This copy of Binders is not licensed. This is a shareware version only. You May---Try the program and if you continue to use it beyond 30 days register your copy with the author. registered users get free upgrades of Binders program, including any advanced programs made by the author. registered users get online support. You may not---- Modify, rent,lease the software or create derivative works based on Binders in whole or part. You may --- Download or upload copies of the program, give copies to others but not sell the program. All property rights in Binders (c) 1997 is owned by Lt Software (TM), any other use than for your personal home computer, must be requested from you to Lt Software for approval. LIMITED WARRANTY--- LT SOFTWARE WARRANTS THAT THE DISKS ON WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS RECORDED TO BE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF NINTY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT FURTHER WARRANTY AS TO PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE PACKAGE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, TORT, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL LT SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES.