DEXS Documents and Exhibits System for Litigators -------------- Version 2.03a ------------ V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N -------------------------------------- This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors and BBS SYSOPs who wish to distribute DEXS 2.03a ----------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1: Program Information: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Program Name, Category, Keywords: --------------------------------- Name - DEXS Documents and Exhibits System Category - Windows (Graphics) Keywords - WINDOWS ATTORNEY LITIGATION DATABASE DOCUMENTS EXHIBITS ACCESS VISUAL BASIC Short Description: ------------------ DEXS is easy to learn and easy to use Litigation Support Database software. DEXS is a full featured, powerful Windows database application. It includes a full featured, user customizable, data entry system and a robust search and reports module. Written in Access 2.0 and Visual Basic, DEXS is designed specifically for litigators, with a minimum of computer jargon and a maximum of easily understood database features. No prior computer database experience is needed to use DEXS today to organize documents and exhibits in litigation. Longer Description: ------------------- DEXS Database software, created for litigators, was developed using state of the art Windows-based software, extensive, intuitive menus, and instantly accessible Help/Instructional screens. DEXS is designed to be flexible; it can be customized to meet the needs of a wide range of cases. Systems personnel will also appreciate the strong foundation used to build DEXS. The Microsoft Access platform allows in-house programmers easy access to DEXS' underlying framework so they may build onto it in the future. DEXS Database Update program makes extensive use of user definable data lookup tables to Add, Modify, and Delete information on the database. The lookup tables define what can be entered in the fields by the coders. Lookup Tables can increase coder productivity by as much as 30% by allowing the coders to enter full names using only a few keystrokes. Coder accuracy also increases dramatically when the coder selects from a list rather than continually re-entering the same data. DEXS database Search and Report Program; with DEXS searches are as easy as clicking on what you want and viewing the results. First point on the tab for the field you want to search; click on the names, or doc types, or other combination of data in the field to define your search. Second, click on the Title Viewer tab to preview the records resulting from you search. You can use the Viewer to print records individually or selectively exclude records from the full Search Report. Third, click on the Reports tab to customize your report and to print or exprot the records. Three steps and you are done. DEXS provides instant On-Line Help. Document coders have immediate access to complete, on-line coding rules for each field. DEXS users can get on-line, step-by-step help to search the database and print reports. DEXS system requirements. Users need an IBM compatable 80386 PC operating at 40 MHz with a minimum of 6Mb of RAM and 12 Mb of free hard disk space. A 80486 PC with 8Mb or more RAM, is recommended. You also need MS-DOS 3.2 or better, Microsoft Windows 3.0 or better, and a mouse. The actual disk space you will need depends on the size of your databases. Microsoft, Access, and Visual Basic are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2: Distribution Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------- The shareware version of DEXS may be freely distributed, with the following restrictions; permission must be received to distribute DEXS on retail racks, on CD Roms, or bundled with any other product. BBSs - please name the files When distributing DEXS the following files must be distributed together. MSAJT112.DLL COMPHAVN.EXE COMPHAVN.LOG CONTROL.MDA DEMO.EXE DEXS.HLP ENHANCE.MDB MASTER.MDA RAPTOR.MDB VSVBX.VBX VSVBX.LIC VBRUN300.DLL CMDIALOG.VBX MSMASKED.VBX MSOUTLIN.VBX THREED.VBX VBDB300.DLL QUICVIEW.IOC POINT05.IOC DEXS.INI CISFOLE.IOC SYSTEM.MDA FILE_ID.DIZ VENDOR.DOC Disk Vendors, Shareware Distributors and BBS(s) may charge a nominal fee for distribution of the program. The recipient of DEXS must be informed, in advance, that the fee paid to acquire DEXS does not relieve the recipient from purchasing the Licensed Version of DEXS if the recipient continues to use DEXS.