SSSSSSSSSSSS PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM S P P A A M M M S P P A A M M M S P P A A M M M S P P A A M M M SSSSSSSSSSSS PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA M M M S P A A M M S P A A M M S P A A M M S P A A M M SSSSSSSSSSSS P A A M M HERE COMES SPAM v. 2.0, and get ready to EAT IT!!! Please feel free to email me at with comments, suggestions, death threats, copies of your own unique levels, food, hints, or whatever else you deem necessary. Thanks. You will need to get a copy of DEHACKED to run the SPAM20.DEH patch. There is a copy at -- check it out. Deusf is included. JUST RUN SPAM20.BAT, AND YOU WILL BE SET, IT WILL DELETE SOME FILES, DON'T SWEAT IT. ================================================================ Title : SPAM20 Filename : SPAM20.WAD SPAM2.WAD Authors : Ken Ahrens and Garrett Steele Email Address : Description : SPAM v. 2.0!!! I fixed some problems that I had with the original SPAM, and I added some new stuff. Look below to find out all the changes. Additional Credits to : ID, for making Doom2. Ben Morris, for making DCK. Oliver Montanuy, for DEUTEX and DEUSF. Greg Lewis, for DEHACKED. PAINT SHOP PRO Garrett Steele for ideas. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not Implemented (I had to leave somthing for 3.0) New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : None (Well, something else for 3.0) * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch Editor(s) used : DCK, DEUTEX, DEUSF, DEHACKED, PSP Known Bugs : None Design Time : 50 hours, give or take. The level took a while figure out how to make, and editing sprites took a long time. Sounds and music were cake. Give another 6 or 7 hours for SPAM v. 2.0... More or less all day Saturday after I got up at noon. I'm writing this now at 1 in the morning. Crap, Garrett just passed out in the other room. I hope he doesn't drool on the keyboard. NEW STUFF FOR SPAM v. 2.0: - Fixed God mode face. :) - Fixed some crap on the first level. - BRAND NEW LEVEL 2 - DEATHMATCH with your buds. :) BOOM. - Twitching body spirts blood. - Colorful Spamish Chainsaw, spraying SPAM. - New and changed sounds. (X-files, Robocop, Garrett, me) - Ejecting Shotgun shells from 1st shotgun: - Can only be seen on full screen. - If used with Dehacked patch, looks cooler, shoots FASTER!! KILL... - Changed Shotgun shell colors for Super Spamgun (Shotgun, that is) - Fixed exploding barrel colors. - Changed blue body armor. - Changed Energy Cells. - Changed Title Picture (shading on SPAM) - Changed Option Menu (shading on SPAM) STUFF TO LOOK FOR IN FUTURE VERSIONS OF SPAM: - SPAM-men. I still have to figure that out, and spend the time drawing them. - Hopefully more changed sprites. - A new level each release!!! (Thank God Garrett comes up with these things) - Newer, better sounds each release. - Changing wall textures and maybe even flats. (Oh, God no!) - Including .lmps of the levels, so you can check them out. - New music for each new level. (STARWARS RULES!!!) - Any suggestions a person emails me. * Permissions * Authors: You can edit this or play with it, or change it any way that you want, but only if you give me a copy, and put my name in the text file for having the original idea. You MAY distribute this WAD, however you see fit. Just include this file, and the file SPAM.DEH, so that people can get the full feel of SPAMness.