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Assessing the Installed Size of Internet Explorer

You can use batch-mode switches to pass information about Internet Explorer installation to your custom program. Two key reasons you might want to do this are to display the amount of disk space needed for installing Internet Explorer (dynamically, based on the options the user chooses) and to provide progress information during installation.

When you use the /P switch, this information is stored in the registry during installation. After this information is determined, Setup returns the following information to the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSetup\InstallInfo registry branch:

Adding components

Office 98 can add components to the installation, even if they aren't already included in one of the setup options that you created in your custom IEAK package. The following command overrides the list specified in the Iebatch.txt file, regardless of the Setup mode:

Return codes and status

After an application is installed or its installation fails, Setup needs to report the outcome. Because IE5wzd.exe is packaged inside Ie5setup.exe, return codes can't be passed back directly. Instead, after installation, Setup returns the information in the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSetup\InstallInfo registry branch.

Return codes:

String Value - Complete=DWORD reflecting the HRESULT from setup.

Any Failed HResult in this branch means some sort of failure. Here are the return codes that you may see:

For items that were not successfully installed, Setup also returns the following information: