 &S0 &X0 &Y0 *B0 *C0 *D0 *E0 *I0 *M0 *P9 *Q2 *S0 S00=000 S01=000 S02=251 S03=013 S04=010 S05=008 S06=003 S07=060 S08=002 S09=006 S10=007 S11=070 S12=000 S13=000 S14=002 S15=002 S16=000 S17=018 S18=000 S19=000 S20=003 S21=176 S22=000 S23=112 S24=133 S25=000 S26=000 S27=156 S28=064 S29=000 S30=000 S31=017 S32=019 S33=000 S34=030 S35=000 S36=000 S37=000 S38=016 S39=000 .TOPIC: ZyXEL Send/Recieve Fax/Modem ZyXEL 14400 V.32 V.32bis V.42 V.42bis Send/Recieve Fax/Modem: AT&FX6E0&C1&D2&G2H0M0| Locked Baud: 19200 Hardware handshaking normal .TOPIC: Discussion of Communications Standards Discussion of Communications Standards See VCONFIG/Channel Configuration See UART Chips and Recommendations See Modem Initialization Settings See Discussion of Communications Standards A. Description of Standards ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CCITT v.21 300 bps. (FSK). Bell 103J Bell 202 1200 bps, half duplex. Leased lines. CCITT v.22 1200 bps. (DPSK). Bell 212A CCITT v.22bis 2400 bps. (DPSK). CCITT v.26ter 2400 bps with echo cancellation Bell 208 4800 bps. Used on leased lines. CCITT v.27ter G3 FAX at 4800 bps with fall back to 2400 bps. CCITT v.29 G3 FAX at 9600 bps with fall back to 7200 and 4800 bps. Also used by Compucom modems. CCITT v.32 9600 bps with echo cancellation. Fall back to 4800 bps. Both directions simultaneously. (QAM). CCITT v.32bis 14400 bps with echo cancellation. Fall back to 12000, 9600, and 7200 bps. (TCM) Both directions simultaneously. CCITT v.33 14400 with fall back to 12000 bps. USR HST14400 US Robotics HST modulation. 14400 bps in one direction and 450 bps in reverse direction. Fall back to 12000, 9600, and 4800 bps. Trailblazer Proprietary up to 18000 bps. Hayes V-Series Proprietary full-duplex 9600 baud. Hayes' CCITT LAP-B error correction and data compression. EIA Class2 FAX G2 Fax standard. CCITT v.FAST 19200 bps or slightly higher. Uses echo CCITT v.32bisbis. ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network on fiber optic cable. SMDS Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service on fiber optics. High-rate Digital Subscriber Link. In development. B. Table of Modes ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MODE BPS BAUD MODULATION NOTES ------------------------------------------------------------- v.33 14400 2400 128-TCM v.33 12000 2400 64-TCM v.32bisbis 19200 2400 512-TCM v.32bis 14400 2400 128-TCM v.32bis 12000 2400 64-TCM v.32bis 9600 2400 32-TCM v.32bis 7200 2400 16-TCM v.32 9600 2400 32-TCM v.32 9600 2400 16-QAM Uncoded v.32 4800 2400 4-DPSK v.29 9600 2400 16-QAM v.29 7200 2400 8-QAM v.29 4800 2400 4-DPSK v.27ter 4800 1600 8-PSK v.27ter 2400 1200 4-DPSK G3 FAX v.29/.27ter v.22bis 2400 600 16-QAM v.22 1200 600 4-DPSK BELL 212A ISDN 65536 65536 FiberOptic Digital The baud rate over the phone line means that more than two tones are used at the baud frequency to achieve the bps rate. For instance, 4-DPSK means four tones. C. Error Correction Standards ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ NAME DESC OF ERROR CORRECTION AND DATA COMPRESSION ------------------------------------------------------------- MNP1 Hardware error correction. MNP2 Hardware error correction. MNP3 Hardware error correction. Strips off start and stop bits during transmission over phone line. MNP4 Hardware error correction. Fastest way to send compressed files. Strips off start and stop bits during transmission. Also adapts to line conditions. MNP5 Hardware error correction and data compression (up to 2 time compression on TEXT). Do NOT use on compressed files! MNP6 Additional Universal Link Negotiation and Statistical Duplexing to MNP5 service MNP7 Additional Enhanced Data Compression with MNP4. MNP8 TBA MNP9 Additional Enhanced Data Compression with v.32 modems. Also adds Enhanced Universal Link Negotiation, which allows connection to both MNP and non-MNP modems at the highest performance level. MNP10 Hardware error correction and data compression. v.42 CCITT error correction. LAPM. Fastest way to send compressed files. Strips off start and stop bits during transmission. v.42bis CCITT data compression (up to 4 time compression on TEXT). Uses a version of the Lempel-Ziv data compression algorithm. D. Glossary of Terms ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ baud Actual rate of symbols trasmitted per second. bps Bits Per Second. MNP