;--------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; ; ; ; ------------ Bit-Bucket Software, Co. ; ; \ 10001101 / Writers and Distributors of ; ; \ 011110 / Freely Available Software. ; ; \ 1011 / ; ; ------ ; ; ; ; (C) Copyright 1987-96, Bit Bucket Software Co. ; ; ; ; ; ; *: common entries ; ; E: English language text by Bit-Bucket Software ; ; S: StarTrek language text by George Vandervort, 1:382/8 ; ; G: German language text by Udo Heinrich, 2:2452/264 ; ; ; ; Mixed together into language.txt by Th. Waldmann 2:2474/400 ; ; ; ; For complete details of the licensing restrictions, please refer ; ; to the License agreement, which is published in its entirety in ; ; the MAKEFILE and BT.C, and also contained in the file LICENSE.260. ; ; ; ; USE OF THIS FILE IS SUBJECT TO THE RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN THE ; ; BINKLEYTERM LICENSING AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT FIND THE TEXT OF ; ; THIS AGREEMENT IN ANY OF THE AFOREMENTIONED FILES, OR IF YOU DO ; ; NOT HAVE THESE FILES, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT BIT BUCKET ; ; SOFTWARE CO. AT ONE OF THE ADDRESSES LISTED BELOW. IN NO EVENT ; ; SHOULD YOU PROCEED TO USE THIS FILE WITHOUT HAVING ACCEPTED THE ; ; TERMS OF THE BINKLEYTERM LICENSING AGREEMENT, OR SUCH OTHER ; ; AGREEMENT AS YOU ARE ABLE TO REACH WITH BIT BUCKET SOFTWARE, CO. ; ; ; ; ; ; You can contact Bit Bucket Software Co. at any one of the following ; ; addresses: ; ; ; ; Bit Bucket Software Co. FidoNet 1:104/501, 1:343/491 ; ; P.O. Box 460398 AlterNet 7:491/0 ; ; Aurora, CO 80046 Internet f491.n343.z1.fidonet.org ; ; ; ; Please feel free to contact us at any time to share your comments about ; ; our software and/or licensing policies. ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; We really should tell you what these all correspond to, but since ; release is imminent, we don't have the time. In general, if there ; is a single trailing space, it is significant. If there are ; multiple trailing spaces, then that field can be no longer than the ; current line length. ; ; All lines starting with ';' are comments ; Comments may be put on any individual line using ';' as leftmost character ; ; Compiler converts '\n' and '\r' for you. ; Use '\b' for trailing blanks! ; ; You can use #??? for the message numbers before 'L' or '?'. ; They are ignored by the compiler. ; ; The following line contains the record count and version number ; Record count should be exactly the same as X_TOTAL_MSGS in MSGS.H !! ; *L576 1 ; ; Start of message text below ; E#000L:Dialing %s with script '%s'. S#000L:Dialing %s with script '%s'. G#000L:Waehle %s mit Script '%s'. E#001L!Could not open script %s. S#001L!Could not open script %s. G#001L!Kann Script nicht oeffnen: %s E#002L+Master script timer expired. S#002L+Master script timer expired, Captain. G#002L+Hauptscript: Zeit abgelaufen. E#003L+Script '%s' failed at line %d. S#003L+Script '%s' failed at line %d. G#003L+Script '%s': Fehler in Zeile %d. E#004LMemFree: S#004LMemFree: G#004LRAMFrei: E#005L!Too many labels in script. S#005L!Too many labels in script. G#005L!Zu viele Sprungmarken in Script. E#006LMacro number S#006LMacro number G#006LMakro Nummer E#007Lis out of range 1-9. S#007Lis out of range 1-9. G#007Lnicht innerhalb 1-9. E#008LShell number S#008LShell number G#008LShell Nummer E#009Lenough S#009Lenough G#009Lgenug E#010LRequests Allowed. S#010LRequests Allowed, Captain! G#010LRequests erlaubt. E#011LLogLevel must be 0..7 or -1..-7 - %s is unknown.\n S#011LLogLevel must be 0..7 or -1..-7 - %s is unknown.\n G#011LLogLevel muss 0..7 oder -1..-7 sein - %s is unbekannt.\n E#012LRidiculous MAXport value: %s\n S#012LRidiculous MAXport value: %s\n G#012LLaecherlicher MAXport-Wert: %s\n E#013LIllegal port: %s\n S#013LIllegal port: %s\n G#013LUngueltiger Port: %s\n E#014LIllegal CARRIER mask: %s\n S#014LIllegal CARRIER mask: %s\n G#014LUngueltige CARRIER-Maske: %s\n ; ; The following both lines represent parts of the "screenblank" statement ; One can write "screenblank", or "screenblank key" or "screenblank call". ; Please do not change them. ; *#015Lkey *#016Lcall ; E#017LERR: Unknown or illegal config line:\n'%s'\n S#017LERR: Unknown or illegal config line:\n'%s'\n G#017LERR: Unbekannte oder ungueltige Config-Zeile:\n'%s'\n E#018L!Invalid environment var value: %s=%s S#018L!Invalid environment var value: %s=%s G#018L!Ungueltiger Wert von Environment-Variable: %s=%s E#019L!Out of memory - outbound caching disabled. S#019L!Out of memory - outbound caching disabled. G#019L!Kein Speicher mehr frei - Outbound-Caching deshalb ausgeschaltet. E#020L\rPress to enter BBS.\r S#020L\rPress to enter BBS, Mr. Data.\r G#020L\rDruecke um die Mailbox zu starten.\r E#021L\r\rProcessing Mail. Please hang up.\r\r S#021L\r\rProcessing Mail. Please hang up NOW.\r\r G#021L\r\rMomentan wird nur Mail bearbeitet. Bitte lege auf.\r\r E#022L+Nothing to send to %s. S#022L+Nothing to send to %s. G#022L+Nichts zu senden an %s. E#023L!Connection attempt aborted. S#023L!Connection attempt aborted, Sir. G#023L!Anwahlversuch abgebrochen. E#024L#Modem hang up sequence initiated. S#024L#Modem hang up sequence initiated, Sir. G#024L#Modem legt auf. E#025L:No outgoing file requests. S#025L:No outgoing file requests, Captain Picard. G#025L:Kein ausgehender Filerequest. E#026L:Outbound file requests. S#026L:Outbound file requests, Sir. G#026L:Ausgehender Filerequest. E#027L:End of outbound file requests. S#027L:End of outbound file requests, Capt... She canna take anymorrre! G#027L:Ausgehender Filerequest beendet. E#028L*Remote doesn't allow File Requests now. S#028L*Remote doesn't allow File Requests now, Mr. Spock, Jump to Warp8! G#028L*Gegenseite hat Filerequests abgelehnt. E#029L\r\r+ Address %s using %s %s\r\n S#029L\r\r+ Address %s using %s %s\r\n G#029L\r\r+ Adresse %s benutzt %s %s\r\n *#030LIntro : E#031L!`brightred`Remote didn't respond. S#031L!`brightred`Remote didn't respond, Hard to port, Sulu! G#031L!`brightred`Gegenseite meldet sich nicht. E#032L*`brightred`Lost Carrier. S#032L*`brightred`Lost Carrier in Black Hole, Sir. G#032L*`brightred`Traegersignal verloren. E#033L*Password-protected session. S#033L*Password-protected session, Sir. G#033L*Passwort-geschuetzte Verbindung. E#034L!`brightred`Password Error from %s: His='%s' Ours='%s' S#034L!`brightred`Password Error from %s: His='%s' Ours='%s' G#034L!`brightred`Passwort-Fehler von %s: Sein PW='%s' Unser PW='%s' E#035L!Called %s and got %s. S#035L!Called %s and got %s. G#035L!Angerufen bei %s und bekam %s. E#036L:Session method: S#036L:Session method: G#036L:Verbindungmethode: E#037L*End of WaZOO/EMSI Session. S#037L*End of WaZOO/EMSI Session, Capt., mission complete, Sir! G#037L*Ende der WaZOO/EMSI-Verbindung. E#038L Sending Mail Packet. S#038L Sending Mail Packet NOW! G#038L Sende Nachrichtenpaket. E#039LOpen S#039LOpen G#039Loeffnen E#040L Keyboard Escape. S#040L Keyboard Escape. G#040L Tastatur-Abbruch. E#041L File %s truncated. S#041L File %s truncated. G#041L File %s auf 0 Byte gesetzt. E#042L+Dupe file renamed: %s S#042L+Dupe file renamed: %s G#042L+Doppelte Datei umbenannt: %s E#043L Open Character Device S#043L Open Character Device G#043L Keine Datei, sondern ein Gert E#044L `brightred`Too many errors. S#044L `brightred`Too many errors, I think the Dilithium Crystals are damaged, Sir! G#044L `brightred`Zu viele Fehler. E#045L File %s deleted. S#045L File %s deleted. G#045L Datei %s geloescht. E#046L `brightred`Transfer cancelled. S#046L `brightred`Transfer cancelled, Scotty, get us out of here! G#046L `brightred`Transfer abgebrochen. E#047L!Couldn't open CTL file: %s S#047L!Couldn't open CTL file: %s G#047L!Konnte CTL-File nicht oeffnen: %s E#048LDarn! The FOSSIL seems to have gone away! Exiting. S#048LDarn! The FOSSIL seems to have gone away! Exiting. G#048LDer FOSSIL-Treiber ist nicht mehr geladen! Breche ab. E#049LCannot re-open logfile. S#049LCannot re-open logfile, Sir! G#049LKann LOG-Datei nicht wieder oeffnen. E#050L FOSSIL: S#050L FOSSIL: G#050L FOSSIL: *#051Lunused E#052L:Starting Event %d (%s). S#052L:Starting Event %d (%s), Captain. G#052L:Starte Event %d (%s). E#053L#Exit at start of event with errorlevel %d. S#053L#Exit at start of event with errorlevel %d, Sir! G#053L#Exit zu Beginn des Events mit Errorlevel %d. E#054L#Running clean/pack sequence. S#054L#Running clean/pack sequence, Sir! G#054L#Starte Aufraeum/Pack-Sequenz. E#055L#System re-enabled after clean/pack sequence. S#055L#System re-enabled after clean/pack sequence, Sir! G#055L#Zurueck nach Aufraeum/Pack-Sequenz. E#056L!Date rollover problem? S#056L!Date rollover problem? Fix it! Mr. Data! G#056L!Irgendwas stimmt mit dem Datum nicht? E#057L:Exiting to BBS with errorlevel %u. S#057L:Exiting to BBS with errorlevel %u, Captain! G#057L:Starte Mailbox mit Errorlevel %u. E#058L:Spawning BBS. S#058L:Spawning BBS now, Captain. G#058L:Starte Mailbox. E#059L:Returned from BBS. S#059L:Returned from BBS, watch the ComPort, Mr. Data! G#059L:Rueckkehr von der Mailbox. E#060L:Exiting to external mailer with errorlevel %u. S#060L:Exiting to external mailer with errorlevel %u, Chekov. G#060L:Exit zu externem Mailer mit Errorlevel %u. E#061L#Setting baud to %u. S#061L#Setting baud to %u, Sir! G#061L#Setze Baudrate auf %u. E#062L*Uses : S#062L*Uses : G#062L*Nutzt : *#063LVersion *#064Lunused E#065L*Sending mail using FTS-0001 compatible fallback. S#065L*Sending mail using FTS-0001 compatible fallback. G#065L*Sende Nachrichten mittels FTS-0001 Grundprotokoll. E#066L*Refusing inbound file requests. S#066L*Refusing inbound file requests, Sir! G#066L*Lehne eingehende Filerequests ab. E#067L!Tired of waiting for other end. S#067L!Tired of waiting for other end... LAUNCH PHOTON TORPEDOS! G#067L!Andere Seite meldet sich nicht. Passwortfehler? E#068L*End of FTS-0001 compatible session. S#068L*End of FTS-0001 compatible session, Sir. G#068L*Ende der FTS-0001 Verbindung. E#069L*Receiving mail using FTS-0001 compatible fallback. S#069L*Receiving mail using FTS-0001 compatible fallback. G#069L*Empfange Nachrichten mittels FTS-0001 Grundprotokoll. E#070L*Giving mail to %s. S#070L*Giving mail to %s. G#070L*Uebergebe Nachrichten an %s. E#071L*Node %s refused to pickup mail. S#071L*Node %s refused to pickup mail. Target his Hard Drives, Mr. Worf.. Fire! G#071L*Node %s nimmt seine Mail nicht an. E#072L!Memory overflow error. S#072L!Memory overflow error, Fix it Mr. Data! G#072L!FEHLER: kein Speicher mehr. E#073LOutbound S#073LOutbound G#073LAbgehende E#074LFile Attaches S#074LFile Attaches G#074LDateien E#075L*Making file request. S#075L*Making file request, from Klingon Battle Cruiser, Sir. G#075L*Mache Filerequest. E#076LEnd of S#076LEnd of G#076LEnde des E#077L*Receiving inbound mail. S#077L*Receiving inbound mail, Captain. G#077L*Empfange Nachricht. E#078L*Pickup is turned off - refusing mail. S#078L*Pickup is turned off - refusing mail as ordered Sir. G#078L*Nachrichtenannahme gesperrt - verweigere Annahme von Nachrichten. E#079LInbound S#079LInbound G#079LAnkommendes E#080LMail Packet S#080LMail Packet G#080LNachrichtenpaket E#081L!Password Error assumed. S#081L!Password Error assumed. G#081L!Vermutlich Passwortfehler. E#082L!Mail Packet '%s' cannot be renamed. S#082L!Mail Packet '%s' cannot be renamed. G#082L!Nachrichtenpaket '%s' kann nicht umbenannt werden. E#083L!Mail Packet renamed to '%s'. S#083L!Mail Packet renamed to '%s'. G#083L!Nachrichtenpaket umbenannt in '%s'. E#084LCan't find protocol module: S#084LCan't find protocol module: G#084LKann Protokollmodul nicht finden: E#085LDuplicate protocol name: S#085LDuplicate protocol name: G#085LDoppelter Protokollname: E#086L*Processing node %s (%s) S#086L*Processing node %s (%s) G#086L*Bearbeite Node %s (%s) E#087L!Couldn't find Address: %s S#087L!Couldn't find Address: %s G#087L!Kann Adresse %s nicht finden! E#088L!Disconnecting nuisance caller. S#088L!Disconnecting Nuisance Caller, Worf...KAPLAHH! G#088L!Plagegeist rausgeworfen. E#089L!No BOSS in the nodelist. S#089L!No BOSS in the Nodelist, Sir. G#089L!Kein BOSS in der Nodeliste. E#090L!Unable to open %s. S#090L!Unable to open %s. G#090L!Kann %s nicht oeffnen. E#091L!Unable to allocate memory for Nodelist Index. S#091L!Unable to allocate memory for Nodelist Index, Scotty to the Bridge! G#091L!Nicht genug Speicher fuer den Nodelisten-Index. E#092L!Read error in %s.%s. S#092L!Read error in %s.%s. G#092L!Lesefehler in %s.%s E#093L!Seek error in %s.%s. S#093L!Seek error in %s.%s. G#093L!Positionierfehler in %s.%s. *#094Lunused94 E#095LFile Requests S#095LFile Requests G#095LFilerequests E#096L:%d matching files sent. S#096L:%d matching Files sent, Sir! G#096L:%d uebereinstimmende Dateien gesendet. E#097L!Bad Bark Request Data - streaming garbage. S#097L!Bad Bark Request Data - streaming Garbage, Sir. G#097L!Schlechte Bark-Request-Daten - ueberspringe Muell. E#098L!Bad CRC - trying again. S#098L!Bad CRC - trying again, Try another frequency Uhura! G#098L!Falsche CRC - wiederhole. E#099L!System misconfigured or no entry in Nodelist. S#099L!System misconfigured or no entry in Nodelist, Mr. Data! G#099L!System fehlconfiguriert oder kein Eintrag in der Nodeliste. E#100L!Invalid online time flag: %s S#100L!Invalid online time flag: %s G#100L!Ungueltiges Online-Zeit-Flag: %s E#101L:NO DIALTONE, dial aborted. S#101L:NO DIALTONE, dial aborted, Sir. G#101L:NO DIALTONE, ankommender Anruf? Anwahl abgebrochen. E#102LDynamic Event S#102LDynamic Event G#102LDynamischen Events E#103L:Exit requested from keyboard. S#103L:Exit requested from keyboard, Captain, Slowing to sub-light speed. G#103L:Abbruch ueber Tastatur. E#104L:Function key exit - errorlevel %d. S#104L:Function key exit - errorlevel %d. G#104L:Funktionstaste - Errorlevel %d. E#105L Disabling Modem. S#105L Disabling Modem, Captain. G#105L Schalte Modem ab. E#106L:Invoking Message Reader. S#106L:Invoking Message Reader, Sir. G#106L:Starte Nachrichtenleser. E#107L:Message Reader returned to BinkleyTerm. S#107L:Message Reader returned to BinkleyTerm, Sir. G#107L:Von Nachrichtenleser zurueck in BinkleyTerm. E#108L Enabling Modem. S#108L Enabling Modem, Sir. G#108L Modem wieder aktiviert. E#109L!No Message Reader to invoke. S#109L!No Message Reader to invoke! LaForge to the Bridge! G#109L!Kein Nachrichtenleser konfiguriert. E#110L!Could not do GET. S#110L!Could not do GET. G#110L!Kann GET nicht ausfuehren. E#111L!Could not do KILL. S#111L!Could not do KILL. G#111L!Kann KILL nicht ausfuehren. E#112L:Entering POLL Mode. S#112L:Entering POLL Mode. G#112L:Starte POLL-Modus. E#113L:Poll completed. S#113L:Poll completed, Sir. G#113L:Poll beendet. E#114L!Could not do SEND. S#114L!Could not do SEND StarFleet Mail! G#114L!Kann SEND nicht ausfuehren. E#115L:Keyboard request to enter terminal mode. S#115L:Keyboard request to enter Terminal mode, Sir! G#115L:Terminalmodus von Tastatur angefordert. *#116Lunused E#117L:Executing keyboard shell %d. S#117L:Executing keyboard shell %d, ENGAGE! G#117L:Fuehre Tastatur-Shell %d aus. E#118L:Returning from keyboard shell. S#118L:Returning from keyboard shell, Sir. G#118L:Zurueck von Tastatur-Shell. E#119L!No keyboard shell %d. S#119L!No keyboard shell %d, Sir. Possible Ferengi Sabotage! G#119L!Keine Tastatur-Shell %d. E#120L>Junk character from keyboard - continuing. S#120L>Ferengi pounding on keyboard, Sir. G#120L>Unbekannte Taste - fahre fort. E#121L:Shelling to Command Interpreter. S#121L:Shelling to Command Interpreter, Sir. G#121L:Shelle zum Kommando-Interpreter. E#122L\r\nType EXIT to return to BinkleyTerm.\r\n S#122L\r\nType EXIT to return to BinkleyTerm.\r\n G#122L\r\nGebe EXIT ein, um zu Binkley zurueckzukehren.\r\n E#123L:BinkleyTerm Reactivated. S#123L:BinkleyTerm Reactivated... Data Notify StarFleet. G#123L:BinkleyTerm wieder aktiv. E#124L!Calls not permitted during this event. S#124L!Calls not permitted during this event, Sir. G#124L!Dieser Event erlaubt keine Anrufe. E#125L Immediate call requested. S#125L Immediate call requested, Jim! I'm a Doctor, not a Polling System! G#125L Sofortiger Anruf verlangt. E#126L\rPlease enter a net/node number:\b S#126L\rPlease Enter a net/node number:\b G#126L\rBitte gib eine Netz/Node-Nummer ein:\b E#127LCurrently Polling Node\b S#127LCurrently Polling Node\b G#127LPolle gerade Node\b *#128LInit E#129LIdle S#129LIdle G#129LWarte E#130LDialing S#130LDialing G#130LWaehle E#131LHangUp S#131LHangUp G#131LLege auf E#132LConnect S#132LConnect G#132LVerbunden E#133L:Dialing %s (%s -- %s) S#133L:Dialing %s (%s -- %s) G#133L:Waehle %s (%s -- %s) E#134LEnding time wraps through midnight - not allowed.\n S#134LEnding time wraps through midnight - not allowed.