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Error Log Information for Active Setup Log.txt

The Active Setup Log.txt file can help you troubleshoot Setup errors and the status of Setup when the error occurred. You can find the following entries in the log:

0 - Initializing (making a temporary folder, checking disk space).
1 - Dependency (checking for all dependencies).
2 - Downloading (server is downloading files).
3 - Copying (files are being copied from download folder to temporary install folder).
4 - Retrying (Setup is restarting download because of a timeout error or other download error).
5 - Checking trust (checking permissions).
6 - Extracting files.
7 - Running Setup program (an .inf or .exe file).
8 - Finished (installation is finished).
9 - Download finished (files have finished downloading).

Some common error codes:

80100003 - Files are missing from the download folder during installation.
800bxxxx - An error code starting with 800b is a trust failure.
800Cxxxx An error code starting with 800C is a urlmon failure.

Some common examples are:

800C005 - File or server not found.
800C00B - The connection timed out.
8004004 - The user canceled Setup.