Microcom Networking Protocol. CCITT International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee. FSK Frequency Shift Keying. DPSK Phase Shift Keying. QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. Combination of PSK and AM. TCM Trellis Coded Modulation. LAPM Link Access Procedure for Modems. .TOPIC: VSP Support List OFFICIAL [VSP] SUPPORT LIST 9/17/93 The following list of VBBS Sysops have made themselves available to provide you assistance in the specialized areas listed below. They may be contacted by VirtualNET e-mail or calling their data line. Vnet Area(s) Data Line Name -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------- 5200500 Spanish Support 525-689-3258 Alan Aspiru 1203000 VBBS OS/2-LANs 203-877-5856 David Bell 6160 VirtualNET NC 616-772-0347 John Bok 1510007 VTK/VUUCP 510-831-3634 Scott Call 1210002 CD-ROM Support 210-380-6332 Con Cherry 1514002 RIP Support 514-466-2475 Anthony Curtis 1704000 OS/2 Support 704-523-0162 Bill Dayton 9990 VWW4/Utility Dvpt 919-489-6110 Brian Dessent 1203004 Legal Advisor 203-968-8752 David Deutsche 1604000 RC 6 604-338-2316 Roland Emery 1205500 Main Docs 205-758-2683 Sam Fleming 2180 LocalNet 218-773-8330 Rockie Lynn Greer 1214000 VFido/ VNews 214-230-5045 John Grimes 1617000 Doc Coordinator 617-891-4298 Thom Harris 1806000 QWKnet/Source 806-372-4212 Tom Hightower 1508000 [VSB]Coord/QWKnet 508-852-4641 Kevin Klunk 440 VFido/Subs/RC 5 44-689824666 Neil Marshall 1618002 RC 1 618-277-6398 Mike McKenzie 1919999 RC7 /Windows 919-683-1661 Patrick Murray 1513000 Script Support 513-235-2605 Dan Newcomer 1904000 OS/2 Support 904-335-6657 Ben Pollack 1806052 DesqView Support 806-873-3321 Darren Rogers 6190 RC 3 512-292-1301 Kevin Rouse 1803007 Networks.lst Coord.803-776-0323 Mac Saum 2103 Marketing/Regs 210-787-8974 Richard Shell 1610000 RC 2 215-759-1376 Bill Snell 1618001 Shareware Dvpt 618-297-0623 Lawrence Smith 1614032 Modems 614-678-8492 Guy Tessum 1904069 Desqview/Vfido 904-563-1231 Pete Vogel 1215046 Utility Dvpt. 215-692-8425 Brian Walsh 1708004 RIP Support 708-653-7092 Tom Weber 1205602 VTK Support 205-270-8489 Joe Weiss 1614017 VFido/Utility Doc 614-282-3409 Gene Wells 1619001 RC 4 619-670-9825 Dennis Younker 1708012 VRime/PCRelay 708-808-1065 Ken Zaretsky .TOPIC: V-Script Help V-Script Help Click on BACK after topic selection to return to this menu See Number and String Handling See Display and I/O Commands See Database & Message Commands See Buffer Operation & Use See File Commands See Control Commands See Function Blocks See Miscellaneous Commands See Programmer's Reference See Common Script Examples & Explanations See RIP Help See also See Script .TOPIC: Number and String Handling Number and String Handling ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º NUMBER AND STRING HANDLING º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Click On BACK to Return or CONTENTS or SEARCH to choose another topic NUMERIC OPERATORS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ VSCRIPT supports the following mathematical operators: + Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division ^ Exponentiation All math commands in the script language are performed from left-to-right. Parentheses can NOT be used in a formula, so any math that needs to be done in a hierarchical format must be done over more than one line. Also, remember the restriction on 'tokens' - a math symbol counts as a token, so only two math operations can be performed on one line. Example: Results: $a= 2 * 2 + 4 => 4 + 4 => 8 $b = $a + 2 / 5 => 10 / 5 => 2 $c = $b + 5 - 4 => 7 - 4 => 3 $d = 4 / $b ^ 3 => 2 * 2 * 2 => 8 NUMERIC FUNCTIONS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ INT 0 -> = INT 0 This function takes the number stored in and rounds down to the next lower whole number. The resulting integer is then stored in . Remember: negative numbers also round down with this function as shown below: $total = -11.25 INT 0 returns a value of -12, not -11. SQR 0 -> = SQR 0 This function returns the square root of the absolute value of the number stored in . The result is then stored in . Note: The absolute value of a number equals its positive value, ie absolute of -11 = 11. RND -> = RND This function generates a random number between the two 's. If is smaller than then the result will not include either number. If is larger than then