*******************NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE************************** This build is not a drop in for the 1.11 series builds, to move from a 1.11 build to the latest 2.xx build do the following with adept shut down of course. 1> Del line_?_configuration files in \adept 2> Del local_configuration file in \adept 3> Del bbs_configuration file in \adept 4> Del *.Bin in \adept\menus 5> fire up with adeptx /nodes x /SETUP and edit all line and bbs settings 6> shutdown to save your settings 7> fire up normally, you should be ready for callers. *************************************************************************** NOTE: the exe in this archive is called AdeptX.exe (note the x), either rename it to adept.exe or invoke adeptx.exe 2.86 1> Added a Reload Events File option to the programs pulldown menu, clicking on this option will reload the events file for the active line. 2.85 1> Adept will now hang up on the users online when u invoke a shutdown, I got tired of manually hanging them up when i wanted to shutdown. 1> Made the PPPsniffer routines into a sysop option, they will only be enabled if the bbs action flag "Enable PPP Sniffer" is turned on in bbs config action flags, if this flag is not turned on the ppp auto detect code is bypassed altogether. 2.59b update 1> Added a little feature, if the system finds an asc/ans file with the same name of the user logging into the system in the default text dir, this file will be shown to the user then deleted.Ie if a file name Mario Dulisse.Asc existed in yur text dir and i logged on it would show me this file and then delete it, all metas can be used in those files. The file is shown after atlogin.menu has completed, but before newuser.menu has run, so you can get really creative here, and have your atlogin.menu create a custom file that will be shown to newusers at login time, then deleted, it's a simple matter to run an adeptrexx script in atlogin.menu that would automatically create a custom weclome screen for each new user who logs on, then delete it. And since u can use the name meta in that screen u can even personalize it to the user logging in... thanks to north star bbs software for this idea.. 2.58 1> Plugged in hexers JAM code, dunno if it works or not, I have no way of testing it here, note that adept will not create a jam base, it must already exist. Same conditions apply as the 1.11 builds jam support (natch, it's the same code). 2.56d update 1> Ok.. removed the srif path field and replaced it with Srif Cmd, in here you put the command to start your external req processor up, adept will now write the srifx.txt file to \adept\system\linex directory where x is the nodenumber, it will then try to spawn the external process defined in Srif Cmd field, note that adept will wait for this process to complete before carrying on with the file request. If u are gonna specify a drive and path to yur req processor u must use double backslashes in that field, example cmd.exe /c \\adept\\extreq.cmd will invoke extreq.cmd without the \\ it will not work. Currently the largest string u can have in that field is 30 characters, but only cause i have not yet found where they are limiting those fields to 30 chars or less, i intend to find it and allow 128 chars for a command entry. Am releasing it this way cause I'm outta time for today and would like to get some feed back on this feature. BTW putting cmd.exe /c extreq.cmd {LN will pass the nodenumber on the command line, just like in a door menu type, Port meta will also work so u have some flexibility here... of course this whole thing is still controlled by the bbs action flag enable external req processor, if that flag is not set then none of the above will happen. 2.55d 1> Fixed the new files scan at login to only display the new files then quit if all displayed stead of searching all the remain areas, I thought i did this before but it turns out it was working only if all new files were in the same area, it now does not care what area they are in. 2.55 1> Added safehex's latest filters to the edituser find dialog box, changed the internal storage of the srif path var to match hexers builds so we'll all be compatible now that he's added srif to the vac builds, this means ull have to reneter the srif path in bbsconfig settings, nothing else should be affected but chek all bbs config settings to be sure.. 2> Added the allow users to keep mail on popserver flags to the bbs action flag and the menutype 637 to allow user to toggle this flag on and off, {VU displays the state of the flag for that user.. 2.52 1> Added safehex's locked/unverified filters to the user editor. 