WinAmp Database 1.00 Copyright © 1998 by Karsten Bendsen. All rights reserved. This software is shareware. Need some programming done? Just mail me! If you prefer you can read the Windows-helpfile instead, as most of the contents from this readme-file is in the helpfile. 1. What is WinAmp Database? 2. Quick reference 3. Agreements 4. Contacting me 5. History 6. Other programs ******* 1. What is WinAmp Database? ****************************************** A great tool to manage your MP3's. Using WinAmp Database is a very easy way to create a database over all your songs (MP3's), just insert a CD press Add Files, insert another CD... and you have a complete playlist, support for ID3 tags and WinAmp playlists. Quickly locate a song with the search and filter options and use WinAmp for playback. ******* 2. Quick reference *************************************************** WinAmp Database has been tested under Windows95/98, but it should also run under Windows NT 4.0. Please notice that you need an updated version of comctl32.dll. Most users already have this update, as it comes with Windows98, Internet Explore 4.0, and many other programs, if you don't have this update you can download it on How to use WinAmp Database? See the online help, for help about the most important topics. If you are really lazy then read the bubblehelp, by placing the mouse arrow over a component for one second or read the helptext in the statusbar. ******* 3. Agreements ******************************************************** Agreements for WinAmp Database, which you either accept or else you must remove all the program files from your system! WinAmp Database is shareware. You must use the software in a month and must then either remove all program files from your system or register the program (see register in the helpfile). You may not alter any part of the files, which comes with the program. You may freely distribute the unregistered version of this program, if all the files from the original Zip-File package are included. You may not command or take money, for distributing of the program. Standard Disclaimer: This software is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software is with you. Should the software prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. In no event shall the author, copyright holder, or any other party who may redistribute the software be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software (including, but not limited to, loss of data, data being rendered inaccurate, loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruptions, loss sustained by you or third parties, or a failure of the software to operate with any other software) even if the author, copyright holder, or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. ******* 4. Contacting me ***************************************************** To contact me, with questions, suggestions or anything you have on your mind write to me at E-Mail: FIDO-mail: 2:238/64.59 If you want free updates or download some of my other programs browse to ******* 5. History *********************************************************** WinAmp Database 1.00 (31.10.98) Program released ******* 6. Other programs **************************************************** WinMenu Suite: WinMenu is a menu-program that will help the user to install games/programs, from a CD. WinMenu is not an installation program like InstallShield, but a menu program to handle multiplies installations from one CD, e.g. your own shareware collection, WinMenu lets you choose which program to install or run form it's own menus. WinMenu supports Zip-files, ShellLinks, Uninstallation and has its own TableEditor. If you burn CD's, WinMenu is simply a must have. MP3-FileCompare: Avoid duplicates on your MP3 CD's, MP3-FileCompare has some very advanced functions to compare new MP3's with your existing ones, percentage match, knows common words like "Radio Edit," text replacements. Easy to use, just log onto a FTP-server, Network or a local drive, let MP3-FileCompare decide (from your choices) which files to get. That's it. WinPowerdown: Automatically shutoff Win95/98/NT. Windows can be shut down in three different ways: Power off, Reboot or Log off. Windows can be forced to shut down, which will terminate all programs, that's useful when you want to be sure Windows is Powered down. Blinker ScreenSaver: A fun little screensaver that can blink your keyboard LED's (Num-, Caps- and ScrollLock), it can also draw some nice spheres on the screen or perhaps turn the monitor into powersave mode. FileCleaner: FileCleaner is a great way to help you with removing unwanted files from your harddisk. FileCleaner scans a drive/path for files matching your search-options (filemasks), the filemasks are stored so you easy can perform another filescan another time. FreeSpace: This little program will alert you when you are low on space, you decide yourself what drives to scan, and how much space there should be left before the alarm sounds.