jWWWData Vers. 0.1-aa / July 1997 Copyright (C) 1997 SW Wings DESCRIPTION jWWWData is JDBC Data Base Client specifically designed to be accessed and used on the World Wide Web. jWWWData targets all the application domains in which it is required to make data available to a large forum of users, across the Web. With jWWWData the end users interact with the data base, enter their queries (without having to know "SQL") and obtain their results directly at their location. The jWWWData Man Machine Interface gives the end users the feeling they are interacting with a local application and not with a remote data base system. The same level of usability is offered to the people who want to publish their data. They only need to specify in a simple data definition language the data they want to publish and which end users (on the Web) are allowed to access and manipulate these data. jWWWData uses this specification to automatically create the data base, the required HTML form, the JDBC based CGI application as well as a set of tools to initially populate and maintain the data base. In other words people who want to publish their data on the Web do not need to know how to write HTML pages/forms, how to implement CGI applications or JDBC clients in Java and so on; everything is done for them by jWWWData. INSTALLATION 1. Requirements jWWWData is a Java application using the JDBC SQL API. Before downloading jWWWData you need first to download/purchase and install: Case 1: ODBC Compliant Database Java JDK 1.1.2 and above; a ODBC compliant Data Base Management System; e.g. Microsoft's Access; The Java JDK 1.1.2 already contains the JavaSoft JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver able interface to all ODBC compliant Data Base Management Systems. Case 2: JDBC Compliant Database Java JDK 1.1.2 and above; a JDBC compliant Data Base Management System; e.g. NCSA's Decibel; the related JDBC Driver. In some cases (e.g. Decibel) the Data Base management Systems is provided together with the JDBC Driver. NOTE: the proper installation and configuration of these Data Base Management Systems and their related JDBC/ODBC drivers is responsibility of the end users and is not described in this document. 2. Decompress jWWWData Distribution Files jWWWData distribution contains the following files: htm_w32.zip - jWWWData HTML documentation jwww_w32.zip - jWWWData class files readme.txt - this file Supposing that the files set has been downloaded in the directory c:\tmp these are the commands that have to be executed: c: (the actual target disk must be put here, so instead of c: we could have d:, e: and so on) cd \ (to go to the root) pkunzip -d c:\tmp\htm_w32.zip (to decompress the HTML files) pkunzip -d c:\tmp\jwww_w32.zip (to decompress jWWWData files) When using a Windows version on "pkunzip" care must be taken so that the original directories/files names are kept. 3. Setting the WWW Server The World Wide Web Server has to be set up in such a way that the jWWWData CGI can access all the relevant HTML files. Supposing that the server is similar to the NCSA one, hereafter are listed the required changes. 3.1 "access.conf" In the file "access.conf" an entry similar to the following has to be inserted. This change will make the SWWINGS directory visible to the WWW Server. The actual syntax of the SWWINGS directory name depends on the operating system. In this example the Windows syntax has been used. 3.2 "srm.conf" In the file "srm.conf", and namely in the "alias" section, an entry similar to the following has to be inserted. This change will allow the hyper-links in the jWWWData HTML pages to work properly. The actual syntax of the SWWINGS directory name depends on the operating system. In this example the Windows syntax has been used. Alias /swwings/ C:/SWWINGS/ 4. Preparing for the first run The environment variable CLASSPATH, which specifies where Java has to look for the class files, has to be modified so that it contains the location of the jWWWData class files. Supposing that jWWWData files have been put under "C:\SWWINGS" the file AUTOEXEC.BAT must contain an additional line like the following: set CLASSPATH=.... (Your Previous CLASSPATH) set CLASSPATH=C:\SWWING\CLASSES;%CLASSPATH% In the same way the environment variable "PATH" must be updated so that it contains the C:\SWWINGS\BIN (or ~/swwings/bin) directory. It is now possible to create the first schema as described in the Detailed Description. When the schema is ready, users can ran the schema compiler (swwings.jWWWData.jDComp), using the script (jdcomp.bat or jdcomp.sh) provided in the C:\SWWINGS\BIN (or ~/swwings/bin) directory. This script will generate the Java module jDSchema.java and a set of scripts files (*.BAT and *.sh) and the starting HTML page. The Java module has to be compiled with the JDK compiler, using the following command: javac jDSchema.java The resulting class file jDSChema.class has to be put in the directory specified with the clause #schema-path in the schema itself (see the Detailed Description). The generated script files can be put, for convenience, in the C:\SWWINGS\BIN (or ~/swwings/bin) directory. The -cgi.(bat|sh) script needs to be copied in the directory where the WWW Server keeps the CGI scripts. The generated HTML page needs to be put in the directory, visible to the WWW Server, selected by the users as starting place for accessing the jWWWData system. The utility init.(bat|sh) and -load.(bat|sh) can now be used to initialise and populate the database. If everything went fine it is now possible to start jWWWData by opening with a WWW Browser the starting HTML page and clicking on the Start button. REGISTRATION jWWWData is shareware (and not freeware). If you find jWWWData valuable you should register it. The unregistered copy of jWWWData can only handle up to 50 records per data file. This constraint only applies to jWWWData CGI (i.e. all the other tools needed to locally create, populate and mantain the data base work normally). Moreover the text "unregistered copy" is printed in the title of every single form used by jWWWData CGI and on a "Javascript scroller" in the status line of the browser. The registered copy does not have these limitations. To register check out the relevant HTML pages in the distributed documentation. COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIM 1. Copyright Copyright (c) 1996,1997 SW Wings. Permission to copy, distribute and use the unregistered version of jWWWData and its documentation is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of this software and related documentation. 2. Disclaim jWWWData is provided "as-is" and without warranty of any kind, express, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall SW Wings be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out or in connection with the use or performance of this software. PROBLEMS AND FEEDBACKS Installation/usage problems, feedbacks and so on can be reported to SW WINGS. Alessandra Scarpari SW WINGS Van der Weijdenlaan 26 2211 JM Noordwijkerhout The Netherlands swwings@swwings.com