2.50 1> Ok, the compile lang prompts from the pulldown works properly now, but same caveat applies, ensure there are no users online when u recompile the prompts. 2> added a check for the nonewfileslist flag in the file area editor, if that flag is set the area name will not be displayed oon a new files scan from logon new files scan request, should speed up display of new files by showing only the file areas which actually have new files in them.. 2.48a update 1> Tied the atend watcher thread to the enable bbs watch thread in bbs config action flags so those who don't want it can turn it off, note enabling this flag turns on *BOTH* bbswatcher and atendwatcher threads. 2.48 1> Enabled 64 nodes in this version, mainly to test cpu loading on my system but i'm gonna leave it on for nebody else who may want/require more than the 24 nodes that was the previous limit... 3> adu246c.zip the adeptx exe has been updated yet again, this time to support the /Lockout IP# switch as per 2.34a code, u can have up to 20 /Lockout statements in yur command line, the IP# specified in /lockout will not be allowed to connect via telnet or vmodem to yur copy of adept. - Fixed the Group option in the menudrvr files, this was never working before, now if = that user will be allowed that menuitem, fixed comm,tcp,pipe support, use PortFlags 1=commport,2=telnet, and 3 = named pipe for the portflags. In addition if a user does not have the group access he will be shown NotGroup.Asc/Ans/Avt if it exists in the \text dir (or language\text dir) If a user tries accessing a port restricted item he will be shown NotCom.Asc/Ans/Avt if it's restriced to com ports and NotTCP.ASC/ANS/AVT and NotPipe.ASC/ANSAVT if its restricted to telnet or named pipes. Remmeber PORTFLAGS ARE NUMERIC, ie 1=Com Ports only, 2= TelNEt ports only and 3 = Named Pipe nodes only. The local login is considered a com port. Fixed the starttime end time options on individual menu items, they will now respect the STARTTIME and ENDTIME keywords in the menus. They will also show NotStartTime.A?? for items restricted by a starttime and NotStopTime.A?? for items restricted by an end time. Went nuts and added in all the other docced menurestrictions on a per item basis. < MinOnlineTime displays NotMinTime.A?? > MaxOnlineTime displays NotMaxTime.A?? < MinCalls displays NotMinCall.A?? > MaxCalls displays NotMaxCall.A?? < MinPosts dislays NotMinPost.A?? > MaxPosts displays NotMaxPost.A?? < MinUploads displays NotMinUpl.A?? > MaxUploads displays NotMaxUpl.A?? < MinDownLoads displays NotMinDl.A?? > MaxDownLoads displays NotMaxDl.A?? That's all the documented restrictions as per the newmenuengine docs earlier in this readme.txt, lemme know if you have a problem with any of these, i put them in in one sitting, so it's possible there may be mites with some of em. Note: the min/max online time is for the current call, ie if a user has been online this call for more than minonline time he/she will have access to that menu key.. Further note, these files live in the text dir for the language in question, if no languages file then they live in \adept\text by default. The Asc is looked for first as with all the display files, the .Asc must exist or looking stops. If u have only an Ans/Avt file they will not be displayed till u put in a corresposnding .Asc file, it can be a 0 byte file, but it *MUST* exist in order to have the others display properly. 2. Added the IP# /Lockout Cmd line param ala 2.34a series code, recall, you can lock an IP address from connecting with yur adept by specifying adept /nodes 5 /lockout /lockout on the command line, this example locks out two addresses, u can specify up to 20 on cmd line if os2 will take a line that long, i dunno if it will or not. 4. Fixed the Hot/Cold input flag to really work in this code line too, works just as it did in the previous 2.xx series builds, ie if a user chooses cold input he will have to hit enter after ever menu selection/ more prompt etc. Note as before the local login cannot have cold input enabled, hot keys are *ALWAYS* on for a local login, regardless of the state of the hot/cold input flag. 3. added the pop3 mail scan at login code.. 4. added the pop3 menuchoices 1. Added a new user flag which will allow a user to toggle off any alternate editors used by Adept via the ExtFSEx.Cmd or ExtLEx.Cmd. A new menu option 634 can be used to toggle the flag and a new meta {VS will show the current state. Ok, so I liked the look of QuikEdit but it's DOS and it's kinda slow, specially when compared to the bare bones internal Adept FSE... some users cried out about it and some even liked it (amazing eh? :)) well...now the users have a choice...the sysop can configure the external editors and the user has the option not to use them. 1. Added the FTP Server startup to the BBS Action Flags. The /FTP command line option has been removed. 2. Moved some other command line options to the BBS Action Flags. Do check out the current settings for your BBS Action Flags. 3. Added a sysop mail indicator to the Adept status window. 4. Made the display of the sysop mail and the system and BBS info in the secondary status window configurable via the BBS Action Flags. So...now if you don't want to watch the system threads/process etc, or how many calls the BBS got n stuff...just turn it off. 5. Enabled the forced password change from the BBS General Settings and added a group wise password expiry which can be set from the groups editor. In short, if you want all users in all groups to change passwords after a fixed number of days, set it in the BBS General Settings, otherwise, use the individual group password expiry. The group settings will over-ride the BBS general settings if set to any non zero value, otherwise the global setting will be active. The Groups file uses the value of the new field "EXPPWDDAYS" to get the number of days before a pwd expires for that group. This is just for those who prefer to manually edit the files...If you use the group editor you don't have to bother to remember this :) The prompt #479 from the Language.Text file is display on expiry. #479 [Cvt][Mta]\r\nIt has been {PW days since your last password change. [Cvt]\r\nIt is time to change your password.\r\n 5. You can now select to disable the status window from the BBS Action Flags. The command line option /NOSTAT has been removed. 1. Expanded the message and file area tags to a maximum of 10240 now although FSys retains the 4 digit limit for now, so keep the file area numbers within the 9999 limit. 3. Added the configuration of the main BBS file/msg Flags to the new user defaults dialog for now. These flags decide what areas a new user will have access to and over-ride the new user flags defaults. In other words, the new user flags are applied to a new user and then cross-checked against the main BBS flags for access. For example, if you turn on all file areas for a new user and then turn off some areas in the main BBS flags, those will be turned off for the new user as well. 3. Corrected the per msgbase area compression flags check. You must have the compression in the BBS Action Flags for online compression to work. For example, if you have some msg areas marked for compression, but turn off the compression from the BBS Action flags, then the msg compression will not happen for any online messages. GateKpr and XMsg will still compress the messages for any marked areas from the outside though...as before... 5. Changed the name and corresponding action of the "No Compression" in the BBS Action Flags settings as it seemed to be causing some confusion. It's now called "Enable Online Msg Compression" and if added to the BBS Action enabled flags, will enable online msg compression in Adept. 1. The xxx.Desc file was not displayed unless the user chose to display it from the read message prompt. Fixed! The default keys in the language.text file for displaying the xxx.Rules is U and for xxx.Desc is D. 2. Okay...this one is for me...wanted to do this for quite some time...:) The Local login, i.e., Line #0 will now be as consistent as possible with the other normal lines in the sense of logging etc. I was having to go and view the Line0 log in my testing all the time, now press PageUp to go to line 0 and the logging is there as it is for all other lines. Some minor changes in the way the PageUp/PageDn worked to accomodate this. 3. The POP passwords will be kept encrypted now, just in case some users do not trust us SysOps for some reason :) The encryption is quite reasonable and will take more than just a casual effort to go through... What this also means is that anyone using POP from any earlier build will have to re-enter the POP password at the very least. Also, the pop password will display '*' on user entry now. 6. Added the date/time to the local bbs window header display. 