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Internet Explorer Batch Mode Setup Switches

You may want to control the way that Setup is run. You can use command-line switches to choose the installation mode, specify a quiet mode (which removes or reduces the prompts the user receives), or control whether the computer is restarted after installation.

You can have users include these switches when they run Setup, but a more typical scenario is packaging Internet Explorer with another program, such as IExpress, for a batch installation.

The IExpress wizard helps you pass switches to Setup for another program. When using IExpress with Internet Explorer switches, the Internet Explorer switches are placed inside the IExpress expression as follows:

Ie5setup <Iexpress switches> /c:" ie5wzd <Internet Explorer switches>"

If you are installing Internet Explorer 5 over an existing installation of Internet Explorer 4.0 by using command-line switches, you should make sure to include the Offline Browsing Pack component. If it is not part of all installation options, then you should add this as a required component using the /E: switch. The component ID name to use is MobilePk.

IExpress Switches

The following are frequently used IExpress switches that control the extraction process during Setup. They are not specific to Internet Explorer:

Internet Explorer Switches

You can use the following switches to control Internet Explorer Setup:


Here are some example scenarios: