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Security Settings

You can manage security zones and content ratings for your company. You can customize the settings for each security zone. Through content ratings, you can prevent users from viewing content that may be considered offensive.

Security zones

If you want to modify the settings that will be installed on your users' computers, click Import the current security zone settings, and then click Modify Settings. In Stage 5, you can also specify whether users will be able to change their security settings.

Note that the following settings or sections do not apply to UNIX and 16-bit versions of the browser:

Content ratings

Microsoft Internet Explorer provides a way to help you control the types of content that your computer can access on the Internet. You can adjust the settings to reflect what you think is appropriate content in four areas: language, nudity, sex, and violence.

If you want to modify the ratings that you will apply to your users' computers, click Import the current content ratings settings, and then click Modify Settings. You can then modify your settings by using Content Advisor.

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