8. The dates display in the user editor is now localized as well. 9. You can now drag-n-drop colors and fonts to any of the main Adept windows and save the settings using Windows -> Save Status (^z). The VAC build no longer uses the Colors.Ctl file. The colors and fonts will be saved to a file called "NC_Colors.Ini" for now and a sample file is included which was made on a 64k color system so the colors might need to be tweaked a bit depending on your display. NOTE: Use the solid color palette to set up the colors if you are using 256 color, non-palette aware modes, otherwise you might experience the NetScape/2 effect, temporarily...on Adept startup with some displays :) There is one other thing to keep in mind, the Status and the Transfer boxes (the top 2 windows in Adept out of the 4) will not show the color change in the bottom half immediately. You can either a) mininize the window and redisplay, or, b) Restart Adept. The changes will NOT be there unless you saved the setting via ^z first! 6. The POP Mail get will now use the prompts from the Language.Text as follows: #951 [Ans][Cvt][Str]\r\n\nYour POP Password:  ; [Asc][Cvt][Str]\r\n\nYour POP Password: ; #952 [Ans][Cvt][Str]\r\n\nYour POP Server IP:  ; [Asc][Cvt][Str]\r\n\nYour POP Server IP: ; #953 [Ans][Cvt][Str]\r\n\nYour POP Login:  ; [Asc][Cvt][Str]\r\n\nYour POP Login: ; #954 [Cvt]\r\n\07Your POP mail has arrived.\r\n #955 [Cvt]\r\n\07No New POP mail found.\r\n #956 [Ans][Cvt][Str]\r\n\nDo you want to save the POP information for future use? [Y]; [Asc][Cvt][Str]\r\n\nDo you want to save the POP information for future use? [Y/n] ; Prompts #951 - #953 and #956 are used by the menu option 931 when asking for input from the user and #954 - #955 will be displayed if the user has Monitor Mail processing off after the POP Mail thread completes processing. 7. Currently the POP mail get has been changed to a foreground only process and will display all related messages while getting mail. 8. The Accounting and Exception Handling will now take effect online when changed via the BBS Action Flags. The current Accouting dialog has been made smaller, since there was not much on it... 10. Ok, here is how the POP mail get will use the required input fields. 1) Any information entered via menu type 931, will over-ride any previously saved info. 2) The information saved in the userbase will be used. 3) If a server is not supplied by the user, the server from the INet config will be used. 4) If the user does not supply a login name for the POP server, the user's handle will be used. 5. Made the highest possible file and message area numbers consistent in Adept and all related utils. The maximum supported file or area number is 10240. Using any area numbers beyond this will cause Adept to ignore them with an error msg. Once again, keep in mind the fact that the current versions of FSys (0.99+) use only 4 digits of the file area number in the index, using any number beyond 9999 will result in inconsistent results on file search/list operations. 6. Added some more BBS Action Flags...I think we would have run out of command line length soon, so before that happens...here is the cleanup :) a) UnVerified User Menu This flag, if set, will call UnVerifiedMain.Menu instead of the regular Main.Menu for all users not marked as verified. This should help a lot of people to make things earier as well as make external CBVs easier to manage since there is no built-in CBV in Adept...yet :) Of course, as with all other menus, the order remains the same for this one as well...see the section for 1.10c point #9 for the details. b) No New User Alias This flag, if set, will not allow a new user to use aliases for a full name. See the section on 1.09.50r point #14 for details. This makes the /NC_FULLNAME command line option reduntant and is removed now. c) Drop Carrier On TimeUp This flag, if set, will force a carrier drop the moment time runs out for a user regardless of what the user is doing! This was added quite some time back, but is optional now... d) BBS Watch Thread This flag, if set, will start a Watch Dog thread for every user login and kill the login in case of problems after a timeout. I do not recommend using this option together with the Carrier Drop on TimeUp, but...it can be used :) e) No Timeout On Telnet This flag, if set, will protect all logins via telnet/vmodem from user timeouts. In effect, any Telnet/VModem login will not have the user time limits enforced. The users can stay logged in as long as they like...This was done on a special request and is still there... :) f) Enable Accounting Features This flag, if set, will enable the accounting features of Adept. This will make the /ACCT command line redundant altho i have left the command line option in place for now, it will be gone in the next release or so... g) Enable Exception Handling This flag, if set, will enable the exception handling features of Adept. This is primarily a debugging tool in case of problems. Not to be used normally. h) All Files Commit On Timer This flag, if set, will commit all open files on your system to disk every minute. i) System Log Commit EveryTime This flag, if set, will commit all Adept log files to disk after every line added to them. NOTE: The Enable Accounting and Exceptions will not come into action if changed online. You will have to re-start the BBS for that. This will be corrected later. 5. Added 2 new user manipulation functions to Adept REXX, similar to what Hagar had added to the WC build earlier, as follows... UserData = AdeptGetUserVarByRecord( Line, RecordNumber, UserVariable ) Call AdeptPutUserVarByRecord Line, RecordNumber, UserVariable, UserData The UserVariable number is the same as defined in the AdeptREXX docs. The RecordNumber is *not* the same as the user id, rather the index of the user record in the userbase. The index starts from 1 *not* 0 :) As before, note the fact that Adept does NOT cater to changing the user name although you can change it via REXX or the user editor...If you must change the user name, make sure you run uNuke /r right after the change. Changing the user handle is ok :) I know, I know I'm using fn names which differ from what Hagar used, but AdeptGetVarByRecord and AdeptPutVarByRecord did not really make much sense to a dummy like me, so I added the User in between... :) 2. Adept Status will now display the last caller's name on startup, assuming there was any caller at all :) This does make a wee bit of sense also from the user editor's view poitn as the user editor now defaults to displaying the last caller for the line in focus. 3. You can now toggle the show birthday using menu type 633 for the verbose user listing (menu type 43). The bday, if displayed, will be localized. The setting is also available from the user editor -> attributes. 4. Added a new flag to the BBS Action flags "Always Save BBS Status" which will save the BBS window positions everytime Adept is shutdown normally. In effect as if you presses ^z before shutting down Adept. 5. Changed the way the local and netmail file attaches worked making the /NC_NOLOCALFILE and /NC_NONETFILE redundant. These command line options no longer exist as the option of being able to attach files to messages is now a part of the user attributes. The new flags "Allow Netmail File Attach" and "Allow Local File Attach" have been added to the user editor -> attributes settings. This has been added to previously un-used user attribs and by default should be off for all users unless someone had been fiddling with the user file directly... :) 6. The Help -> Author dialog has some information filled in now...more to come later. 4. Added the POP3 get support to Adept. The interface for setting it up in the GUI I had done earlier, now filled in the backing code :) Here is how it works for now... a. Add the POP3 server address to the Internet config and check the POP3 receive option next to it. b. The User Editor will allow you to enter a password for the POP3 server for any given user. c. For Logging into the POP3 server, the existing user's handle will be used. Of course the user, or you, the SysOp, can change the user Handle if required first. d. The POP3 get is independent of the user carrier state, once started, it will run to completion unless there is some POP3 related error. e. Menu Type 930 will start the POP3 mail import for the user currently online and 931 will allow the user to set/change the POP3 password. The type 931 is there just in case if there is a requirement