the result can include either number. Example: Results: $a = 4.15 * 4 + .25 => 16.85 $b = $a INT 0 => 16 $c = $b SQR 0 => 4 $d = $a INT 0 SQR 0 => 4 $e = $b RND $c => a random number from 4 to 16 $f = $c RND $b => a random number from 5 to 15 STRING OPERATORS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ & -> = & & This allows you to link together many variables and strings to print as a single variable, effectively adding many tokens together. ex: $Junk = "This is" & " one big " & "statement!" STRING FUNCTIONS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ In addition to the '&' operators there are some functions for use with strings and variables that store strings. ASC 0 -> = ASC 0 This function finds the ASCII code of the first character in and stores it in . CHR 0 -> = CHR 0 This function takes and places the character with the matching ASCII code into . LEN 0 -> = LEN 0 This function returns the number of characters within and places the result in . UPPER 0 -> = UPPER 0 This function returns the upper case equivalent of what is in . It only changes the lower case letters, leaving all numbers and symbols as they are in the original . INSTR -> = INSTR This function scans to see if exists within it. It returns a 0 to . MID -> = MID LEFT -> = LEFT These functions return portions of a string. MID starts at the character and returns the rest of the string. LEFT starts at the left-most character and returns a number of characters equal to . Example: Results: $a = "aBc2" & "05 D" & "e×Fg" => "aBc205 De×Fg" $b = $a MID 10 => ×Fg $c = $b ASC 0 => 215 - the ASCII code for × $d = $a LEFT 6 MID 4 => 205 $e = $d CHR 0 => Í - the ASCII 205 character $f = $a INSTR "205" => 4 - the 205 is in the string and the 2 is located in the 4th position. $g = $a LEN 0 => 12 $h = $a UPPER 0 => "ABC205 DE×FG" Note: The quotes in the strings are not an actual part of the strings. They are there only to denote the beginning and end of a single token. STRING ALTERATIONS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ There are a few commands that actually allow you to alter the format of a variable. All of them use the same syntax and are described below. JC -> JC JL -> JL JR -> JR These commands all take what is stored within and pad it with extra spaces. JC centers the in a field of spaces. JL places it along the left margin and JR places it on the right margin in a similar field. Example: Results: $size = 14 $a = "Greed!" => $a now has the value: JC $a $size " Greed! " $b = "Green!" => $b now has the value: JL $b $size "Green! " $c = "Groan!" => $c now has the value: JR $c $size " Groan!" .TOPIC: Display and I/O Commands Display and I/O Commands ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º CHAPTER TEN ANNEX B INPUT AND OUTPUT COMMANDS º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ READING INPUT ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ One of the most common uses of a script is to get some information from a user and the script language contains many commands to help implement this task. All the commands allow for a string, but this is optional so you do NOT have to use it if you do not want to. GETYN -> GETYN GETNY -> GETNY These two commands show the user whatever is stored within the and ask for a response of Y, N, or . The GETYN command defaults to Y when then user presses and GETNY defaults to N. ex: GETYN $yesorno "Do you wish to continue ? " RS -> RS This command prints the optional and then accepts a line of input. The input can be no more than 81 characters in length, and input is terminated by pressing . ex: RS $yourname "What is your name ? " RX -> RX This command works like the RS command but instead of it echoing the keys that the user presses it prints X's. This is very useful for password systems. RW -> RW This command works like the RS command with the only real difference being that this command has a word-wrapping feature. If a word passes the 80 character point it is word-wrapped over to the next input line. To prevent the extra characters from being placed into the next input statement you will need to place 'Buffer Clear' after the last RW input line. See section 5.x for more info on buffer commands. RN -> RN This command prints the optional prompt and then accepts only numerical input. It will not take any keys but the #'s and input is terminated by