═══ 1. Adept Menu Help ═══ Welcome to AdeptXBBS! Introduction AdeptXBBS is an OS/2 bulletin board program written in 'C' and compiled with the WATCOM C32 Optimizing Compiler Version 10.0. AdeptXBBS fully exploits all the features that make OS/2 the operating system of the future, and today. AdeptXBBS is extremely well threaded in order to give you that 'instant' response you expect from OS/2. System Requirements AdeptXBBS requires OS/2 v2.0, v2.1, v2.11, v2.99, or OS/2 v3 in order to run. OS/2 v3 Required for Internet Capabilities. Adept-XBBS requires 2 Megabytes of FREE ram (however the BBS only uses about 100k per node), and at least 5 megs of free disk space. A MODEM is optional. ═══ 2. Line Menu Help ═══ This menu allows you to select the line that has 'focus'. If the window for this line in minimized it will be brought to the foreground. Next (PgDn) Selects the next line. If the current line being viewed is the last line, the local line is selected. Previous (PgUp) Selects the previous line. If the current line being viewed is the local line it will bring up the local node for you to log on. Local Logon Clicking on this, or pressing the ESC key will bring up the local node for you to log on to the BBS ═══ 3. Edit Menu Help ═══ Edit Menu Panel Events Edit the events for the line which you are currently viewing. ***Not Yet Active*** File Areas Edit the file areas found on the BBS. Library Areas Edit the text file libraries found on the BBS. Message Areas Edit the message areas found on the BBS. File Protocols Edit file transfer protocols. Groups Edit user group classifications. Users Edit users of the BBS. ═══ 4. Mailer Menu Help ═══ Call Now (Ctrl-C) Forces the mailer to call the next system in the outbound mail list. Poll Nodes (Ctrl-P) This option no longer exists, to poll a node click on the outbound object with your right mouse button and it will bring up a menu with polling, file request, and file send options. Get Files (Ctrl-G) This option no longer exists, to poll a node click on the outbound object with your right mouse button and it will bring up a menu with polling, file request, and file send options. Send Files (Ctrl-S) This option no longer exists, to poll a node click on the outbound object with your right mouse button and it will bring up a menu with polling, file request, and file send options. Reinit (Ctrl-R) This causes the modem init string to be sent to the modem. Force Answer Forces the BBS software to send the answer string to the modem and wait as if it was receiving a call. DTR Toggle (Ctrl-D) Forces the DTR line of the modem to be forced low. This is usually the fastest way to disconnect the current connection. Clear Calls Clears the outbound calling counters for all lines. Inactive This shuts down the BBS on the line you are viewing. The com port is closed, and this line will "sleep" until you select this command again to make the line active. Controls Activates the mailer controls menu. Mail proc (Ctrl-M) This causes the mail processing string for this line to be executed. ═══ 5. Controls Menu Help ═══ This menu is used to quickly control mailer functions. You can also make these changes on the line set-up dialog boxes. No BBS By enabling this, no BBS callers will be allowed in. No Incoming This keeps the mailer from answering any calls. No Outgoing This keeps the mailer from calling other systems when processing mail. Send FREQs This determines if we should send File REQuests when we are making the call. Usually the other system calls us when they want to make a file request. In other words, we will be sending the file requests on your dime. Receive FREQs Is it okay for the other system to make a File REQuest from us? FTS-0001 only This disables all mailer functions except those contained in the FTSC 0001 specification. It disables WaZoo, ZedZip, ZedZap, and EMSI. No Sealink This disables the sealink protocol in the mailer. No Slo This disables the sealink slow option. No 1K This disables 1 Kilobyte blocks from being used in the sealink protocol. ═══ 6. Windows Menu Help ═══ Log Brings log window of the line you are currently viewing to the foreground. The log window is also known as the Recent Events window. Outbound Brings outbound window to the foreground. Status Brings status window of the line you are currently viewing to the foreground. Transfer Brings transfer window of the line you are currently viewing to the foreground. BBS Brings BBS window of the line you are currently viewing to the foreground if a user is online. Tile Causes the Status, Transfer, Log, and Outbound windows to be tiled in the Adept window. Cascade Causes the Status, Transfer, Log, and Outbound windows to be cascaded on top of each other in the Adept window. Status Wide Causes the Status window to fill the top half of the Adept window. The Transfer and Log windows take the bottom half of the window. The Outbound window is minimized. Log Wide Causes the Log window to fill the bottom half of the Adept window. The Status and Transfer windows take the bottom half of the window. The Outbound window is minimized. Minimize All Minimizes the Status, Transfer, Log, and Outbound windows. Restore Saved Restores the windows positions saved in the Adept.INI file. The window positions are not saved unless you use the Save Status menu option. Save Status (Ctrl-Z) Save the window positions you have set for this line. ═══ 7. Log Menu Help ═══ View Log Clicking in this will execute the file ReadLog.Cmd with the following command line parameters Node Number. For example if node 1 was in focus it would run 'ReadLog.Cmd 1' Process Log Clicking in this will execute the file ProcLog.Cmd with the following command line parameters Node Number. For example if node 1 was in focus it would run 'ProcLog.Cmd 1' Kill Log This will delete the log files for the current node. ═══ 8. Adept Config Panel ═══ From this menu you can configure the line you are viewing or the BBS in general. Active Node Edit the configuration for the line which you are currently viewing. BBS Edit the configuration for the BBS. ═══ 9. Config Line Panel ═══ General Settings This brings up the general settings dialog box where you can edit modem strings, BPS rates, etc. Mailer Settings This brings up the mailer settings dialog box where you can edit mailer settings. Mailer Addresses This brings up the mailer addresses dialog box where you can edit mailer addresses. Logon Strings This brings up the logon strings dialog box where you can edit logon strings. Dial Strings This brings up the dail strings dialog box where you can edit dial translation strings. CPU Priorities This brings up the CPU priorities dialog box where you can edit CPU priorities for the current line. ═══ 10. Config BBS Panel ═══ General Settings This brings up the general settings dialog box where you can edit BBS name, SysOp name, etc. Misc. Paths / Files This brings up the paths dialog box where you can edit mailer inbound paths, and "OK Files" BBS Action Flags This brings up the BBS Action Flags dialog box where you can change the way the BBS program acts. New User Defaults This brings up the New User Defaults dialog box where you can set which user flags are set by default. Internet Options This brings up the Internet Options dialog box where you can set the options for the built in Internet modules. ═══ 11. Shutdown Help ═══ The Shutdown menu should be used to exit Adept. It causes all lines to be cleanly terminated and configuration files saved to disk. ═══ 12. CPU Priorities Help ═══ CPU priorities determine how much CPU time certain functions of the BBS are given. OS/2 uses two numbers in every priority setting. The first number is the priority class. The first slider corresponds to the priority class setting. There are four different classes: 1 (Idle Time) The function will only get CPU time if the rest of the system is idle. 2 (Regular) The function gets the system default priority. A majority of functions receive this priority class. 3 (Time Critical) This is the highest possible priority, and any function set to this priority will get CPU time before functions set at any other priority. This setting should rarely be used. 4 (Fixed High) This priority level fits in between class 2 and class 3. It should be used where it is desirable that the function not be too sensitive to OS/2's dynamic priority variation. The second number is the level for the class you set. The second slider corresponds to the level setting. There are 32 possible priority levels, 0 to 31. Recommended Levels. Most functions should be set to the Regular priority class. Most functions should have a level from 0 to 25. Communications functions should have a priority level between 26 and 31. By default, Adept uses the regular priority class at a level of 0 or 1 for most functions. When sending and receiving files Adept has a default of fixed-high class, and a level of 2. These function priorities have been found to use very little CPU time, and Adept should barely touch your CPU under normal circumstances. Feel free to experiment with CPU priorities to find the perfect settings for your system. ═══ 13. BBS General Settings Help ═══ System Name This is the name of your system. SysOp Name The name of the person operating this system. This is usually YOU Origin Line This line is placed at the end of most message exported from your system to other systems. You usually place your system name, and perhaps the phone number of your system here. QWK BBS ID When Adept exports QWK mail, it must do so in packets with a special BBS indentification string. This string should be one to eight characters in length. QWK City/State This should be the location where you operate your system. This information is placed in the QWK mail packet. QWK Phone Number The number of your system. This information is placed in the QWK mail packet. Minimum Age This is the minimum age of users allowed into your system. Maximum Age This is the maximum age of users allowed into your system. Maximum Users This is the maximum number of users your data files will store. If the number of users reaches this number, then no new users are allowed into the system. Maximum Attempts This is the maximum number of password attempts allowed when logging on, changing file or message areas, or when accessing a password protected menu. The number of bad password attempts accumulates during a session. In other words, the user has this many tries to type in any password during one session. Maximum Pages This is the maximum number of times a user can try to page the system operator. Maximum Packet This the maximum size of an exported mail packet in bytes. Set this to a very high number to eliminate a maximum size. Number of Calls This is the number of calls to your system. It is there so you can set the number of calls if you have switched to Adept from another BBS program and need to set the call counter. Quote Possibility Quote Odds This is the percentage chance that a quote will be shown. Begin Page This is the earliest time that a user may attempt to page the system operator. End Page This is the latest time that a user may attempt to page the system operator. FTN to All Adept supports point mail for users. Normally the system operator must set up a point ID number for each individual user. If you check Point Mail to ALL then you do not need to assign a point number to every user. all users will have an ID of -1. ═══ 14. Area Access Bits Help ═══ Currently Adept supports up to 10240 message areas, and 10240 file areas. Accordingly, Adept needs a way to remember what areas a user has access to. When you click on message area access or file area access you are shown the first 256 areas and any checked box means the user has access to that area. To page thru the areas, use the Next or Previous buttons. The number of the area is shown to the left and right of the screen. Remember access gained thru several levels. Access flags, security levels, and user choice. ═══ 15. User Editor Help ═══ ***NOTE*** User info is NOT saved until you hit OK. Name This is the name of the user you are currently viewing. Handle This is the Handle, or Alias of the user. Address If you told Adept to ask new user's for their address, it will be shown here. Address 2 If you told Adept to ask new user's for their address, it will be shown here. Address 3 If you told Adept to ask new user's for their address, it will be shown here. City If you told Adept to ask new user's their City, it will be shown here. State If you told Adept to ask new user's their State, it will be shown here. ZipCode If you told Adept to ask new user's their ZipCode, it will be shown here. Password This is the user's Password. It is BLANK because of Adept-XBBS' security features. Once a user has entered a password, there is NO way to find it out. Entering a new password here will overwrite the old one. Birthdate This is the user's Date Of Birth. Home Number If you told Adept to ask new user's their Home Phone Number, it will be shown here. Data Number If you told Adept to ask new user's their Data Phone Number, it will be shown here. Work Number If you told Adept to ask new user's their Work Phone Number, it will be shown here. Fax Number If you told Adept to ask new user's their Fax Phone Number, it will be shown here. Bank Time This is the amount of time the user has in the TimeBank. Time Per Day This is the maximum amount of time that the user is allowed to stay online each day. Time Per Call This is the maximum amount of time that the user is allowed to stay online each call. Interests This is the user's Interests as they filled out when logging on (if you have set it up to do so). Comment This is the SysOp's comment about the user. The Sysop can write anything s/he wants here. Computer This is the Type of computer the user has. The number refers to the line in the file Computers in the System/ directory. User ID This is the numerical UserID of the user. Point ID This is the Fidonet Technology Network (FTN) Point of the user. It is used as a point off of your system for downloading and uploading mail. Credit This is the amount of credit (in cents) left for the user. Credit is used when sending Netmail and at other times. Max Bank Time This is the maximum amount of time the user can have in the TimeBank. Group This is the Security Group the User belongs to. ═══ 16. User Editor Help ═══ User Attributes / Flags ANSI Movement If enabled, ANSI Movement codes are enabled for the user. ANSI color If enabled, ANSI Color codes are enabled for the user. High ASCII If enabled, High ASCII characters are enabled for the user. No Clear Screen If enabled, the screen will not be cleared for the user. No More Prompt If enabled, the user will not be given 'More' prompts. Hot Keys If enabled, one key entry will be enabled for the user. Expert Mode If enabled, the user will not be prompted with menus. Novice If enabled, Verified ANSI / TE2 Off After Mail D/L If enabled, the user will be logged off after a mail download. View Offline Mail If enabled, the user will see offline mail being packed. Show Address If enabled, the user's address will be shown in the verbose userlist. Show Real Name If enabled, the user's real name will be shown in the verbose userlist. Show Home Phone If enabled, the user's home phone number will be shown in the verbose userlist. Show Work Phone If enabled, the user's work phone number will be shown in the verbose userlist. Show Fax Phone If enabled, the user's fax phone number will be shown in the verbose userlist. Not Deletable If enabled, the user is not deletable by UNuke. Twit User This marks a user as a TWIT, you can do what you want with this flag. New Files If this is enabled the user will be prompted for a new files scan at logon. RIP Graphics Enable if the user has RIP graphics support. Avatar Enable if user has Avatar graphics enabled. Deleted If enabled, the user will be deleted the next time UNuke is run. 8.3 Filename This tells the BBS the user can only handle 8 dot 3 file names, FAT style file names, and to have AdeptXBBS convert all long filenames to 8 dot 3 New Messages This sets the user to have a new message scan done at log on. DL New Messages This tells the BBS to begin a automatic mail export when the user logs on. They must have a default mail export type chosen or this will just be ignored. DL New File List Tells the BBS that the users wants to download the new files list at logon, and to prompt them for the download. See News Sets the user to see misc news at logon. No Rolling Prompts Obsolite Point Only Sets the users to Fidonet Point Mail, ONLY. Locked Out Set this option to LOCK the user out of the system! The BBS WILL NOT let the user log on if this flag is set! Available for Chat Set this if the user is available for multi-node chat Full Screen Editor If enabled, the user will use the Full Screen Editor instead of the line by line editor. Avatar (ANSI ok) This sets the user to receive Avatar graphics and screens by default. Answered ReAsk If the user has answered the 'ReAsk' questioner. This is used if converting from anouther BBS system that doesn't have all of the same, or the proper info to fill in all the fields of the AdeptXBBS user file. List Protected If this is checked the user will be protected from being seen in the user list, and remotely available call logs. Misc. News OK Turns on the Misc news display for this user. Limit File List Tells the BBS to limit file lists to the current file area as opposed to displaying every file on-line when they list files. EBCDIC Turns on (Mainframe) EBCDIC<->ASCII conversion. Area Flags Message - The message areas the user has access to. File - The file areas the user has access to. Offline - The Offline Mail areas which the user has access to. Offline Mail QWK - The user will download mail in QWK format. Fido / Point - The user will download mail in FidoNet Point format. Text - The user will receive their mail as a archived text file Bluewave - The user will download mail in BlueWave format. ═══ 17. User Editor Help ═══ User editor help screen 3 D/L Num Number of files the user has downloaded U/L Numcolor Number of files the user has uploaded D/L K Total amount in K of all files ever downloaded U/L K Total amount in K of all files ever uploaded D/L K Today Total number in K (file size) of files the user has downloaded today U/L K Today Total number in K (file size) of files the user has uploaded today Xfer Protocol Users default File Transfer Protocol Sec Level 1 Users security level for Sec 1 Sec Level 2 Users security level for Sec 2 Flags 1 user access flags for use with comparason based on access flags for a area Flags 2 user access flags for use with comparason based on access flags for a area Num. Calls Number of calls the user has made to your BBS Mins. Ever Number of minutes the user has used in total on your BBS Mum. Posts Number of messages the user has written on your BBS Met. Debits Amount of credit the user has spent sending Netmail Height Screen height of the users remote terminal Width Width of the screen on the users remote terminal First Logon The date of the users first call Expiration The date the user expires on the BBS Last Logon The date of the users last logon PW Change The date of the last time the user change his/her password ═══ 18. Dial Translation Help ═══ Dial translation Char. Translates to | Carriage Return (ASCII 13) ~ One second delay ' 1/10th second delay ^ Raise DTR line to modem v Lower DTR line to modem \ Escape character ═══ 19. New User Defaults Help ═══ New User Defaults help. ═══ 20. Message Area Help ═══ Message area help ═══ 21. File Area Help ═══ File area help ═══ 22. Library Area Help ═══ Library area help ═══ 23. Area Security Help ═══ Area security help ═══ 24. BBS Flags Help ═══ BBS action flags help ═══ 25. Misc. Paths Help ═══ Misc. Paths Help ═══ 26. Logon Strings Help ═══ Logon strings help ═══ 27. Line Settings Help ═══  'v' - Drops DTR  '^' - Raises DTR  '~' - 1 Second Delay  '`' - 1/10th of a Second  '|' - Carriage Return  '\\' - Escape Character Com Port: This can be a Com port, or a named pipe. AdeptXBBS will work with any valid communications serial port, and or named pipe. Answer on Ring: This is the number of rings to answer the modem on. You can choose any number. If there is a 10-15 second delay between rings AdeptXBBS will reset the counter. Ring Response: This is the 'RING' statement to look for from the modem. For example if you have distinctive ring you can have the BBS look for 'RING1' instead of 'RING' Use Telnet Settings: This option tells the Mailer/BBS to use a completely different set of timing sequences for Telnet, and VMODEM sessions. Logon Security: This will bring up a dialog of security settings a user must meet in order to be allowed on this node. Answer: This is the string to send to the modem to make it answer the phone when a call comes in. Init: This is the string transmitted to the modem to initialize it. AdeptXBBS will not work properly if the modem is set to Auto Answer. Dial Pref: Dialing prefix, this is the string to send to the modem to dial a number. Dial Suf: Dialing suffix, this is the string to send to the modem to finish a dialing sequence. Initial BPS: This is the initial baud rate to initialize the modem at. Locked: Check this box to lock the port at the initial BPS. Mn BPS: Minimum BPS to allow users to connect at. Mn Mail BPS: Minimum BPS to allow mail sessions. Mn Call BPS: Minimum BPS to initiate a mail session. Mx Call BPS: Maximum BPS to initiate a mail session. ═══ 28. File Transfer Protocol Help ═══ File transfer protocol help. Char. Translates to | Carriage Return (ASCII 13) # Line Feed (ASCII 10) ═══ 29. Groups Help ═══ Group help ═══ 30. Copyright Notices ═══ AdeptXBBS Bulletin Board for IBM 32-bit OS/2 Version v1.0 Copyright (c) 1993 - 1995 by AdeptSoft portions Copyright (c) 1991-1994 M. Kimes All Rights Reserved AdeptSoft, AdeptXBBS, GateKeeper, and INTERcomm are trademarks of AdeptSoft. AdeptXBBS and it's support programs are not to be modified or distributed in modified form without the express written permission of AdeptSoft. "XBBS" Copyright (c) 1988 - 1994 by M. Kimes The "XBBS" name is a Trademark of M. Kimes AdeptSoft holds an exclusive license to develop and distribute shareware and commercial versions of the XBBS-OS/2 BBS program by M. Kimes. All support programs Copyright 1993-95 AdeptSoft, except where otherwise noted. All other trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. ═══ 30.1. Disclaimer ═══ There is no warranty, period. This product is a beta product, and even if it where not we are NOT responsible for its actions. If the mailer dials Iraq and sits on the line for 12 hours AT will be very happy with you. If the BBS hiccups and suddenly you have 300 megs of free disk space when you originally had 5, consider yourself lucky for having a large hard drive. I.E. We cannot take responsibility for what this program does. We have tried in well over a year of beta testing to remove as many of the bugs as possible, and it has not to our knowledge done either of the above things, but who knows. It's a young program. ═══ 31. Contacting AdeptSoft ═══ AdeptSoft is located in Boca Raton, Florida. Our current mailing address is: AdeptSoft 8903 Glades Road - Suite L9-199 Boca Raton, FL 33496 There is a public Fidonet Echo called 'ADEPTSOFT'. as well as a sysop echo called 'ADEPT_SYSOP', there is also an AdeptNet network set up, for more info e-mail ldv@snoval.com, he is the ZC for AdeptNet. Net-mail to Leroy Devires of Sno-Valley Software Exchange. You can also FTP to snoval.com to get specific files and information. ═══ 31.1. Acknowledgements ═══ All the people acknowledge below in some way or another contributed to this program. I tried to remember everyone I could, but I am sure I missed a few. If you feel your name should be here please contact us and we will add it. Thanks to everyone who has helped me out over the last year and a half, helped beta test this program, and contributed ideas and suggestions. And thanks to those who remained the programs biggest critics, yet at the same time it's greatest supporters. Special thanks to Mark Kimes. Stefan Andersson Scott Baldwin Kimberly Bobrow Vince Coen Vicci Conway Mario Dulisse Brady Flowers Chris Griffin Mike Hammers Rich Hawley Jason Klank Koen Koster Joe Lemere Scott Livingston Paul Lockley Andrew Lozier Pam Lunsford Eddy Matthews Barry Mcmenomy Julie Niesen Eric Miller Fred Miller Steve Mohacey David Moskowitz Pete Norloff Jim Mullins Jason Perlow Dan Polivy David Prentice Ronen Raz Graham Reid Kevin Royalty Bill Schaeffer Jason Schuster Horace Skinner Joey Snell Brian Snyder Brent Spanger Mark Wheeler Scott Wilkos ═══ 32. Introduction ═══ AdeptXBBS is an OS/2 bulletin board program written in 'C' and compiled with the WATCOM C32 Optimizing Compiler Version 10.0. AdeptXBBS fully exploits all the features that make OS/2 the operating system of the future, and today. AdeptXBBS is extremely well threaded in order to give you that 'instant' response you expect from OS/2. ═══ 32.1. About AdeptXBBS ═══ This 2 line version is released as shareware. There is no crippling, no delays, and no penalty for not registering after 30 days. However we do ask that you support the shareware concept. AdeptXBBS is a 32-bit, Multi-thread, Multi-user, PM BBS for 32-bit OS/2. AdeptXBBS incorporates the best that is OS/2! AdeptXBBS incorporates code designed to give you speed, reliability, power, and flexibility in one package. Almost everything about AdeptXBBS can be customized. All the text displayed in the PM system, to every prompt, and menu. AdeptXBBS gives you robust support for DOS and OS/2 doors using the DOOR.SYS, and Session Info (ask us about Session Info) drop file. The AdeptXBBS file system has support:  Multi-CD rom changers  FILE_ID.DIZ  File Tagging  Virus Checking  Archive Conversion  Archive Viewing/Extraction  Files.BBS importing  Password protected files, and file areas  Age limited files, and file areas  Extensive file security, and area security  Xmodem, Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Sealink, Zmodem, and ZedZap protocols The AdeptXBBS message base system has support for:  File Attaches  Password Protection  Extensive security features  Context sensitive searches  Message tagging  .QWK, Bluewave, Fidonet Point, and Text exporting  Last Read Pointer Manipulation  Unlimited Message Areas, Message Per Area, and Message Size. (The current file system (FAT, and HPFS) will break before the BBS does)  Full Screen, and Text Message Editors  Full Reply Linking/Threading  On the fly compression of messages. The AdeptXBBS mailer has support for:  FTS-001 through FTS-009 Fidonet standards  Around 20 additional FSC proposals  File Attaches, File Requests  WAZOO, EMSI, and DietIFNA mail sessions  Complete events handling, with external program support  Fidonet v7 Nodelist support  Auto Execution of a fax program for FAX connects  Completely and seamlessly integrated into the software The AdeptXBBS BBS has support for:  DOS and OS/2 Doors, using the DOOR.SYS, and Session Info drop files  The ability to run redirected OS/2 programs  Completely custom menu system  Completely custom prompts system  Multi-Lingual support  TTY, ANSI, AVATAR, ANSI-TE2 graphics, auto ANSI, and ANSI-TE2 detection  Multi-node, multi-user chat  Internet Telnet Support  Named Pipe Support ═══ 32.2. Noteworthy Info ═══ This is a WIDE BETA of AdeptSoft's AdeptXBBS 32-bit BBS software. Some features and options may not work as planned. This will be a 60 day shake down to remove the last remaining bugs, fix the last remaining menus and dialogs, and add those last minute feature requests. Wide Beta version 0.9 was released Jan. 17, 1995 ═══ 32.3. Limitations ═══ DOS doors/games do not work over the Internet, most OS/2 doors/games should work over Telnet. (The DOS limitation does not exist if you are using SIO's VMODEM). ═══ 32.4. System Requirements ═══ nal. IMPORTANT: AdeptXBBS requires an HPFS partition! ═══ 33. Installing AdeptXBBS ═══ AdeptXBBS will be making the following additions to your CONFIG.SYS. These additions are not dangerous in any way, shape, or form ((c) Kreskin). "'REM ******************AdeptXBBS stuff begins*********************'" "'SET XPATH=DRIVEn prompt you for the names of the ports you wish the lines to reside. adept will except any valid COMM PORT, Named Pipe, or the word TELNET for Telnet sessions. There will also be two check boxes in the dialog, one for 'Telnet Settings', the other for 'NULL Modem Settings'. If you wish to use Telnet or a null modem on that particular line check the appropriate box. Note: Telnet requires that you have a TCP/IP stack loaded such as IBM's TCP/IP v2.0, or the IBM Internet Access Kit. If you are going to use VMODEM instead of our internal Telnet functions please, still check the 'Telnet Settings'. This box tells the Mailer and BBS to change some timing specific issues to allow the BBS to function more effectively over the network. Once the BBS software is successfully installed you can run the BBS software. You may type Adept.Exe from the command line or open the WPS object that the Install program built for you. For a list of command line options type Adept.exe /?. ═══ 34. Registering AdeptXBBS ═══ During the wide beta of AdeptXBBS we will be offering a reduced registration cost and some special offers . Our prices are subject to change after the end of the wide beta . Paid registration before Feb 15 , 1995 :  ( 2 ) node AdeptXBBS ( $ 59 )  ( 4 ) node AdeptXBBS ( $ 129 ) - includes BONUS - your CHOICE of ONE enhancement Module : -- REXX Module , or Internet Module ( see description below ) .  ( 4 ) node AdeptXBBS ( $ 169 ) - includes BONUS - BOTH the REXX Module and Internet Module . Paid registration between Feb . 16 , 1995 and March 15 , 1995 :  ( 2 ) node AdeptXBBS ( $ 69 )  ( 4 ) node AdeptXBBS ( $ 159 ) - includes BONUS - your CHOICE of ONE enhanced Module : -- REXX Module , or Internet Module ( see description below ) .  ( 4 ) node AdeptXBBS ( $ 199 ) - includes BONUS - BOTH the REXX Module and Internet Module . Beta Offer expires March 15 , 1995 Paid registration after March 16 , 1995 ( List Prices ) ( does NOT include any Bonus ) :  ( 2 ) node AdeptXBBS ( $ 99 )  ( 4 ) node AdeptXBBS ( $ 179 )  ( 8 ) node AdeptXBBS ( $ 299 )  ( 16 ) node AdeptXBBS ( $ 499 ) REXX Module - Unlimited nodes ( $ 79 ) INTERNET Module :  ( 2 ) node version ( $ 49 )  ( 4 ) node version ( $ 79 )  ( 8 ) node version ( $ 139 )  ( 16 ) node version ( $ 229 )  + 16 - additional nodes $ 12 . 50 each based on how many lines your AdeptXBBS has . ═══ 35. Internet capabilities ═══ AdeptXBBS offers seamless integration into the Internet for E - MAIL , TELNET , FTP , FINGER , NEWSGROUPS , OS2CHAT , IRC , UUCP , mailing list services , and others as they come along . At the current moment the Internet package for AdeptXBBS includes : E - MAIL , TELNET , FTP , and FINGER are currently finished and debugged . NEWSGROUPS is almost completed and will be available before v1 . 0 is released . OS2CHAT is a 3rd party product in development for AdeptXBBS . IRCII is a 3rd part product and will have a AdeptXBBS specific version . IRCII is FreeWare , but the authors have put a lot of time and effort into the program so please send donations . UUCP is a 3rd party product written to seamlessly integrate into AdeptXBBS Those of you who register for the Internet capabilities will have access to the beta versions of all of the above products . Once v1 . 