G1_FINAL.WAD - Deathmatch .WAD Author - George "Gak" Kohanyi My first .WAD ever... so expect simple design. Play with monster -RESPAWN for an added bit of enjoyment. Made for: Doom 2. Level: MAP01. Single: To look around. Co-op: No. Deathmatch: Yes. Monsters: 1 Arch-Vile _or_ 1 Revenant, depending on skill level. Weapons: (See Below) Skill Lvls: Skills 3,2,1 have only Chainsaw, Single SG, Double SG. Skill 4 has above plus Rocket Launcher and Plasma Rifle. Sounds: A few minor replacements. Music: Tune from E2M9 Doom 1. Exit: Yes, shoot the Romero head with Double SG until level ends. Editors: DEUTEX36, DCK22. Credits: Id Software for the game/opening titlepic from Ultimate Doom. The authors of the above Doom utilities. GAK