pressing . ex: RN $number "Enter your favorite number : " RC -> RC This command prints the optional and then waits for a single character to be pressed. The character is stored in but it is not shown on the screen. ex: RC $onechar "Pick a key, any key : " RR -> RR This command operates in the same way as the RC command with only one difference. It will only accept characters that are listed in the , all others will be ignored. ex: RR $thisone ARI "A>bort, R>etry, I>gnore ? " RL -> RL This command operates similarly to the RR command. It will accept any character listed in and also will accept a number between 1 and . This is the most versatile form for getting input, and is most commonly used for creating a menu within a script. ex: RL $thatone ABC 3 "Choose A, B, C, 1, 2, or 3 : " RF -> RF This command is used to get a filename as input. It will only accept input in the format 'xxxxxxxx.xxx' with each 'x' being a character. It will only allow legal characters for the name and it will not accept globals (* and ?.) The complete list of acceptable characters contains A thru Z (uppercase is forced automatically) and the symbols => ! # $ _ - (the => is not in the list, it is used only for emphasis.) ex: RF $filename "Name of file to be uploaded : " RI -> RI This command is nearly identical to the RF command. The one difference being that this command accepts the * and ? globals in the filename. ex: RI $filetoget "Name of file to find (* and ? allowed) : " SHOWING LINE OUTPUT ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ There are two different ways that you can show output one line at a time. While they are slightly different, both accept the same formatting information for their output. TR -> TR ... TS -> TS ... These commands can print out up to 6 different tokens using a single line. After the last token on the line is printed the TR command performs a carriage return/linefeed while the TS command does not. The three formatting statements are listed below. %s -> %s Outputs in a field of spaces and then left justifies it. %i -> %i Outputs in a field of spaces and then right justifies it. %d -> %d. Outputs with the format ###.## where and are the ### and the .## respectively. The left part of the output is padded with spaces and the right is padded with 0's. This format uses the absolute value of , so the output is always a positive number. You can use any numbers within the statements as long as you follow the specified syntax. If the field selected is too small for the variable then the output will be chopped down to fit it into the field. Example: Results: $a = "Green" $b = 16.2312 tr $b " : " %d3.3 $b => "16.2312 : 16.231" tr %s10 $a ":" %i10 $a => "Green : Green" ts $b " : " tr $a " : The End" => "16.2312 : Green : The End" Note: The quotes are not in the actual output, they are only supplied to emphasize the blank spaces. COLORIZATION ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ There are three different ways to change color in the script language. All are identical in output, but each has a unique form of implementation. Note: is the number number (0-9) or letter (capital A-Z) code that corresponds to the colors as listed in the COLORS.TXT file. Also, the input commands from section 3.1 (RS, RW, RX, etc.) will all change the color to to the user's default prompt setting unless the has a color code within it. ANSIC -> ANSIC This command is executed on a line by itself and changes the effective color to that of the selected . $ -> Special The $color commands are actually individual tokens that resemble variable names. As such, they may be included into other strings with the '&' command (section 2.3) or used on their own in output statements (TR & TS.) $ color code $ color code -------- ---------- -------- ---------- $RED 6 $YELLOW 2 $BLUE 7 $MAGENTA B $GREEN 5 $CYAN 1 $WHITE U $NORM 0 $BLACK n/a The command $BLACK makes very dark letters though they may be visible, depending on your system configuration. A common use for this is to cover over ANSI music symbols. Hearts -> Special The most frequently used way to change colors is to use what has been coined 'Heart-code ANSI.' The Heart code is the ASCII code 3 and can be created in a couple of different ways. If your ANSI driver supports the extended ASCII character set you can create the 'heart' by pressing the key and the