\n G#134LEndzeit geht ueber Mitternacht - nicht erlaubt.\n E#135L'%s' has an invalid START-TIME.\n S#135L'%s' has an invalid START-TIME.\n G#135L'%s' hat ungueltige Startzeit.\n E#136L'%s' has an invalid END-TIME.\n S#136L'%s' has an invalid END-TIME.\n G#136L'%s' hat ungueltige Endzeit.\n E#137L'%s' has bad AvgWait (higher than max of 655 or less than min of 0).\n S#137L'%s' has bad AvgWait (higher than max of 655 or less than min of 0).\n G#137L'%s' hat ungueltige Anwahlpausenzeit (hoeher als 655 oder weniger als 0).\n E#138L'%s' has a bad errorlevel code.\n S#138L'%s' has a bad errorlevel code.\n G#138L'%s' hat ungueltigen Errorlevel-Wert.\n E#139L'%s' has a bad number of Tries.\n S#139L'%s' has a bad number of Tries.\n G#139L'%s' hat ungueltige Anzahl von Wahlversuchen.\n E#140L'%s' has something indecipherable.\n S#140L'%s' has something indecipherable.\n G#140L'%s' hat etwas Unentzifferbares.\n E#141L'%s' has an invalid DAY field.\n S#141L'%s' has an invalid DAY field.\n G#141L'%s' hat ungueltiges Tag-Feld.\n E#142LNothing in Outbound Area S#142LNothing in Outbound Area G#142L-- Nichts im Outbound -- E#143LAddress Files Size Age State S#143LAddress Files Size Age State G#143LAdresse Anz. Groe Alt Status E#144L!Insufficient data for session. S#144L!Insufficient data for session. G#144L!Daten reichen fuer Verbindung nicht aus. E#145L+End of connection attempt. S#145L+End of connection attempt, Scotty... More Power! G#145L+Ende des Verbindungsversuchs. E#146L!Still have mail for %s. S#146L!Still have mail for %s, Sir. G#146L!Habe immer noch Nachrichten fuer %s. E#147L:Exit after compressed mail with errorlevel %d. S#147L:Exit after compressed mail with errorlevel %d. G#147L:Exit nach komprimierten Nachrichten mit Errorlevel %d. E#148L:Exit after file extension '%s' with errorlevel %d. S#148L:Exit after file extension '%s' with errorlevel %d. G#148L:Exit nach File-Endung '%s' mit Errorlevel %d. E#149L:Exit after receiving mail with errorlevel %d. S#149L:Exit after receiving mail with errorlevel %d. G#149L:Exit nach empfangenen Nachrichten mit Errorlevel %d. E#150L:Received mail, running 'AfterMail' program. S#150L:Received mail, running 'AfterMail' program. G#150L:Eingegangene Nachrichten, starte 'AfterMail'-Programm. E#151L#Re-enabling system following 'AfterMail' program. S#151L#Re-enabling system following 'AfterMail' program. G#151L#Reaktiviere System nach 'AfterMail'-Programm. E#152LSetting S#152LSetting G#152LSetze E#153L to initial speed of\b S#153L to initial speed of\b G#153L auf anfaengliche Geschwindigkeit von\b E#154L baud. Press Alt-F10 for HELP.\r\n S#154L baud. Press Alt-F10 for HELP.\r\n G#154L Baud. Druecke Alt-F10 fuer HILFE.\r\n *#155Lunused E#156LCurrent Settings S#156LCurrent Settings G#156LEinstellungen E#157LToday at a Glance S#157LToday at a Glance G#157LTagesueberblick E#158LPending Outbound Mail S#158LOutbound Mail to StarFleet G#158LAusgangsfach E#159LInitializing System S#159LInitializing System G#159LInitialisierung E#160LRecent Activity S#160LCaptain's Personal Log G#160LLetzte Aktivitaeten E#161LStatus S#161LStarFleet Status G#161LStatus *#162LEvent: *#163LPort: *#164LStatus: Init *#165LIn M/B/F: %9s *#166LOut:%15s *#167LRx #/Vol.:%9s *#168LTx #/Vol.:%9s *#169LLast:%14s E#170L Hit Alt-F10 For Help S#170L Hit Alt-F10 For Help G#170L Alt-F10 fuer Hilfe *#171L[%02x] Node: %s E#172L!Password override for outgoing call. S#172L!Password override for outgoing call. G#172L!Passwortfehler ignoriert fuer ausgehenden Anruf. E#173L\r**Zmodem Autodownload initiated.\r\n S#173L\r**Zmodem Autodownload initiated.\r\n G#173L\r**Zmodem Autodownload begonnen.\r\n E#174L\r**Zmodem Autodownload finished.\r\n S#174L\r**Zmodem Autodownload finished.\r\n G#174L\r**Zmodem Autodownload beendet.\r\n E#175L\r\nBinkleyTerm now communicating at\b S#175L\r\nBinkleyTerm now communicating at\b G#175L\r\nBinkleyTerm arbeitet nun mit\b E#176L\r\nPlease Enter a Phone (or net/node) number:\b S#176L\r\nPlease Enter a Phone (or net/node) number:\b G#176L\r\nBitte gebe Telefon- oder Nodenummer an:\b E#177L\r\nUnable to force carrier drop by dropping DTR!\r\n S#177L\r\nUnable to force carrier drop by dropping DTR!\r\n G#177L\r\nKann Traegersignal nicht unterdruecken!\r\n E#178L\r\nWelcome back!\r\n S#178L\r\nWelcome back, Captain, I didn't think you'd make it!\r\n G#178L\r\nWillkommen zurueck!\r\n E#179L\r\nLog file name:\b S#179L\r\nLog file name:\b G#179L\r\nLogdatei-Name:\b *#180Lunused E#181LBinkleyTerm now in MANUAL mode.\r\n S#181LBinkleyTerm now in MANUAL mode.\r\n G#181LBinkleyTerm ist jetzt im manuellen Modus.\r\n E#182L\r\nBinkleyTerm now using S#182L\r\nBinkleyTerm now using G#182L\r\nBinkleyTerm benutzt jetzt E#183L\r\nBinkleyTerm is ready to SEND a file...\r\n S#183L\r\nBinkleyTerm is ready to SEND a file...\r\n G#183L\r\nBinkleyTerm ist bereit das File zu versenden...\r\n E#184LWhich Protocol do you want BinkleyTerm to use?\r\n S#184LWhich Protocol do you want BinkleyTerm to use?\r\n G#184LWelches Protokoll soll BinkleyTerm benutzen?\r\n E#185L\r\nBinkleyTerm is ready to RECEIVE a file...\r\n S#185L\r\nBinkleyTerm is ready to RECEIVE a file...\r\n G#185L\r\nBinkleyTerm ist bereit eine Datei zu empfangen...\r\n E#186L\r\nSending BREAK signal.\r\n S#186L\r\nSending BREAK signal.\r\n G#186L\r\nSende BREAK Signal.\r\n E#187LDone.\r\n S#187LDone.\r\n G#187LFertig.\r\n E#188L\r\nYou are using\b S#188L\r\nYou are using\b G#188L\r\nDu benutzt\b E#189LSorry. I don't know that protocol, returning to terminal mode.\r\n S#189LSorry. I don't know that protocol, returning to terminal mode.\r\n G#189LDieses Protokoll ist nicht bekannt, zurueck ins Terminal.\r\n E#190LFilename to SEND:\b S#190LFilename to SEND:\b G#190LDateiname zum Senden:\b E#191LOK....Choose!\b S#191LOK....Choose!\b G#191LOK....Waehle!\b E#192LFilename to GET:\b S#192LFilename to GET:\b G#192LDateiname zum Holen:\b E#193L\r\nLogfile %s closed.\r\n S#193L\r\nLogfile %s closed.\r\n G#193L\r\nLogdatei %s geschlossen.\r\n E#194L\r\nCould not open logfile %s.\r\n S#194L\r\nCould not open logfile %s.\r\n G#194L\r\nKann Logdatei %s nicht oeffnen.\r\n E#195L\r\nLogfile %s open.\r\n S#195L\r\nLogfile %s open.\r\n G#195L\r\nLogdatei %s offen.\r\n E#196L:Connection terminated. S#196L:Connection terminated. G#196L:Verbindung beendet. E#197LSwitching back to S#197LSwitching back to G#197LSchalte zurueck auf E#198LPolling: S#198LPolling: G#198LPolle: E#199LGET a File S#199LGET a File G#199LGET - Hole eine Datei E#200LAddress to GET from: S#200LAddress to GET from: G#200LVon welcher Adresse: E#201LPassword to use: S#201LPassword to use: G#201LWelches Passwort: E#202LAre you sure (Y/N)? S#202LAre you sure, Mr. Data (Y/N)? G#202LSind Sie sicher (J/N)? E#203LYes S#203LYes G#203LJa E#204LNo S#204LNo G#204LNein E#205LSEND a File S#205LSEND a File G#205LSEND - Eine Datei versenden E#206LAddress to SEND to: S#206LAddress to SEND to: G#206LAn welche Adresse: E#207LKILL outbound mail S#207LKILL outbound mail G#207LKILL - Loeschen ausgehender Nachrichten E#208LAddress to KILL: S#208LAddress to KILL: G#208LAdresse eingeben: E#209LKill ALL mail?\b S#209LKill ALL mail?\b G#209LALLE Nachrichten loeschen?\b E#210L!drats S#210L!SHIT, SHIT... FIRE PHAZERS NOW!!! G#210L!drats E#211L!No Send - Remote Hung Up. S#211L!No Send - Remote Hung Up. G#211L!Nichts gesendet - Gegenstelle hat aufgehaengt. E#212L+Corrected %d errors in %ld blocks. S#212L+Corrected %d errors in %ld blocks. G#212L+Korrigierte %d Fehler in %ld Bloecken. *#213L+Sent E#214L+`brightred`Synchronizing to Offset %ld. S#214L+`brightred`Synchronizing to Offset %ld. G#214L+`brightred`Synchronisiere auf Position %ld. E#215L!Temporary receive file '%s' could not be opened. S#215L!Temporary receive file '%s' could not be opened. G#215L!Temporaere Empfangsdatei '%s' kann nicht erstellt werden. E#216L+Already have %s. S#216L+Already have %s, Captain. G#216L+%s ist schon vorhanden. E#217L+Synchronizing to End of File. S#217L+Synchronizing to End of File. G#217L+Synchronisiere auf Dateiende. *#218L!unused E#219L+Received S#219L+Received G#219L+Received E#220L!Original name of %s could not be used. S#220L!Original name of %s could not be used. G#220L!Originalname %s kann nicht benutzt werden. E#221L!EOT not expected until block %ld. S#221L!EOT not expected until block %ld. G#221L!EOT nicht erwartet bis Block %ld. E#222L*Remote System S#222L*Remote System G#222L*Gegenseite E#223LUNKNOWN - FTS-0001 Mailer. S#223LUNKNOWN - FTS-0001 Mailer. G#223LUnbekannt - FTS-0001-Mailer. E#224LSystem Initializing. Please wait...