*SYSTEM* | Switching to General STAFF - Instinkt | Hi Discroll | Hello STAFF - Instinkt | U come for the DOOM conf Discroll | No, I'm just waiting around for this guy to | show up. Jonathan F. Reed | Is theis the doom room STAFF - Instinkt | Reed> yep Jonathan F. Reed | great STAFF - Instinkt | just waiting for a few people to arrive Discroll | Hmm I'll check somewhere lese, C'ya Jonathan F. Reed | Well i'm a bit early STAFF - Instinkt | so where ya from Jon | don't worry you're not too early Jonathan F. Reed | I'm from Pittsburgh Pa. | how about you STAFF - Instinkt | i'm from London, England Jonathan F. Reed | Woh! Long distance confrence! STAFF - Instinkt | yea, well i'm hosting it so i have to come Jonathan F. Reed | Good reason STAFF - Instinkt | true | Hi bill Jonathan F. Reed | so what do you think of doom TigerShark | Greetings STAFF - Instinkt | DOOM, i think its the best | how ya doin' tiger TigerShark | Fine Jonathan F. Reed | Have you been able to run the dcc if you have | it? STAFF - Instinkt | dcc???Doom Control Centre...? Jonathan F. Reed | Yes MARK MCNAIR | Is this the Doom confernece? STAFF - Instinkt | Well, i've seen better but it does its job | Yep it is Mark MARK MCNAIR | Great! Jonathan F. Reed | I can't get it to run over the modem. STAFF - Instinkt | Have u used other utils?? Jonathan F. Reed | No. Like what | ? STAFF - Instinkt | Like SER4, or DOOM MASTER Jonathan F. Reed | what do they do? STAFF - Instinkt | DOOM master lets u select a list of modems | and selects the appropiate init | string... MARK MCNAIR | Be right back...my mother is in from out of | town! STAFF - Instinkt | and SER4 is just much better then setup | ok Jonathan F. Reed | I see! | Do you have the V1.2 patch STAFF - Instinkt | try DOOM MASTER first | Yep i have DOOM v.1.2 | u gonna say anything tiger TigerShark | Perhaps STAFF - Instinkt | whats wrong TigerShark | Notin, just multi-tasking Jonathan F. Reed | What's up tiger! Where are you from TigerShark | I'm from New Jersey Jonathan F. Reed | Staff let me ask you a question? STAFF - Instinkt | yep Jonathan F. Reed | You can see my last name on the screen right1 | ! STAFF - Instinkt | yep,why?? Jonathan F. Reed | so how come I can't see anyone elses last name | it is cut of by a bar | how do i fix it STAFF - Instinkt | good question TigerShark | Jonathan, are you running WinCIM ?? or DOSCIM | ?? Jonathan F. Reed | all i see is staff- Insti Adam Creeger | Hi stephan Jonathan F. Reed | wincim STAFF - Instinkt | hi adam...or should i say Skidz TigerShark | Really, I see the whole name, perhaps the | font you are using | is too large Adam Creeger | Adam is fine TigerShark | H! Adam Jonathan F. Reed | I don't get it | it's driving me nuts TigerShark | Jonathan, what version of WinCIM are you | using?? | H! Brad Jonathan F. Reed | good question how do i find out Adam Creeger | It is usually in help about.... Jonathan F. Reed | hold on TigerShark | Yep HELP->ABOUT WinCIM-> Jonathan F. Reed | I'm using V1.0.4 Adam Creeger | Latest ver is 1.3 STAFF - Instinkt | hmmm, very old TigerShark | That is way out of date, you should upgrade | to 1.3 STAFF - Instinkt | got the idea Jonathan F. Reed | how do i get 1.3 TigerShark | It allows you to specify fonts for the | window, so a smaller | one will show the whole name | GO WINCIM will get you there Adam Creeger | You can download it from GO WINCIM TigerShark | Gee, I DIDN'T mean now Adam Creeger | Hehehehe STAFF - Instinkt | Adam Creeger | Is Nick Ichepekov areound? STAFF - Instinkt | not yet, probably left the country | Adam Creeger | Hehehehe. He is probably running away from | you STAFF - Instinkt | yep, or he's running from you TigerShark | BRB Adam Creeger | BTW is your dad having a peek yet? Jonathan F. Reed | sorry I got disconnected Adam Creeger | He returns!! STAFF - Instinkt | adam, NO not yet | velcome again Jonathan F. Reed | somone said about going gowinsim Adam Creeger | oh good Jonathan F. Reed | gowsim STAFF - Instinkt | try GO WINCIM | but not now