Misceallnoeus Items about RADIUS1 --------------------------------------- Originally, The Hunting Halls were going to be the entire perimeter of The Radium's surrounding corridors. There were going to be 8 motifs, each of a different color, 1 for each side of The Radium. This idea was dropped in favor of a more diverse construction, more fun, and size. It would be too confusing wandering around all those mazes :). The Blood Bank originally didn't have the Hour Glass. It was open, and less interesting. Also, the blood falls originally didn't originate from caves above. It looked very weird, so caves were added. Also, there used to be a teleporter behind a blood fall. This was dropped because of the caves. The Cement Gazebo origannly didn't have the items, and wasn't a trap. This was added to make the gazebo more interesting. The crusher atop Rocket Run was added only as a developer device. I needed a quick way to test all the Death Match starts, so I needed a way to kill myself easily. There used to be a cutout in the middle. I put a post in instead so people cant wait there. The directional graphics were added late in development, to aid in navigation. It was too easy to get lost and confused. It gave a chasing opponet an advantage because they only had to follow you. You didn't know where you were going, and couldn't set up any strategy. The smiley face on the map serves only 1 purpose. It allows The Spirit Stairs' teleporters to pulsate.