Dwyco Shareware Internet Video Conferencing Cdc32 is Copyright 1995-97 (c) Dwyco, Inc. (Dwight Melcher, dwight@dwyco.com), All rights reserved. 8/18/97 Description ----------- This is version 0.95 of the Dwyco Video Conferencing System. It replaces version 0.80. New features include: * Color video * Private real-time chat * File transfers while conferencing * "recommend" feature that makes it easy to tell your friends about cdc32. * for more information, see http://www.dwyco.com The Dwyco Video Conferencing System is a software-only video conferencing system for Microsoft Windows95 that can transmit and receive video and audio and text in real-time across the Internet. It can operate in a variety of modes, including video/audio server, video/audio sender, video/audio receiver, and two-way video/audio send-receive. Installation ------------ The distribution contains a file named "dwyco095.exe". This is a self-installing executable. To install, simply run "dwyco095.exe". One way to do this using the Windows 95 taskbar is to do the following: Click on "Start". Click on "Run". Enter the full path to "dwyco095.exe" in the "Open" item. Click "Ok". Note: you must have the Windows95 Multimedia components installed on your computer to use the system. These come standard with Windows95, but you have to explicitly install them from your Windows95 installation media. To do this: Click on "Start" Click on "Settings" Click on "Control panel" Double-Click on "Add/Remove programs" Click on "Windows Setup" tab Scroll down to and highlight "Multimedia" Click on "Details" Make sure that you have a checkmark next to the "Audio Compression" and "Video Compression" boxes. If you don't, select them and follow the directions Window95 gives you to install the components. For more detailed installation instructions, or if you have problems, visit http://www.dwyco.com Status ------ Cdc32 is distributed as SHAREWARE. The registration insructions are available by clicking Help|Registration... or clicking on the credit-card icon on the toolbar. Cdc32 is NOT public domain, nor is it freeware. See license for more details. Distribution Status ------------------- The unmodified dwyco095.exe file is freely distributable. Under no circumstances should dwyco095.exe be distributed in other than its original form. How to contact the author ------------------------- Send inquiries/bug reports/comments to (email preferred): Dwight Melcher Dwyco, Inc. dwight@dwyco.com http://www.dwyco.com