################################################### # # CC3 BootCamp 4 # # 11/23/1998 # Michael J. Lyons # Content provided by Scott Johnson # ################################################### # Deployment # # This section positions the units in the correct # place. In this map, we have three russion units # and one german unit. The russian unit we're going # to use is unit index 1. # ################################################### [DEPLOY] *1 0 3248 6 *1 1 363 6 *1 2 3176 6 *1 3 2162 6 *1 4 2234 6 *0 0 237 6 *0 1 746 6 *0 2 1674 6 *0 3 671 6 *0 4 884 6 *0 5 637 6 *0 6 1102 6 # # # ################################################### # Intro # # This section marks the introductory dialog # ################################################### [INTRO] * 24 12 *Bootcamp 4 Monitoring Your Forces ############################################################### # Page 1 ############################################################### *When playing Close Combat III, you'll need to monitor what's *happening on the battlefield. You can use the toolbar, Team *monitor, and Soldier monitor to keep track of information *concerning your fighting force. The toolbar is always displayed *at the bottom of the screen. * *Click here to display the next boot camp message. * * To quit Boot Camp, press ESC. * Note: If you get lost, press CTRL+H. * * * ################################################# # # Lesson 1 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 3 17 7 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 1 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 2 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 3 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 4 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 3 -1 -1 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 2 ############################################################### *The toolbar includes a number of buttons: Chat, Option, *Zoom In, Zoom Out, Truce, and Flee. The toolbar also displays *the latest message sent from the battlefield and summary *information on any team you select. * * !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 3 ############################################################### *In this session, you'll want both the Team and Soldier monitors *turned on. If they aren't already turned on, press F5 to turn *on the Team monitor and press F7 to turn on the Soldier monitor. *The Team monitor is displayed just above the toolbar. The *Soldier monitor is displayed when you select a team. * * !ARROW_TEAM 0 7 0 3 !ARROW 1 4 17 7 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 4 ############################################################### *Locate the light machine gun infantry in the northwest (upper *left) quadrant of the map. Order them to Move Fast into *the building approximately 50 meters west (left). The Soldier *monitor will appear when you issue the order, but watch *the toolbar as the team moves. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 5 ############################################################### *Note that the toolbar displayed summary information about *the team; the order you issued to the team was displayed *and when the team reached its destination a "Redeployment *successful" message was also displayed. However, the toolbar *displays information only about the last team to which an *order was issued. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 2 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 0 7 4 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 1 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 2 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 3 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 4 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 0 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 7 0 0 !ARROW 1 4 7 4 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 6 ############################################################### *Locate the T-34 tank in the northwest (upper left) quadrant *of the map. Issue a Move Fast order to the tank, placing *the destination dot on Hill 134 (the German victory location) *just to the west (left). Watch the Team monitor as the tank *moves. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 7 ############################################################### *Note that the Team monitor displays summary information *about each team. The order you issued to the T-34 tank *was displayed beneath its icon in the Team monitor. The *order remains displayed until the order is carried out or *another order is issued. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 3 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 3 8 16 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 1 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 2 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 3 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 4 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 3 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 7 0 3 !ARROW 1 4 8 16 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 8 ############################################################### *Find the infantry team you ordered to move fast earlier *in this session; they're in the stone building in the northwest *(upper left) quadrant of the map. Order them to Move Fast *toward the stone building next to the ditch approximately *100 meters to the southwest (down and left). Watch the *Soldier monitor as the team moves towards their destination. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 9 ############################################################### *Note how each team member's status changed as the team moved. *Also note that the color of the text, as well as the text *itself, changed to reflect what was happening. Remember, *green is good, red is bad, and black means dead. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 4 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 5 67 4 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 1 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 2 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 3 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 4 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 5 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 7 0 5 !ARROW 1 4 67 4 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 10 ############################################################### *Now find the mortar team in the northeast (upper right) *quadrant of the map; they're in a small cornfield at the *foot of Hill 132. Order the mortar team to Move Fast and *place the destination dot at the top of Hill 132. Watch *the Soldier monitor as the team moves up the hill. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 11 ############################################################### *Note how the mortar team members grew tired as they moved *up the hill; their physical state changed from healthy to *winded by the time they reached the top of the hill. * * * !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 14 ############################################################### *Remember, you can choose to display or hide both the Team *and Soldier monitors. Use the Options dialog box's Game *Play tab to turn these monitors on and off, or press F5 (Team *monitor) or F7 (Soldier monitor). For more complete *instructions on choosing game play options refer to Chapter *1 in the manual. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] [OUTTRO] *18 12 ############################################################### # Page 15 ############################################################### *Congratulations. *You've completed Boot Camp 4. You've learned how to use the *toolbar, Team monitor, and Soldier monitor to monitor your teams. *Put what you've learned to use on the battlefield and good luck. * * * *