African Monastery Safari The Story They walk upon the rubbish of the transmitter, wondering when it will all end. The HUNT had the most tireful mission of all their working years. They all crept with fear and frustration, impatient of the end of the never- ending dream... But, never thought of it as a good dream. The look on their weary faces glimmered with weakness and displea- sure, thinking of all the people they have killed. All HUNTs were not expect- ed to do this, but all were now disappointed, regreting into the joining of their dreary existence. They would wander across the streets of Madrid, now a huge pile a kind of duplication of World War III of South America. Minding no one and nothing on their path, they sadly went on to continue their mission... " ....HUNT members, this is HQ... coordinates, Sector 12XG.. Please rendezvous A.S.A.P., over." "Copy... HQ... We'll be there in a half-hour..." Ian replied. "How much more do we need to do this? Missions are getting more boring than it was before... Must we keep on going?" Thi asked. "I am really sorry to say, BUT I have to keep my word. General Sykes ...and I, we had kind of an.. . an.. um.. an agreement. I promised my word that the war will be over... I hope you guys understand. I am really sorry." "It's ok, Ian. Once this DarkWar, or whatever kinda war this thing is, we'll be glad when we're done....But do we REALLY have to continue? It is getting harder every minute... I hope we can make it. " They march on to the devastation of the so-called airport of Madrid, hoping that there is still a plane existing in this huge pile of rubbish. To their disappointment, there was only one left... Barely intact of its position. In a few minutes, they can get it up and running, but they hardly had any joy. And Again, the HUNT voyages to the misty early morning, arriving in Africa a few hours after the sunrise... From the Author: This is the Third Episode (I think). If it is not on the list that I gave you, then add this on to it. All levels work fine on all kinds of computers, and requirements are about the same. 486/Pentium, 8Mb Ram, etc. I really hope you guys are enjoy- ing this. The last episode might take long (Sorry), because of school and all the other things that get in the way of your enjoyments and my creation time. As you can see, I have changed my Screen Name. Please fwd all mail regarding these levels or some other subject you may want to e-mail me for. Rise of the Triad is a development and publishment of Apogee Software. "Apogee Means Action!"