and uses the normal password prompts (which might be slightly incorrect :)) f. The mail (if any) will be imported into the message area pointed to in the Inet config for SMTP mail. g. SMTP and POP3 gets can be used togther. That's about it for now, till I get some more feedback on this. The user who selects to get POP3 mail will not be notified in any way if there is mail which has come in, a new mail check will do that anyway so I have not put in any notification of errors/new mail got from the POP server etc. for now... 6. Added a drop down list for the usenet tags to the message area editor and enhanced the editor save so that it will not save anything that is not required based on the message area attributes. For example, the editor will no longer save addresses for on echo/net areas and if the no origin is set, then the origin line will not be saved, if the usenet attribute is not set no usenet tags will be saved for that area etc etc :) 2. If a BadUpload.Cmd did not exist, Adept would not delete the bad uploads...it will delete all bad uploads now unless it finds the BadUpload.Cmd file which will be run instead of deleting the bad uploads. 4. Added a SysOp mail indicator to the status info. It will come on if there is any personal mail waiting for the SysOp along with the number of the messages. 2. The User base files can now be copied etc if no user is logged in, local or remote. This might well make the nuke user file option I added earlier a bit redundant, but i'll leave it there for the lazy people like me :) 9. Added the non-correcting modem callers option to write online messages to the BBS Flags rather than forcing the issue for all :) By default, it is off. Check out the flags in the Config->BBS->BBS Action Flags. 5. Added the archiver selection in the user editor -> More. Fixed the protocol selection while I was at it.... 4. Added an unsorted list option in the user editor find and made it the default. To see a sorted user list (as before) just un-check the unsorted check box. I always missed the ability to look at the newest users 'cause of the sorted list, so... :) The Find box will also display the number of users in the user base. 4. Added the Adept version number to the Trap.Log information. I got some Trap logs in the past with no indication as to the version of Adept that caused it. 8. Added the FREE FILE check to Adept...a FREE file means to time/byte check. There is a small problem with this though due to an earlier addition...the status timer which checks for the user timeout and drops carrier if the user times out will still throw out any user d/l a FREE file if (s)he runs out of time during the d/l... 2. Added the ability to stop the offline mail packing using either ^K or the SysOp defined stop key in from the Language.Text file. The default is the upper case S as shown below... #900 Yes, No, Stop, Pause, Quit, Tag, View, Non-Stop, Edit-List [Str]YNSPQTVCE I changed it to the Escape key for myself...if you want to use the escape key as the stop key, just cut-n-paste the lines below in your own Lang file replacing the existing lines... #900 Yes, No, Stop, Pause, Quit, Tag, View, Non-Stop, Edit-List [Str]YNPQTVCE 4. Added the ability to change the outbound path in Adept via the Config -> BBS -> Misc Paths menu...Although you could always have used the environment variable to configure it, but seems some people had probs finding the outbound dir... This change uses an un-used part of the BBS_Configuration file (most prolly reserved for such future extensions :)) and will be transparent for all purposes... The environment variable will still over-ride the Path set in the outbound as it should... 6. ************ NOTE ************* I forgot to document a required fact about the 51 release....If you use the Archivers file from the full installation archive of 51 (VAC), then a) either remove all the pkzip/2 2.50 related entries from it, or, b) run pkzip/2 with /config /nozipextension FIRST and then make sure you have PkZip/2 2.50 in the path... 1. Added the option to save the BBS and active line config files to disk from the programs menu. 2. Added the compile language prompts option to the Programs Menu. Although not *very* critical, but please make sure no users are logged in while trying this option :) 3. Added the 3 new metas Hagar added to the .69 version, but with a small difference...the new metas are: {VP -> Date and Time of the first ever login of the current user {VQ -> Date and Time of the last login of the current user {VR -> Number of users based on the current userbase file NOTE: the {VP, {VQ and {SD metas all display the date/time in the same format, have no text attatched to them and will *not* tag in the newline after the date/time string. This is consistent with all the other displays in the BBS. 4. Added the menu type 1003 (as per the Hagar .69 build) to change the language type from a menu option. 