==================================================================== Title :DireStraits Vol #1 of the HoloDeck Series Author :Mike Adams Email Address :73162,2144 Misc. Author Info :None Description :Holodeck Adventure Series Volume #1 - DireStraits Enter HoloDeck to escape deadly energy scan on ship. Locate Holodeck exit and return to ship. Secure ship. Plot History Aboard a starship, you and your maintenance crew of 25 remained to repair some of the systems, while all of the other crew members beamed down to the planet of Zyraph to enjoy its bountiless servings from its restaurants, brothels, merchants, and recreational forums. Suddenly, a searing electrical force rips through the ship. All communications and most other systems are down. Using the remaining scanners that are operational you detect the force. You discover that it was caused by fluctuations of the time space continuium activated by the garbage jettisoned from the starship a few weeks prior. You also learn that another much larger electrical force will hit the ship in 15 minutes. This force has the power to destroy the ship and you unless you act quickly. You and your crew work hard to bring the shields back on line. However, the modulation required for the shields to save the ship when mixed with the electrical force will create a bioflux throughout the ship killing all living matter. Your only chance is to operate the untested and unprogrammed holodeck by teleporting your crew through the holodeck as pure energy. Then after the electrical force passes the ship, you will exit the holodeck, recall your crew, complete the repairs, contact your superiors, and have a beer. Additional Credits To: Testor/Bug Exorcist - Bob "Bummy" Baumcratz : WadAuthor Support - John B. Williston : TG Sound F/X FH - Underground Sound F/X : Id for Doom : Patience & Support - my wife, Pam ==================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # :Map 01 Single Player :Yes, and good luck Coperative2-4Player :Yes, and very helpful Deathmatch2-4Player :Yes, and most cool Difficulty Settings :Yes, fully supported New Sounds :Yes, only wav's not midi New Graphics :Yes, only textures, not sprites Demos Replaced :None * Construction * Base :Completely Original Build Time :Longer than expected Editor(s) Used :WadAuthor v1.02, WADDIR, WADMERGE by Williston Consulting WinTex 3.41 by Olivier Montanuy STUCK v1.0 by Jim Flynn Known Bugs :None * Copyright/Permisions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels as long as the levels created are designed as part of the HoloDeck Series. All submissions for new HoloDeck Series levels must be sent to 73162,2144@compuserve.com This allows me to incorporate your idea into the plot and record it the HoloDeck history. Send a message requesting the HoloDeck History file. Once you've received it, write a few paragraphs explaining your your idea will fit into the plot. Send it and your expected time of completion again to 73162,2144@compuserve.com You'll receive the updated HoloDeck History, the motif information, and the logo. You May distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact and contact the author at 73162,2144@compuserve.com