key or it can be made by holding down the key, then press 3 (or 003 or 259) on the number pad and then releasing the key. You will have to test this for your particular system to see which works for you. You can also create the codes by using the full-screen editor to colorize although this can be a bit of work. Immediately after the 'heart' you place the desired and when the script actually runs, VBBS will show the correct color (you will not see the 'heart' or the next character after it.) Example: These -----\_______/ANSIC 6 three | \TR "Hello ! " $handle pieces | of code |_______/$stuff = $red & "Hello ! " & $handle all do | \TR $stuff the exact | same thing-/-------6Hello ! " & $handle OTHER DISPLAY COMMANDS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ EF -> EF This command displays the contents of the specified file in . It will pause whenever the users screen fills and continue when a key is pressed. DRAWWAITBAR -> DRAWWAITBAR This command draws a string of green o's surrounded by red []'s. The number of o's is equal to . The cursor is then placed on the first 'o' so you can write over it with another character. See Appendix D for an example. LOC -> LOC This command places the cursor at the location equal to the (x, y) coordinates that match (, ). Legitimate values for are 1-25 and for are 1-80. This only operates for users of ANSI, Enhanced ANSI. MENU -> MENU This command displays a menu file stored in your text directory (as set in VCONFIG.) VBBS first checks to see if .MNU exists, and shows it if true. Otherwise it shows .ANS if the user has ANSI and .ASC otherwise. The .MNU files are universal text files colorized with VBBS' heart-code ANSI colors. If the user has ANSI then the file displays w/ the colors, but if the user does not have ANSI then it is displayed without the colors. You can still use .ANS and .ASC menus if you like, however. If ! is the first character of a line in a menu then VBBS will only show the line if the user's security level is greater than or equal to the three-digit number that follows the '!'. Examples: !255 S) SysOp Menu <== Not shown unless the user has SL >= 255. !100 F) Forward <== " " " " " " " >= 100. NEWPAGE <--- SUSPENDPAGEBREAK <--- RESUMEPAGEBREAK <--- These three commands alter the user's page-break pointer. This pointer determines how many lines of text have been viewed and the user's screen length (as set in defaults) determines when a pause should be used. NEWPAGE resets the pointer to 0 so the output will scroll for a number of lines equal to the value set in the user's defaults. SUSPENDPAGEBREAK turns the use of the pointer off completely (no pauses at all), while RESUMEPAGEBREAK turns the pointer back on. PAUSE -> PAUSE This displays the optional or the default prompt as set in VCONFIG. It then waits for a keypress and erases the prompt before continuing. .TOPIC: Database & Message Commands Database & Message Commands ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º CHAPTER TEN ANNEX C DATABASE OPERATIONS º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Each database (DB) in VBBS can be used in many different ways for storing info. A DB can store normal messages, file descriptions, or even messages with attached files. Also, there is no reason why you can't redefine the fields and use them for other types of data storage, like a special voting booth or customized daily news section. Each DB entry is made up of two parts - The Header and the Memo Section. The Header contains things like the subject, the sender's name, addressee, etc. The Memo Section is the actual body of the entry. The body, while always text, may contain either a standard message or a long file description, depending on how you are using the database. DATABASE SELECTION ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Before you can implement any database commands you must first select the exact database you wish to use. This is done with the commands DBGROUP and DB. You must use the commands in the order shown for proper results. DBGROUP -> DBGROUP This selects the database group that you will be using in the script. The is the letter representing the DBG as it appears in VCONFIG. See VBBS.DOC for more info. ex: DBGROUP A <-- This makes DBGroup A the active area. Before you can select a database to use, you must first select a database group. Grouping