Weapons Notes. This section holds hints for finding some of the items, weaponary etc. KEYS (in the order you have to get them to unlock & complete the level) Yellow Keycard - In the earth/water base courtyard (with vines) can't miss it... in the middle of concentric triangles (use TAB if you're blind). Blue Skull - In the southern room high up overlooking the earth/water courtyard. Red Skull - In one of the sniping spots above the room with crates/sarges. (you can actually see it from below) WEAPONS Chainsaw - Ahem there's 8 actually. 1) In a secret room in the approximate middle of the level. You can see it from a little room with imps that you open by stepping on the water arrow (near acid drains near the rising pillar near beginning (sheeit confused yet?) How to get to it.. hmm sorta complicated. Suffice to say you need to get into the sniping room that you can see from the dark room with 2 pillars (the one with blursphere after the pillars lower) OR you need to get to the well lit sniping room near chaingun(1) ... get a lift there ... then examine the walls... 2) In the high section opposite the balcony overlooking the 2nd plasma gun. (See Plasma Gun(2) ) 3) Behind the southern tower in the castle courtyard (multi > skill 2 only) 4) In Lake recess in Eart/Water/Vine courtyard. (multi > skill 2 only) 5) In Blood sewers in the south (in room behind blue door) (multi skill 4/5 only) 6) In the recess with teleport near the large yellow door. (multi skill 4/5 only) 7) In the secret stone room at the bottom of the ash tower. 8) Same place you can get the computer map. Visit the acid section outside ledge and look toward the chaingun(1) room. (multi mode only) Beserk - 5 actually (3 on < UV) yikes! 1) Notice where those pesky imps/sarges teleport in from right after you start in single player mode? Well go there and find an odd looking wall NB: skill 4 & 5 only 2) Explore the blood sewer jail in the south. In an opened cell. 3) Near the snake wall pit window in castle section (north-west) NB: This is also one of the DM starts. 4) On one of the crates in the Crate room overlooking the acid section outside (multi < skill 4 only) 5) In passage above the altar near the marble room with the rocket launcher. (multi skill 4/5 only) Shotgun - Come on, you must have fallen over one by now. There's one near the start... or you could 'persuade' that first sarge to loan one to you. In multi mode there's so many of 'em I can't be bothered counting. (estimate about 15) Chaingun - 10 (...and you thought this level was underpowered... sheesh ;) ) 1) On the pillar to the east of starting room. Be ready for monster ambush. 2) In the acid pit behind the small yellow door (enter from the water/earth courtyard from the south/west & grab a rad suit if you see one) NB: The pit is at the end of the acid trench of the famous (or infamous) e1m4 section. (skill level 4/5 only) 3) In secret room near chainsaw(1). (Multi skill 4 & 5 only) 4) In winding vine stairs in the north of castle courtyard. (Multi mode only) 5) In metal recess/lift in wooden gargoyle room (Multi skill 4/5 only) 6) In Stone room next to the stone gargoyle room (the one with blood pond just north of the south blood sewers/jail) (Multi skill 4/5 only) 7) In secret room near secret lift near e1m4 section (multi skill 3 only) 8) On the far western ledge of the castle courtyard. (the double chasm ... multi skill 3 only) 9) On the ledge below ash tower (multi skill 3 only) 10) In the dark corridor in the midgrate sniping spot overlooking the 2nd plasma gun (in castle courtyard) (multi mode only) R. Launcher - 6 ... yeah! 1) On the pillar in the green marble room. Get the switch on the ledge with imps, its a secret room, use that TAB key. Get 1 of the switches in the opened corridor (leading to the altar). Be prepared for a battle. Alternatively there's a back way to the altar. 2) In a secret room visible from the stairs leading to red skull key. Entry is at the side of the elevator from the acid river (look out the window in the crate room, TAB key will help here) 3) On the far western ledge of the castle courtyard. (the double chasm ... multi skills 1-2 & 4-5) 4) In secret room near secret lift near e1m4 section. (multi skill 1/2 only) 5) On the ledge below ash tower (multi skills 1-2 & 4-5) 6) On the ledge of the secret room in the south-east acid section (multi skill 1-2 & 4-5) P. Gun - 4 1) Near the room with the chaingun(1). You need to teleport in there. The teleport is in the skull room with the blood star (4 points) 'Kneel' on the altar in that room ... and recieve your reward (yes! you *are* evil now...) Ride up the lift then down... you'll see what I mean (similar to e2m2) The teleport is behind that wall. Need to find another 2 switches a) The stone room near ash tower (opposite ledge with Soul Sphere) b) Inside the corridor leading to the imp ledge in marble room (see R. Launcher(1)) 2) Find to the large semi-circular UAC door (where single player start is), find a teleport behind the small UAC yellow skulled door. You'll be alright from there on... just be brave NB: You'll need all 3 keys for this one. 3) On the pillar in the blood/vine room in mid-south/west Use the teleport in the wood/marble altar area (Multi skill 4/5 only) 4) In secret room near secret lift near e1m4 section. (Multi skill 4/5 only) BFG - 1 1) Woah! This is *well* hidden. You need the blue key (which implies you need yellow key too). Get to the blood sewer jail in the south and press the switch in the room behind blue skull door (mind the baron or caco depending on skill). Ride up the lift (just before the blue skull door) Get on the alter in the south and press on the Stone Garg. Search the room with the backpack. Do it fast before all hell breaks out. BONUSES (count and location only) G. Armour - 11 (6 on single player) 1) Hidden compartment near single player start 2) Behind grate in large star room. Look at map ... easy. (skills 3-5 only) 3) Where the red skull key is (multi mode only) 4) Where yellow keycard is (multi mode only) 5) In recess next to the wooden door near caste courtyard spring (hard to spot ... behind see through vines) (multi mode only) 6) In low sniping spot overlooking winding stairs leading from the lift in chaingun(1) room to the courtyard with large lake (hard to spot). 7) In The room that opens when you attempt to swipe chaingun(1) (skills 4-5 only) 8) In the room behind the usual shotgun place in the e1m4 section. (skill 1-3 only) 9) On the ledge of the secret room in the south-east of the acid section. 10) On the large red star (multi only) 11) In the grated sniping spot overlooking the plasma gun (the one on the pillar in castle courtyard) B. Armour - 6 1) On the ledge in a room behind the curved UAC door (near single player start) 2) Bundled with R.launcher(2) 3) In the e1m4 section ...where the soulsphere's supposed to be. 4) Behind the grate in the room with blood pond and red blood pillar ... just before the blood sewers/jail (This is where the baron telelorts from ... use teleport ... which is well hidden) 5) In a Cell in blood sewers (the other side of lift) 6) Behind grate in large star room (skills 1-2 only) Soul Sphere - 5 (4 in single player) 1) Hidden near altar in skull room with blood star-teleport 2) In acid dungeon near sp start (visible through a 'window') 3) On a ledge/altar in castle c-yard 4) Same place Invuln(1) is (multi only) 5) Above acid area near the acid steps in the western acid river. Blur Sphere - 6 (4 on single player) 1) In dark marble room with 2 pillars that lower. 2) On teleport ledge above ledge/altar with Soulsphere in castle c-yard (another teleport leads to it) 3) On ledge in courtyard with large lake (multi only) 4) On ledge overlooking chaingun(1) (teleport). 5) On a ledge in the stone room near the large yellow door. 6) In the midgrate sniping spot overlooking castle yard with plasma gun (multi skill 4-5 only) Invuln. - 2 (depending on skill) 1) In corner of R. launcher(1) room 2) You'll find it when getting the plasma gun in castle c-yard. (bundled with chainsaw(2)) (skill 1-3 only) Lite Amp. - 1 1) In acid dungeon near start. Backpack - 4 1) Where is it usually on e1m4? not there? ... look again. 2) In same room a BFG is. 3) On the crate in the room behind the blue UAC door at single player start. 4) In the room with imps leading to the ash tower... take a detour to the left thru the tek door.