DOOM: The goriest, most explicitly violent game that congress would love to ban. (er, yeah.) Although the gore is excellent, it has a tendancy to really annoy people by the slowdown all of the bodies create. Even on a dx4/100 most WAD files have so many items (bodies, items, monsters, etc.) to generate, that it sometimes slows down. So I have made a patch to take care of the dead bodies by warping them away to the Nth level of Hell.(Don't ask me how they come back for DOOM II) :D Include: Body Cleanup Tougher Monsters Faster Monsters Different Death Sentances, er, um Sequences Eternal, Self Torturing Sergeants (for best results, use the Dmgraph "Brains and Eyeballs" patch in the Gamers+ forum.) Basically, it's Blood, Guts, Death, and Pain {LITE} with body cleanup . There will be more modifications, but they will be included in other DeHacked 2.0 files (which can be MERGED with the new DeHacked interface). -This is fine by itself, but the ultimate combination would be to merge the superweapon 4 patch that came with DeHacked 2.0 (for DOOM 1.666). Also, I am not sure if this file is limited to use with only 1.666 (reg. version). Other DOOM Slowdown Syndrome Solutions in Gamers+ forum: 1-The Tiny Spider-Demon graphics (I have reduced the size of the Spider Demon to poodle size, but is the exact frames that were used in the game with no "real" graphic editing). 2-In Blood, Guts, Death and Pain, included were the graphics to shrink the demon graphics (in the same manner as the Tiny Spiderdemon graphics). This is a quick download anyway, so I probably wont contribute the graphics as a stand alone add-on. And for your own DeHacking: Speed up the Tiny Spider-Demon and lower the hit points it takes to kill it. Give it partial clipping, so that it will appear to come out of cracks in the walls. You can now copy the Spider-Demon to any items that you probably won't use much (like the medical kit, if you are a IDDQD user. This will cause the spider demon pest affect, and make DOOM seem like the movie "Arachonophobia". -G. Reid -You may use this for any other ideas, etc. I don't really care if my name is mentioned or anything like that. ID really deserves all the credit. (and the hard working editor creators out there...)