was implemented so that it would be much easier to implement global functions and so that databases may be added and deleted (using VCONFIG.EXE) without the need to edit the scripts every time. The is a single alphabetic character (from A to Z) and you can set your database groups up any way you like. A common set of DB Groups might be: Public message bases Hidden/restricted message bases Public file bases Hidden/restricted file bases Special bases like voting sections, daily news, etc. The following read-only variables are loaded when you execute the DBGROUP command: -------------------- $DBNUMBER - Stores the total number of databases in the selected group. The lowest numbered DB in a group is always a 1, so this number supplies the upper limit for loop operations within a database group. $DBGROUP - This stores the letter you selected on the DBGROUP command line. Note: This variable is not cleared when you LINK to another script (see section 7.3), so this can be used to keep track of your location. -------------------- DB -> DB The DB commands sets the current database for use. You must select a database using this command somewhere in your script before any of the other database commands (except DBGROUP) are used. Once you set the database, it stays set until another DB command is executed. Also, the database must have been defined previously using VCONFIG.EXE. The following read-only variables are loaded when you execute the DB command: -------------------- $DB - This stores the database number you have selected. Like $DBGROUP it is not cleared when you LINK between scripts and so using the two variables you can maintain a constant position within your DBs. $DBNAME - The long name of the selected database. $DBPATH - The path (if any) in the 'File Path' section of the VCONFIG Database entry. $DBFILE - The filename of the actual database storage file. $HIGHDB - This is the pointer that stores the number of the user's highest-read entry in the database. $NUMBERDB - This stores the total number of entries in the database. $WRITESL - This contains the minimum security level needed to write to the database. -------------------- LOAD RELATED COMMANDS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The next few commands are all used to manually load in a database entry for display and/or analysis. LOAD -> LOAD Public message bases Hidden/restricted message bases Public file bases Hidden/restricted file bases Special bases like voting sections, daily news, etc. The following read-only variables are loaded when you execute the DBGROUP command: -------------------- $DBNUMBER - Stores the total number of databases in the selected group. The lowest numbered DB in a group is always a 1, so this number supplies the upper limit for loop operations within a database group. $DBGROUP - This stores the letter you selected on the DBGROUP command line. Note: This variable is not cleared when you LINK to another script (see section 7.3), so this can be used to keep track of your location. -------------------- DB -> DB The DB commands sets the current database for use. You must select a database using this command somewhere in your script before any of the other database commands (except DBGROUP) are used. Once you set the database, it stays set until another DB command is executed. Also, the database must have been defined previously using VCONFIG.EXE. The following read-only variables are loaded when you execute the DB command: -------------------- $DB - This stores the database number you have selected. Like $DBGROUP it is not cleared when you LINK between scripts and so using the two variables you can maintain a constant position within your DBs. $DBNAME - The long name of the selected database. $DBPATH - The path (if any) in the 'File Path' section of the VCONFIG Database entry. $DBFILE - The filename of the actual database storage file. $HIGHDB - This is the pointer that stores the number of the user's highest-read entry in the database. $NUMBERDB - This stores the total number of entries in the database. $WRITESL - This contains the minimum security level needed to write to the database. -------------------- 4.2 - LOAD Related Commands ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The next few commands are all used to manually load in a database entry for display and/or analysis. LOAD -> LOAD