################################################### # # CC3 BootCamp 2 # # 12/02/1998 # Michael J. Lyons # Content provided by Scott Johnson # ################################################### # Deployment # # This section positions the units in the correct # place. In this map, we have three russion units # and one german unit. The russian unit we're going # to use is unit index 1. # ################################################### [DEPLOY] *1 0 2161 6 *0 0 1578 6 *0 1 2405 6 *0 2 3199 6 *0 3 3408 6 *0 4 197 6 *0 5 199 6 *0 6 198 6 *0 7 201 6 *0 8 211 6 *0 9 2548 6 *0 10 388 6 # # # ################################################### # Intro # # This section marks the introductory dialog # ################################################### [INTRO] * 24 12 *Bootcamp 2 Firing on the Enemy ############################################################### # Page 1 ############################################################### *Now that you know how to move your teams, you need to know *how to issue firing (Fire and Smoke) and positioning (Defend *and Ambush) orders. All teams can fire, but not all teams *can fire smoke shells or throw smoke grenades. If the Smoke *order is grayed out on the order menu, the team can't provide *a smoke screen. * *Click here to display the next boot camp message. * * To quit Boot Camp, press ESC. * Note: If you get lost, press CTRL+H. * * ################################################# # # Lesson 1 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *FIRE 0 9 13 31 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 9 -1 -1 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 2 ############################################################### *The main factor to consider when issuing a Fire order is the *team's field of fire. You need a clear field of fire to the *target for all weapons except mortars and rockets. A team's *field of fire is clear when the targeting line is bright *green; the target is in range and killable when the target *indicator is also bright green. * * !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 9 !ARROW 1 5 13 31 !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 3 ############################################################### *Issue a Fire order to the AT gun in the center of the map. *Right-click the gun to display the order menu, click Fire, *and then drag the targeting line around the map, then place *the target the building as indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 4 ############################################################### *Note that the targeting line turned red when your line of *sight was blocked. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 2 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *FIRE 0 3 21 47 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 3 -1 -1 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 5 ############################################################### *Just because the line and indicator are bright green when *you issue a Fire order doesn't mean the team's fire will *hit or destroy the target. The team's experience and morale *may be lacking, they may be wounded or fatigued, or they *may be under too much fire themselves. * * !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 3 !ARROW 1 5 21 47 !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 6 ############################################################### *A target can also be out of range - too far away for the *weapon's fire to do damage. Issue a Fire order to the *submachine gun infantry team. Drag the targeting line 110 *meters west, then back east (toward the team), then place *the target dot as indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 7 ############################################################### *Note that when the targeting line reached 110 meters, the *range (in meters) turned black, meaning the target was *out of range. When you moved the line back, the range turned *yellow, meaning the target was out of range but might be hurt. *When the range number is green, it means the target is within *the weapon's optimal range. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 3 (deleted) # ################################################# ################################################# # # Lesson 4 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *FIRE 0 10 7 5 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 10 -1 -1 !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 10 !ARROW 1 5 7 5 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 10 ############################################################### *Mortars lob shells at their targets, so they can fire from *behind hills and buildings. Line of sight isn't required, *but it does improve accuracy. Issue a Fire order to the *mortar team, drag the targeting line past the crest of *Hill 134, then place the target dot as indicated. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 11 ############################################################### *Note that when you aimed beyond the crest of Hill 134, the *targeting line changed from tan to brown. This indicated that *the team's line of sight was blocked, reducing its accuracy. *The line stayed tan when you placed the target dot because *the mortar team had line of sight. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 5 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *SMOKE 0 2 32 47 ?Steps !CENTER_TEAM 0 2 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !POPUP 3 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 12 ############################################################### *Now a final thought on the Fire command. Check each team's *field of fire while you're still in deployment mode. Doing *so helps you position your teams so they can deliver effective *fire. Look for positions that let you overlap fields of *fire, or positions you can use to fire into the enemy's *flanks. * * !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 2 !ARROW 1 5 32 47 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 13 ############################################################### *Use Smoke when you want to cover your own movement or blind *the enemy. Many infantry teams can throw smoke grenades. *Right-click on the combat engineers in the building, click *Smoke, drag the target line 15 meters south (down), and then *click to place the target dot. * * ?Success !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 15 ############################################################### *Now consider the two positioning commands: Defend and Ambush. *Defending teams find cover and fire at targets that come *into their field of fire. Ambushing teams hide and fire *at targets only when the target gets within 30 meters. * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 7 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *DEFEND 0 6 -1 -1 ?Steps !ARROW_TEAM 0 5 0 6 !CENTER_TEAM 0 6 -1 -1 !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 ############################################################### # Page 16 ############################################################### *When you issue either the Defend or Ambush command, you *designate the compass points on which you want the team *to concentrate its observation. Refer to Chapter 2 in the *manual for complete instructions on how to designate the *compass points you want. * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 *Good job soldier! * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] [OUTTRO] *18 12 ############################################################### # Page 18 ############################################################### *Congratulations. * *You've now completed Boot Camp 2. In this session you learned *how to issue Fire, Smoke, Defend, and Ambush orders. Boot *Camp 3 teaches you about commanders and some basic tactics. * * * * * * * * *