5. Added a new REXX function to copy a file. The Syntax is... Call AdeptFileCopy AdeptLineNumber, 'c:\config.sys', 'c:\config.bak' i.e., Copy the c:\config.sys file to c:\config.bak 9. Added yet another command line parameter to control the SMTP thread stack size, i.e., /SMTPSTACK 262144 The default is 64k, in case there are any probs with SMTP packets you can increase the SMTP thread stack size. 15. Added Hagar's new file list display code. Here is a cut-n-paste about it from his readme... Scott Drake of isonline.com fame did not like the default adept files lister display, he says rest of world is using the Quickbbs/ RemoteAccess/Proboard/Lora display style, so ok here it is, if you add 100 to any of the file display menu commands (ie 73 becomes 173) you will now invoke the new display routines. For this to work though you need to add two lines to your language.text, make lines 870 and 871 look like this: #870 [Mta]\r\nศ{FF{B2 Name {B1ออออออออออออ{FC{B2 Size {B1ออ{FB{B2 Date {B1อออ{FB{B2 Description\r\n #871 actual file name date size [Mta][Str]{B1%u\r\n ภ> {FF{B1%-30s {FE%5luk {FB%s {FC[%5.5lu] {FD%s\r\n [Asc][Mta][Str]{B1{C1\r\n ภ> {FF{B1{C3 {FE{C5k {FB{C0 {FC{FD{CB {CA{FC\r\n [Ans][Mta][Str]{B1{C1\r\n ภ> {FF{B1{C3 {FE{C5k {FB{C0 {FC{FD{CB {CA{FC\r\n I suggest cutting and pasting the above directly into your Language.Text. Course if you like the old display style you don't really need to modify language.text, however u should just to stay current. 1. Added the 2 new metas Hagar added to the Official WC build a) {VN = Handle of last user on this node b) {VO = FullScreen Editor ON/OFF. 3. Added a few more metas... {SL -> Free Physical Memory {SM -> Free Virtual Memory {SN -> Number Of New User Calls For The Current UpTime {SO -> Number Of Actual BBS Logins Completed For The Current UpTime {SP -> Number Of OutGoing Mail Calls For The Current UpTime {SQ -> Number Of Incoming Mail Calls For The Current UpTime {SR -> Number Of FAX Calls For The Current UpTime {SS -> Number Of Times Adept Got a Connect String For The Current UpTime {ST -> Number Of Socket Calls For The Current UpTime {SU -> Number Of Telnet Calls For The Current UpTime {SV -> Number Of VModem Calls For The Current UpTime {SW -> Number Of Modem Calls For The Current UpTime {SX -> Number of the currently running Tasks {SY -> Number of the currently running Processes {SZ -> Number of the currently running Threads 5. If a user uploads an incorrect extension offline mail packet, Adept will display prompt #911 from the Language file. #911 [Cvt][Mta]\rCould not find *.Rep or *.New\r\n{PC 6. Added a message to the user if an offline mail import extract fails for any reason as well as if the user u/ls a file which does not have an extension of .Rep (QWK) or .New (BWave) 6. Duh...how could i forget an option to view the system log? Added! :) Shortcut is ^y and it will run the file AdeptLog.Cmd if found, else will open the Adept.Log file in EPM.EXE 9. Added a shared semaphore to drop the AdepToss.Log to Adept and GateKpr. Adept will now drop the AdepToss.Log whenever GateKpr is run. Will include the full specs of this functionality as soon as I have confirmation that this indeed works as expected :) BTW, Adept will still drop the AdepToss.Log on ShutDown. 