INSTANT REGISTRATION FORM Just copy this file to your printer, fold, tape, and mail or FAX it. See the file SHOOT.TXT or run CATALOG.EXE for program descriptions. Quantity Description Price Total +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ Shooting Gallery v3.2 | | Shooting Gallery | $15 | | was acquired from: +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ | | "Deluxe" Shooting Gallery | $22 | | [ ] friend +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ [ ] free BBS | | SuperFly | $15 | | [ ] pay BBS +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ [ ] disk vendor | | "Deluxe" SuperFly | $22 | | [ ] rack in store +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ [ ] user group | | Cipher | $15 | | [ ] other (describe) +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ | | "Deluxe" Cipher | $22 | | Name of vendor, BBS, +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ store, etc.: | | Puzzle Collections; Circle | $5 | | | | ones you want: 1 2 3 4 | each| | _____________________ +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ | | Mah Jongg solitaire | $15 | | Mail to: +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ Nels Anderson | | "Deluxe" Mah Jongg | $22 | | 585 Edmands Road +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ Framingham, MA | | EGATrek | $15 | | 01701 U.S.A. +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ FAX: 508-788-1363 | | "Deluxe" EGATrek | $22 | | +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ SHIPPING: $2 per | | Tile Match | $15 | | order, except $4 +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ for deluxe versions | | "Deluxe" Tile Match | $22 | | or for shipping +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ outside of North | | Charge for EACH 3.5" disk | $2 | | America. +--------+------------------------------+-----+-----+ | TOTAL SHIPPING/HANDLING @ $2 OR $4 |$2/$4| | <-----+ +-----+-----+ All prices are in U.S. dollars TOTAL | | Minimum credit card order: $15 +-----+ Make checks payable to: Nels Anderson Circle Disk Size: 5.25" 3.5" (add $2 extra for EACH 3.5" disk ordered) ^^^^ Payment: _____ Check (U.S. funds only) ______ VISA ______ MasterCard Card Number: _______ _______ _______ _______ Expiration Date: ________ Signature: _________________________ (credit card orders must be signed) Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________ Comments, suggestions: Shooting Gallery v3.2 +-----+ |Place| |Stamp| |Here!| +-----+ Nels Anderson 585 Edmands Road Framingham, MA 01701-3088