OWL Simple Business Accounting Program Description OWL Simple Business Accounting (SBA) is an easy-to-use program that is designed to maintain complete and accurate accounting of income and expenses. In creating Simple Business Accounting, our objective was to produce a program that is intuitive and requires no prior knowledge of accounting. SBA uses the "single entry" bookkeeping method that is recommended by the IRS. This accounting method is easy to use and is equally suited for small businesses and individuals. Using SBA, you can produce a variety of expense, income, profit and general ledger reports. You can define up to 1000 different income and expense accounts to fully categorize your income and expenses for tax purposes. SBA employs the concept of folders where each folder contains income and expense data that may be reported either separately or in combination. Thus, Simple Business Accounting may be used for multiple businesses, multiple divisions within a single business or for both business and personal accounting. Simple Business Accounting is linked to OWL's invoicing, sales and client management program (OASIS) via an import option that transfers income data from OASIS into Simple Business Accounting. OASIS provides complete tracking of sales, customers and receivables. The combination of OASIS and Simple Business Accounting provides a complete business management solution for many small businesses. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - Windows 95.or Windows NT - A hard disk with approximately 1.5 Megabytes of available space - 8 Megabytes of memory. INSTALLATION To install OWL Simple Business Accounting run "SBASETUP.EXE". For example, if SBASETUP.EXE is on a floppy disk in the A: Drive - From the Windows 95 Start menu, choose Run. - In the Run dialog box, type "a:\sbasetup.exe" and choose OK. The setup program offers the following installation options: Installation Directory? If you already have a copy of SBA on your hard disk, then choose the directory where it is presently installed. The default is C:\OWL_SB. Backup Replaced Files?: Select "Yes" if you would like the setup program to make backup copies of all files that are replaced during the installation. Standard or Upgrade Installation? If you are installing to the same drive and directory where SBA was previously installed then choose the Upgrade Installation option. This will prevent your existing data files from being overwritten. The setup program creates a program group named "OWL Business Apps" with icons for Simple Business Accounting (SB Accounting), the user's guide (SB Accounting Help), and the Readme file (SB ReadMe). RUNNING THE PROGRAM To run SBA click on the Start menu and choose Programs - OWL Business Apps - SB Accounting.. The data files shipped with the program contain sample data which is provided to help you become familiar with the various options and capabilities of the program. The sample data covers calendar years 1997 and 1998. The Getting Started section of the User's Guide contains a step-by-step guide to getting acquainted with SBA. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Need help? Call, write or EMail your questions to: OWL Software P.O Box 794 Lanham, MD 20703-0794 Phone: 301-306-0409 Fax: 301-794-4533 EMail: owlsoft@compuserve.com or visit our web site at: http://www.owlsoftware.com