aliensh.bin apanel1.raw MISSION OBJECTIVE: Moon Dagger LOCATION: Wolf 359 DISTANCE: 7.80 L.Y. from Earth The Moon Dagger was designed for one purpose: to demolish a planet. Basically a very huge and complex missile, once the Moon Dagger encounters the objective planet, it cycles up a Fusion Transference Wave, which has a similar effect on the planet as a sawed-off shotgun does on a human. Take out as many surface emplacements as possible. Then head for the control center, known as the GROB: the Gravitational Re-Orientation Base. Engineers have their own explanation for the acronym: Go, Reach Objective, and Blow up. Take it out before it cores the Earth. No second chance on this one, $NAME. Do not trust any PDC controlled ships. We believe they may be controlled by the alien forces. | | PREPARING TACTICAL REPORT | .