################################################### # # CC3 BootCamp 3 # # 11/23/1998 # Michael J. Lyons # Content provided by Scott Johnson # ################################################### # Deployment # # This section positions the units in the correct # place. In this map, we have three russion units # and one german unit. The russian unit we're going # to use is unit index 1. # ################################################### [DEPLOY] *1 0 2161 6 *1 1 527 6 *1 2 2031 6 *0 0 1100 6 *0 1 607 6 *0 2 743 6 *0 3 1891 6 *0 4 2182 6 *0 5 1036 6 # # # ################################################### # Intro # # This section marks the introductory dialog # ################################################### [INTRO] * 24 12 *Boot Camp 3 Commanders and Tactics *Before you begin Boot Camp 3, you need to make sure the Team *Info bars show Command. Press Esc to return to the Boot *Camp screen. Click the Options button, click the Team *Info bars list box, and then click Show Command. Make sure *the Display Team Data and Display Soldier Monitor are *turned off, and then click OK. * * ################################################# # # Lesson 1 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *FIRE 0 5 17 7 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 1 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 2 -1 -1 !CENTER 28 14 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 5 !ARROW 1 1 17 7 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 1 ############################################################## *Commanders are an integral part of Close Combat III. The *presence of a commander will improve the performance of the *teams within the command radius. Often the presence of a *commander can be the difference between victory and defeat. *In this boot camp session you'll launch an assault using *a commander. * * !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 2 ############################################################## *You'll notice a colored bar displayed near each team. This is *the team indicator, and you can choose to have it indicate *ammunition supply, morale, suppression, or command effect *(use the Options dialog box). In this session, it should *show the command effect. * * !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 3 ############################################################## *Note the teams near the commander have green indicators. *If these teams were outside the command radius, their *indicators would be black. * * !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 4 ############################################################## *Before we go any farther, issue a Fire order to your mortar. *Have them target Strong Point 1 as indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 5 ############################################################## *Your infantry force will use a frontal assault to capture *Strong Point 1. The assault is broken down into several *steps. When playing the game, you may find that using both *group select and waypoints can make launching an assault *easier. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 2 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *FIRE 0 1 18 7 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 1 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 2 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 1 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 1 0 1 !ARROW 1 1 18 7 !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 6 ############################################################## *You completed the first step in making this attack when you *issued the Fire order to your mortar. Even though the *mortar fire may not penetrate the roof of the building, it *will suppress the enemy. * * !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 7 ############################################################## *Your next step is to further suppress the enemy. Order the *light machine gun infantry to fire at Strong Point 1. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 8 ############################################################## *This suppression fire will make the enemy troops defending *the victory location keep their heads down. * * ?Error !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 3 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 2 17 7 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 1 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 2 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 2 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 2 0 2 !ARROW 1 1 17 7 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 11 ############################################################## *The next step in your frontal assault is to send your *infantry forward. Issue a Move Fast order to the submachine *gun infantry; place the destination dot on Strong Point 1 as *indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 12 ############################################################## *Submachine gun infantry can fire as they advance, making *these teams ideal for leading attacks. * * ?Error !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 4 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 1 17 7 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 1 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 2 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 1 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 1 !ARROW 1 1 17 7 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 13 ############################################################## *Your final step is to add weight to your assault. Order the *LMG infantry to Move Fast and place the destination dot as *indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 14 ############################################################## *When you're playing a game, you can use group select to start *your infantry teams forward simultaneously. Presenting *multiple targets creates fire control problems for the enemy. * * ?Error !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 5 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 0 21 21 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 1 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 2 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 0 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 0 !ARROW 1 1 21 21 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 15 ############################################################## *Your attack succeeded in part because the enemy forces in *this boot camp are very weak. You'll probably want more *suppression fire and more attacking troops when playing *a game. * * !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 16 ############################################################## *The attack you launched is called a frontal assault; you *attacked straight at the enemy. You used support teams to *blind and suppress the enemy. While this is the most direct *way to attack the enemy, it is also the most costly for the *attacker. Use frontal assaults when you have superior numbers *and firepower, or the enemy's troops are inferior. * * !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 17 ############################################################## *Now issue a Move Fast order to the group leader and place *the destination dot to the south as indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 18 ############################################################## *Moving the commander will move the command radius so it *encompasses your next objective * * ?Error !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 7 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 4 16 28 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 1 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 2 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 4 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 4 0 4 !ARROW 1 1 16 28 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 21 ############################################################## *You can now make a demonstration attack - an attack that *draws the enemy's attention away from the real attack. Use *low-grade troops to make such assaults, because actual *success is secondary. Order the partisan rifle team to Move *Fast toward Strong Point 2 as indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 22 ############################################################## *The enemy soldiers guarding Strong Point 2 should open fire *on the advancing partisan rifle team. This will draw their *attention away from your flank attack. * * ?Error !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 8 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 3 16 28 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 1 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 2 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 3 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 3 !ARROW 1 1 16 28 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 23 ############################################################## *Now issue a Move Fast order to the submachine gun infantry *team and place the destination dot as indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 24 ############################################################## *Because the enemy was occupied fighting off the partisan *rifle team's attack, your submachine gun team was able to *successfully attack Strong Point 2. * * !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 27 ############################################################## *Congratulations on completing your first flank attack. The *demonstration attack held the enemy's attention while your *other team descended on their flank. Teams that are flanked *often break and run, if they're not destroyed first. * * !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 28 ############################################################## *Now you've seen the two basic types of attack: frontal and *flank. You've used suppression fire to make the enemy keep *their heads down, smoke to obscure your movements, and a *demonstration attack to draw their attention. All of these *rely on firepower and movement to succeed. * * !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################## #Page 29 ############################################################## *Now you've seen you can capture a victory location with *firepower and movement. Different situations will require *different tactics. The more open the terrain, the more you *may be forced to rely on firepower and movement, while *cramped terrain (buildings and forests) may require more *guile. * * ?Error !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] [OUTTRO] *18 12 ############################################################## #Page 30 ############################################################## *Congratulations. *You've completed Boot Camp 3. You've learned that commanders *can improve performance of your troops, and some basic *tactics as well. Boot Camp 4 teaches you how to use Close *Combat's monitors to track what's happening on the *battlefield. * *