################################################### # # CC3 BootCamp 5 # # 12/03/1998 # Michael J. Lyons # Content provided by Scott Johnson # ################################################### # Deployment # # This section positions the units in the correct # place. In this map, we have three russion units # and one german unit. The russian unit we're going # to use is unit index 1. # ################################################### [DEPLOY] *1 0 2161 6 *0 0 1620 6 *0 1 3054 6 *0 2 2832 6 *0 3 3548 6 *0 4 2540 6 *0 5 1560 6 *0 6 3483 6 *0 7 1277 6 # # # ################################################### # Intro # # This section marks the introductory dialog # ################################################### [INTRO] * 24 12 *Boot Camp 5 Fighting with Armor ############################################################## #Page 1 ############################################################## *Close Combat III reflects the real fighting on the Russian *Front; many of the battles and operations revolve around the *use of armor. This session focuses on how to use armor *effectively. * *Click here to display the next boot camp message. * * To quit Boot Camp, press ESC. * Note: If you get lost, press CTRL+H. * * ################################################# # # Lesson 1 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *FIRE 0 4 15 29 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 4 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 4 !ARROW 1 1 15 29 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 2 ############################################################## *There are three types of armor: tanks, tank destroyers, and *self-propelled guns. All three are tracked vehicles armed *with main and auxiliary guns. The main gun is almost always *an artillery piece, usually an antitank gun ranging from 2cm *to 15.2cm. The auxiliary gun (or guns) is a machine gun *mounted on the tank's front or on top of the turret. * * !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 3 ############################################################## *Although all three types of armor are tracked vehicles with *powerful main guns, the resemblance ends there. Tanks have *their main guns mounted in a rotating turret. Consequently a *tank doesn't have to move its chassis for the main gun to *traverse the tank's field of fire. Issue a Fire order to *the KV1 targeting building to the south as indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 4 ############################################################## *Note how the KV1 was able to swing its turret-mounted gun *without moving its chassis. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 2 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *FIRE 0 3 21 41 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 3 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 3 !ARROW 1 1 21 41 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 5 ############################################################## *Now issue a Fire command to the SU100 tank destroyer to the *left of the Rail Station, targeting the building to the north *as indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 6 ############################################################## *Note how the tank destroyer must turn its chassis to traverse *its main gun. Tank destroyers don't have turrets; *consequently, they need more room to maneuver and require *better footing than a tank. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 3 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 5 33 27 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 5 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 5 !ARROW 1 1 33 27 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 7 ############################################################## *Self-propelled guns are similar to tank destroyers; they *don't have turrets, so they must move their chassis to *traverse their main gun. However, self-propelled guns are not *always AT guns. These vehicles were often intended for *infantry support and for targeting buildings, bunkers, and *fortifications. However, most were used against tanks, too. * * !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 8 ############################################################## *Open terrain and dry weather are the ideal conditions for *armored warfare. Frozen ground can provide good footing for *tracked vehicles; however, deep or wet snow can bog down *armor. Close terrain -(city streets, dense forests, or steep *hills) and wet weather are less than ideal conditions. * * !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 9 ############################################################## *The number of armored vehicles also impacts how you use *armor. If your active roster consists mainly of infantry and *a single tank, you'll probably want to use the tank as mobile *infantry support. If your force is primarily armor, you'll *probably want to coordinate an armored assault. * * !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 10 ############################################################## *Whether you plan to attack or defend also impacts how you use *armor. If you're planning on attacking, you may want to keep *your armor in one large, or two small, armor squadrons. If *you plan on defending, you may want to spread your armor out *to create many ambush opportunities. * * !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 11 ############################################################## *The type of movement command you issue to your armor will *depend on the situation. Order the T-34 to Move Fast along *the road as indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 12 ############################################################## *Good. If your armor is advancing on a known enemy position, *moving fast makes your vehicle harder to hit. * * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 4 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 0 47 16 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 0 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 0 !ARROW 1 1 47 16 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 13 ############################################################## *Now order the T-34 to Move Fast back up the road as *indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 14 ############################################################## *Excellent! Notice how the T-34 turned around and then moved *fast back up the road. If your tank had been under enemy *fire, it would have given the enemy a shot at its least *armored location - its rear. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 5 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE 0 5 42 22 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 5 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 5 !ARROW 1 1 42 22 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 15 ############################################################## *To keep your armor facing forward while moving backward, *you need to use the Move or Sneak command. Issue a Move *command to the T-34 and place the destination dot as *indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 16 ############################################################## *Note how the T-34 kept its front forward as it backed up. *You'll want to use either the Move or Sneak command when *moving away from an enemy firing at your tank. * * !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 18 ############################################################## *Since tanks and tank destroyers have their heaviest armor *forward; their sides and back usually have less armor. *Consequently, you want to try and get flank shots while *preventing the enemy from getting the same type of shots. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] [OUTTRO] *18 12 ############################################################## *Congratulations. ############################################################## #Page 19 ############################################################## *You've completed the Boot Camp 5. You've learned some basic armor tactics; *put them to use in your next battle. * *