What are the cheat codes?

Hint 1 of 18:
Keep in mind the cheat codes set your score to zero.

Hint 2 of 18:
And they take a lot of fun from the game.

Hint 3 of 18:
But here they are anyway.

Hint 4 of 18:
GABBAGABBAHEY enables the other cheats.

Hint 5 of 18:
MITZI gives you all the keys.

Hint 6 of 18:
ALT-F on the map displays the whole map.

Hint 7 of 18:
GUILE gives you the cloaking device.

Hint 8 of 18:
RACERX makes you invincible.

Hint 9 of 18:
TWILIGHT resets your shields to 100.

Hint 10 of 18:
SCOURGE enables WowieZowie Weapons.

Hint 11 of 18:
BUGGIN sets the turbo mode.

Hint 12 of 18:
BRUIN gives you an extra life.

Hint 13 of 18:
BIGRED enables SuperWowieZowie Weapon (including registered only).

Hint 14 of 18:
FLASH lights a path of energy packets to the exit.

Hint 15 of 18:
AHIMSA turns of the enemy's weapons.

Hint 16 of 18:
BIOPSYTOYS destroys the reactor.

Hint 17 of 18:
Cheat codes will not work in modem, network, or serial games.

Hint 18 of 18:
Unless, of course, you have a hacked .exe file.