Jonathan F. Reed | for what | go for what STAFF - Instinkt | to download the latest version Adam Creeger | WIN CIM 1.3 but don't go now! Jonathan F. Reed | Oh!!!!!!! Adam Creeger | bye STAFF - Instinkt | where ya goin, adam | damn | so, things have gone off track a bit | we're s'posed to be talking about DOOM | remember guys Jonathan F. Reed | staff I have to go get my friend he want's to | be in on this two but does not have comp i | i'll be back in a second! STAFF - Instinkt | sure | as if u need my permision | wow, what a lot of people | its *really* crowded in here | u there tiger | ?? TigerShark | Sorta | In & Out till something happens STAFF - Instinkt | hmmm, sounds familiar | people keep coming and goin' TigerShark | :-) | Conferences are almost invariably slow for | the first half-full | hour STAFF - Instinkt | true, most people pride themselves in turning | up late TigerShark | Yep STAFF - Instinkt | Hello steven STEVEN R. MITCHELL | hELLO. Sorry about that, I just joined | Compu-Serve and I'm just checking around | Hello? STAFF - Instinkt | sure, this is aDOOM conference STEVEN R. MITCHELL | CaOK, I'm not quite sure what that means, | could ya fill me in? STAFF - Instinkt | DOOM is the biggest shareware game on the PC | and can be run over the modem STEVEN R. MITCHELL | What type of game is it? STAFF - Instinkt | 1st person view, shooting everything in sight TigerShark | H! Steven STEVEN R. MITCHELL | like Wolf 3-D? STAFF - Instinkt | yep, but much better TigerShark | Steven, its a hugely upgraded Wolf-D3 | er, 3D STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Hey, is this cool, do ya neDo ya need SVGA? TigerShark | Much better graphics, non-orhoginal walls | Supurb Stereo Sound | STAFF - Instinkt | ah, SKidz has sorted out his nickname now TigerShark | Re's Adam STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Yes, but I only have a VGA monitor. Hey, | anyone do you need SVGA monitor to play? Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | Yep. Sorry about quitting earlier had a prob | with | winCIM TigerShark | Steven, nope, regular VGA STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Cool. any blood TigerShark | Hehehe, TONS STAFF - Instinkt | umm, lots of it TigerShark | er, Gallons STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Any other sickening liquids? STAFF - Instinkt | millions of gallons STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Anything else sick? STAFF - Instinkt | not really, brains! | Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | Well you don't see any monsters puking up, | but it is | gory enough TigerShark | Hmm, some acid to avoid STAFF - Instinkt | ooooh, acid's really gory TigerShark | You can turn people/monsters to a pile of | pulp with the right | weapon STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Hey. I'm new on this, howcould I get this fun | game? Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | Yep. Try a Rocket at close range STAFF - Instinkt | u can even turn yourself into a pulp if u want TigerShark | Its available for download in Library 10 of | this forum | Adam, not Too Close Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | Or try GO HOTGAMES STEVEN R. MITCHELL | ansee, that's the problem I just started | ththanx a bunch | Adam? Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | Hehehe. I once had a suicide fest over a 4 | player | network | Now that was fun STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Cool. TigerShark | Steven, DOOM-1.ZIP and DOOM-2.ZIP STEVEN R. MITCHELL | IPardon TigerShark | Adam, you too | Steven, it is both Network and modem playable Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | I need no help geeting doom. Maybe getting | away from | doom though STAFF - Instinkt | hi sylvia TigerShark | Steven, up to 4 can play together on a Network sylvia | hi Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | Hi sylvia TigerShark | H! Sylvia STAFF - Instinkt | u come to join in the DOOM conf?? STEVEN