\n S#224LSystem Initializing, Captain... Please wait...\n G#224LInitialisierung. Bitte warten...\n E#225L\r\nUnrecognized option: %s\r\n S#225L\r\nUnrecognized option: %s\r\n G#225L\r\nWas bedeutet '%s'?\r\n E#226L\r\nThanks for using %s,\r\n S#226L\r\nThanks for using %s,\r\n G#226L\r\nDanke fuer die Benutzung von %s,\r\n E#227LAnother fine User-DEVELOPED software package!\r\n S#227LAnother fine User-DEVELOPED software package!\r\n G#227LEin Softwarepaket, von Anwendern entwickelt!\r\n E#228L+Remote refused %s. S#228L+Remote refused %s. G#228L+Gegenstelle hat %s abgelehnt. E#229L!`brightred`Error S#229L!`brightred`Error G#229L!`brightred`Fehler E#230LCan't S#230LCan't G#230LKann nicht E#231L+CPS: %lu (%lu bytes) Efficiency: %lu%%% S#231L+CPS: %lu (%lu bytes) Efficiency: %lu%%% G#231L+CPS: %lu (%lu Bytes) Effektivitaet: %lu%%% E#232LCompressed Mail S#232LCompressed Mail G#232LGepackte Nachrichten E#233LNet File S#233LNet File G#233LDatei *#234Lunused E#235L`brightred`Trouble? S#235L`brightred`Trouble? G#235L`brightred`Probleme? E#236L`brightred`Resending from %d. S#236L`brightred`Resending from %d. G#236L`brightred`Wiederhole ab %d. E#237LSend %ld blks of %s (%ld bytes). S#237LSend %ld blks of %s (%ld bytes). G#237LSende %ld Bloecke von %s (%ld Bytes). E#238LUpdate S#238LUpdate G#238LUpdate E#239LFile S#239LFile G#239LDatei E#240LRequest S#240LRequest G#240LRequest E#241L:Executing S#241L:Executing G#241L:Fuehre aus E#242L!Carrier lost, request(s) aborted. S#242L!Carrier lost, request(s) aborted. G#242L!Traegersignal verloren, Request(s) abgebrochen. E#243L!File Request limit exceeded. S#243L!File Request limit exceeded. G#243L!Filerequest-Begrenzung ueberschritten. E#244L!Event Overrun - requests aborted. S#244L!Event Overrun - requests aborted. G#244L!Event ueberschritten - Requests abgebrochen. E#245LNo AVAIL list. S#245LNo AVAIL list, Contact StarFleet! G#245LKeine AVAIL-Liste. E#246LNo ABOUT or template file S#246LNo ABOUT or template file, Contact StarFleet! G#246LKein ABOUT- oder Templatefile. E#247L!`brightred`OKFILE Error '%s'. S#247L!`brightred`OKFILE Error '%s'. G#247L!`brightred`OKFILE-Fehler '%s'. E#248L!Request password error: '%s' '%s' '%s' S#248L!Request password error: '%s' '%s' '%s' G#248L!Request Passwort-Fehler: '%s' '%s' '%s' E#249LRcv %ld blks of %s from %s (%ld bytes). S#249LRcv %ld blks of %s from %s (%ld bytes). G#249LEmpfange %ld Bloecke aus %s von %s (%ld Bytes). E#250L`brightred`Timeout S#250L`brightred`Timeout G#250L`brightred`Zeit ueberschritten E#251LChecksum S#251LChecksum G#251LPruefsumme E#252L`brightred`CRC S#252L`brightred`CRC G#252L`brightred`CRC E#253LJunk Block S#253LJunk Block G#253LSchlonz E#254Lon block S#254Lon block G#254Lauf Block E#255Lfind S#255Lfind G#255Lfinden E#256LRead S#256LRead G#256LLese E#257LSeek S#257LSeek G#257LSuche *#258Lunused *#259Lunused *#260Lunused E#261LWrite S#261LWrite G#261LSchreibe E#262L SKIP command received. S#262L SKIP command received... ENGAGE! G#262L SKIP empfangen. E#263LF1 ... F10 = input phone number, (ENTER) = start, (ESC) = abort\r\n S#263LF1 ... F10 = input phone number, (ENTER) = start, (ESC) = abort\r\n G#263LF1 ... F10 = Telefonnummer eingeben, (ENTER) = Starten, (ESC) = Abbruch\r\n E#264LALT-Fn = load saved set (n), Shift-Fn = save into set (n)\r\n S#264LALT-Fn = load saved set (n), Shift-Fn = save into set (n)\r\n G#264LALT-Fn = Lade Einstellung (n), Shift-Fn = Speichere Einstellung (n)\r\n E#265LUser set last loaded/saved: %d\r\n S#265LUser set last loaded/saved: %d\r\n G#265LLetzte Benutzereinstellung geladen/gespeichert: %d\r\n E#266LPhone Numbers currently selected:\r\n\r\n S#266LPhone Numbers currently selected:\r\n\r\n G#266LAusgewaehlte Telefonnummern:\r\n\r\n E#267L\r\nInput Command:\b S#267L\r\nInput Command:\b G#267L\r\nIhre Eingabe:\b E#268LElement Chosen = %2d\r\n S#268LElement Chosen = %2d\r\n G#268LGewaehltes Element = %2d\r\n E#269LCurrently contains %s\r\n S#269LCurrently contains %s\r\n G#269LAktueller Inhalt %s\r\n E#270L(ENTER) = save, (space)(ENTER) = delete, or enter new number:\r\n S#270L(ENTER) = save, (space)(ENTER) = delete, or enter new number:\r\n G#270L(ENTER) = Speichern, (space)(ENTER) = Loeschen, oder Eingabe neuer Nummer:\r\n E#271L(ENTER) or (space)(ENTER) = cancel, or enter new number:\r\n S#271L(ENTER) or (space)(ENTER) = cancel, or enter new number:\r\n G#271L(ENTER) oder (space)(ENTER) = Abbruch, oder Eingabe neuer Nummer:\r\n E#272LError reading data from set %d.\r\n S#272LError reading data from set %d.\r\n G#272LFehler beim Lesen der Einstellung %d.\r\n E#273LError closing file for set %d.\r\n S#273LError closing file for set %d.\r\n G#273LFehler beim Schliessen der Einstellung %d.\r\n E#274LSet %d successfully loaded.\r\n S#274LSet %d successfully loaded.\r\n G#274LEinstellung %d erfolgreich geladen.\r\n E#275LError writing data to set %d.\r\n S#275LError writing data to set %d.\r\n G#275LFehler beim Speichern der Einstellung %d.\r\n E#276LCurrent list of numbers saved to set %d.\r\n S#276LCurrent list of numbers saved to set %d.\r\n G#276LAktuelle Telefonliste gespeichert in Einstellung %d.\r\n E#277LPress ENTER to continue... S#277LPress ENTER to Scan Planet Surface... G#277LDruecke ENTER zum fortfahren... E#278L#Starting Phone List Scan. S#278L#Starting Phone List Scan. G#278L#Starte Suche in Telefonliste. E#279L#Connected to list element %d. S#279L#Connected to list element %d. G#279L#Verbunden mit Listenelement %d. E#280LDebris S#280LDebris G#280LSchutt E#281LLong pkt S#281LLong pkt G#281LLanges Pkt E#282L!Ignoring '%s'. S#282L!Ignoring '%s'. G#282L!Ignoriere '%s'. E#283L!Out of disk space. S#283L!Out of disk space... Captain. G#283L!Festplatte voll. E#284LReceiving S#284LReceiving G#284LEmpfange E#285L!Zmodem Init Problem %s. S#285L!Zmodem Init Problem %s. G#285L!Zmodem Init-Problem %s. E#286Lbad position S#286Lbad position G#286LFalsche Position E#287L!Zmodem Recv Problem %s. S#287L!Zmodem Recv Problem %s. G#287L!Zmodem Empfangsproblem %s. E#288L!`brightred`Bad packet at %ld. S#288L!`brightred`Bad packet at %ld. G#288L!`brightred`Schlechtes Packet bei %ld. *#289L!Offset=%ld Retries=%d *#290L!Offset=%ld Retries=%d (SK: %d) E#291L!`brightred`Other end died. S#291L!`brightred`Other end died. G#291L!`brightred`Andere Seite ist gestorben. E#292L!Dropping to one-way xfer. S#292L!Dropping to one-way xfer. G#292L!Wechsle zu Transfer in jeweils nur einer Richtung. E#293L+Refusing %s. S#293L+Refusing %s. G#293L+Lehne %s ab. E#294L!Unknown packet type %d. S#294L!Unknown packet type %d. G#294L!Unbekannter Packet-Typ %d. E#295L!`brightred`Session aborted. S#295L!`brightred`Session aborted. G#295L!`brightred`Verbindung abgebrochen. E#296L#Sending %s. S#296L#Sending %s. G#296L#Sende %s. E#297L!Can't decode file length. S#297L!Can't decode file length. G#297L!Kann Dateilaenge nicht herausfinden. E#298L*Finished partial file %s. S#298L*Finished partial file %s. G#298L*Beende unvollstaendige Datei %s. E#299L*Saving partial file %s. S#299L*Saving partial file %s. G#299L*Speichere unvollstaendige Datei %s. E#300L*Remote can't handle file requests. S#300L*Remote can't handle file requests. G#300L*Gegenstelle kann keine Filerequests bearbeiten. E#301LYou now have BinkleyTerm in DUMB TERMINAL mode.\r\n S#301LYou now have BinkleyTerm in DUMB TERMINAL mode.\r\n G#301LBinkleyTerm ist jetzt im TERMINAL-Modus.