5. Okay, as a result as #4 above, we also have and extended AtLoginX.Cmd or AtLoginX.Menu, WelcomeX.Asc, NewsX.Asc and BulletX.Asc. A VERY important point to keep in mind is that fact that although you may never require or use the plain *.ASC files, they MUST be present! Most places pre-check for the presense of the *.ASC before actually trying to find *.ANS or *.AVT etc. If the corresponding *.ASC file is not present in the Adept\Text directory, some files may NEVER be displayed even though you might have the ANS/AVT file for it. I will most probably make this behaviour consistent thoughout Adept... already started actually :) Just keep in mind that any Standard (Pre-Defined) Adept display file MUST have at least a .ASC file and if should not be a 0 byte file. You can place 1 byte dummy files if you never use the *.ASC, but they have to be there to display a corresponding ANS/AVT etc... ************ NOTE *** NOTE *** NOTE *** NOTE *** NOTE ************ Alt-P would bring up the Poll Dialog box instead of pulling down the program menu...Fixed! ^P still brings up the poll dialog box. Changed the shortcut for next call to ^N rather than ^R. Changed the shortcut for Get Files Dialog from ^G to Alt-G Added ^G shortcut for the Group Editor. Added ^U shortcut for the User Editor. Added Alt-X shortcut for ShutDown-On Hook Added ^X shortcut for ShutDown-Off Hook Added ^C shortcut for Clear All Calls Removed the Extra Seperator between Clear Calls and Make Line InActive from the Mailer Menu Added ^t shortcut to read a file called GateKpr.Log from the LogFiles dir, or, run a file called GateLog.Cmd if present. This is similar to the line log view command now which would run a file called ReadLog.Cmd if present, else view the log for the focussed line. These commands will no longer try to run/view a 0 byte file... Added a new "Run Manager" command to the outbound window which will run a file called OutBound.Cmd if present. This can be used to run any external outbound manager (like bill-e's for instance :)) Pulled the InActive lines options from the Adept Status for now as they were not co-ordinated with the resetting back to active. If u tried the make in-active option from the Adept Status RMB menu, you would have to select Make Inactive from the main Adept Menu to get to the option to make it active again. 4. Added a flimsy change pkt type to the outbound manager on the RMB as per dougk's suggestion. It is currently flimsy in the sense that it will cycle through the pkt types on every click. C -> H -> N for now :) Will improve on this later if this is what was required.... 5. Added logging for locked out and deleted marker users. Trixer could not figure out why this build threw him out on a local login...his a/c was marked as deleted :) 8. Added the initials in the msg reply in the FullScreen Editor. When a user selects to reply to a message and selects to quote from the original msg, Adept used to put in just " > ", it will now plug in the initials as in " XX> " as is generally done by most such editors. 1. Added Mario's (Hagar) local file u/l attach code and the fix for the Event Editor. Documented in the Hagar ReadMe for the 1.09.49 release. I deleted a user a/c and the user could still get in...so, now Adept checks for the deleted flag before the locked out flag and will throw out the user after displaying the file DeletedAccount.ASC (if it exists) --------- 1. Added my DOS door runner into Adept itself as menu types 820 and 821. Why 2? well...820 keeps the session in the background and 821 keeps it in the foreground. I like foreground and Hagar likes background :) Syntax is the same as for type 801 etc...eg: 1,820, Some Vague Door, VagueDor.Bat {LN,0 2,821, Yet Another Vague Door, YAVD.Bat {LN,0 I can think of some improvements on this, but after I get some feedback as to what other sysops feel/think about this option. Currently the door runner assumes that VX00.SYS and the OS/2 ANSI.SYS is in your Adept dir (if req) AND that your Adept dir is \Adept. I will fix this later...if req :) 4. Added 2 new MenuItems for the Old Menu Style, which I have not currently included in the new menu engine as it might not be really required by most sysops. If there are a sufficient number of SysOps wanting that in the new menu style engine, I will try to add it to that as well. The new menu funtions added to the Old Style menus are: Menu Type 8 - Switch to a given Message area and then Gosub a Menu Menu Type 9 - Switch to a given File area and then Gosub a Menu For example: A,8,[1] Switch to Message Area,Message.Menu;Message Area Name,0 B,9,[2] Switch to File Area ,Files.Menu;File Area Name,0 Keep in mind that the Area Name should NOT be in quotes even if it has spaces in between. Oh well...I was using 2 line rexx scripts just to do this...the other option was to use the AutoMenu as suggested by Hagar, but I guess I am too lazy :) so I plugged in a single command for it. 7. What the heck...added the menu type options 8 and 9 to the new menu driver as well, works...for now at least :)