R. MITCHELL | TigerShark, WOK, heyI just got a modem and | I'm still working on the idea ofhi sylvia? sylvia | Just checking everything out Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | on the idea of...... STEVEN R. MITCHELL | I'm new here and don't quite understtalking | to other people, sorry Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | No worries STEVEN R. MITCHELL | I just about wet myself the first time I | actually logged on TigerShark | Steven, you should download either DOSCIM or | WinCIM, it | will make for much easier wandering around | CompuServe Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | Are you using WINCIM? STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Well, for one thing I can't download w/o | hangin' up TigerShark | Oh ?? STAFF - Instinkt | thats new... STEVEN R. MITCHELL | At least I guess so, this program seems to be | a wee bit on the nonmodern side | STAFF- pardon? STAFF - Instinkt | what prog ya using?? Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | What proggie are you using? STEVEN R. MITCHELL | ZyXEL's ZFAX TigerShark | Perogi's, gee I'm hungry STEVEN R. MITCHELL | ok... Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | Hehehe STEVEN R. MITCHELL | OK, don't help me, see if I care STAFF - Instinkt | sorry, never heard of the prog before STEVEN R. MITCHELL | I CARE!!! | Figures Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | Stephan I am goin' to leave and poach for a | few people to join the conf. | In gamers STAFF - Instinkt | try terminate or telix software STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Fine w/me STAFF - Instinkt | ok adam | he's talking to me Steve Adam Creeger (SKiDZ | seeya I will be back STAFF - Instinkt | ok STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Like I understood what he was talkin' about TigerShark | Steven, Perhaps you could attempt to download | a more | moderm shareware program, there are many in | IBMCOM | forum STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Hey, is just a basic $4.90 an hour service? TigerShark | Or purchase one at the local software store, | there are some | inexpensive ones STAFF - Instinkt | ahh, nick how ya doin' STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Sorry, but what does mean? TigerShark | H! Nick STAFF - Instinkt | TigerShark | er, Nicholas STEVEN R. MITCHELL | thanx TigerShark | = STEVEN R. MITCHELL | I no now STAFF - Instinkt | u gonna say anything nicholas STEVEN R. MITCHELL | who's nicholas Nicholas Llewellyn | i will in a minute STEVEN R. MITCHELL | there we go STAFF - Instinkt | he's a guy i played at doom STEVEN R. MITCHELL | who won STAFF - Instinkt | he also is a *very* bad loser... | he hung up on me STEVEN R. MITCHELL | how do I download this game Nicholas Llewellyn | u were underhand STAFF - Instinkt | his friend had to apoligize for him Nicholas Llewellyn | and sneaky STAFF - Instinkt | SO... TigerShark | Easy there guys STEVEN R. MITCHELL | anyone? STAFF - Instinkt | GRRRRRR Nicholas Llewellyn | i was 7 -4 up on him STAFF - Instinkt | so steve STEVEN R. MITCHELL | yes? STAFF - Instinkt | what ya saying?? TigerShark | Steven, I would highly suggest getting either | DOSCIM or | WinCIM before you attempt to download a large | program | like DOOM STEVEN R. MITCHELL | howhere can I get 'em | and how much moolah STAFF - Instinkt | Nic> have you got over it then Nicholas Llewellyn | so is that guy from id software here then? TigerShark | You can get the CompuServe Information | Manager | for DOS or Windows by GOing DOSCIM or WINCIM STAFF - Instinkt | Jay, well he was invited and he should arrive | at some point STEVEN R. MITCHELL | who's from ID I said aardwolf and got squat! STAFF - Instinkt | Hey BoNo TigerShark | H! BoNo BoNo | hello STEVEN R. MITCHELL | I'm a child in a man's world you realize Nicholas Llewellyn | i want to know about this so called | commercial doom STAFF - Instinkt | what about it Nicholas Llewellyn | when will it appear STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Is BoNo or whatever f/id TigerShark | Nicholas, you mean the one due out this fall | with 50 | Episodes ?? Fabian Thylmann | 'lo, am I disturbing? STAFF - Instinkt | hey Fabian Nicholas Llewellyn | yep TigerShark | | H! Fabian BoNo | What Mitchell? STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Hey STAFF - Instinkt you were talkin' to me | and stopped STAFF - Instinkt | oh, sorry trying to keep track of everything Nicholas Llewellyn | hey he was talking to me | this is getting confusing STAFF - Instinkt | yep u can say that again TigerShark | Steven, many times the poor staff & sysops | need to carry on STEVEN R. MITCHELL | I don't no who anyone here is i'm just | sitting back and letting the anecdotes fly TigerShark | multiple conversations at once STEVEN R. MITCHELL | sure............. Nicholas Llewellyn | shall we all talk about one thing STAFF - Instinkt | yea DOOM Nicholas Llewellyn | oops STAFF - Instinkt | ooops what STEVEN R. MITCHELL | SureNow that's a problem since I still don't | no how to download DOOM Fabian Thylmann | I got Modem-play running Today! STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Good job! STAFF - Instinkt | great fabian Nicholas Llewellyn | good for you Fabian Fabian Thylmann | Well, I tried it for five days! Randolph M. Reynold | greetings! I was hoping to find a "doom | "conversation! BoNo | I'm audi all. Bae. Nicholas Llewellyn | what took u so long fabian STEVEN R. MITCHELL | here's the deal, I just got a modem yesterday | and I'm trying | anarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggg | gggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh TigerShark | BRB STEVEN R. MITCHELL | BRB? STAFF - Instinkt | BRB means?? Fabian Thylmann | I couldn't figure out the Init-String | Be right back STAFF - Instinkt | ok STEVEN R. MITCHELL | that makes a lot of sense Fabian Thylmann | =BRB STEVEN R. MITCHELL | ok | how many initials you guys got here Fabian Thylmann | Fabian D. W. Thylmann STEVEN R. MITCHELL | lovely STAFF - Instinkt | Instinkt Nicholas Llewellyn | so has any one managed to activate god mode on | head-to-head? Fabian Thylmann | Not me. STAFF - Instinkt | not really STEVEN R. MITCHELL | I might if someone would tell me how to | download the game Fabian Thylmann | Don't think it'll work STEVEN R. MITCHELL | hello? Nicholas Llewellyn | I thing i have done it by hacking the | doom.exe file. STAFF - Instinkt | yea steve STEVEN R. MITCHELL | yes, STAFF? Nicholas Llewellyn | I want to test it i may get an inconsistency | error Fabian Thylmann | have you got any DOOM already Steve? STEVEN R. MITCHELL | nuthin STAFF - Instinkt | go into lib 10 and download DOOM-1.zip and | DOOM-2.zip STEVEN R. MITCHELL | how long would that take? STAFF - Instinkt | hi Kublke | i mean hi Kuble Fabian Thylmann | in 36800 about 40 min STAFF - Instinkt | or Kubla Kubla TBG | Greetings and halucinations DOOMers. STAFF - Instinkt | STEVEN R. MITCHELL | ok, hold on, Kubla? Fabian Thylmann | or is it 38600? Kubla TBG | Steve, yeah...The Almight Kubla TBG! Randolph M. Reynold | Hey all... I'm wonderin' where I can get | ahold of a list of | doomers in my area to try a modem game with. | Where | should I start looking? Nicholas Llewellyn | Fabian - 14400 is the fastest u can get STEVEN R. MITCHELL | howlong would downloading take? STAFF - Instinkt | the Almighty Kubla TBG STEVEN R. MITCHELL | HELLO? TigerShark | Back | H! Kubla STEVEN R. MITCHELL | HELLO? Nicholas Llewellyn | randolph - in modem games , action games Fabian Thylmann | well, 36800 = 9600 with DataCompression! TigerShark | Steven, how fast is your modem ?? STAFF - Instinkt | yes steve STEVEN R. MITCHELL | ANYONE? Kubla TBG | Instinkt, Ret. ... Right you are! Randolph M. Reynold | thnx nicholas! STAFF - Instinkt | YES STEVE Nicholas Llewellyn | fabian - compression no good STEVEN R. MITCHELL | RIGHT NOW i'M ON 2400 BUT I CAN PUT IT TO | 14400 Nicholas Llewellyn | with already compressed files STEVEN R. MITCHELL | HELLO? TigerShark | Steven, DOOM would take a total of about | 30-40 mins at | 14.4 Fabian Thylmann | I know TigerShark | Thats a Maximum, probabally much less Fabian Thylmann | but it's still 36800bauds Nicholas Llewellyn | fabian - the best cps is 1700 at 14400 Randolph M. Reynold | Nicholas is there any other place I might | find listings | cause that area is kind of sparse? Nicholas Llewellyn | fabian - 36800 STEVEN R. MITCHELL | Well, for one thing, I'm 13 years old And | don't know what you're talking about TigerShark | Fabian, CIS really doens't improve the rate | of transfer at | speeds above 14.4 STEVEN R. MITCHELL | HELLO? STAFF - Instinkt | hmmm, steve, u need to learn a bit about | modem first STEVEN R. MITCHELL | yes Fabian Thylmann | well, it doesn't matter really STEVEN R. MITCHELL | de finite ly Nicholas Llewellyn | Fabian, 36800 is the serial port baud rate STAFF - Instinkt | and another thing don;t expect people to | answer in about five secs, it takes time to | try and answer | everyone STEVEN R. MITCHELL | sorry Kubla TBG | Randolph, have you checked out the LIB 1 in | this forum? There is an area code/zip code | directory of members in there. STAFF - Instinkt | thats ok Randolph M. Reynold | Great! Fabian Thylmann | Steve it will take about 23.14814815 mins Kubla TBG | Besides Steve, Instinkt types with his toes | and it takes him awhile. STAFF - Instinkt | ha ha | ha STEVEN R. MITCHELL | STA, since right now( I think ) me and STAFF | R communicating lets head our sentences with | STE 4 me. Nicholas Llewellyn | has anyone got the new 1.4 or is it 1.5 | version of doom, | the offical upgrade to doom 1.2 STEVEN R. MITCHELL | STA? STAFF - Instinkt | what ya saying steve?? Fabian Thylmann | v1.4??? TigerShark | Nicholas, I haven't heard of any release of | anything beyond | 1.2 STAFF - Instinkt | DOOM 1.4 & 1.5 are hacked | so is 1.3 Nicholas Llewellyn | there have been some pirate upgrades, when is | the offical | upgrade due STEVEN R. MITCHELL | I need to no some way of uploading and | downloading w/o hanging up first TigerShark | Nicholas, that is "Official" and working STAFF - Instinkt | Steve .R, i don't know about your software, u | better download WINcim Nicholas Llewellyn | the pirate upgrade are crap, hardly anything | is different STEVEN R. MITCHELL | STA, how long Fabian Thylmann | Well, you can download it at 2400 bauds, but | it will take about 138mins STEVEN R. MITCHELL | whar? STAFF - Instinkt | listen to fabian steve, he's the one whos | good at maths | Hi gamnman Fabian Thylmann | or good with a calculater. STEVEN R. MITCHELL | FAB- where cood i find it? Fabian Thylmann | find what? STEVEN R. MITCHELL | WINcim STAFF - Instinkt | Steve, try GO WINCIM Randolph M. Reynold | Oh boy, Fabian Thylmann | it'll cost you 10$ | and you get 10$ Credit Randolph M. Reynold | well, see ya! STEVEN R. MITCHELL | how long at 14400 baud? STAFF - Instinkt | or u can get it off a friend Fabian Thylmann | Well, don't ask me. STAFF - Instinkt | about 10-20 min?? STEVEN R. MITCHELL | OK, I'm still on my free month Fabian Thylmann | there is no conection fee there. STEVEN R. MITCHELL | FAB - pardon? Nicholas Llewellyn | bye STAFF - Instinkt | see ya Nic Kubla TBG | Take care Nicholas. STEVEN R. MITCHELL | beybye, I mean Fabian Thylmann | you don't have to pay anything for staying on | like here. STEVEN R. MITCHELL | nuthin!? Fabian Thylmann | cu Nic | Well, only the Monthly fee | 8.45$ STEVEN R. MITCHELL | just the 8.95 this is a, sorry, free deal? STAFF - Instinkt | u got that wong Fab... STEVEN R. MITCHELL | wong? Fabian Thylmann | what? STAFF - Instinkt | This forum is extended services | costs $9.60/hour Kubla TBG | Steven R., just check out the forum...it's | all explained right at the beginning for you | there in the text. STEVEN R. MITCHELL | he said wong heh heh Fabian Thylmann | yes this one is, but the GO WINCIM thing isn't STEVEN R. MITCHELL | no $$$ | ? STAFF - Instinkt | ahhh, GO WINCIM isn't Nicholas Llewellyn | has any