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UNIX Component and Script Sample

The following example shows how to create a script and cabinet file to prepare a UNIX component for an IEAK package.

  1. Download the compressed component from the Microsoft Web site.
  2. To install the component, create a script named For the IEAK, the script must begin with #!/bin/sh. The script contains the following lines (comments are preceded by the # sign):
  3. #!/bin/sh  
    cd $2 # Argument $2 is the target location of the component ([install_dir]/[target]). Go to the location of the compressed file.
    mkdir foldername # Create an installation folder (you may want to use the component's name).
    mv compressed_filename foldername # Move the compressed file into the installation folder.
    cd foldername # Switch to the installation folder.
    gunzip compressed_componentname # Decompress the component.
    chmod +x componentname # Assign "execute permissions" to this file, so it can be run as a program.
    cd $1/bin # Argument $1 is the installation location. Switch to the Internet Explorer bin folder.
    ln -s ../foldername/componentname # Create a link to the executable program.
  4. Test this script on the UNIX operating system.
  5. Move the script and compressed component to the computer running Internet Explorer 5 and any Windows 32-bit operating system (except Windows NT 3.51) where you plan to run the Internet Explorer Customization wizard.
  6. Create a cabinet file named Use the following syntax:
  7. "cabarc n compressedcomponent +"

  8. Start the Customization wizard and complete the steps for the UNIX platform until you reach the "Add Custom Components" screen in the wizard.
  9. Type the following information:
  10. Component

    The location of the file


  11. Complete all of the steps in the Customization wizard.
  12. When you run the wizard, it decompresses the cabinet file, runs the script, and installs your component before it customizes the browser.