0 is finished you will receive the finished i - net package including E - MAIL , TELNET , FTP , FINGER , NEWSGROUPS , IRCII , and the mailing list capabilities . The shareware version of OS2Chat will also be included . AdeptXBBS ' s Internet facilitates requires a TCP / IP stack in order to function properly . The AdeptXBBS host BBS 1 : 369 / 210 . 0 @ Fidonet will provide seamless Fidonet / Internet gating for registered AdeptXBBS Sysops . ═══ 36. REXX capabilities ═══ AdeptXBBS comes with two ' menu ' systems , the standard text , ASCII based menu system , and a REXX sub - system . The REXX sub - system included with the BBS software allows all basic menu functions with some additional flexibility . We also offer , still in development , a complete REXX API sub - system that gives even the novice programmer total control over the BBS software . With the AdeptXBBS REXX API Programming module you get access to all available memory variables , all internal functions , and complete unrestricted access to all running nodes at one time . This is an extremely powerful module , giving total control over the entire BBS . For programmers wishing to write their own programs in a simple language , yet maintain the speed and flexibility of AdeptXBBS this is for you . We also have utilities that allow you to ship your programs without making the source code available to the end user . For more information about the REXX Programming module contacts AdeptSoft . ═══ 37. Third party developers ═══ AdeptXBBS offers a complete set of programming API ' s for 3rd party developers . If you are looking to develop a door game for OS / 2 BBS ' s or an AdeptXBBS specific module , please contact us . We currently have complete API ' s for the UserBase , FileBase , Chat Server , Video Functions , COM and I / O routines , and Memory Servers . If you are writing a door our Chat Server is freely available for door authors to use with any system . Please contacts us about doing 3rd Party Development for AdeptXBBS . ═══ 38. CD-ROMs ═══ AdeptXBBS has built in support for CD - ROM drives . As users select files they wish to download , a special file que automatically takes the needed files from the CD - ROMS , places them in a temp directory , for you to download . This is all done in the background and will prevent the constant disk swapping that sometimes occurs on multi - cd rom changers especially when 2 - 5 users all want different files from different drives . The area , or file should be marked for ' Copy from Drive ' in order to activate this feature . ═══ 39. Technical information ═══ The following sections contain technical information about AdeptXBBS . ═══ 39.1. File area editor ═══ Name : Place the name of the file area in this field . Number : Place the # for this file area in this field . Desc : This is where you can place the description of the file area . Addr : This field is not yet currently used , but will be used for internal TIC processing at some point . DL Path : This is the default path for files in the current area . UL Path : This is the default path for uploads to the current area . Free Downloads : Check this box to make all downloads free in this area . No Uploads : Check this box to turn upload off for this area . No Downloads : Turn off downloads for this area . Leeching : Turn on leach checking for this area . Down Time Back : Give Back the Users Download Time Up Time Back : Gave back the users upload time Charge for Files : This is not full implemented but you will be able to assign a cost on a per file basis to be taken from the users credit . Upload Blindly : If the user has Zmodem , Ymodem , or Sealink chosen it will let them upload the files before asking them for a description . Password : Password required to upload a file into this area . Age : Minimum age required to upload or download in area . Download Security : Sec Level 1 : Sec Level 2 : Set security level # 1 # 2 to the minimum security level required to Download from the current area . Mark the flags you will require the user to have in order to download files in this area . Both the flags and the security levels must pass in order to download files . Upload Security : Sec Level 1 : Sec Level 2 : Set security level # 1 # 2 to the minimum security level required to upload from the current area . Mark the flags you will require the user to have in order to upload files in this area . Both the flags and the security levels must pass in order to upload files . SysOp Security : Sec Level 1 : Sec Level 2 : Set security level # 1 # 2 to the minimum security level required to gain access to the sysop functions in the current area . Mark the flags you will require the user to have in order to gain access to the sysop functions in this area . Both the flags and the security levels must pass in order to use the sysop functions . SysOp functions in the file area are not completely finished . But will include such options as setting costs for files . Set Download paths . Set file passwords . Set individual file security levels and flags . ═══ 39.2. Message area editor ═══ Name : Place the name of the message area in this field . Number : Place the # for this message area in this field . Desc : This is where you can place the description of the message area . Addr : Origin Address to use for this message area Force To : Name to force all messages in this area to .  EchoMail - Check this if this is a Fidonet EchoMail Area  NetMail - Check this if this is a Fidonet NetMail Area  UseNet - Check this if this is a UseNet Newsgroup ( Not Implemented )  GroupMail - Check this is this is a Fidonet GroupMail Area  Force Public - Force All Messages Public  Force Private - Force All Messages Private NOTE : Check Force Public and Force Private to give the user a choice .  Anonymous Messages - Allow anonymous messages  No Origin Line - Don ' t add a Origin and tear line to messages  Compression - Turn on the fly compression on .  ANSI Color Required - User requires ANSI color to read this area .  Macros in Text - Allow AdeptXBBS META Commands in the text .  Require Real Name - Require the users real name , else uses their handle .  Assoc . w / File Area - Associated with a file area .  Force to Same Name - For to force to name . Message Area Security : Password : Password required to enter a message into this area . Age : Minimum age required to post or read messages in area . Read Security : Sec Level 1 : Sec Level 2 : Set security level # 1 # 2 to the minimum security level required to read messages in the current area . Mark the flags you will require the user to have in order to read messages in this area . Both the flags and the security levels must pass in order to read messages . Write Security : Sec Level 1 : Sec Level 2 : Set security level # 1 # 2 to the minimum security level required to write messages in the current area . Mark the flags you will require the user to have in order to write messages in this area . Both the flags and the security levels must pass in order to write messages . SysOp Security : Sec Level 1 : Sec Level 2 : Set security level # 1 # 2 to the minimum security level required to gain access to the sysop functions in the current area . Mark the flags you will require the user to have in order to gain access to the sysop functions in this area . Both the flags and the security levels must pass in order to use the sysop functions . ═══ 39.3. File transfer protocol editor ═══ External Protocols are not active in this Beta version . ═══ 39.4. General settings ═══  ' v ' - Drops DTR  ' ^ ' - Raises DTR  ' ~ ' - 1 Second Delay  ' ` ' - 1 / 10th of a Second  ' | ' - Carriage Return  ' \ \ ' - Escape Character Com Port : This can be a Com port , or a named pipe . AdeptXBBS will work with any valid communications serial port , and or named pipe . Answer on Ring : This is the number of rings to answer the modem on . You can choose any number . If there is a 10 - 15 second delay between rings AdeptXBBS will reset the counter . Ring Response : This is the ' RING ' statement to look for from the modem . For example if you have distinctive ring you can have the BBS look for ' RING1 ' instead of ' RING ' Use Telnet Settings : This option tells the Mailer / BBS to use a completely different set of timing sequences for Telnet , and VMODEM sessions . Logon Security : This will bring up a dialog of security settings a user must meet in order to be allowed on this node . Answer : This is the string to send to the modem to make it answer the phone when a call comes in . Init : This is the string transmitted to the modem to initialize it . AdeptXBBS will not work properly if the modem is set to Auto Answer . Dial Pref : Dialing prefix , this is the string to send to the modem to dial a number . Dial Suf : Dialing suffix , this is the string to send to the modem to finish a dialing sequence . Initial BPS : This is the initial baud rate to initialize the modem at . Locked : Check this box to lock the port at the initial BPS . Mn BPS : Minimum BPS to allow users to connect at . Mn Mail BPS : Minimum BPS to allow mail sessions . Mn Call BPS : Minimum BPS to initiate a mail session . Mx Call BPS : Maximum BPS to initiate a mail session . ═══ 39.5. Line settings ═══ EMSI Strings : Phone # : This is the phone number displayed during a EMSI session BPS Rate : This is the Maximum BPS rate , it is displayed during a EMSI session . Flags : These are the flags for your system passed during a EMSI session . Flags : No Mailer : Turns the Mailer On / Off ( Check it for OFF ) Version 7 Nodelist : Tells AdeptXBBS to use a version 7 Nodelist , AdeptXBBS also supports a version 6 Nodelist . Remote Dialout Ok : Activates the remote sub - systems for this line . ( Not fully implemented ) Mail Proc . Cmd : This is the filename to run for mail processing . Costs  Mn . Cost : Minimum cost of mail to be sent from this node .  Mx . Cost : Maximum cost of mail to send from this node .  Mx . Mail K : Maximum size of mail in K to send from this node .  Mx . Mail Secs : Time limit is seconds to disconnect a stalled transfer .  Mx . Tries : Maximum number of calls to a system to try to send mail . Errors  Mx . Resyncs : Maximum number of transfer resyncs before aborting a transfer  Mx . Bad Calls : Maximum number of bad calls to a system before the mailer stops calling .  Mx . Xfer Errs : Maximum number of transfer errors before the mailer aborts the session Recv . From unknown : Tells XBBS it ' s Ok to receive mail from unlisted nodes . Send to unknown : Tells XBBS it ' s Ok to send mail to unlisted nodes . ═══ 39.6. Line dial settings ═══ ═══ 39.7. Priority settings ═══ ═══ 39.8. User editing ═══ ═══ 39.9. Address editing ═══ ═══ 39.10. Menus ═══ Menu files are plain ASCII files which describe the functions available at the current menu . Menu files are named ' xxxx . Menu ' ( where ' xxxx ' is the menu name ) Fields on each line are separated by commas , so commas are not allowed in the text . The first line of the menu file describes the prompt , the file to be displayed , color , and flags of the menu . The format of the first line is : ,,, If you don't want a color, or text menu displayed, then leave the field blank. For example: Main Prompt: ,,, This leaves all fields blank except the prompt text. All lines that follow are used to describe menu options available at the current menu. The lines have the following format: ,,,, , ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,, Everything after DataString is optional "Time format is 'HRd is optional, if this is not set the BBS software assumes there is no limitation as to what type of port can use a specific command. is what the user should type to invoke this command. is the menu command number to execute (those numbers will be described below) is the text that is shown to the user for this command if the field of the first line is blank. is data used by certain command functions. It can be used to change the behavior of some commands. See the command function list to see which commands use the data string field. what color to display the 'output string' in. The fields , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , are optional. They are compared against the same fields in the user record, and if the user doesn't have the access then that command is disabled. A menu file may have comments in it if the first character on the line is a semi-colon ';'. Maximum commands in a single menu is 80. A menu that big would probably be pretty user unfriendly anyway! If there is not a menu file in the first line of the menu description, then the 'output strings' of every command are displayed in the order that they appear. There are three menu flags: (use the number or combination of numbers) Quote every time or 1 This means that an attempt to display a quote will happen every time the menu is displayed depending on the 'quote odds' in the BBS settings. The quote odds are based on a 100 percent scale. 50 would mean you would get a quote only half the time. Quote once only or 2 This means that an attempt to display a quote will happen the first time the menu is displayed depending on the 'quote odds' in the BBS settings. But after a quote is shown once, there will not be another quote for that menu. First on [ENTER] or 4 This means that if the user hits enter, the first menu item is the default choice. Both menu and Menu file or 8 This means that if you have a menu display file, both it and the menu 'output strings' will be replaced. The display file will be shown before the 'output strings' Metastrings can be place in the data field for each menu item. This allows for great flexibility in creating menu commands. Menus are stored in the .\Menus directory. Menus should have a file extension of '.Menu'. If the user has the RIP graphics flag set, AdeptXBBS will look for '.Renu' if the user has ANSI color turned on, AdeptXBBS will look for '.Cenu', and if the user has ANSI cursor movement turned on (not color) then AdeptXBBS will look for '.Genu' Those files are looked for in that order. If none of the other optional files are found, '.Menu' will be used by default. There should be (in almost every case) a Main.Menu (or Main?.Menu for a particular line number.) This is the menu which is started after the user logs into the system. AdeptXBBS will look for a Main?.Menu first, and if one is not found for that line, then Main.Menu is used. If you have a Main?.Cmd, or Main.Cmd REXX script in the .\Menus directory it will be used instead of Main.Menu See AdeptREXX.Doc for more info. AdeptXBBS uses a 'New User' menu called, appropriately enough, NewUser.Menu This is an auto-execute menu that is called right after the NewUser.ASC and BeforeNew.ASC files are shown to the user. All the commands in this menu will be executed in the order that they are found. If you don't want a question to be asked, feel free to delete that line. Be creative! If you have an 'EditYou.Menu' file it will be executed after NewUser.Menu 'EditYou.Menu' can be created if you want to give the new user a chance to edit their info before it is saved. AdeptXBBS supports a special menu which helps a SysOp get complete information from a user after they have converted to AdeptXBBS from another BBS. ReAsk.Menu is an auto-execute menu which is run if ReAsk.Menu exists, and the 'ReAsked' flag in the user record is set to false. Each command in this menu is executed one after another. When the menu is complete the 'ReAsked' flag is set to true. Also, the file 'ReAsk.ASC' is shown before the menu is executed. ═══ 39.10.1. Menu command 0 ═══ Option Data: Menu Name Description: Go to another menu. Name of menu is in the data field. ═══ 39.10.2. Menu command 1 ═══ Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Gosub to another menu. Name of menu is in the data field. you can only go 9 gosubs deep. If you wish to many nested menus (more than 9) then use the (0) goto menu command. ═══ 39.10.3. Menu command 2 ═══ Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Return from a gosub'ed menu. returns to the previous menu. ═══ 39.10.4. The rest ═══ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 3 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Clear all gosub'ed menus. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 4 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Go to another menu, and ask for a password. The data field should read MenuName;Password ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 5 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Gosub to another menu, and ask for a password. The data field should read MenuName;Password ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 6 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Gosub a forced-return menu (This type of menu returns after any command is selected) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 7 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Gosub an auto-execute menu (This type of menu executes all the commands in the menu file, then returns) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 10 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Execute a REXX script file. Name of file is in the data field. The current line number is passed as the first argument to the REXX script. The line number must be the first argument pass back to any Adept REXX functions. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 15 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Read messages forward with no prompting for message number. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 16 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: QuickScan message (to, from, subject) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 17 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Scan message headers ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 20 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Read messages forward, with prompting ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 25 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Globally read msgs from current newest message ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 26 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Globally read messages, stop at each area ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 31 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Export mail - Text format ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 32 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Export mail - Fido packet format ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 33 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Export mail - QWK format ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 34 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Export mail - Bluewave format ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 35 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Export mail - format based on user preference ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 36 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Import mail - allows user to upload a mail packet ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 41 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Display user status ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 42 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Who is on-line ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 43 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: List users ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 45 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Edit your user record. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 46 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Adjust accessible file areas ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 47 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Adjust accessible message areas ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 48 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Page SysOp ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 49 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Display help (If 'text' in data field, help on 'text' will be shown) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 50 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Adjust tags on off-line mail export ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 51 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: FileName.### (Asc will then have it display the default for the user) Description: Display a text file. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 60 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: select message area ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 61 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: select file area ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 62 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Name of Message Area Description: Find message area (name of area in data field) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 63 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Name of File Area Description: Find file area (name of area in data field) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 64 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: 1/-1 Description: Next/Previous message area (1 in data field means next area, -1 in data field means previous area) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 65 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: 1/-1 Description: Next/Previous file area (1 in data field means next area, -1 in data field means previous area) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 70 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: List files in current area ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 71 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Search files in current area.. asks for search string ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 72 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Search files in current area newer than specified date. Asks for search string and date. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 73 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: New files in current area. asks for date. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 74 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: New files in all areas, searched sequentially. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 75 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: List ALL files in alphabetical order. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 76 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Search String Description: Search files in all areas. asks for search string ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 77 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: List files in current area, in dated order newest to oldest ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 78 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: List files in current area, in alphabetical order. A->Z ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 84 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: View archive ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 85 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Download file(s) - asks for file name(s) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 86 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Download file contained in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 90 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Upload file(s) - Asks for file names, unless the 'upload blind' bit is turned on for the file area and blind uploading is possible with the users current protocol. (blind uploading means the transfer comes first, with the file names, and descriptions determined after- wards) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 91 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Upload specific file. (file in data field) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 100 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: OR user attributes 1 with number in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 101 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: AND user attributes 1 with number in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 102 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: OR user attributes 2 with number in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 103 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: AND user attributes 2 with number in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 104 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: OR user flags 1 with number in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 105 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: AND user flags 1 with number in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 106 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: OR user flags 2 with number in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 107 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: AND user flags 2 with number in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 110 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Character of Protocol Description: Set user file transfer protocol to letter contained in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 111 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Number/Letter of Computer Type Description: Set user computer type to number in data field (number is index into 'Computers' file) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 130 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change address (address line 1, lines 2 and 3 if those bits are set in BBS flags. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 131 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change ANSI color flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 132 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change high ASCII (chars 128-255) flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 133 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change cold input flag (not hot key) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 134 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change screen length ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 135 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change pause flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 136 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Change handle ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 137 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change password ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 138 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change screen width ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 139 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change phone number(s) (home phone. data, business, and fax phones if these bits are set in the BBS flags) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 140 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change interests ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 141 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change information to be shown to other users ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 142 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change expert mode ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 144 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change ANSI cursor movement flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 145 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Changes protocol, new msgs flag, new files flag, limit file list flag, see news flag, ask download flag, user available flag, and last but certainly not least EBCDIC conversion flag.. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 146 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change file transfer protocol ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 147 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change new message at logon flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 148 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change new files search at logon ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 149 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change limit file list flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 150 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change see misc news ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 151 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change ask download ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 152 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change user available for chat flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 154 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change full screen editor flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 155 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change mail export type ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 156 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Set birthday (should be used from NewUser.Menu ONLY) If the user is too young or too old , this will _end_ the current BBS session!! ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 157 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change clear screen ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 158 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change computer type ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 159 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change gender (should be used from NewUser.Menu ONLY) Use sparingly.. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 161 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change Avatart ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 162 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change ANSITE2 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 163 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change 8 dot 3 names (will convert long names down to 8.3) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 164 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change Avatart/Ansi Flags ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 165 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change View off-line mail status ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 166 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Change default archiver ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 167 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Deposit Bank Time ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 168 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Widthdraw Bank Time ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 190 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Toggle a bit in user attributes 1 (bit can be 1 thru 32) bit number is in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 191 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Toggle a bit in user attributes 2 (bit can be 1 thru 32) bit number is in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 192 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Toggle a bit in user flags 1 (bit can be 1 thru 32) bit number is in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 193 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: Toggle a bit in user flags 2 (bit can be 1 thru 32) bit number is in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 200 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Write a message ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 201 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: 'To Name';'Subject';'AreaNum';'1' or '0' Description: Write message to user name specified in area 'forced to' data. The force to data requires a name and will take a optional subject if a ; is placed between the name and subject. To Name: Name of Person to Force Message to Subject: Subject to force message to be pasted as AreaNum: Message Area Number to Post Message In 1 or 0 : Return to message area user was in before they posted the message or stay in the new messages area. 1 - Return 0 - Stay Example: F,201,This is a Command,Sysop;Comment from {U0;2;1,0 In this expample it would go to Area 2, Post a Message to Sysop, with the Subject of 'Comment from 'User Real Name', and after the message was saved or aborted it would return to the message area the user was in when this command was executed. All data on this command is optional. If you do not specify a name to force the message to it will then try the name in the force to field in the message configuration, if that doesn't exist it will default to Sysop. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 300 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: 'Prompt/Question' Description: Get string input from user and temporarily store it. Prompt is in data field. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 303 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Menu Name Description: temporarily stores text in data field as last user input. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 400 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: 'Chat Area' Description: Internode chat, with Area defined in data field ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 601 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Toggles ANSI color flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 602 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles high ASCII flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 603 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles more prompt flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 604 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles clear screen flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 605 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles cold input flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 606 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles show address flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 607 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles show phone flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 608 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles show real name flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 609 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles no kill flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 610 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggle deleted flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 611 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggle expert flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 612 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggle twit flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 613 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggle new files flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 614 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggle new messages flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 615 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggle download new messages flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 616 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggle downlaod new file list flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 617 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggle see misc news flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 618 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles ask download flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 619 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles novice flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 620 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles point mail only flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 622 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggleslocked out flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 623 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles chat availability ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 624 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles protected from user list display ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 625 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles misc news diaplay ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 626 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles limit file list to current area ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 628 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles varified flag ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 629 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggles ANSI TE2 graphics ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 631 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggle AVATAR graphics ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 632 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Toggle off-line mail monitoring ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 640 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Pack up, and download off-line mail ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 655 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Change archiver ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 656 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Edit file transfer list (tagged files) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 700 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Tag all areas for off-line mail ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 701 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Untag all areas for off-line mail ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 702 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: toggle a specific area for off-line mail ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 703 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: change type of mail export (Text, QWK, Fido, etc) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 704 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: NONE Description: Message area Last message Read Editing ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 800 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Program Name (CMD.EXE) Description: Run OS/2 type door. Pgm must use stdin/stdout for I/O.. and allow itself to be killed. data field contains door to run. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 801 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Program Name/Batch File (CMD.EXE /c Batch.Cmd) Description: Spawn a separate session. data field contains door to run. Can be used for any door program that accesses the com port in a more traditional (and complicated) fashion. (includes DOS doors) This is the one to use for 99% of all DOORS! ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 802 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Program Name/Batch File (CMD.EXE /c Batch.Cmd) Description: Run OS/2 type door. (same 800 but assumes a program which is more friendly to having its I/O redirected thru pipes to the com port.) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 810 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Program Name/Batch File (CMD.EXE /c Batch.Cmd) Description: Spawn a separate session. Inherits Adepts environment. (same as 801.. ahem..) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 811 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Program Name/Batch File (CMD.EXE /c Batch.Cmd) Description: Spawn a separate session. Inherits OS/2's default environment. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 815 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Program Name/Batch File (CMD.EXE /c Batch.Cmd) Description: See 801, and 810. Session is in foreground (default is background) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 900 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Personal Mail Check ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 950 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Shuts down the BBS! This is EXTREAMLY powerful! It will cause the BBS to shut itself down after the last user logs off. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 999 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Logoff with goodbye message ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 1000 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: logoff without goodbye message ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Menu Type: 1001 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Optional Data: Description: Logoff with none of the above ═══ 39.11. REXX interface ═══ AdeptXBBS contains a REXX interface to the BBS functions. This allows you to create your own scripts to execute from AdeptXBBS. By using REXX functions alone you can completely customize AdeptXBBS. Two types of REXX commands can be automatically executed by AdeptXBBS. To be executed they need only exist in the .\Menus directory. Main.Cmd, or Main?.Cmd -- This REXX script is executed INSTEAD OF the default menu system. AtEnd.Cmd, or AtEnd?.Cmd -- This REXX script is executed after the user logs off (or the default script has ended) The BPS rate will be zero, and the time left will be five minutes. This script is executed before the user info is saved to the user data base. Exception.Cmd -- This REXX script is executed if a exception violation occurs. You can use this script to notify the user of what just happened. And to help assist us by asking the user what they where doing when the exception happened. ═══ 39.11.1. REXX calls ═══ AdeptXBBS registers functions which can be called from the REXX interpreter. These calls are used to interface a REXX script to AdeptXBBS. When AdeptXBBS starts a REXX script, it passes along the line number as the first argument to the function. The REXX script should store that line number because it must be passed back to the AdeptREXX functions as the first parameter. AdeptPrint(LineNumber, String1, ..., StringN) Prints a string to the local and remote screen. The string may contain AdeptXBBS metastrings. You may pass more than one or more strings to this function. String1..N: Strings are printed in the order that they were passed. AdeptInKey(LineNumber) AdeptInKey will return the ASCII code for a incoming key sequence. AdeptInKey will not wait for a key, it will return 0 if there are no keys waiting. If you use this in a loop, please offset the amount of CPU time a loop uses with a AdeptSleep command. Example: ReturnCode = AdeptInKey(cp) AdeptWaitKey(LineNumber) AdeptWaitKey will return the ASCII code for a incoming key sequence. Unlike AdeptInKey, AdeptWaitKey will actually wait for a key sequence. If the user times out, it will log the user off. Example: ReturnCode = AdeptInKey(cp) AdeptSleep(LineNumber, time_to_sleep_in_milliseconds) AdeptSleep will cause the current node to sleep for x amount of milli- seconds. This is very helpful in making your REXX scripts CPU friendly. When you use this command it will release the current time slice to the next node, or program waiting in line. A decent sleep amount is AdeptSleep(65), 65 milliseconds, 1000 milliseconds = 1 second. The smallest timeslice OS/2 can sleep is 32ms. AdeptPutKey(LineNumber, char) AdeptPutKey will place a character into keyboard input stream. Char can be a character i.e. 'A' or a ASCII character code. AdeptMore(LineNumber) AdeptMore will execute a standard more prompt. This will use the More prompt in the English.Text or other language file. This will also use the International Y/N/Q/A info. AdeptPause(LineNumber) AdeptPause will wait for any key. This does not display any text. AdeptHitReturn(LineNumber) AdeptHitReturn will wait for the user to press enter. This will use the Press Enter to continue in the English.Text or other language file. AdeptPutC(LineNumber, char) AdeptPutC will put a char into the Com port output stream. This is a raw com function. It will return -1 for carrier drop. ** BE CAREFUL** This is a RAW com function. This is only to be used by professionals or people experienced with programming serial based products. AdeptComWrite(LineNumber, string) AdeptComWrite will place a string into the com ports output stream. This is a raw com function. It will return -1 for carrier drop. ** BE CAREFUL ** This is a RAW com function. This is only to be used by professionals or people experienced with programming serial based products. AdeptComFlush(LineNumber) AdeptComFlush will flush the output stream of the current com port. ** BE CAREFUL ** This is a RAW com function. This is only to be used by professionals or people experienced with programming serial based products. AdeptGetVar(LineNumber, varnumber) This function duplicates some of the functions already in the AdeptREXX language. This returns almost every single variable adept uses in the BBS software. This will be joined by a AdeptPutVar function in the next beta. This will give a REXX programmer total control over all of the BBS's users and mailers memory variables. There will also be some new variables added that will be blank. These variables will be usable in real time across nodes by multiple REXX programs running at the same time. The possibilities of such a setup are limitless. The following are the variable numbers: User Info: 1 - Users Name 2 - Users Handle 3 - Users Address 4 - Users Address1 5 - Users Address2 6 - Users City 7 - Users State 8 - Users Zipcode 9 - Users Home Phone 10 - Users Data Phone 11 - Users Fax Phone 12 - Users Business Phone 13 - Users Interests 14 - Sysop Comment about User 15 - Users Bank Time 16 - Users Computer Type (Number) 17 - Users User ID 18 - Users Point ID 19 - Users BirthYear 20 - Users BirthMonth 21 - Users BirthDay 22 - Users Gender (Represented by 1 letter) 23 - Users NetMail Credit 25 - The Group the User belongs to 27 - Time User Today 28 - Time Per Day 29 - Time Per Call 30 - Number of calls the user has made 31 - Upload Number 32 - Download Number 33 - Uploads in K 34 - Downloads in K 35 - Upload K today 36 - Download K today 37 - Upload K per day (Max Allowed) 38 - Download K per day (Max Allowed) 39 - Number of posts (Total) 40 - Security Level #1 41 - Security Level #2 42 - Flags represented as a 32-bit long 43 - Flags2 Represented as a 32-bit long 44 - User Attributes represented as a 32-bit long 45 - User Attributes #2 represented as a 32-bit long 46 - Users Screen Length 47 - Users Screen width 48 - Last Message Area number user was in 49 - Last File Area Number user was in 50 - Last Protocol Chosen (Returns the letter for the protocol) 51 - Last Archiver Chosen Returns Archive Letter 53 - Percentage of Upload/Download ratio to consider the user a leech 54 - Maximum Bank time allowed for this user 55 - Password Represented as a 32-bit long (32-bit CRC) 56 - Password reversed represented as a 32-bit long (32-bit CRC) 57 - Max Messages to pack into a mail packet. 58 - Users Age 59 - User Bad Password Attempts 60 - MailStatus (I forget how we use this at the moment) 61 - Number of lines shown to the remote user since last reset (clear screen or new screen shown, etc). This is calculated by the display sub-system and should always be correct. This variable takes everything from ANSI and Avatar cursor movement into account, to number of actual lines displayed. 62 - Did the user pick non-stop display after the last more prompt or non-stop display choice. BBS Info: 100 - Number of Calls to the BBS 101 - Last User ID Assigned by the BBS 102 - Last Point ID Assigned by the BBS 103 - Minimum Age Required to Log on 104 - Maximum Age Allows on the BBS 105 - Amount of NetMail Credit the user has 106 - Expire Users after x amount of days 107 - Expire Users after x amount of minutes 108 - Default User Time Per Day 109 - Default User Security Level #1 110 - Default User Security Level #2 111 - BBS User Default Flags #1 returned as a 32-bit long 112 - BBS User Default Flags #2 returned as a 32-bit long 113 - Default Upload K per day max 114 - Maximum download k per day 115 - BBS User Default Attribs returned as a 32-bit long 116 - BBS User Default Attribs #2 returned as 32-bit long 117 - The default group the user belongs to. The user will inherit the default settings for this group. 0 for none. 118 - Maximum Users to allow in the user file 119 - Default Origin Line for EchoMail Areas 120 - Maximum Password Attempts Allowed 125 - Default Cost to send a NetMail message 126 - Line number the BBS is on in the quote file 127 - Default Maximum Time Per Call 128 - I don't remember I will have to check this one 129 - Odds of getting a quote when called 130 - Mailer Incoming Password Protected Mail Path 131 - Mailer OkFile for Password Protected Nodes 132 - Mailer Incoming Public Mail Path 133 - Mailer OkFile for Public Mail 134 - Mailer Unlisted Node Mail Path 135 - Mailer OkFile for Unlisted Nodes 136 - Number of times a user can page the sysop 137 - The BBS's Name 138 - BBS UAttribs 32-bit long 139 - BBS UAttribs #2 32-bit long 140 - Sysops Name 141 - Is The Sysop In (0 or 1) 142 - Default Max Messages in Packet 143 - City/State info for BBS /.QWK Packet 144 - .QWK BBS ID 145 - BBS .QWK Phone Number 146 - Default Max Bank Time Modem/Mailer Info: 200 - Modem Handle 201 - Node Number 202 - Port Name (COM1, \PIPE\ADEPT1, etc) 203 - Modem Init String 204 - Default Dialing Prefix 205 - Default Dialing Suffix 206 - Optional Dialing Prefix #1 207 - Optional Dialing Suffix #1 208 - Optional Dialing Prefix #2 209 - Optional Dialing Suffix #2 210 - Optional Dialing Prefix #3 211 - Optional Dialing Suffix #3 212 - Optional Dialing Prefix #4 213 - Optional Dialing Suffix #4 214 - Optional Dialing Prefix #5 215 - Optional Dialing Suffix #5 216 - Optional Dialing Prefix #6 217 - Optional Dialing Suffix #6 218 - Optional Dialing Prefix #7 219 - Optional Dialing Suffix #7 220 - Optional Dialing Prefix #8 221 - Optional Dialing Suffix #8 222 - Modem Answer String 223 - Obsolete 224 - Obsolete 225 - Mail Only Event Text 226 - Text if User is too slow 228 - Baud Rate to Init Modem at 229 - Minimum Baud rate Allowed on BBS 230 - Minimum Incoming Baud Rate for Mail 231 - Minimum Baud Rate to Call Out for Mail 232 - Maximum Baud Rate for Outbound Mail 233 - Current Baud Rate of Modem 234 - Minimum Cost of Mail for This Event (Dialout) 235 - Maximum Cost of Mail for This Event (Dialout) 236 - Maximum Mail in K to send in a mail session 237 - Maximum Time Limit for a mail session 239 - Maximum Bad Mail Calls before no more are made 240 - Maximum Times to call a node to send mail 241 - If Port Locked (0 / 1) 242 - Allow Human Callers or Users on the BBS? (0/1) 243 - Allow File Requests (0/1) 244 - Accept File Request (0/1) 245 - Dialing Out OK? 246 - OK To Answer the Phone? 248 - Force FTS-0001 Mail Sessions (0/1) 249 - Receive Mail From Unlisted Nodes? (0/1) 250 - Send Mail to Unlisted Nodes? (0/1) 251 - Was the last incoming call to the BBS or Mail (1 for BBS, 0 for mailer) 252 - Sealink Overdrive Off (0/1) 1 = off 253 - Sealink Mail On/Off (1 = on) 254 - 1k Sealink On/Off (1 = off) 255 - Allow DietINFA (1 = on (TBBS/XBBS use dietINFA)) 256 - In Chat with Sysop (0/1) 257 - Debug Transfers (0/1) Extra Log Info 258 - Allow Hydra Mail Transfers (0/1) (Currently Disabled) 259 - Allow ZedZip for Mail Transfers (0/1) 260 - Allow ZedZap for Mail Transfer (0/1) 261 - Turn the mailer off? (0/1) 1 = off 262 - Key to represent Yes (Y) for USA 263 - Key to represent No (N) for USA 264 - Key to represent Stop (S) for USA 264 - Key to represent Pause (P) for USA 264 - Key to represent Quit (Q) for USA 268 - Maximum # of resyncs to abort transfers 269 - Maximum # of transfer errors to abort on 270 - Last Users on this lines name 271 - Last Mailer to call this node 272 - Last Long Entry Written 276 - Check Carrier Detect (0/1) 1 = on 277 - Video Display Handle 278 - Number of ring to wait for answer on this node AdeptMenuType(LineNumber, menutype, menudata) This command allows you to execute a menu options 10 - 998. Just pass the standard menudata. AdeptCall(LineNumber, Type, Flags, String1, ..., StringN) Run an external program. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. Type: 1 Same as menu item 801. Spawn a separate session. Strings are concatenated to form one string which is used as the spawn string. Can be used for a door program that accesses the com port in a more traditional (and complicated) fashion. You can run DOS doors here also. Flags: 1 Start session in background. 2 Same as menu item 802. Run OS/2 type door. (same menu item 800 but assumes a program which is more friendly to having its I/O redirected thru pipes to the com port.) Program must allow itself to be killed. Flags: Not Used. 3 Same as menu item 800. Run OS/2 type door. Program must allow itself to be killed. Flags: Not Used. Flags: Only used for Type 1 call. If flag is 1, then the program is started in the background. String1..N: Strings are added together to form one string which is used to spawn the session. Returns: Return code from the spawning function. 0 usually indicates success. All sessions inherit Adepts environment. AdeptLog(LineNumber, Flags, String1, ..., StringN) Log an action. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. Flags: 1 Output to log and listbox 2 Output to log only 3 Output to listbox only String1..N: Strings are added together to form one string which is used to spawn the session. AdeptSend(LineNumber, Flags, Path, File1, ..., FileN) Download Files. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. Flags: 1 No time verification 2 No leech checking 4 Silence 8 Never be silent 16 Don't check all download paths 64 Don't return files length (free file/bytes) Path: Path to files. If blank, use current file area path. File1..N: Names of files to be sent. NOTE: Currently the files are sent one at a time. Returns: String containing number of bytes downloaded, a space, and the number of files downloaded. NOTE: This function will change in the future. AdeptRecv(LineNumber, Flags, Path, Area, File1, ..., FileN) Upload files. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. Flags: 1 No time verification 4 Silence 8 Never be silent 16 Don't ask for description 64 Don't credit upload (does not return files size) 128 Accept as private file. Path: Path to put files in. Area: Name of area to put files in. File1..N: Names of files to be received. Returns: String containing number of bytes downloaded, a space, and the number of files downloaded. NOTE: This function will change in the future. AdeptTimeLeft(LineNumber[, SecsLeftInSession]) Optionally sets time left in current session. Always returns time left in current session. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. SecsLeftInSession: Optional. Set seconds left in current session. Returns: Time left in session in seconds. AdeptMenu(LineNumber, Flags, MenuName) Executes a menu contain in the file MenuName. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. Flags: 1 Return after user chooses a command from the menu. 2 Return after executing all commands contained in menu. MenuName: File name of the menu to use. AdeptConvert(LineNumber, String) Converts metastrings passed in String. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. String: String which contains metastrings which need to be converted. Returns: Converted string. AdeptCls(LineNumber) Clears local and remote screen. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. AdeptWrite(LineNumber, Type, Flags, Filename) Write a message. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. Type: 1 Write a message (Filename is unused) 2 edit file using editor (Flags are unused) Flags: 1 Force message to force-to-name of current message area. 2 Force private 4 Force public 8 Use MSGTMP.LineNumber file Filename: Name of text file to edit. AdeptRead(LineNumber, Type, Flags, StartAt) Read messages. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. Type: 1 Read messages in current area. 2 Globally read messages. Flags: StartAt: Number of message at which AdeptXBBS should start reading. AdeptFile(LineNumber, Type, StartAt, KeyName) File area manipulation. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. Type: 1 Returns name of current file area. 2 Returns number of current file area. 3 Find file area (number of area to find in StartAt) Returns file area number 4 Find file area (name of area to find in KeyName) Returns name of current file area. 5 Go to next file area Returns name of current file area. 6 Go to previous file area Returns name of current file area. 7 Returns download path of current file area. 8 Returns upload path of current file area. StartAt: Number of area to look for. (see type 3) Keyname: Name of area to look for. (see type 4) AdeptLibrary(lineNumber, Type, StartAt, KeyName) Library area manipulation. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. Type: 1 Returns name of current library area. 2 Returns number of current library area. 3 Find library area (number of area to find in StartAt) Returns library area number 4 Find library area (name of area to find in KeyName) Returns name of current library area. 5 Go to next library area Returns name of current library area. 6 Go to previous library area Returns name of current library area. 7 Returns path of current library area. StartAt: Number of area to look for. (see type 3) Keyname: Name of area to look for. (see type 4) AdeptMessage(lineNumber, Type, StartAt, KeyName) Message area manipulation. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. Type: 1 Returns name of current message area. 2 Returns number of current message area. 3 Find message area (number of area to find in StartAt) Returns message area number 4 Find message area (name of area to find in KeyName) Returns name of current message area. 5 Go to next message area Returns name of current message area. 6 Go to previous message area Returns name of current message area. 7 Returns number of messages in current message area. StartAt: Number of area to look for. (see type 3) Keyname: Name of area to look for. (see type 4) AdeptShow(LineNumber, Type, Flags, StartAt, KeyName) Display text files. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. Type: 1 Show a text file (StartAt=filename, KeyName=keys to abort on) 2 Page-read text file (Keyname=filename) 3 Show new text files (Keyname=directory to look in) 4 Show any text file (Keyname=directory to look in) Flags: (for now) StartAt: (see type 1) KeyName: Keys on which to abort showing of the text file. (see type 1) -or- Name of file or directory to look for. (see types 2-4) AdeptInput(LineNumber, MinLen, MaxLen, Type, Flags, Prompt, Help, HelpFile, Default) Get a string from the user. LineNumber: Line number. Passed to REXX routine from AdeptXBBS as first parameter. MinLen: Minimum length of input string. MaxLen: Maximum length of input string. Type: Type of input (will define later) Flags: Prompt: Prompt to display when asking for input. Help: Name of subject to look for in HelpFile when user asks for help. HelpFile: Contains help on subjects pertaining to this input prompt. Default: Default keystroke. ═══ 39.12. Directories ═══ Configurable mail directories: There are three distinct inbound directories that can be used. They should, ideally, all be on the same drive (the default) The directories are for, in order: .\Mailer\Password_Inbound_Mail (Passworded connections) .\Mailer\Public_Inbound_Mail (Unpassworded but listed connections) .\Mailer\Unlisted_Inbound_Mail (Unlisted connections) There are corresponding OkFile listings as well. .\Mailer\Password_File_List .\Mailer\Public_File_List .\Mailer\Unlisted_File_List The directory to be used is decided after the YooHoo packet is exchanged or after the introductory packet is received in an FTS-0001 session. When AdeptXBBS starts a session with the ext(ernal)mail processor because mail was received, it passes the inbound directory currently in use (which is usually where the mail will be :-). If you press M for Mail Processing at the "waiting" screen, the first outbound area will always be passed. You can change these directories from Adepts setup dialog boxes. Logfiles are always kept in the default AdeptXBBS directory. (\Adept) .\ (default) Where configuration files, DLLs and AdeptXBBS EXEs are kept. .\Events Where AdeptXBBS keeps its event files. .\Files Where AdeptXBBS keeps its B-Tree style file system. .\Help Where AdeptXBBS keeps its BBS help files. .\Mailer Where AdeptXBBS keeps all its mailer related files. .\Mailer\Aborted Where aborted mail files are kept. .\Mailer\NodeList Where the node list is kept. .\Mailer\Outbound Where outbound mail is kept. .\Mailer\Packets Where packets are kept (unused at this point) .\Mailer\Password (see above) .\Mailer\Public (see above) .\Mailer\Unlisted (see above) .\Mailer\Scripts Not Yet Used - .\Menus Where menus and REXX scripts are kept. .\Message Where all message bases are kept. .\Personal This is where AdeptXBBS stores it's PMI message Indexes. .\System Where system related files are kept. .\System\Line? Where data files are kept for each node. .\System\MiscNews Where miscellaneous news is kept. .\System\SysNews Where system news is kept. .\Temp Where temporary files are kept .