one got Nikolay's new phone number? TigerShark | GO WINCIM IS freee STEVEN R. MITCHELL | this costs $9.60 an hour | ? TigerShark | But the Program, if you choose to download | it, IS Fabian Thylmann | and it only costs 4.80$/hour TigerShark | NOT Fabian Thylmann | here STAFF - Instinkt | Nic>no he must've left the country STEVEN R. MITCHELL | I forget what this forum is Kubla TBG | Steven R., Now listen...are you listening? | Okay, GO WINCIM is part of the standard | services and thus is paid by your monthly | $8.95 Fabian Thylmann | no it's 10$, but you also get 10$ credit TigerShark | Steven, you are in the ModemGames Forum Kubla TBG | charge...this forum is extended services and | costs $9.60/hr above your basic fee. TigerShark | Steven, but as Fabian said, you get a credit | to your account | for the cost of the program Nicholas Llewellyn | Nikolay said he would leave his new number on | the forum Fabian Thylmann | or 4.80$ if on 2400 bauds STAFF - Instinkt | yea, but he g TigerShark | Kubla, not at 2400 STAFF - Instinkt | has to unpack his comp Kubla TBG | TS, true. That was just an example. TigerShark | Ahh :-) STEVEN R. MITCHELL | ok now here's what i'm wonering, if I talk on | here for an hour, what's my monthly bill STAFF - Instinkt | a lot Nicholas Llewellyn | I want to test my hacked god mode doom.exe on | Nikolay | just to hear his voice when i beat him 10 -0 Fabian Thylmann | depends on the baud TigerShark | Steven, what speed are you logged onto CIS at | ?? STEVEN R. MITCHELL | how much STAFF - Instinkt | NIC> STEVEN R. MITCHELL | 2400 TigerShark | Steven, then you are being charged $4.80 per | hour in here Fabian Thylmann | then it'll be 8.95$+4.80 STEVEN R. MITCHELL | ok i thawt ike 9.60 an hour | ike=like STAFF - Instinkt | no thats for 14400 baud Fabian Thylmann | only on 9600baud TigerShark | Steven, if you logon at 9600 or 14.4, then it | would be $9.60 | per hour Nicholas Llewellyn | so Instinkt we apear to be the only ones | still talking about | doom STEVEN R. MITCHELL | oh STAFF - Instinkt | true nic | but we need to help people set up to be able | to play doom Fabian Thylmann | Well, say something interesting and I'll talk | with you. STEVEN R. MITCHELL | so I get outta here, GO WINCIM and then what TigerShark | Steven, type /GO WINCIM, and it will bring up | a menu of | choices | Just follow what it says Nicholas Llewellyn | instinkt have u got any good wad files with | new graphics | or monsters? Fabian Thylmann | well, I'm out of here, cu guys, nice talking TigerShark | He's gone | Now, back to DOOM :-) STAFF - Instinkt | not yet nic Nicholas Llewellyn | anyone make there own wad files here? TigerShark | I've dabled a little, no success so far Nicholas Llewellyn | same here STAFF - Instinkt | i;'ve made a PWAD | its called command Center TigerShark | Working on a Modified E1M1, but still trying | to figure out | the program more than creating stuff Nicholas Llewellyn | there are some good wad files out there but i | am waiting | for this so called in the shops doom that is | coming out with | new levels and monsters. TigerShark | I wouldn't expect it till the X-mas rush Nicholas Llewellyn | ok -thanks STAFF - Instinkt | They've got a seperate package for œ9.99 in | the shops 40 new level | which u can also get here TigerShark | ?? Nicholas Llewellyn | tell me more TigerShark | Me too :-) Nicholas Llewellyn | instinkt have u got it? STAFF - Instinkt | Its just a collection of PWADS with an | instruction booklet and review | no but i've had a look at it STEVEN R. MITCHELL | sorry, litening storm Nicholas Llewellyn | any good ones? STAFF - Instinkt | A few | But mostly junk Nicholas Llewellyn | any new graphics? STAFF - Instinkt | no, just levels Nicholas Llewellyn | ok thanks STEVEN R. MITCHELL | It said it would take 62 minutes to download | disk 1 STAFF - Instinkt | yea at 2400 baud | try 14400 baud TigerShark | Steven, becasue you are at 2400 | Steven, relong on at 14.4 STEVEN R. MITCHELL | ok, is this necessary? TigerShark | Steven, do you know your local 14.4 number ?? STEVEN R. MITCHELL | uh....no..... TigerShark | Steven, it will make getting around CIS a TON | Easier Kubla TBG | Steven, to find it type GO PHONES. STEVEN R. MITCHELL | sounds good, but i'm $$$less TigerShark | Steven, ok, /GO PHONES to search for the | number of the | nearest 9600/14.4 number STAFF - Instinkt | sorry, computer hung TigerShark | Re's Instinkt STEVEN R. MITCHELL | sure, all I really no how to do is go to | games, forums, and news | anyone? | hello? STAFF - Instinkt | sorry STEVEN R. MITCHELL | tsall right STAFF - Instinkt | yep you're right steve | its all that CIS is STEVEN R. MITCHELL | a/ what? STAFF - Instinkt | CIS = compuserve STEVEN R. MITCHELL | yeh i no t/t | Look, you guys this will solve all my probs, | but so far I have none | (guys say this) | hello? STAFF - Instinkt | what?? | you want me to say what Kubla TBG | Steven, the best way for you to start is to | go to the Practice Forum (GO PRACTICE) and | also to check out the index of forums... | (GO INDEX). STAFF - Instinkt | Practice forum is free STEVEN R. MITCHELL | you guys say this willsure, i have no idea | what you're talking about, but sure | but how do I get Doom and how much will it | all cost STAFF - Instinkt | well, u can get it off a friend for free.. Kubla TBG | Steven, In the Practice Forum you will also | find a file in the Library there to download | called EMOTICON. I recommend it. STEVEN R. MITCHELL | what lib? Kubla TBG | Steven, Library 1 in Practice Forum. STEVEN R. MITCHELL | ok, how long? | 14400? TigerShark | a minute | 20 sec STEVEN R. MITCHELL | one minute to download?! Kubla TBG | Steven, It's basically a text file to help | you out. TigerShark | Its a small file STEVEN R. MITCHELL | OK, I'm goin' to get it see ya later. TigerShark | B! Steven TigerShark | Awe shucks | Quick, change the GO word for this forum STAFF - Instinkt | yep Kubla TBG | I was beginning to think that that | sledgehammer was defective. STAFF - Instinkt | true, it worked in the end though Kubla TBG | Hopefully he'll stay in the Practice Forum | for a while. At least a year or two. STAFF - Instinkt | how about we ask CIS to ban him from this | forum Kubla TBG | At least until he learns something. STAFF - Instinkt | yep, like how to use a computer and type... Kubla TBG | Okay Steven...see that ON/OFF switch? Now | push it to OFF. STAFF - Instinkt | and u see that sledgehammer, hit your monitor | with it Kubla TBG | LOL STAFF - Instinkt | and then that box next to it | how about sticking his fingers into the | sockets and turning it on | ok guys lets wrap this confernce up TigerShark | Gee, must we Kubla TBG | I guess so as there's nobody here but us | STAFF infections and SysOp vols. STAFF - Instinkt | Come on OUT | BTW kubla, youre not staff TigerShark | Excuse me ?!? Kubla TBG | Nope, I haven't been infected yet. STAFF - Instinkt | well, i'll just get my needle Kubla TBG | I'm just a lowly volunteer pest. STAFF - Instinkt | no youre just a pest TigerShark | Got that right Kubla TBG | LOL Daffy Duck | hi there STAFF - Instinkt | hehehe, someone just changed their handle to | daffy duck Kubla TBG | Hey wait a minute TS...you're supposed to be | on my side...why I don't know, though. STAFF - Instinkt | hi daffy | nice name TigerShark | H! Daffy Daffy Duck | I met Kubla last night Kubla TBG | Hi Daffy! More appropriate name eh? | :) Daffy Duck | Hi Shark, etc STAFF - Instinkt | Hi STEVE STEVEN R. MITCHELL | its hopeless, i can't download anything Daffy Duck | Daffy Duck is my favorite actor! STEVEN R. MITCHELL | lovely STAFF - Instinkt | ok all staff and vol. pests lets go shall | we Kubla TBG | Daffy, where did we meet last night? I don't | remember. Daffy Duck | bye STAFF - Instinkt | TS, you coming | TBG, what about u Kubla TBG | I'm on my way. TigerShark | B! ALL STAFF - Instinkt | ok, i'm off, HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOURSLEF AND | COME BACK NEXT WEEK ********** 25/06/94 21:50 Forum CO