IGORHELP.TXT ---------------- This file includes a few tips for playing igor7a.wad. I want to be sure that nobody has any trouble finding exits, bonuses, etc. * EXITS * Map01 - cooperative (push the button out in the plasma courtyard to open the exit door) Map02 - single is easily possible (BOTH buttons must be pushed to open BOTH exit doors) Map03 - cooperative (push the button in the small room/alcove at the far east side of the level to open the exit bars) Map04 - cooperative (one player MUST be down in the "prep room" and push BOTH buttons (not simultaneously, but rapidly); one button opens a wall in the base of one of the LARGE gray pillars outside, and the other button opens the exit door behind that wall) Map05 - single (the exit is directly behind you when you start or come back to life) Map06 - cooperative (push the button up on the left-hand ledge where the blur sphere is to open the exit door down near the corridor with the lamps recessed in the walls; this will in turn open a door back up on the left-hand ledge (with the blur sphere) to reveal a teleporter; go through the teleporter and push the exit button) Map07 - single is possible (push the exit button in the long corridor (running vertically on the map) to open the exit door in the northeastern "green" room; if you run like hell you can make it by yourself) Map08 - single (simply push the button behind the plasma gun lift to exit) Map09 - single is possible (push the exit button in the center column of the small outside structure to open the exit door) Map10 - single is possible (push the first exit button to open a door leading to another button; push the second button to lower two walls outside, revealing a Final Enemy in the northwest corner of the temple and a BFG in the southeast corner (on skill levels 1-3); use the BFG to kill the Final Enemy and end the level (you will have to aim carefully - try other weapons for variety) * Misc. * Map01 - 1) push the green button and run up the northwestern narrow stairs to gain access to the outside ledges 2) in the (initially) dark room, there's a switch near the easternmost door which turns ON the lights, and a switch near the westernmost door which turns OFF the lights Map02 - 1) there is a bonus behind the door (marked with a candle) at the end of the ledge WITHOUT an impaled soldier 2) open the large wooden door and push the switch DIRECTLY to your right to gain access to a weapon 3) a switch on the wall in the central room lowers a lift to gain access to the center weapons platform Map03 - 1) at the far eastern side of the map, push one of the buttons on the wall to open the door directly across the hall; this will reveal another button which opens a door BACK across that hall 2) there is a secret door on the southern side of the cacodemon cage (check your map for a yellow line revealing its location) 3) there are weapon(s) on the south side INSIDE the cacodemon cage (down in the acid - use the teleporter to get back out) Map04 - everything should be obvious Map05 - 1) push the button on the outside of the raised tan/brown platform (outdoors) to lower the lift (at the top of the stairs) with a plasma rifle Map06 - 1) go through the teleporter near the large door to get the rocket launcher 2) push the button down in the lower corridors (south side of the map) to open the small door to the left of the button Map07 - 1) push the button near the rocket launcher platform to lower the platform around the rocket launcher; get on the platform and grab the rocket launcher Map08 - 1) push the button across from the plasma rifle/supershotgun lift to open the door (with the gargoyle face) at the top of the stairs 2) push the red skull on the wall up in the small southwestern room of the building to lower the lift with the rocket launcher (leading outside) 3) push the gargoyle switches (one at the bottom of the double stair- case, the other out on the southern ledge of the building) to raise the stairs and give access to the outer "circular" ledge 4) activate the lift on the southern side of the building and QUICKLY run around to the front to gain access to a soul sphere in one of the columns supporting the porch overhang Map09 - everything should be obvious Map10 - 1) to open a door from INSIDE the central room, walk on the lowest stair ACROSS THE ROOM from the door you want to open 2) to kill the Final Enemy you must aim carefully with the BFG (line- of-sight) up into the cage on the northwest corner of the temple: | (outer temple wall) | | | x (Final Enemy) | | (line of site) \ | __ __ __ __ \ __ __ x (Final Enemy) | \ __ __ __ __ __ __ | (outer temple wall) | | | (line of site) the Final Enemy (there are actually two, but you only need to kill one) is located along the inside edge of the temple walls; use the above diagram to help aim your BFG shots (you CAN use other weapons, but the BFG works best)