\Text Where text files are kept. ═══ 39.13. Language files ═══ English.Txt is the prompts file, but with the low ASCII chars eliminated as control chars. (the need to edit them is eliminated) In place of the single ASCII chars are 5 character strings which take their place. The strings are in the format: [xxx] the 'xxx's denote a type of command for that line of text. There are currently 23 possible command types: [Str] - Means to return the string to the calling subroutine. (normally string is sent to user) When a line has [Str] in it, DO NOT remove it. If the line does not have [Str] in it, DO NOT add it. [Log] - Means log this line to the log screen. [Loc] - Means show this line locally only. [Ans] - Means show this line to users with ANSI cursor movement on. [Asc] - Means this line is for ASCII users only. (ANSI is not on) [Run] - Means try to execute the program on this line. NOT IMPLEMENTED [Fil] - Means show this file. NOT IMPLEMENTED [Cmd] - Means send this line to CMD.EXE. NOT IMPLEMENTED [Clr] - Means show this line to users that have color on. [Pse] - Means pause at this line. [8bt] - Means this line contains high ASCII characters. [Cls] - Means clear the screen. [Exp] - Means show this line to experts only. [Twt] - Means show this line to Twits only. [Nov] - Means show this line to novice users only. [Hlp] - Means show help file. NOT IMPLEMENTED [Mnu] - Means execute this menu. NOT IMPLEMENTED [Mta] - Means that metastrings should be converted (i.e. {M1, {UG, {W1, etc.) [Cvt] - Means that literals should be converted (i.e. \x1B, \r, \n, etc.) [Rem] - Means send this line to the remote end only. [Slg] - Write to screen log. (this may be backwards with [Log]) [Sts] - Means write this to AdeptXBBS screen in status window. [Wav] - Means play a .WAV sound file. The filename follows the [Wav] command. Wildcards OK. MMPM/2 should be installed. Execution Commands: [Str], [Log], [Loc], [Run], [Fil], [Cmd], [Hlp], [Mnu], [Rem], [Slg], [Sts], [Wav] should be the last command before the text on the line, because they cause that command to be executed immediately. Special Commands: [Pse], [Cls] Any text following these commands is ignored. Convert Commands: [Mta], [Cvt] will change the text on the line. [Mta] will cause all 'smart text' commands such as {M0, {U3, {L1 to be converted to the proper text. [Cvt] will cause string 'literals' to be converted. A string literal is the same as a 'C' string literal such as \x1B (ESCape), \r (return), \n (new line) If a line doesn't have 'smart text' or string 'literals' then you don't need to use these commands, because they can slow the display of the text down. Flag Commands: [Ans], [Asc], [Clr], [8bt], [Exp], [Twt], [Nov] determine who should see the line. ANSI is considered different than ANSI color because some terminals support ANSI cursor movement, but not color. If you have an ANSI line it would probably be okay to turn on hiliting "" because hiliting is usually supported even on dumb terminals. You can put the flag commands in front of the Execution, Special, or Convert commands. You can use a combination of these flags to determine which lines are sent to the user. Any order is okay, and a user has to match all flags on a line to be shown that line. If the line were: [Ans][Clr][8bt]Hello there! Then the user would have to have ANSI, Color, and high ASCII chars turned on to see that line! In 'English.Txt' you use the format: #xx to start a line of text. English.Txt is the file you edit. When AdeptXBBS runs and sees a new English.Txt file, it will compile English.Txt into the file English.Cm then AdeptXBBS will create an index file called English.Idx ═══ 39.14. BBS help files ═══ AdeptXBBS User Help Topics: (and when they are used) (not all topics are currently found in Adept.Hlp) Setup File -- setting access to files areas. List FileAreas -- List command when setting up file area access. All FileAreas -- All areas command when setting up file areas. FileSetup Prompted -- when asking for access to each file area one at a time. FileSetup Lorange -- When setting Low file area of a range. FileSetup Hirange -- When setting High file area of a range. FileSetup RangePick -- When setting range. FileArea Inquire -- When inquiring which areas. Setup Msg -- When setting access to message areas. List MsgAreas -- List command when setting up message areas. All MsgAreas -- All areas command when setting up message areas. MsgSetup Prompted -- when asking for access to each message area one at a time. MsgSetup Lorange -- When setting Low message area of a range. MsgSetup Hirange -- When setting High message area of a range. MsgSetup RangePick -- When setting range. MsgArea Inquire -- When inquiring which areas. Calendar -- When asking for which calendar to display. ChatHelp -- When in Internode chat Chat Reason -- When requesting a SysOp chat Edit You -- When selecting options in 'EditYou' function. User Interests -- When getting one line of user interests. User Address -- When setting one of three user address strings. User city -- When setting city User state -- When setting state/province. User Zipcode -- When setting ZIP/postal code. User Phone -- When setting one of four phone numbers. User Password -- When setting password. User Handle -- When setting handle. User Showaddress -- When setting show address flag. User Showphone -- When setting show phone # flag. User Showreal -- When setting show real name flag. User ANSI -- When setting ANSI (movement) flag. User Color -- When setting ANSI color flag. User HighASCII -- When setting High ASCII flag. User Gender -- When setting gender. User Novice -- When setting novice flag. User Expert -- When setting expert flag. User FSE -- When setting full screen editor flag. Download Mail -- When asking whether a user wants to download mail packet. User Rolling -- When setting rolling prompts flag. User Mailtype -- When setting mail packet type. User Pause -- When setting more prompt flag. User Hot -- When setting hot keys flag. User Clear -- When setting clear screen flag. User Width -- When setting screen width. User Length -- When setting screen length. User Computer -- When setting computer type. User Protocol -- When setting file transfer protocol. User Archiver -- When setting default archiver. User Newmsgs -- When setting read new msgs flag. User Newfiles -- When setting view new files flag. User TypeFList -- When setting type of file list. User Shownews -- When setting show news flag. User AsktoDL -- When setting ask download flag. User Available -- When setting Internode chat flag. User EBCDIC -- When setting EBCDIC conversion flag. Download1 -- When asking for files to download. Upload1 -- When asking for which file to be uploaded. Tag1 -- When asking for files to be tagged. I1_Msgnum -- When asking which message number to read. Lib Mask -- When asking for a library area file mask. Lib Read -- When reading library file. Lib Search -- When searching for library file. Text delete -- When deleting lines in text editor. Are You Sure -- When at a 'are you sure' prompt. Text edit -- When editing a line in the text editor. Text insert -- When inserting a line in the text editor. Msg To -- When setting who message is to. Msg From -- When changing message from. Msg Subj -- When changing message subject. Autodownload -- NewFileDate -- When asking for a new files date. User Search -- When searching user list. User Name -- When user enters name at login. Are You You? -- When name not in user records. Password -- When asking for password at login. Scan All Mail? -- When asking if we should scan all mail. MsgArea Selection -- When changing message areas. FileArea Selection -- When changing file areas. LibArea Selection -- When changing library areas. Area Password -- When asking for an area password. Text Title -- When getting name when creating a text file. Abort Text -- When aborting creation of text file. Menu Password -- When asking for menu password. File Matchstring -- When asking for a file search string. I1_Logoff Msg -- When asking for logoff comment. User Birthmonth -- When asking for user birthday month. User Birthday -- When asking for user birthday day. User Birthyear -- When asking for birthday year. Quote Reply -- When asking if we are quoting in reply. Msg Locate--from -- When locating message with from field. Msg Locate--to -- When locating message with to field. Msg Locate--subj -- When locating message by subject. Msg Locate--body -- When locating message by contents. Msg Locate--all -- When locating message by all of the above. Scan Page -- Scan messages more prompt. Search String -- When getting a search string (for showing text files) File Read -- When show any text files in a directory. View Arc -- When viewing archive View Arc Member -- When viewing archive member. Msg Destaddr -- When asking for address to send message to (NetMail) Addr Correct -- Is address correct? Msg Private -- Is message private? Msg Anonymous -- Is message anonymous? ═══ 39.15. Metastrings ═══ AdeptXBBS supports the use of metastrings in all text files. Metastrings are used to display a value, known by the system, to the user. Metastrings are in the format {xx where 'xx' is the metastring. (at a future date, the '{' (brace) may be a configurable value) (at a future date all kludges / crap will be nuked) Current supported metastrings: System. S0 -- Number of calls to the BBS S1 -- Minimum age of user allowed on BBS S2 -- Maximum age of user allowed on BBS S3 -- Maximum users on BBS S4 -- Maximum mail connection attempts S5 -- Maximum times a user can page the SysOp S6 -- Name of BBS S7 -- SysOp name S8 -- Current BPS rate User. U0 -- name U1 -- handle U2 -- address U3 -- home phone U4 -- interests (one line of text) U5 -- computer type # (line # of computer in 'Computers' file) U6 -- computer type string U7 -- ID number U8 -- Point ID number U9 -- birthdate yy/mm/dd UA -- credit UB -- minute limit UC -- time used so far today (on previous calls) UD -- time allowed per day UE -- number of times called UF -- Uploaded # of files UG -- Downloaded # of files UH -- Uploaded # KBytes UI -- Downloaded # KBytes UJ -- Uploaded # KBytes today UK -- Downloaded # KBytes today UL -- Max upload KBytes per day UM -- Max download KBytes per day UN -- Security Level 1 UO -- Security Level 2 UP -- Flags 1 (bit flags as integer) UQ -- Flags 2 (bit flags as integer) UR -- Attributes 1 (bit flags as integer) US -- Attributes 2 (bit flags as integer) UT -- Screen length UU -- Screen width UV -- Last msg area # UW -- Last file area # UX -- Protocol (letter) UY -- Archiver (letter) UZ -- time per call (outdated??) V3 -- age V4 -- graphics (1=on 0=off) V5 -- group in V6 -- number of messages posted V7 -- Uploaded # of files (9 chars long) (all right justified) V8 -- Downloaded # of files (9 chars long) V9 -- Uploaded # KBytes (9 chars long) VA -- Downloaded # KBytes (9 chars long) VB -- Uploaded # KBytes today (9 chars long) VC -- Downloaded # KBytes today (9 chars long) VD -- Max upload KBytes per day (9 chars long) VE -- Max download KBytes per day (9 chars long) VF -- name (36 chars, left justified) VG -- handle (36 chars, left justified) VH -- MaxBankTime VI -- Time in Bank VJ -- Calls Today VK -- Total Minutes used since first call O7 -- Banked time (in minutes) O9 -- City P1 -- Address (1 of 3) P2 -- State P3 -- Zip/Postal code P4 -- data phone P5 -- fax phone PF -- offline mail packing method (QWK, Fido, Bluewave etc.) Q9 -- file transfer protocol name or 'None' QA -- archiver name or 'none' QB -- max mail packet size in bytes (the below display the text ON or OFF according to the flag in the user record) O1 -- ANSI O2 -- Color O3 -- High ASCII O4 -- No More prompts O5 -- No Clear screens O6 -- Cold input (i.e. not hot keys) P6 -- Avatar P7 -- ANSI/TE2 P8 -- Available for Internode chat PE -- Monitoring Mail (ON/OFF) Message Area. (some variables are based on text found in English.Text) M0 -- Name of area M1 -- # msgs in current area M2 -- Last msg read in current area M3 -- # of msg area M4 -- Last msg read + 1 M5 -- description M6 -- name of area (12 characters long, left justified) M7 -- # msgs in area (5 chars long, right justified) M8 -- last msg read (5 chars long, right justified) M9 -- # of msg area (5 chars long, left justified) MA -- Last msg read + 1 (5 chars long, left justified) MB -- Description (48 chars long, left justified) MC -- Current msg number MD -- Msg from (based on text #361) ME -- Msg date MF -- Msg to (based on text #363) MG -- Msg private flag (based on text #352) MH -- Msg read flag (text #353 if read, #354 if not read) MI -- Msg deleted flag (text #355) MJ -- Msg NetMail (text #356) MK -- Msg EchoMail (text #357) ML -- Msg keep (text #358) MM -- Msg w/ file (text #370) MN -- Msg request flag (text #371) MO -- Msg update request flag (text #372) MP -- Msg Kill/sent flag (text #373) MQ -- Msg crashmail flag (text #374) MR -- Msg sent flag (text #375) MS -- Msg host flag (text #376) MT -- Msg hold flag (text #377) MU -- Msg anonymous (text #378) MV -- Msg originating zone (text #379) MW -- Msg originating net (text #380) MX -- Msg originating node (text #381) MY -- Msg originating point (text #382) A2 -- Msg destination zone (text #383) A3 -- Msg destination net (text #384) A4 -- Msg destination node (text #385) A5 -- Msg destination point (text #386) A6 -- Msg subject header (text #387 if request, text #388 or #389 if not) A7 -- Msg subject (text #390) A8 -- Msg subject (20 characters long, left justified) A9 -- Msg from (20 characters long, left justified) AA -- Msg to (20 characters long, left justified) AB -- Msg # (5 characters long, left justified) Q1 -- Msg area name (M0???) Q2 -- Msg area number (M3??) Q3 -- Msg area description (M5??) Q4 -- # msgs in area (M1??) Q7 -- prints '*' if last read is less than current # of msgs. ' ' if not Q8 -- prints '+' if current area is tagged for offline mail. ' ' if not QC -- time/date msg was received (24 characters) QD -- # times msg read (5 characters, right justified) File area. A0 -- Area name A1 -- area number Library area. L0 -- Area name L1 -- Area number Time. (user time) T0 -- Minutes left in session T1 -- ???? T2 -- Seconds left in session Date. (current date/time) D0 -- Month abbreviated (Jan, Feb, etc) D1 -- Day abbreviated (Mon, Tue, etc) D2 -- Year D3 -- Month number D4 -- Day number D5 -- Month name (complete name) D6 -- Day name (complete name) D7 -- Time (HH:MM:SS) D8 -- Date/Time (Dayofweek Month Dayofmonth HH:MM:SS Year) _or_ (Mon Jan 1 00:00:01 1996) Input. I0 -- Copies in last user input Download / Upload stats. K0 -- Uploaded bytes (total) K1 -- Downloaded bytes (total) K2 -- Uploaded bytes (today) K3 -- Downloaded bytes (today) K4 -- Max upload bytes per day K5 -- Max download bytes per day K6 -- Download bytes left today K7 -- Download KBytes left today K9 -- Upload bytes left today KA -- Upload KBytes left today Misc. H0 -- Com port handle LN -- Line number (1, 2, 3, etc) PA -- cycle thru color scheme and return next ANSI color in cycle PB -- Press any key to continue prompt PC -- Press [ENTER] prompt PD -- Pause for 1/2 second PG -- Pause for 1/30 second PH -- Spinning cursor (return next cycle.. use with PA) Q5 -- add 1 to number of lines printed Q6 -- add 1 to number of lines printed ?????why??????? QF -- user storage?? QG -- turns on U2_MONITOR_MAIL? (All ANSI commands will be set to blank if user doesn't have color turned on) Foreground ANSI Color. F1 -- Black F2 -- Dark blue F3 -- Dark green F4 -- Dark cyan F5 -- Dark red F6 -- Dark magenta F7 -- Brown F8 -- Light gray F9 -- Dark gray FA -- Blue FB -- Green FC -- Cyan FD -- Red FE -- Magenta FF -- Yellow FG -- White Background ANSI color. B1 -- Black B2 -- Dark blue B3 -- Dark green B4 -- Dark cyan B5 -- Dark red B6 -- Dark magenta B7 -- Brown B8 -- Light gray Other ANSI. CL -- Clear to end of line CS -- Clear screen QE -- Last ANSI color ═══ 39.16. Text files ═══ AdeptXBBS text files. Filenames, and where they are shown. Text files have a name and extension. The regular filename extension is .ASC which means this is a regular ASCII text file. If the user has ANSI color turned on, AdeptXBBS will look for a file with the same name, but with the extension .ANS. If the user has Avatar support turned on, a text file with the extension .AVT is search for. If the user has RIP graphics support enabled, a text file with the extension .RIP is searched for. If the files with the alternate extensions (.ANS .AVT .RIP) are not found the default .ASC filename is used. If any of these files are not found, the file is not shown, and the error is ignored. Files: DupePhone.ASC -- shown when the phone number they entered is found to be a duplicate of another users phone number. Upload.ASC -- Shown before they start an upload. Download.ASC -- Shown before they start a download. LockedOut.ASC -- Shown when they are locked out of the system. Login.ASC -- Shown when they first log on, before they enter their name. Preregister.ASC -- Shown to a new user when the system only accepts pre- registered users. NoRoom.ASC -- Shown to a new user when there is no room for new users. CantFind.ASC -- Shown when their name is not found. GetPassword.ASC -- Shown before the user types in their password. BadPassword.ASC -- Shown when they type in the wrong password. HappyBirthday.ASC -- Shown when it is their birthday. Welcome.ASC -- Shown after the user has entered their