To: R.K. West Consulting PERSONAL CHALLENGE REGISTRATION: PO Box 8059 Mission Hills CA 91346, USA Your Name: ________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________ _____ Registered versions @ $15.00 each: __________________ Includes bonus Question/Answer editing Utility _____ Shipping outside the U.S.A. $6.00 __________________ Disk Size: ___ 3.5" ___ 5.25" TOTAL ENCLOSED: __________________ 3.5" is best All prices are in U.S. dollars, checks drawn on and payable through a U.S. bank. You may register by credit card through Public (Software) Library. In the USA call 800-242-4775. Others, call 713-524-6394. These numbers are for orders only. You can Fax a credit card order to PsL at 713-524-6398; or mail it to: PSL, P.O. Box 35705, Houston TX 77235; or order on CompuServe from 71355,470. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express. When ordering by credit card, use your name EXACTLY as shown on the card. Please do not mail credit card orders to R.K. West (and do not mail checks to PSL). Tell us where you found this program!_____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Important: If you purchased this disk from a rack, bin, shelf or package in a retail store, grocery, airport, bookshop, etc., or found it on CD-ROM, please include the company name or brand-name logo from the disk package or label, and other information, such as address and phone, identifying the company that actually produced the disk. _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ What are your comments about PERSONAL CHALLENGE? (Use other side if needed)