\r\n ; ; Help for dumb terminal. ; E#302LIn DUMB TERMINAL mode the following special keys are enabled:\r\n\r\n S#302LIn DUMB TERMINAL mode the following special keys are enabled:\r\n\r\n G#302LIm TERMINAL-Modus gilt folgende Tastenbelegung:\r\n\r\n E#303LAlt-B Cycle baud rate Alt-C Change communications parameters\r\n S#303LAlt-B Cycle Warp Speed Rate Alt-C Change Communications parameters\r\n G#303LAlt-B Wechsle Baudrate Alt-C Wechsle COM-Parameter\r\n E#304LAlt-D Dial a system Alt-E Erase the current screen\r\n S#304LAlt-D Dial a StarFleet System Alt-E Erase the Current Screen\r\n G#304LAlt-D Waehle ein System an Alt-E Loesche aktuellen Bildschirm\r\n E#305LAlt-H Hang up by dropping DTR Alt-I Initialize the modem\r\n S#305LAlt-H Hang up by dropping DTR Alt-I Initialize the modem\r\n G#305LAlt-H Auflegen mittels DTR-Low Alt-I Initialisiere das Modem\r\n E#306LAlt-J Jump to Command Shell Alt-L Start/stop logging to a file\r\n S#306LAlt-J Jump to Command Shell Alt-L Start/stop logging to a file\r\n G#306LAlt-J Springe ins Betriebssystem Alt-L Start/Stop LOG-File benutzung\r\n E#307LAlt-M Manually Poll a Node Alt-P Cycle Communications port\r\n S#307LAlt-M Manually Poll a Node Alt-P Cycle Communications port\r\n G#307LAlt-M Manueller Poll Alt-P Wechsle COM-Port\r\n E#308LAlt-R Redial from a 'scan list' Alt-S Send BREAK signal to port\r\n S#308LAlt-R Redial from a 'scan list' Alt-S Send BREAK signal to port\r\n G#308LAlt-R Whle mithilfe einer Liste Alt-S Sende BREAK Signal\r\n E#309LAlt-U Go to UNATTENDED MAILER mode Alt-V Show BinkleyTerm version\r\n S#309LAlt-U Go to UNATTENDED MAILER mode Alt-V Show BinkleyTerm version\r\n G#309LAlt-U Zurueck zum MAILER Modus Alt-V Zeige BinkleyTerm Version\r\n E#310LAlt-X Exit BinkleyTerm Alt-Y Call boss node for mail\r\n S#310LAlt-X Exit BinkleyTerm NOW! Alt-Y Call Boss Node for Mail\r\n G#310LAlt-X Beende BinkleyTerm Alt-Y Rufe Boss Node an\r\n E#311LPgUp Send a file (UPLOAD) PgDn Receive a file (DOWNLOAD)\r\n S#311LPgUp Send a file (UPLOAD) PgDn Receive a file (DOWNLOAD)\r\n G#311LPgUp Datei senden (UPLOAD) PgDn Datei empfangen (DOWNLOAD)\r\n E#312LAlt-F%-2d Macro string '%s'\r\n S#312LAlt-F%-2d Macro string '%s'\r\n G#312LAlt-F%-2d Makro-String '%s'\r\n E#313L\r\nPress a key to continue... S#313L\r\nPress a key to continue... G#313L\r\nDruecke eine Taste zum Fortfahren... ; ; Help for unattended mailer. ; E#314LIn UNATTENDED MAILER mode the following special keys are enabled:\r\n\r\n S#314LIn UNATTENDED MAILER mode the following special keys are enabled:\r\n\r\n G#314LIm MAILER Modus gilt folgende Tastaturbelegung:\r\n\r\n E#315LC Make next call (if any) now Alt-C Enter Hydra chat mode\r\n S#315LC Make next call (if any) now Alt-C Enter Hydra chat mode\r\n G#315LC Mache naechsten Anruf Alt-C Beginne Hydra-Chat\r\n E#316LAlt-B Blank the screen immediately Alt-W Redraw screen\r\n S#316LAlt-B Blank the screen immediately Alt-W Redraw screen\r\n G#316LAlt-B Bildschirmschoner sofort an Alt-W Bildschirm neu aufbauen\r\n E#317LAlt-I Initialize the modem Alt-A Send answer string to modem\r\n S#317LAlt-I Initialize the modem Alt-A Send answer string to modem\r\n G#317LAlt-I Initialisiere das Modem Alt-A Sende Antwortstring an Modem\r\n E#318LAlt-M Manually POLL a node Alt-Y Poll Boss Node\r\n S#318LAlt-M Manually POLL a node Alt-Y Poll Boss Node\r\n G#318LAlt-M Manuelles POLLEN Alt-Y Polle Boss-Node an\r\n E#319LAlt-Q Quit the current event Alt-R Restart nonforced events\r\n S#319LAlt-Q Quit the current event Alt-R Restart nonforced events\r\n G#319LAlt-Q Abbruch des aktuellen Events Alt-R Neustart nichterzwungener Events\r\n E#320LAlt-T Shift to DUMB TERMINAL mode Alt-X Exit BinkleyTerm, errorlevel 1\r\n S#320LAlt-T Shift to DUMB TERMINAL mode Alt-X Exit BinkleyTerm, errorlevel 1\r\n G#320LAlt-T Wechselt zum TERMINAL-Modus Alt-X Beendet BinkleyTerm, errorlevel 1\r\n E#321LAlt-J Push to Command Shell Alt-Z Zoom Outbound window\r\n S#321LAlt-J Push to Command Shell Alt-Z Zoom Outbound window\r\n G#321LAlt-J Springe ins Betriebssystem Alt-Z Ausgangsfach Zoomen\r\n E#322LAlt-O Outbound rescan Alt-D Clear \"Today at a Glance\"\r\n S#322LAlt-O Outbound rescan Alt-D Clear \"Today at a Glance\"\r\n G#322LAlt-O Durchsuchen des Outbound Alt-D Loesche \"Tagesueberblick\"\r\n E#323LAlt-S Send file(s) to a node Alt-G Get(Request) file(s) from node\r\n S#323LAlt-S Send file(s) to a node Alt-G Get(Request) file(s) from node\r\n G#323LAlt-S Sende Datei(en) an Node Alt-G Get(Requeste) Dateien von Node\r\n E#324LAlt-K Kill all mail to a node Alt-P Queue a poll to node\r\n S#324LAlt-K Kill all mail to a node Alt-P Queue a poll to node\r\n G#324LAlt-K Loesche Nachrichten an Node Alt-P Lege Poll fuer Node an\r\n E#325LAlt-L Toggle debug mode Alt-N Event behaviour setup\r\n S#325LAlt-L Toggle debug mode Alt-N Event behaviour setup\r\n G#325LAlt-L Toggle Debugmodus Alt-N Event-Einstellungen\r\n *#326LAlt-H History screen Ctrl-T Stats screen\r\n *#327LAlt-V Toggle Modem Activity Window\r\n ; E#328LPGUP/PGDN, UP/DOWN ARROW, HOME, and END scroll the 'Pending' window\r\n S#328LPGUP/PGDN, UP/DOWN ARROW, HOME, and END scroll the 'Pending' window\r\n G#328LBild/Bild, /, Pos1, und Ende scrollt das 'Pending' Fenster\r\n E#329LAlt-E Execute '%s' as message editor\r\n S#329LAlt-E Execute '%s' as message editor\r\n G#329LAlt-E Starte '%s' als Nachrichteneditor\r\n E#330LAlt-F%-2d Execute '%s'\r\n S#330LAlt-F%-2d Execute '%s'\r\n G#330LAlt-F%-2d Starte '%s'\r\n E#331L\r\n S#331L\r\n G#331L\r\n E#332L\r\n S#332L\r\n G#332L\r\n ; ; The following 3-line message is system dependent. ; For OS/2 the message should look like: ; E#333?OS2LCouldn't initialize '%s%d'. Check config.sys for COM.SYS\r\n E#334?OS2Lor make sure the network is started if you are using a modem\r\n E#335?OS2Lon another computer.\r\n S#333?OS2LCouldn't initialize '%s%d'. Check config.sys for COM.SYS\r\n S#334?OS2Lor make sure the network is started if you are using a modem\r\n S#335?OS2Lon another computer.\r\n G#333?OS2LKonnte '%s%d' nicht initialisieren. Pruefe CONFIG.SYS auf COM.SYS\r\n G#334?OS2Loder vergewissere Dich, dass das Netzwerk gestartet ist wenn Du ein Modem\r\n G#335?OS2Lauf einen anderen Rechner benutzt.\r\n ; ; Following is the DOS version of the message: ; E#333?DOSLI'm sorry, there doesn't appear to be a FOSSIL driver loaded.\r\n E#334?DOSLBinkleyTerm requires a FOSSIL driver. Please take care of this before\r\n E#335?DOSLattempting to run BinkleyTerm again.\r\n S#333?DOSLI'm sorry, there doesn't appear to be a FOSSIL driver loaded.\r\n S#334?DOSLBinkleyTerm requires a FOSSIL driver. Please take care of this before\r\n S#335?DOSLattempting to run BinkleyTerm again.\r\n G#333?DOSLKein Fossil-Treiber geladen.\r\n G#334?DOSLBinkleyTerm benoetigt einen FOSSIL-Treiber. Bitte beachte das vor\r\n G#335?DOSLdem naechsten Startversuch von BinkleyTerm.\r\n ; ; For Windows NT the message should look like: ; E#333?WNTLCouldn't initialize %s%d. Make sure the port isn't in use\r\n E#334?WNTLby another process, that you are permitted access to it, and if\r\n E#335?WNTLyou are using a modem on another computer make sure it's online.\r\n S#333?WNTLCouldn't initialize %s%d. Make sure the port isn't in use\r\n S#334?WNTLby another process, that you are permitted access to it, and if\r\n S#335?WNTLyou are using a modem on another computer make sure it's online.\r\n G#333?WNTLKonnte den %s%d nicht inialisieren. Achte darauf das der Port\r\n G#334?WNTLnicht von einer anderen Anwendung benutzt wird. Du solltest exclusiven\r\n G#335?WNTLZugriff auf das Geraet haben. Ist das Modem eingeschaltet?\r\n ; ; This illustrates the use of the ? construction in the language file. ; E#336L!Could not create temp flagfile %s. S#336L!Could not create temp flagfile %s. G#336L!Kann temporaeres Flagfile %s nicht anlegen. E#337L>Created flagfile %s. S#337L>Created flagfile %s. G#337L>Erzeuge Flagfile %s. E#338L Other node sending to %s. S#338L Other node sending to %s. G#338L Anderer Node sendet an %s. E#339L!Erroneous attempt to clear flag for %s. S#339L!Erroneous attempt to clear flag for %s. G#339L!Fehlerhafter Versuch ein Flagfile fuer %s zu loeschen. E#340L>Deleted flagfile %s. S#340L>Deleted flagfile %s. G#340L>Flagfile %s geloescht. E#341L!Unable to delete flag file %s. S#341L!Unable to delete flag file %s. G#341L!Nicht moeglich Flagfile %s zu loeschen. E#342L!Exceeded file request byte limit. S#342L!Exceeded file request byte limit. G#342L!Filerequest Mengenbegrenzung ueberschritten. E#343L Nodelist index refresh necessary. S#343L Nodelist index refresh necessary. G#343L Nodelisten-Index muss neu angelegt werden! E#344LCouldn't set SIGINT. S#344LCouldn't set SIGINT. G#344LKann SIGINT nicht setzen. E#345L Modem protocol negotiation filtered. S#345L Modem protocol negotiation filtered. G#345L Modem Protokoll-Aushandlung gefiltert. E#346LEvent %2d (%s) starts in %d hrs %02d min. S#346LEvent %2d (%s) starts in %d hrs %02d min. G#346LEvent %2d (%s) beginnt in %d Std %02d Min. E#347LEvent %2d (%s) is running. S#347LEvent %2d (%s) is running. G#347LEvent %2d (%s) laeuft. *#348LNetmail: E#349L*Session with %s Time: %02ld:%02ld:%02ld Cost: $%ld.