All the maps in the WAD are made up of 10 subfiles. I know what everything in these files is, however, I don't really know what all of them are for. Segs are probably nothing special, and are simply there for use by nodes. At present, I don't know what purpose nodes serve. Nodes and sectors are, however, quite closely related. Exactly how they are linked, however, I also do not know. Reject is a subfile of bits. Each bit is a 1 or a 0, and represents some relationship between 2 sectors. What is this relationship, though? These are the questions I am currently looking for answers to. If you can answer any of these questions, or think you might, I would really like to hear from you. Also, I need to come up with a way to determine what sector any given x,y map coord. lies within. If you think you know of a way, let me know. If I can't figure out a way, I will have to resort to using 2 keys to for "next sector" and "previous sector", and not use the mouse at all for this operation. I don't really like this idea much. Wow, I guess this file isn't going to be as long as I though after all..