═══ 1. Preface ═══ Preface Hello people, this is the second version of this usefull program. There are a lot of changes, but only a few are visible, because I work a lot to optimize the code. Read at least the What's New section of this manual. I spent about 140 hours to develop this program (in about five months), I try to make it as OS/2 as possible, without make it big, slow and hard to use. I request a little registration fee, 10$, please send it to me if you use the program. The only difference in the registered version is the absence of the initial wait dialog box. At today I received no registrations, and only a couple of comment messages. I hope this will change... ═══ 2. What FMS do ? ═══ What FMS do ? I have a little Maximus BBS and I love OS/2, so I'm trying to delete all DOS programs from my hard disk. Some time ago I decided to trash my old MFM and write something to manage the files.bbs and the file areas. FMS is a simple files manager for Maximus (really all files.bbs based systems can use it). It do all you can expect from that kind of software: moving, renaming, changing descriptions etc. This is a list of the key features: * drag and drop enabled ! * full multithread * support for multiple Filearea.Ctl * global search around all areas * global dupelist * direct manipulation of files reported from search or dupelist * copy and move files from areas and to other drop enabled applications (eg Workplace) * direct files rename and delete * direct description change * touch of files date * abandon, adopt * view and manipulate LZH,ZIP,ARJ,ARC and ZOO archives (ask for others if you want it) * associations to external programs (like GIF viewer) * generate "full files list" and "new files list" * sort containers in various order * update description with GIF,TIFF or JPG info on request * get descriptions directly from FILE_ID.DIZ (if present) * optimized to be fast and light for use on both little and big BBS * will grow version by version in feature, stability and usability ═══ 3. Installation and configuration ═══ Installation and configuration If you have an old version of FMS installed you can simply copy the .EXE and .INF over the old one and run FMS. It's necessary to check all the options in the settings notebook. Check and fill all the options, expecially the archives one. For new user: install FMS is very simple. You should only move FMS.EXE into the directory you want and (optionally) create an icon to run it in the workplace. Now run FMS, an empty windows will open, click rigth mouse button on it and select Options. You will see a configuration notebook. In the first page there is a list of all FILEAREA.CTL associated to FMS. It is empty, so press the Add button and choose your FILEAREA.CTL file. Added all FILEAREA.CTL to the list close the notebook and after that close also FMS. Run again FMS, it should now show all your file areas in the MAIN FOLDER (the first window it open). Now you can configure all the other options. Confirmations Layout Tuning Archivers Associations Utilities Files List Registration ═══ 3.1. Confirmations ═══ Confirm update on exit If you check this option FMS will prompt you when exiting from an AREA FOLDER asking a confirmation for all the changes done in the area. If you confirm FMS will delete all files flagged as deleted (red), rename all files flagged as renamed (blue), update the files.bbs rewriting it on the disk. If you don't confirm FMS will not rewrite files.bbs on disk and will note delete and rename files you deleted or renamed in the area. FMS will instead delete all files dropped on the area (green). Confirm rename on copy When FMS move or copy a file it check if a file with the same name still exists on the target directory. If it exists FMS rename the old one with a .OLD extension. If you check this option FMS will prompt you before renaming the target file. Othewise the rename is automatic. ═══ 3.2. Layout ═══ Auto save position If you check this option FMS will automatically save the window position, colors and fonts when closing it. FMS remember theese information for each kind of windows it open, and for the AREA FOLDER it remember this information on an order basis. So you can have more AREA FOLDER opened in different positions. Hide Comments When checked FMS will not display the comments in the AREA FOLDER. Attention: the comments are still in the container, you can view the comments selecting Hide/Comments from the context menu of the folder. Any sort will affect the hided comments lines too !! Container Titles If you want see container titles check this options, otherwise uncheck it. Split Bar In the AREA FOLDER you can have a split bar before the description field. Check this option if you want it. The position of the split-bar is saved with all other attributes with Save Position (or when auto save position is in effect). Status Bar Check this option if you want a status bar displayed on bottom of the files container. The status bar has the format: F:[free space] T:[total files/space] S:[selected files/space] O:[orphan files/space] D:[deleted files/space] M:[missed files] Text Emphasis If you check this option FMS will highlight the files in the area container with text emphasis. Orphan files are underlined, deleted ones are strikeouted. ═══ 3.3. Tuning ═══ Faster Dupelist If you check this option FMS will use more memory during the dupelist data collection. It will be more quick, but it will eat a lot of memory. Experiment the option and choose the one giving you the best results. RGB color in container Check this option if you are using the OS/2 2.11 (service pack 6200). If FMS don't highlight the files with colors in the area container (red for deleted etc.) you should try to change this option. ═══ 3.4. Archivers ═══ Archivers Actually FMS can manage five kind of archives: ZIP, LZH, ARJ, ZOO and ARC. FMS is able to list the contents of theese archives without external program support, but using external program you can also see the contents of the files in the archive, add files to archives, delete fiels from archives, and check archives integrity. FMS is not an archive manager, you can register FM/2 if you need such a software, but I develop some archive support because it is a need when managing file areas of the BBS. In this notebook page you can change the association between archives and external programs, and choose the right parameters for each external program. Beware, you MUST choose parameters to avoid any prompt and override (replace) any files. You can also choose in which directory FMS must write its temporary files. ATTENTION: FMS will erase all the contents of such a directory and remove it when exit. ═══ 3.5. Associations ═══ Associations Here you can associate a file extension with a program. When you select a file from one of FMS containers, it will use that program to display/run/manage it. You can change the program name, the parameters and the working directory for each extension, but you can change the extension filed itself. To add a new extension you should editing the extension filed, and after press the Add button. Now you can change the parameters. The first of the associations is used also for all the unlinked extensions, I use e.exe or listpm.exe to manage unexpected extensions. ═══ 3.6. Utilities ═══ Utilities You can tell FMS to run an FB utility (or other similar programs) on exit. ═══ 3.7. File lists ═══ File lists FMS is able to produce a simple (for now) file list. Really two, one total and one for new files. You can here specify the header file (used in both news and total list), the name of the two lists, the number of days to consider a file new, the width of the list (commonly 80). You can also exclude file areas by Access keyword. In the rigth listbox there are all the Access key you used, you can choos one or more of theese to exclude areas from the lists. In the left listbox there are all the file areas, the excluded are automatically selected as you select the associated Acces key in the rigth. The left list is for view only (for now). You can check the box on the bottom rigth to define if FMS should include comments in the list. When you ask to include comments FMS turn off the sort of the area files. You can also include missed files in the list. ═══ 3.8. Registration ═══ Registration Here you can simply insert your registration key. Type it exactly, it's case sensitive. ═══ 4. Using FMS ═══ Using FMS I hope you will use FMS easily, because it look and feel exactly as Workplace do. But there are some things you will found strange, as the rename or others. When FMS start it open a windows, really a container, containing all the file areas. You can see it as icons, names or details, and here you have a context menu with some options: o View: it simple change the mode MFS show you the area list. o Find: you can find text in yours file areas. The find is ever a separate thread, when done you will have a container (File Basket) with all files founded in all areas. You can also manipulate the founded files directly in the File Basket (rename, orphan/adopt, delete, change descriptions, touch, etc). o Dupelist: you can find all the dupes in your file areas. The find is done in three way, as you choose: total match of file name, no extension match or partial match. As in the previous option you can manipulate directly the result of the dupe search. Both Search and Dupelist thread run at low priority to avoid system hang. o Arrange: arrange the container in the icon view. o Save positions: save the positions of the windows and its presentation attribute (fonts, colors). o Sort by: the container is sorted by area tag, but you can sort it in FILEAREA.CTL or description order. o Options: start the options notebook. o Edit files.bbs: you can edit directly (e.exe) the files.bbs file (sometimes this can be usefull). o Write filelist: write the file lists as you specify in the notebook. (You can also obtain the filelist launching FMS with the -L parameter. Using -L FMS will start, generate the lists, exit, so you can use it in a batch). o Info: show the about dialog. The release number is in this dialog, please take note of it when reporting bugs. Double clicking an area will open the Area Container. This container show you the file list. The file name are painted in different color: Black: normal listed file Red: deleted file (they will really deleted when you close the Area Container) Violet: orphan file Light grey: comments Dark grey: missed file (description withouth file) Blue: renamed file Colors really show the file status. Some status is proritary about other, so a file deleted and orphan will be displayed in red. To edit a file description you can use the standard OS/2 key/mouse combination (normally Alt+left mouse button). To terminate the editing you can click outside the edit box or simply press return. To rename a file use the same tecnique on the name field and change it. The file will be really renamed when you will close the Area Container. You can select as many file you want, when you click right button FMS activate a context menu. The context menu contains many commands. The commands apply to the record of the container under the mouse at click time. If the record under mouse is in selected status the command will apply to all the selected record in the container, otherwise only this record is affected. The command available in the context menu are: o Add comment: add a line of comment after the record under mouse. o Delete/Undelete file: delete or undelete (set/unchek delete flag) the record under mouse (or all selected record). The records will be really deleted when you close the