%02ld S#349L*Session with %s Time: %02ld:%02ld:%02ld Cost: $%ld.%02ld G#349L*Verbindung mit %s Dauer: %02ld:%02ld:%02ld Kosten: $%ld.%02ld E#350L!Exceeded file request time limit. S#350L!Exceeded file request time limit. G#350L!Filerequest Zeitbegrenzung ueberschritten. E#351L'%s' has a bad Queue Size code.\n S#351L'%s' has a bad Queue Size code.\n ; ; Kstlich: ; '%s' hat falsche Warteschlangengroesse.\n ; Eigentlich msste es ja heissen: ; '%s' hat falschen Warteschlangengroessencode.\n ; Aber sagen wir doch einfach: ; G#351L'%s' hat falschen 'Q'-Wert.\n E#352LUnable to allocate space for event records, exiting!\r\n S#352LUnable to allocate space for event records, exiting!\r\n G#352LNicht genug Speicher fr Event-Daten. Abbruch!\r\n E#353L+begin, %s S#353L+begin, %s G#353L+starte, %s E#354L+end, %s S#354L+end, %s G#354L+beende, %s E#355LPoll a Node S#355LPoll a Node G#355LPolle einen Node an E#356LPoll:\b S#356LPoll:\b G#356LPolle:\b E#357L!No common session protocol, attempting FTS-0001. S#357L!No common session protocol, attempting FTS-0001. G#357L!Kein gemeinsames Verbindungsprotokoll, versuche FTS-0001. E#358L:Spawning external mailer. S#358L:Spawning external mailer. G#358L:Spawning zu externem Mailer. E#359L:Returned from external mailer. S#359L:Returned from external mailer. G#359L:Zurueck vom externen Mailer. E#360L#Forced exit - errorlevel %u. S#360L#Forced exit - errorlevel %u. G#360L#Erzwungener Abbruch - Errorlevel %u. ; ; This is the prompt in outbound.c. When you change the letters ; For Crash, Hold, Direct and Normal, change the appropriate letters ; in the following string. ; *#361Lunused *#362LCHDN *#363Lunused *#364Lunused E#365L>Processing: %s (%s) S#365L>Processing: %s (%s) G#365L>Bearbeite: %s (%s) E#366L Scanning %ld files (step %d) in %s. S#366L Scanning %ld files (step %d) in %s. G#366L Suche %ld Files (step %d) in %s. E#367L!Security mismatch: %d < %d S#367L!Security mismatch: %d < %d G#367L!Sicherheitsfehler: %d < %d E#368LSending EMSI \b S#368LSending EMSI \b G#368LSende EMSI \b E#369LReceiving EMSI \b S#369LReceiving EMSI \b G#369LEmpfange EMSI \b E#370LWaiting for EMSI \b S#370LWaiting for EMSI \b G#370LWarte auf EMSI \b E#371LEMSI-Recv S#371LEMSI-Recv G#371LEMSI-Empfang E#372LEMSI-Send S#372LEMSI-Send G#372LEMSI-Senden E#373L>EMSI-Packet incomplete. S#373L>EMSI-Packet incomplete. G#373L>EMSI-Packet unvollstaendig. E#374L?Packet doesn't start with 'EMSI'. S#374L?Packet doesn't start with 'EMSI'. G#374L?Packet beginnt nicht mit 'EMSI'. E#375L:Exit after FAX reception with errorlevel %d. S#375L:Exit after FAX reception with errorlevel %d. G#375L:Ende nach Faxempfang mit Errorlevel %d. E#376LPlease wait... \b S#376LPlease wait... \b G#376LBitte warten... \b E#377L Address Files Bytes Age Calls Bad Status S#377L Address Files Bytes Age Calls Bad Status G#377L Adresse Dateien Groe Alt Anrufe Bad Status E#378LZoomed Pending Outbound Mail S#378LZoomed Pending Outbound Mail G#378LAusgangsfach im Grossformat E#379LNode is busy... \b S#379LNode is busy... \b G#379LNode ist in Bearbeitung... E#380LChange Mail for %s to %s S#380LChange Mail for %s to %s G#380LAendere Nachrichten fuer %s auf %s E#381LStop mail for %s S#381LStop mail for %s G#381LStoppt die Nachrichten fuer %s E#382LDelete call count for %s S#382LDelete call count for %s G#382LLoesche Anrufzaehler fuer %s E#383LPoll Node S#383LPoll StarFleet Node G#383LPolle Node E#384LDelete requests for %s S#384LDelete requests for %s G#384LLoesche Requests fuer %s E#385LChange Destination S#385LChange Destination G#385LAendere Zieladresse E#386LAppending %s... S#386LAppending %s... G#386L%s wird angefuegt. E#387LRenaming %s...\b S#387LRenaming %s...\b G#387L%s wird umbenannt.\b E#388LError appending %s! S#388LError appending %s! G#388LFehler beim Anhaengen von %s! E#389LDeleted old call count! S#389LDeleted old call count! G#389LLoesche alten Anrufzaehler! E#390LMarking as a no-send! S#390LMarking as a no-send! G#390LMarkiere als 'nicht versenden'! E#391LCant' open $$5 file! S#391LCant' open $$5 file! G#391LKann $$5-Datei nicht oeffnen! *#392Lunused *#393Lunused *#394Lunused E#395LCan't delete requests! S#395LCan't delete requests! G#395LKann Requests nicht loeschen! E#396LRequests deleted! S#396LRequests deleted! G#396LRequests geloescht! E#397LNew Address: S#397LNew Address: G#397LNeue Adresse: E#398Lmail attach S#398Lmail attach G#398LNachricht angehaengt *#399Lunused E#400Lmail packet S#400Lmail packet G#400LNachrichten-Paket *#401Lunused E#402LCrash, Hold, Direct, Normal, Quit (C/H/D/N/Q)? S#402LCrash, Hold, Direct, Normal, Quit (C/H/D/N/Q)? G#402LCrash, Halten, Direkt, Normal oder Q fuer Ende (C/H/D/N/Q)? E#403LMore requests? (Y/N) (O)ther node S#403LMore requests? (Y/N) (O)ther node G#403LMehr Requests? (J/N) (O)ther node E#404LMore sends? (Y/N) (O)ther node S#404LMore sends? (Y/N) (O)ther node G#404LMehr Sends? (J/N) (O)Anderen Node E#405LA Readdress mail [Alt/] G Get (request) File(s) S#405LA Readdress mail [Alt/] G Get (request) File(s) G#405LA Zieladresse aendern [Alt/] G Get (request) File(s) E#406LC/D/H/N Crash/Direct/Hold/Normal [Alt/] S Send File(s) S#406LC/D/H/N Crash/Direct/Hold/Normal [Alt/] S Send File(s) G#406LC/D/H/N Crash/Direkt/Halten/Normal [Alt/] S Sende File(s) E#407LI Reset Dial Tries [Alt/] P Poll a node S#407LI Reset Dial Tries [Alt/] P Poll a node G#407LI Loesche Anrufzaehler [Alt/] P Polle Node an E#408LR Kill requests T Stop mail S#408LR Kill requests T Stop mail G#408LR Loesche Requests T Stoppe Nachricht E#409LK Kill all mail to node Alt-I Nodelist info S#409LK Kill all mail to node Alt-I Nodelist info G#409LK Loesche alles fuer Node Alt-I Nodelisten info E#410L Alt-E Set/Reset runtime flags S#410L Alt-E Set/Reset runtime flags G#410L Alt-E Verbindungsflags editieren E#411LPGUP/PGDN, UP/DOWN ARROW, HOME, and END scroll window S#411LPGUP/PGDN, UP/DOWN ARROW, HOME, and END scroll window G#411LBild/Bild, /, Pos1, und Ende scrollt das Fenster E#412LCannot re-open costfile. S#412LCannot re-open costfile. G#412LKann Kosten-Datei nicht wieder oeffnen. E#413L Received: %d/%ldK Sent: %d/%ldK Total: %d/%ldK CPS: %ld S#413L Received: %d/%ldK Sent: %d/%ldK Total: %d/%ldK CPS: %ld G#413L Bekommen: %d/%ldK Gesendet: %d/%ldK Summe: %d/%ldK CPS: %ld E#414L*Seconds: %ld Tariff: %d Fee: %ld RFee: %ld System: %s S#414L*Seconds: %ld Tariff: %d Fee: %ld RFee: %ld System: %s G#414L*Sekunden: %ld Tarif: %d Kosten: %ld AKosten: %ld System: %s E#415L:Inbound request file %s.REQ received as %s.R%02x. S#415L:Inbound request file %s.REQ received as %s.R%02x. G#415L:Eingehendes Requestfile %s.REQ umbenannt in %s.R%02x. E#416L\r**Hydra session initiated (AutoStart).\r\n S#416L\r**Hydra session initiated (AutoStart).\r\n G#416L\r**Hydra session gestartet (AutoStart).\r\n E#417L\r**Hydra session finished.\r\n S#417L\r**Hydra session finished.\r\n G#417L\r**Hydra session beendet.\r\n E#418L*Start external mail session with %s. S#418L*Start external mail session with %s. G#418L*Starte externe Mail-Session mit %s. E#419L*End external mail session with %s. S#419L*End external mail session with %s. G#419L*Beende externe Mail-Session mit %s. E#420L:Shelling after FAX with ErrLevelShell %d. S#420L:Shelling after FAX with ErrLevelShell %d. G#420L:Shelling nach FAX mit ErrLevelShell %d. E#421L:Shelling after compressed mail with ErrLevelShell %d. S#421L:Shelling after compressed mail with ErrLevelShell %d. G#421L:Shelling nach gepackter Mail mit ErrLevelShell %d. E#422L:Shelling after file extension \'%s\' with ErrLevelShell %d. S#422L:Shelling after file extension \'%s\' with ErrLevelShell %d. G#422L:Shelling nach Dateiendung \'%s\' mit ErrLevelShell %d. E#423L:Shelling after mail with ErrLevelShell %d. S#423L:Shelling after mail with ErrLevelShell %d. G#423L:Shelling nach Mail mit ErrLevelShell %d. E#424L:Starting session for ErrLevelShell %d. S#424L:Starting session for ErrLevelShell %d. G#424L:Starte Session fuer ErrLevelShell %d. E#425L:Returning from ErrLevelShell. S#425L:Returning from ErrLevelShell. G#425L:Zurueck von ErrLevelShell. E#426L!Could not open %s for scanning. S#426L!Could not open %s for scanning. G#426L!Konnte %s nicht zum Scannen oeffnen. E#427L!Seek error scanning %s. S#427L!Seek error scanning %s. G#427L!Seek-Fehler beim Scannen von %s. E#428L!Read error scanning %s. S#428L!Read error scanning %s. G#428L!Lese-Fehler beim Scannen von %s. E#429L!Trashed header found while scanning %s. S#429L!Trashed header found while scanning %s. G#429L!Muell-Header beim Scannen gefunden %s. E#430L#Shell at start of event with ErrLevelShell %d. S#430L#Shell at start of event with ErrLevelShell %d. G#430L#Shell am Anfang des Events mit ErrLevelShell %d. E#431LErrLevelShell number %d out of range 1 - 255.