FindPics Readme.txt File. Installation. FindPics does not require to be 'Installed'. It will in fact run from wherever you unzip it (even a floppy diskette). If you would like the process of creating the sub-directory/folder and copying the files done for you, follow the instructions below. 1/ Unzip the archive file 'FNDPICxx.ZIP' to a temp directory/folder or floppy diskette. 2/ From the hard drive you wish to install to, run 'INSTALL.EXE'. (or double click 'Install.exe' from File-Manager/Windows-Explorer) e.g. run c:\temp\install or run a:\install 3/ The default directory/folder 'FINDPICS' will be created on the H.D. you are working from. You can change this name if you wish. The installation does not place files in any other directory/folder other than the installation directory/folder. Neither does it alter any of your existing files. Brief Description. The program FindPics will quickly find image files on a disk, including CD-Rom and Network Drives. Here are two suggested uses. One, for the Parent, Guardian, School Teacher or Network Administrator that needs to ensure that image files saved to disk, (possibly during an Internet session) are "suitable". Two, for the computer user that collects image files, maybe for DTP applications. You can quickly scan a magazine's cover CD-ROM for image files. The program FindPics V1.0 has been released as Freeware (copyright remaining the property of C.Gaunt) and may be freely distributed. Warranty Disclaimer. This software is supplied as FreeWare, in good faith, without any warranty as to performance or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. The user assumes the entire risk of using this program. The copyright remains the property of C.Gaunt. Contacting the author.