################################################### # # CC3 BootCamp 1 # # 11/23/1998 # Michael J. Lyons # Content provided by Scott Johnson # ################################################### # Deployment # # This section positions the units in the correct # place. In this map, we have three russion units # and one german unit. The russian unit we're going # to use is unit index 1. # ################################################### # ################################################### # Intro # # This section marks the introductory dialog # ################################################### [DEPLOY] *0 0 198 6 *0 1 2696 6 *0 2 197 6 *0 3 196 6 *0 4 195 6 *0 5 194 6 *0 6 2691 6 *0 7 2189 6 *0 8 193 6 *0 9 192 6 *0 10 191 6 *0 11 190 6 *0 12 189 6 *1 0 2161 6 # # [INTRO] * 24 12 *Boot Camp 1 Moving Your Troops * *In this boot camp session, you'll learn the basics on moving *your troops. When you're finished with this session, you'll *be able to issue, cancel, and change a movement order. * *Click here to display the next boot camp message. * * To quit Boot Camp, press ESC. * Note: If you get lost, press CTRL+H. * ################################################# # # Lesson 1 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_TEAM 0 7 31 35 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 7 -1 -1 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *You can issue three types of orders in Close Combat III: *The Russian Front; movement, fire, and position orders. *The three types of movement orders are Move, Move Fast, and *sneak. The fire orders are Fire and Smoke. The position orders *are Defend and Ambush. * * * * !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 *The basic process for issuing any type of order is the same: *display the order menu, issue the order, and then indicate *where the team should move, shoot, or look. * * * * !ARROW 0 2 31 35 !ARROW_TEAM 1 2 0 7 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *All right soldier, it's time to issue a movement order. Locate *the submachine gun infantry in the ditch north (above) the Rail *Station. Right-click on the team to display the order menu. On *the order menu, click Move. Drag the movement line toward the *Rail Station and then click to place the destination dot as *indicated. * * * * ?Success !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Congratulations, you've got what it takes to be an officer. Note *that when you gave the Move order, the infantry walked toward *their destination. Once a moving team reaches their destination, *they defend against any in-range team that they see. * * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] ################################################# # # Lesson 2 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *SNEAK 0 1 31 35 ?Steps !TEAM_HIDE 1 0 -1 -1 !CENTER_TEAM 0 1 -1 -1 !ARROW 0 6 31 35 !ARROW_TEAM 1 6 0 1 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Now try a different movement order. Find the group leader *just south (below) the Rail Station. Right-click on the *team to display the order menu. On the order menu, click Sneak. *Drag the movement line to the Rail Station and then click to place *the destination dot. * * * * * ?Success !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Excellent. Note that a team sneaking toward a destination moves *slowly. The soldiers move slowly because they're crawling to avoid *detection. Use the Sneak order when you want to conceal the *movement from the enemy or minimize casualties. Unlike with the *Move order, once a sneaking team reaches their destination, the *team seeks good positions and readies an ambush. * * * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] # # # # # # # # # # # ################################################# # # Lesson 3 # ################################################# [BEGIN LESSON] ?Action *MOVE_FAST 0 6 20 36 ?Steps !CENTER_TEAM 0 6 -1 -1 !ARROW 0 4 20 36 !ARROW_TEAM 1 1 0 6 !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *The final movement command is Move Fast. Find the submachine *gun team just west (left) of the Rail Station. Right-click on *the team to display the order menu. On the order menu, click *Move Fast. Drag the movement line west (left) to the rail *junction and then click to place the destination dot. * * * * * ?Success !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 *Very good. Note the team ran towards its destination. Teams that *move fast don't look for concealment as they run. Once the team *reaches their destination, they shoot at any visible target *that's within range. * * * !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *You can cancel any movement order at any point before you *place the destination dot by right-clicking. * * * !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 *You can also designate the route you want a team to take by using *waypoints. Refer to Chapter 2 in the manual for complete *instructions on how to use waypoints. Remember that you can use *waypoints to designate routes both while the game is in *deployment mode and during gameplay. * * * !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *You can also select more than one team at a time, and then issue *a single movement order to all the selected teams. When you place *the destination dot for a group of teams, Close Combat III places *a destination dot for each team. * * * * * !POPUP 1 12 -1 -1 *The destination dots reflect the relative positions of the teams *when they were selected. Refer to Chapter 2 in the manual for *more complete instructions on using group select when you issue *orders. * * * * * ?Error !POPUP 0 12 -1 -1 *Boot Camp won't work if you don't obey your orders. You *MUST obey orders or the session stops and we display this *message box. Click on "Click to Continue" to return to the *session. If you don't remember what order you're issuing, *press CTRL+H to repeat the instructions and then OBEY *THE ORDERS! * * ?WDI4U [END LESSON] # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # [OUTTRO] *18 12 *Summary * *Fine job, soldier. You've completed Boot Camp 1. You've learned how *to issue all three movement orders, change a movement order, and cancel *an order. Boot Camp 2 teaches you how to issue firing and positioning *orders. * * * *