\n S#431LErrLevelShell number %d out of range 1 - 255.\n G#431LErrLevelShell-Nummer %d ausserhalb von 1 - 255.\n E#432L:Dialing AltNumber %s (%s) S#432L:Dialing AltNumber %s (%s) G#432L:Waehle AltNumber %s (%s) E#433LPrimary number missing from AltNumber.\n S#433LPrimary number missing from AltNumber.\n G#433LPrimaere Nummer fehlt bei AltNumber.\n E#434LAlternate number missing from AltNumber.\n S#434LAlternate number missing from AltNumber.\n G#434LAlternative Nummer fehlt bei AltNumber.\n E#435L#Forced shell - errorlevel %u. S#435L#Forced shell - errorlevel %u. G#435L#Erzwungene Shell mit Errorlevel %u. E#436LNo environment variable TASK defined (use e.g.: BT32.EXE TASK=1). Aborting.\n S#436LNo environment variable TASK defined (use e.g.: BT32.EXE TASK=1). Aborting.\n G#436LKeine Environment-Variable TASK definiert (z.B.: BT32.EXE TASK=1). Abbruch.\n E#437L:Synchronizing my clock to %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d. S#437L:Synchronizing my clock to %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d. G#437L:Synchronisiere meine Uhr auf %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d. E#438L:Acceptance of %s. 2nd call within %ld s. [%s TRUE] S#438L:Acceptance of %s. 2nd call within %ld s. [%s TRUE] G#438L:Akzeptanz von %s. 2ter Anruf innerhalb %ld s. [%s TRUE] E#439L:No acceptance of %s. KB Hold: %ld < min. %ld. [%s FALSE] S#439L:No acceptance of %s. KB Hold: %ld < min. %ld. [%s FALSE] G#439L:Keine Akzeptanz von %s. KB Hold: %ld < min. %ld. [%s FALSE] E#440L:Acceptance of %s. KB Hold: %ld >= min. %ld. [%s TRUE] S#440L:Acceptance of %s. KB Hold: %ld >= min. %ld. [%s TRUE] G#440L:Akzeptanz von %s. KB Hold: %ld >= min. %ld. [%s TRUE] E#441L:Invoking SRIF ERP: %s S#441L:Invoking SRIF ERP: %s G#441L:Rufe SRIF-ERP auf: %s E#442L:Accepting call. [Total acceptance = TRUE] S#442L:Accepting call. [Total acceptance = TRUE] G#442L:Akzeptiere Anrufer. [Gesamt-Akzeptanz = TRUE] E#443L:Rejecting call. [Total acceptance = FALSE] S#443L:Rejecting call. [Total acceptance = FALSE] G#443L:Lehne Anrufer ab. [Gesamt-Akzeptanz = FALSE] E#444L:Acceptance of %s. First call. [%s TRUE] S#444L:Acceptance of %s. First call. [%s TRUE] G#444L:Akzeptanz von %s. Erster Anruf. [%s TRUE] E#445L*Call rejected. S#445L*Call rejected. G#445L*Ruf abgewiesen. E#446L#%s is write protected. S#446L#%s is write protected. G#446L#%s ist schreibgeschuetzt. E#447L Local: %s\b S#447L Local: %s\b G#447L Lokal: %s\b E#448L Remote: %s\b S#448L Remote: %s\b G#448L Fern: %s\b *#449Lunused *#450LModem Activity *#451Lunused *#452Lunused *#453Lunused *#454LYooHoo *#455LYooHoo/2u2 *#456LEMSIsend *#457LEMSIwait *#458LEMSIrecv *#459LEMSIrcvd *#460LProtcol: *#461LxHydra *#462LExtern *#463LFTS-1 *#464LSession: *#465LEMSI *#466LHydra *#467LJanus *#468LZedZap *#469LZedZip *#470LDTE: *#471LOFFLINE *#472LSession *#473LDCE: *#474LXmodem *#475Lunused *#476Lunused *#477Lunused *#478Lunused *#479Lunused E#480LFilename to Get !Password $Size Flavour (Crash,Direct,Norm,Quit) S#480LFilename to Get !Password $Size Flavour (Crash,Direct,Norm,Quit) G#480LRequestfilename !Passwort $Groesse Art (Crash,Direkt,Normal,Quit) E#481L Select a nodeentry [Alt-I for info] S#481L Select a nodeentry [Alt-I for info] G#481L Nodeeintrag auswaehlen [Alt-I fr Infos] E#482LSysop name Address Flag Speed Mdm Pwd S#482LSysop name Address Flag Speed Mdm Pwd G#482LSysopname Adresse Flag Baud Mdm PW\b E#483L System not found! S#483L System not found! G#483L System nicht gefunden! E#484LShould I really use [%s] ? S#484LShould I really use [%s] ? G#484LSoll ich wirklich [%s] benutzen ? *#485Lunused *#486Lunused *#487Lunused *#488Lunused *#489Lunused E#490LRescanning S#490LRescanning G#490LRescanne E#491L:Rescanning outbound S#491L:Rescanning outbound G#491L:Ausgangsfach wird neu gelesen E#492L:Rejecting human caller. S#492L:Rejecting human caller. G#492L:Weise Mailbox-Benutzer ab. E#493L:Invalid definition of Cost Event (!=...). S#493L:Invalid definition of Cost Event (!=...). G#493L:Ungueltige Kosten-Event-Definition (!=...). E#494LReading S#494LReading G#494LLese E#495L:Reading outbound dump. S#495L:Reading outbound dump. G#495L:Lese Outbound-Dump. E#496L'%s' has an invalid event name field.\n S#496L'%s' has an invalid event name field.\n G#496L'%s' hat ein ungueltiges Event-Namens-Feld.\n E#497L'%s' has invalid Lx event.\n S#497L'%s' has invalid Lx event.\n G#497L'%s' enthaelt ungueltigen Lx-Event.\n ; ; Fossil Announcement / Translation ; *#498LVX00:VX00,X00:X00,BNU:BNU,CFOS:cFos,OPUS:Opus!Comm,FCI:FCI,DRCOMM:DrComm,ANDAN:ADF,WINFOS:WinFossil ; *#499LTerminal *#500Lunused *#501Lunused *#502Lunused *#503Lunused *#504Lunused *#505Lunused ; ; CSS.C strings ; ; some alternative progress bars - DO NOT USE COLOURS HERE! ; *#506L[*+-] ; *#506L[=- ] ; *#507L[ ] ; *#507L[ ] ; *#507L[۱] ; *#507L[ ] ; *#506L[*+-] *#507L[ ] *#508LTx File *#509LRx File E#510LCurrent Session Statistics S#510LCurrent Transfer Engine Status G#510LStatistik aktuelle Verbindung E#511LTx current S#511LTx current G#511LTx aktuell E#512LTx total S#512LTx total G#512LTx gesamt E#513LRx current S#513LRx current G#513LRx aktuell E#514LRx total S#514LRx total G#514LRx gesamt ; ; Max MCP strings part 1 ; *#515L*FROZEN* *#516LInitializing *#517LWaiting for Call *#518LOS Shell *#519LSpawned *#520LHanging Up *#521LAnswering *#522LConnecting *#523LReceiving FAX *#525LDialing %s *#524LMail Xfer with %s *#526LBinkleyTerm XE *#527LExiting *#528LReturning *#529L!Couldn't open %s. ; ; Fax ; *#530L FAX Received %d pages. *#531L FAX Error during transmission. *#532L!FAX Couldn't create output file %s. *#533LFAX Rcv *#534L FAX Connect with %s. *#535L FAX File received %s (%lub). *#536L!FAX Error receiving page. *#537Lunused *#538Lunused *#539Lunused ; *#540L:Ignoring %s. It is %lu minutes old. *#541L:Binkley frozen until %s goes away. *#542L:Binkley unfrozen - reinitializing. *#543L:Modem not responding OK. Spawning SpawnNoOK command. *#544L:Rescanned: %d.%02d seconds, %ld KB cache. Average %d.%02d seconds. *#545L!Could not rename '%s' to '%s'. *#546L:Remote Mail on Hold: %ldb *#547L Remote refused mail-pickup. *#548L:Local Mail on Hold: %ldb *#549L!No YOOHOO/2U2. *#550Lunused *#551Lunused *#552Lunused *#553Lunused *#554Lunused *#555Lunused *#556Lunused ; ; Max MCP strings part 2 ; *#557LRescanning outbound *#558LReading outbound dump *#559LTerminal ; E#560L:Posting Event Semaphore for ErrLevelShell %d. S#560L:Posting Event Semaphore for ErrLevelShell %d. G#560L:Poste Event Semaphore fuer ErrLevelShell %d. E#561L!Event Semaphore %s does not exist. S#561L!Event Semaphore %s does not exist. G#561L!Event Semaphore %s existiert nicht. *#562Lunused *#563L#Creating Poll for %s at start of event completed. *#564L!Creating Poll for %s at start of event failed. ; *#565L (Main Help reserved 1) *#566L (Main Help reserved 2) *#567L (Main Help reserved 3) *#568L (Main Help reserved 4) *#569L (Main Help reserved 5) *#570L (Main Help reserved 6) *#571L (Main Help reserved 7) *#572L (Main Help reserved 8) E#573LF1..F10 Exit BinkleyTerm with errorlevel (10*n) (F1=10,etc)\r\n S#573LF1..F10 Exit BinkleyTerm with errorlevel (10*n) (F1=10,etc)\r\n G#573LF1..F10 Bende BinkleyTerm mit Errorlevel (10*n) (F1=10,etc)\r\n *#574L\r\n *#575L/unreg. ; ; ; First Product Code must be -1 and the Unknown product. Put -1 Unknown ; somewhere else, and you are sure to screw things up ; *P-1 Unknown *P0 Fido/Unknown *P1 Rover *P2 SEAdog *P3 WinDog *P4 Slick-150 *P5 Opus *P6 Dutchie *P7 WPL_Library *P8 Tabby *P9 SWMail *P10 Wolf/68k *P11 QMM *P12 FrontDoor *P17 MailMan *P19 GS-Point *P20 BGMail *P21 ComMotion *P22 OurBBS *P24 WimpLink *P26 D'Bridge *P27 BinkleyTerm *P30 Daisy *P31 Polar Bear *P32 The-Box *P33 STARGate/2 *P35 TCOMMail *P38 Apple-Netmail *P39 Chameleon *P40 Majik Board *P47 Domain *P49 Rose *P50 Paragon *P51 Binkley/ST *P52 StarNet *P56 PBBS *P57 TrapDoor *P58 Welmat *P60 Odie *P61 Quick Gimme *P62 dbLink *P64 Beagle *P65 Igor *P66 TIMS *P67 Phoenix *P68 FrontDoor_APX *P74 BIX-Mail *P78 Lora-CBIS *P79 TDCS *P80 InterMail *P84 QBoxMail *P85 Number_4 *P86 Number_5 *P88 Merlin *P91 Outpost *P94 rfmail *P100 PC-RAIN *P101 Truffle *P103 White Pointer *P105 Portal of Power *P106 MacWoof *P109 HandyMail *P113 Benjamin *P114 RiBBS *P117 Door2Europe *P118 SWIFT *P121 Harry the Dirty Dog *P148 Fone-Link *P152 DoorMan *P154 SCREAM *P155 MoonMail *P157 MailLink *P159 Black Star *P161 PT *P162 UltiMail *P166 Foodo *P168 Boston BBS *P169 XenoMail *P170 XenoLink *P172 MilqueToast *P181 CommLink *P185 MHS *P191 NextBBS *P196 ProMailer *P197 MegaMail *P202 Arc-Binkley *P205 NMS *P206 BBCSCAN *P208 LoTek Vzrul *P214 Hercules *P215 AMPRGATE *P216 BinkEMSI *P222 Paradise *P223 DogMatic-ACB *P224 T-Mail *P226 MainDoor *P227 Starnet_Products *P230 MailMaster *P233 CrossPoint *P236 NetWay *P240 Bert *P248 TP_Kom *P250 !!MessageBase ; ; ; Note: Don't mess with the ordering of the table below. To remap a ; key, change the scan code (leaving the "U" or "T" alone). It ; would also be wise to change the "Key" description so you ; can figure out what on earth you did later on. ; ; Don't forget to change the help screen text above. ; ; Unattended mode key mappings ;Scan Function ;Code Code Description Key ; *U1e00 fe00 answer ALT-A *U1700 fe01 modem reinit ALT-I *U0043 fe02 immediate call C *U0063 fe02 immediate call C *U1500 fe03 poll bossnode ALT-Y *U3200 fe04 poll specified node ALT-M *U1900 fe05 poll packet for node ALT-P *U1800 fe06 outbound rescan ALT-O *U2600 fe07 toggle debug mode ALT-L *U2f00 fe08 toggle modem window ALT-V ; *U1400 fe10 to terminal mode ALT-T *U1200 fe11 to user's editor ALT-E *U2d00 fe12 exit BinkleyTerm ALT-X ; *U3b00 fe21 exit with status 10 PF1 *U3c00 fe22 exit with status 20 PF2 *U3d00 fe23 exit with status 30 PF3 *U3e00 fe24 exit with status 40 PF4 *U3f00 fe25 exit with status 50 PF5 *U4000 fe26 exit with status 60 PF6 *U4100 fe27 exit with status 70 PF7 *U4200 fe28 exit with status 80 PF8 *U4300 fe29 exit with status 90 PF9 *U4400 fe2a exit with status 100 PF10 ; *U2400 fe30 shell to OS prompt ALT-J *U6800 fe31 invoke user shell 1 ALT-F1 *U6900 fe32 invoke user shell 2 ALT-F2 *U6a00 fe33 invoke user shell 3 ALT-F3 *U6b00 fe34 invoke user shell 4 ALT-F4 *U6c00 fe35 invoke user shell 5 ALT-F5 *U6d00 fe36 invoke user shell 6 ALT-F6 *U6e00 fe37 invoke user shell 7 ALT-F7 *U6f00 fe38 invoke user shell 8 ALT-F8 *U7000 fe39 invoke user shell 9 ALT-F9 ; *U2200 fe40 get (request) a file ALT-G *U1f00 fe41 send a file ALT-S *U2500 fe42 kill outbound for node ALT-K ; *U2c00 fe43 zoom outbound ALT-Z ; ; *U0041 fe65 readdress mail A *U0061 fe65 ; ;This conflicts with "immediate call" above, making these entries ;redundant. We have them here for completeness and also support the ;"immediate call" key for crash. ; *U0043 fe66 crash C *U0063 fe66 ; *U0044 fe67 direct D *U0064 fe67 *U0047 fe68 get file G *U0067 fe68 *U0048 fe69 hold H *U0068 fe69 *U0049 fe6a kill dial tries I *U0069 fe6a *U004b fe64 kill node's mail K *U006b fe64 *U004e fe6b normal N *U006e fe6b *U0050 fe6c poll node P *U0070 fe6c *U0052 fe6d kill requests R *U0072 fe6d *U0053 fe6e send files S *U0073 fe6e *U0054 fe6f stop mail T *U0074 fe6f ; *U7100 fe50 mailer help screen ALT-F10 *U3000 fe51 blank the screen ALT-B *U1100 fe52 refresh the screen ALT-W ; *U2e00 fe60 enter chat mode ALT-C *U1300 fe61 restart events ALT-R *U1000 fe62 quit this event ALT-Q *U2000 fe63 reset daily history ALT-D ; *U5000 fe70 scroll outbound down 1 DN ARROW *U4800 fe71 scroll outbound up 1 UP ARROW *U5100 fe72 scroll outbound down 4 PG DN *U4900 fe73 scroll outbound up 4 PG UP *U4700 fe74 scroll outbound to top HOME *U4f00 fe75 scroll outbound to end END ; *U9100 fe76 scroll recent activity down 1 CTRL-DN ARROW *U7400 fe76 scroll recent activity down 1 CTRL-RIGHT ARROW *U8d00 fe77 scroll recent activity up 1 CTRL-UP ARROW *U7300 fe77 scroll recent activity up 1 CTRL-LEFT ARROW ; ;TE 960613: Ctrl+Dn/Up does not work in some environments, while ; Ctrl+Left/Right does ; *U7600 fe78 scroll recent activity down 9 CTRL-PG DN *U8400 fe79 scroll recent activity up 9 CTRL-PG UP *U7700 fe7a scroll recent activity to top CTRL-HOME *U7500 fe7b scroll recent activity to end CTRL-END *U3100 fe7c Event behaviour setup ALT-N *U2300 fe7d Call history window ALT-H *U0014 fe7e Stats window CTRL-T *U0002 fe7f internal BBS local mode CTRL-B ; ; ; ; Terminal mode key mappings ;Scan Function ;Code Code Description Key ; *T3000 fd00 set baud rate ALT-B *T2e00 fd01 set data and stop bits ALT-C *T1f00 fd02 start/stop break ALT-S *T1900 fd03 change comm port ALT-P ; *T1700 fd10 re-init the modem ALT-I *T2300 fd11 hang up the modem ALT-H ; *T2000 fd20 dial a specified number ALT-D *T1300 fd21 dial a hunt group ALT-R *T1500 fd22 poll the bossnode ALT-Y *T3200 fd23 poll a specified node ALT-M ; *T5100 fd30 download a file PG DN *T4900 fd31 upload a file PG UP *T2600 fd32 open/close capture file ALT-L *T8300 fd33 gateway (no map) toggle ALT-= ; *T6800 fd41 send macro 1 to remote ALT-F1 *T6900 fd42 send macro 2 to remote ALT-F2 *T6a00 fd43 send macro 3 to remote ALT-F3 *T6b00 fd44 send macro 4 to remote ALT-F4 *T6c00 fd45 send macro 5 to remote ALT-F5 *T6d00 fd46 send macro 6 to remote ALT-F6 *T6e00 fd47 send macro 7 to remote ALT-F7 *T6f00 fd48 send macro 8 to remote ALT-F8 *T7000 fd49 send macro 9 to remote ALT-F9 ; *T1200 fd50 clear the screen ALT-E *T7100 fd51 terminal help screen ALT-F10 *T2f00 fd52 display Bink version ALT-V ; ; *T1600 fd60 to unattended mode ALT-U *T2d00 fd61 exit BinkleyTerm ALT-X *T2400 fd62 shell to OS prompt ALT-J ; ; ; Terminal mode ANSI key mappings ; ; What you are looking at here is a table of strings that ; will be sent out the comm port if you use a particular ; FUNCTION key. ; ; You have lots of leeway in these definitions. In fact, ; the code will even handle nulls (\0). However, because ; we want to be able to comment this, we don't allow imbedded ; blanks. Use \b to get a blank if you want one. ; ; Note: keyboard remapping precedes ANSI output mapping. ; If you map Fkey1 to Fkey2, don't be too surprised that ; Bink uses Fkey2's value when addressing this table. ; ;Scan ANSI ;Code String Description Key ; *A3b00 \033OP PF1 F1 *A3c00 \033OQ PF2 F2 *A3d00 \033Ow keypad '7' F3 *A3e00 \033Ox keypad '8' F4 *A3f00 \033Ot keypad '4' F5 *A4000 \033Ou keypad '5' F6 *A4100 \033Oq keypad '1' F7 *A4200 \033Or keypad '2' F8 *A4300 \033Op keypad '0' F9 *A4400 \033Op keypad '0' F10 *A4800 \033[A Up Arrow Up Arrow *A4b00 \033[D Left Arrow Left Arrow *A4d00 \033[C Right Arrow Right Arrow *A5000 \033[B Down Arrow Down Arrow *A5400 \033OR PF3 Shift-F1 *A5500 \033OS PF4 Shift-F2 *A5600 \033Oy keypad '9' Shift-F3 *A5700 \033Om keypad '-' Shift-F4 *A5800 \033Ov keypad '6' Shift-F5 *A5900 \033Ol keypad ',' Shift-F6 *A5a00 \033Os keypad '3' Shift-F7 *A5b00 \033OM keypad 'Enter' Shift-F8 *A5c00 \033On keypad '.' Shift-F9 *A5d00 \033OM keypad 'Enter' Shift-F10 ; ; ; Below are the changes that Bob makes to this file in order to use ; Bink's terminal mode with the TBBS full screen editor and with ; TDBS. He uses CTRL-PGUP and CTRL-PGDN for upload/download so that ; PGUP and PGDN can be converted to control characters and sent out ; to TBBS. ; ; The codes that TBBS uses are approximately those that WordStar would ; like to see, with the exception of CTRL-S. For some reason, that ; character seems to foul things up . So CTRL-O is used. ; ; ; Terminal mode command changes: replace download and upload ; lines with the following two (uncommented, of course: ; ;T7600 fd30 download a file Ctrl-PG DN ;T8400 fd31 upload a file Ctrl-PG UP ; ; Terminal mode key mapping: replace ANSI table above with the ; following: ; ; TBBS/TDBS cursor control keys ; ;A4800 \005 TBBS FSE Up Arrow Up Arrow ;A5000 \030 TBBS FSE Down Arrow Down Arrow ;A4b00 \017 TBBS FSE Left Arrow Left Arrow ;A4d00 \004 TBBS FSE Right Arrow Right Arrow ; ; TBBS/TDBS paging keys ; ;A4900 \022 TBBS FSE Page Up PG UP ;A5100 \003 TBBS FSE Page Dn PG DN ;A4700 \027 TBBS FSE Home Home ;A4f00 \020 TBBS FSE End End ; ; TBBS/TDBS editing keys ; ;A5200 \026 TBBS FSE Ins Ins ;A5300 \007 TBBS FSE Del Del ; ; TBBS/TDBS addtional keys ; ;A3b00 \032 TBBS FSE Help F1 ;A4400 \033 TBBS FSE Exit F10