container. o Abandon/Adopt file: abandon or adopt the records. As for the delete command this is a flip/flop command. Apply two time the command to the same file leave its status invariate. Orphan a comment will delete it from the files.bbs. o Move (top/bottom): this command will move the record(s) to the top or the bottom of the list. o Touch: touch the date of the record(s). Both update and create dates are updated. o Get info (pic): put a simple info in the description from the GIF,TIFF or JPG file selected. It's an experimental command, if you like it I can extend it. o Get info (file_id.diz): put the text found in file_id.diz into description, if file_id.diz exists int he archive. o Save positions: same as in the Main Container. o Sort by: sort the list in various kind. The list will be saved in the order you see it when closing the container. o Hide/Show: hide or show comments, orphan files or missed files. The hide do not affect the save or the sort of the list. o Select(all,none,by status, by word):Select files. The selection is additive. Try it. o Info: info dialog In the File Basket (the container you obtain after a Search or a Dupelist) are available some of the commands of the Area Container, and also an Export List On File options to save the list on a temp file. The Boost Priority option can be usefull if there is some program in the system sucking all the CPU resources. You can Boost the dupelist or Find task with this option. But beware if you need this there is some WRONG task runnig on your system. ═══ 4.1. Keys ═══ Keys I changed some keys functionality in the direct edit of OS/2. When editing you can update the field simply pressing return (instead of finding the mouse and click outside the edit box), also you can use arrow up and down keys to update the box and go to edit the next (or previous) record. Beware, there is a bug, if you go beyond the last record visible the container will not automatically scroll. F3 always close the current window. When in the file list F2 (or Ins) start the editor. F4 (or Del) delete del file (or selected files). When the focus is in the Main Container you can start Search with Ctrl-F and Dupelist with Ctrl-D. More keys can be activated, please query for it, I'm a mouse maniac...... ═══ 5. Known problems and bugs ═══ Known problems and bugs Actually FMS don't check for free space before move or copy files. I will fix that as I will receive at least ONE registration. Please report others problems, bugs or suggestions to: Mario Pacchiarotti Fido: 2:335/320 Internet: mc8872@mclink.it ═══ 6. What's new ? ═══ What's new ? From version 1.078 * Now FMS update immediatly the field width after editing description. * Two additional sort view added to file container: Description and Extension * Added Sort capability to archives container * One new sort view in the main container: Description * FMS is now able to unarc files from archives * Added abitity to get file description from FILE_ID.DIZ * FMS is now optimized for memory allocation (it use less memory) * FMS is now faster filling container (really) * FMS now use threads for about all the secondary functions * Added a simple status bar to file containers, with various infos * Automatically run FB or others utilities on exit (on request) * Optionally include missed files and comments in total file list * Optimized execution of updates from file basket (really) * FMS is now able to delete, and add files from/to archives * FMS is now able to test archives * Added a select function in the files container. You can select by flags or by word (like a find). * You can optionally use a text emphasis to highlight the status of files. ═══ 7. Development team ═══ Development team I'm the biggest of the two ! ═══ 8. Disclaimer ═══ Disclaimer FMS is supplied as it is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of FMS. FMS is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new products. FMS package, all programs, the documentation and support files are copyrighted 1994 by Mario Pacchiarotti. All rights are reserved. You may copy this package for backup purposes. You may also copy and share unmodified copies of the whole package, providing that the copyright notice is reproduced and included on all copies. You may not sell the product for a fee and/or distribute the product along with other products without written permission, nor may you modify or remove the Copyright Notices from the programs or the documentation files. User clubs, if they are NOT commercial, are allowed to ask a small amount of money for distribution and storage when they want to share this package amongst their members. It is forbidden to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile and/or disassemble the software in the FMS package. Patching the medium at places that carry the software is seen as a program change and is also forbidden. ═══ 9. How to register ═══ How to register FMS is not freeware, nor PD, it's Shareware. Surely you know what Shareware is, so I will not bore you explaining it. If you use FMS you must register it. I choose to require a minimal registration fee. FMS price is ten dollars, so you have no excuses to avoid registration. To register send me $10 or about equivalent money in your currency to: Mario Pacchiarotti Via Campania, 10 00040 Cecchina (Albano) RM ITALIA You can send money, postal check, international check, or other collectable credit title. Sorry no credit cards. When registering please specify your e-mail address (fido or internet). You will receive the registration key to avoid initial wait dialog box. This is the only difference from unregistered to registered version. The about dialog will wait more any day you use FMS, so you will not bored in the initial days when testing it. You can write me to: Fidonet: 2:335/320 Internet: mc8872@mclink.it