password, and before the news files are shown. News.ASC -- Shown after Welcome.ASC Bullet.ASC -- Shown after News.ASC MsgAreas.ASC -- If this file exists, then it is shown in place of the default message area listing. FileAreas.ASC -- If this file exists, then it is shown in place of the default file area listing. NewUser.ASC -- Shown to new users before they enter their user info. (text line #194 is shown immediately after this file) ReAsk.ASC -- Shown before ReAsk.Menu is executed. The ReAsk text file and menu are executed if they exist, and the users 'ReAsk' flag is false. The 'ReAsk' system is used to fill in missing fields in the user record. BeforeNew.ASC -- Shown after 'NewUser.ASC' (and text line #194) (text line #21 is shown immediately after this file) NewBirthday.ASC -- Shown before the user enters their birth date. BadAge.ASC -- Shown when the users age is too young or too old. FixUser.ASC -- Shown before the edit new user menu (EditYou.MNU) is executed. LogonMsg.ASC -- Shown before the user enters their first logon message (only if the 'first logon message' bit is set) Rules.xxxx -- Shown before reading messages in a certain message area. Typically used to post echo mail area rules. where 'xxxx' is the message area number. Description.xxxx -- Shown before reading messages in a certain message area. Typically used to describe the contents of the message area. where 'xxxx' is the message area number. Trashcan.ASC -- Shown when the users name has been found in the 'Trash can' file. PhoneCan.ASC -- Shown when the users phone number has been found in the phone 'trash can' file. PageSysop.ASC -- Shown just before the sysop is paged for a chat request. TooManyPages.ASC -- Shown when a user has paged the sysop too many times. ═══ 39.17. Event files ═══ Event file, in human format: Comments begin with semi-colons and can be on any line. Any text after a semi-colon is ignored. Keywords: EVENTBEGIN -- Begins description of an event. EVENTEND -- Ends description of an event. NAME -- Name of the event START -- Starting time of event in HH:MM format. END -- (temporary) Ending time in HH:MM format. LENGTH -- Length of event in minutes COMMAND -- Command to spawn at beginning of event FLAGS -- Flags to control event 1 = Forced (event must run) 2 = Recv Mail only (doesn't call out) 4 = Send mail only (doesn't answer ring) 8 = No File REQuests 16 = BBS calls allowed 32 = Send Crash Mail 64 = Send Crash Mail no matter what the cost is 128 = Cost must be less than MAXCOST 256 = Cost must be more than MINCOST 512 = Cost must equal MAXCOST 1024 = Wait for COMMAND to finish before continuing Add numbers together to combine flags. 24 = 8 (no FREQs) and 16 (BBS calls OK) MINCOST -- Minimum cost (see flags) MAXCOST -- Maximum cost DAYOFWK -- Day of week to execute 1 = Sunday 2 = Monday 4 = Tuesday 8 = Wednesday 16 = Thursday 32 = Friday 64 = Saturday 256 = Weekdays (Mon. thru Fri.) 512 = Weekends (Sat. -n- Sun.) 1024 = All Days Add numbers to combine days DAYOFMONTH -- Day of month to execute. Use w/ MONTH MONTH -- Month to execute. Use w/ DAYOFMONTH Using the above combo can cause execution to happen on a certain day of a certain month. If day of month is set, and month is not set (0) then it event will occur on that day every month. CALLTIME -- Time (in seconds) between calls MAXBAD -- Max bad calls MAXTRIES -- Maximum connects allowed ═══ 39.18. Message area control file ═══ AREABEGIN - This directive marks the beginning of a area definition NAME - This defines the message areas name NUMBER - This defines the message area number AGE - This defines the minimum age required to access the area DESC - This is the description of this area SEC1 - This is the minimum sec required to access this area when compared with the users security level #1 SEC2 - This is the minimum sec required to access this area when compared with the users security level #2 FLAGS1 FLAGS2 WSEC1 - This is the minimum sec required to write a messages in this area, this is compared with user sec level #1 WSEC2 - This is the minimum sec required to write a messages in this area, this is compared with user sec level #2 WFLAGS1 WFLAGS2 SSEC1 - This is the minimum sec required to access sysop functions for this message area. I.e. Delete mail, read private mail. Compared with security level #1 SSEC2 - This is the minimum sec required to access sysop functions for this message area. I.e. Delete mail, read private mail. Compared with security level #2 SFLAGS1 SFLAGS2 FLAGS ADDRESS - Fidonet Address to use for posted Net/EchoMail messages. PASSWORD - Password required to access this message area. FORCETO - Name to force, force to messages to ECHO - Nodes to Forward/Receive mail from ORIGIN - Origin to use for this message area PATH - Drive/Path to place message area files for this area MAXAGE - Maximum age of user to be able to access area AREAEND - This directive marks the end of a area definition ═══ 39.19. File area control file ═══ AREABEGIN - This directive marks the beginning of a area definition NAME - This defines the message areas name NUMBER - This defines the message area number AGE - This defines the minimum age required to access the area DESC - This is the description of this area SEC1 - This is the minimum sec required to access this area when compared with the users security level #1 SEC2 - This is the minimum sec required to access this area when compared with the users security level #2 FLAGS1 FLAGS2 WSEC1 - This is the minimum sec required to write a messages in this area, this is compared with user sec level #1 WSEC2 - This is the minimum sec required to write a messages in this area, this is compared with user sec level #2 WFLAGS1 WFLAGS2 SSEC1 - This is the minimum sec required to access sysop functions for this message area. I.e. Delete mail, read private mail. Compared with security level #1 SSEC2 - This is the minimum sec required to access sysop functions for this message area. I.e. Delete mail, read private mail. Compared with security level #2 SFLAGS1 SFLAGS2 FLAGS PASSWORD - Password required to access this message area. MAXAGE - Maximum age of user to be able to access area DLPATH - Download Path ULPATH - Upload Path COSTPERK - Cost Per K AREAEND - This directive marks the end of a area definition ═══ 39.20. Outbound naming conventions ═══ AdeptXBBS uses long file names for it's mail packets. The following is the basic outline for all AdeptXBBS Mail Packets. TYPE.ZONE.NET.NODE.POINT.NETWORK TYPE Can be any of the following.  A = Archived Mail Packet  C = Crash Mail  D = Direct Mail  H = Hold Mail  M = Manual Mail (not yet implemented)  N = Normal Mail  P = Unarchived Packet  R = File Request C, N, D, H and M are modifiers, and can also contain the name of a file to be sent using that particular flavor. For example you can have a archived mail packet for me: Fidonet#1:369/210.0. AdeptXBBS stores it in an archive named 'A.1.369.210.0.Fidonet'. Now say you want to send it crash mail, you can then create a 0 byte file as 'C.1.369.210.0.Fidonet'. To send a file attach to me at Fidonet#1:369/210.0, you would create a file called 'C.1.369.210.0.Fidonet', and on the first line of the file place the full pathname of the file to crash mail to me. If you append a ^ before the name it will delete the file after it had been sent, and a ~ before the name will cause the file to be truncated to 0 bytes in length after it is sent. ═══ 39.21. OKFiles ═══ OKFiles follow (sorta) the 'Binkley' style OKFile format, including magic filenames and function requests. @ADEPTBBS C:\Files\Adept\Adept_90.Zip @ADEPTXBBS C:\Files\Adept\Adept_90.Zip @SIO C:\Files\Comm\Sio142.Zip @NODELIST D:\fido\fidofile\Nodelist.A?? @NODEDIFF D:\fido\fidofile\nodediff.A?? D:\Files\netupld\*.* D:\Files\upload\*.* D:\Files\fidofile\*.* D:\Files\games\*.* D:\Files\utilitie\*.* ═══ 39.22. Message base maintenance ═══ Xmsg - AdeptXBBS Message base Utility/Packer ═══ 39.23. Fidonet Technology Network mail handling ═══ GateKpr - Gate Keeper - AdeptXBBS Fidonet Mail Tosser ═══ 39.24. User file maintenance ═══ uNuke is a user data base packing program for AdeptXBBS. This also means that it will adjust last read pointers for all message areas based on the newly packed user file. In other words, if a user record is purged, then their last read pointers for each area must also be purged. Command Line Parameters Parameters in brackets [] are optional. uNuke [/Exx] [/Dxx or /Mxx] [/Q] [/K] /Exx Set the 'Exempt' security level. Where 'xx' is the security level. Any user with a security level greater than or equal to this number will not be purged from the user data base. They are considered 'Exempt' from purging. /Dxx Set the maximum number of inactive DAYS. /Mxx Set the maximum number of inactive MONTHS. Where 'xx' is the number of inactive days or months. You should use either days or months, but not both. If you try to use both, the months figure will be ignored. /K uNuke will kill back-ups of the user data base when it has completed the packing process. /Q Quiet Mode. The speed of uNuke will be approx. 500% faster! Though your mileage may vary. In normal mode, the user names are shown on the screen with a message showing whether or not they have been purged. /? Gives a quick list of parameters. Examples: uNuke /Q /D60 /E6 uNuke will operate in quiet mode, will purge users not on in over 60 days, and users level 6 and above will not be purged. uNuke /M6 uNuke will purge users not on in 6 months. Note: All command line parameters are optional. What would cause uNuke to purge a user record? uNuke will purge a user record if any of the following conditions are met: Blank 'Name' field. If there is no name, then uNuke will purge the record. Being that uNuke is a 'C' program, a NULL as the first character of the 'Name' field would be considered a blank name. 'U_DELETED' bit is set in the user record 'Attribs' field. If this flag is set, then the user record is purged. The only time this will NOT work, is if the U_NOKILL bit flag is also set. 'U_NOKILL' means that this user record should never be purged. If 'Maximum Inactive Days' is set, and they have not been on in that time. They will NOT be purged if they are exempt, or the U_NOKILL flag is set. If 'Maximum Inactive Months' is set, and they have not been on in that time. They will NOT be purged if they are exempt, or the U_NOKILL flag is set. What will keep uNuke from purging a user record? If the 'U_NOKILL' bit is set in the 'Attribs' field. This will prevent uNuke from purging the record in nearly all cases. The _only_ exception is if the user 'Name' field is blank. Their security level meets or beats the 'Exempt' security parameter. If the user 'Security1' field is greater than or equal to the 'Exempt' parameter, then they will not be purged, unless the 'U_DELETED' bit is set in the 'Attribs' field. The user will not be purged if they have been on more recently than the inactivity parameter. When should I run uNuke? uNuke tends to rearrange user records at will, therefore, AdeptXBBS should be taken off-line when you decide to pack a user data base. AdeptXBBS expects to place a user record back where it found it. If you tried purging while AdeptXBBS is on-line, you risk corruption of the user data base. ═══ 39.25. Environment variables ═══ uNuke will look for the existence of two environment variables to aid in its adjustment of the last read pointers. By default, uNuke will look in the \Adept\Message_Bases directory for all *.LMR files. You can change the default behavior with the following environment variables: XMSG Changes the default message base location from \Adept\Message_Bases to whatever you specify. Example: SET XMSG=H:\Adept\MsgBases XXMSG Tells uNuke to also search these directories (yes, plural is okay) for more *.LMR files. Separate multiple directories with semi-colons. Example: SET XXMSG=H:\Adept\Messages;M:\Message_Bases; XPATH Used by many third party utilities to find AdeptXBBS files. Can list several directories separated by semi-colons. XOUTBOUND Tells AdeptXBBS and many third party utilities where the outbound directory is. XNODELIST Tells AdeptXBBS and many third party utilities where the nodelist directory is. XTEXT Tells AdeptXBBS where the text file directory is. XMENU Tells AdeptXBBS where the menu directory is. ═══ 39.26. Mail.CMD ═══ The Mail.Cmd file is a sample batch file for handling incoming mail processing. ═══ 39.27. READARC.CMD ═══ Don't delete, or touch this, it knows what to do all by itself. :-) ═══ 39.28. File list generator ═══ Command line parameters: /Ccfgfilename Change the default configuration file name from fList.Cfg Example: FLIST /Cmybbs.cfg /? Short help screen. Configuration file key words: BBSNAME xxx - Where 'xxx' is your BBS name. 60 chars max. INCLUDEAREAS xxx - Where 'xxx' are Area numbers to include in this list. a sequence of areas my be specified using the following format: xxx-xxx For instance, if you wanted areas 1 thru 10 in the list, you would say: INCLUDEAREAS 1-10 Multiple sequences may be separated by commas. INCLUDEAREAS 1-10,31-45,99 You can have up to 10240 included areas. PREPENDFILE xxx - Where 'xxx' is the name of a text file which should be at the top of the file list. APPENDFILE xxx - Where 'xxx' is the name of a text file which should be added to the bottom of the file list. OUTFILE xxx - Where 'xxx' is the name of the file list. Default is 'Files/AllFiles.List' DATESORT - Flag to tell the program to sort by date. Default is by filename. REVERSESORT - Flag to tell the program to sort in reverse order. May be combined with DATESORT to start your list with the most current files. Example configuration file: ----[cut here]---- BBSNAME The Abandoned Land INCLUDEAREAS 1-40,60-70,99 DATESORT REVERSESORT ----[cut here]---- This example file includes file areas 1 thru 40, 60 thru 70, and 99, and is sorted in dated order with newest files first. Doesn't work? Cosmetic changes? Let us know. ═══ 39.29. REINDEXF.EXE ═══ Run this program from your \Adept directory. It will delete your current file system indexes, and build them from scratch using the data in Files\Files.DAT It will not reindex descriptions at this time, as AdeptXBBS has a built in function to do that. NOTE: This program will use all the CPU you can give it.. it is a CPU hog and proud of itself for it. So, run this program when you don't mind if a few other processes get slowed down a wee bit. ═══ 39.30. User structures ═══ The following is the structure for the AdeptXBBS user file. CHAR name[36]; CHAR handle[36]; CHAR address[60]; CHAR address1[60]; CHAR address2[60]; CHAR city[20]; CHAR state[5]; CHAR zipcode[10]; CHAR home_phone[21]; CHAR data_phone[21]; CHAR fax_phone[21]; CHAR bus_phone[21]; CHAR interests[78]; CHAR SysOpComment[78]; USHORT banktime; USHORT computer_type; LONG userid; SHORT pointid; time_t initial_logon; time_t expires; time_t last_logon; time_t logon_today; SHORT birthyear; CHAR birthmonth; CHAR birthday; CHAR gender; LONG credit; LONG minlimit; LONG group; LONG currlastread; LONG time_today; LONG time_per_day; LONG time_per_call; LONG numcalls; LONG ulnum; LONG dlnum; LONG ulk; LONG dlk; LONG uktoday; LONG dktoday; LONG ukperday; LONG dkperday; LONG numposts; LONG security1; LONG security2; LONG flags1; LONG flags2; LONG attribs; LONG attribs2; SHORT length; SHORT width; SHORT lastmsgarea; SHORT lastfilearea; CHAR lastprotocol; CHAR lastarchiver; LONG forsysop; CHAR interface; CHAR exp; SHORT leech_percent; SHORT maxbanktime; SHORT timecredit; SHORT callstoday; LONG totalminsever; LONG netmaildebits; time_t lastpwchange; time_t lastlistednewfile ULONG filekcredit; CHAR unixid[8]; UCHAR _unused[94]; UCHAR offlinemailtags[128]; UCHAR usermsg[128]; UCHAR userfile[128]; ULONG passwordcrc; ULONG passwordcrc2; USHORT max_mail_pkt; CHAR reasked; CHAR reserved[75];